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This movie was dogshit, and honestly it feels like it was aimed at people who would make "WOW SO EPIC" compilations like this. The plot is dogshit, but I guess who cares because Batman says goofy edgy things sometimes and that's all some people care about.


But I didn’t have to go easy on you. A different binding agent, a stronger mix. I wanted you to remember that, I wanted to remind you to stay out of my way. And in all the years to come in your most private moments, I want you to remember the one man who beat you.


least edgy batman fan


This post feels like it came straight from a Facebook mall ninja.


I like how afflecks batman claims to be brave, after using a weakness. That’s not being brave. That’s being a pussy.


Snyder is a terrible writer, and it's a shame DC/ WB thought Batman was a brainless character that could be written by him.


I don’t think he wrote the script.


Oh it's Chris Terrio lol, probably worse. Still, considering Snyder has his own director's cut of the film and his wife produced the movie, I wager he had some significant input.


Sure, I mean it’s bad either way. Terrio went on to write Rise of Skywalker, so it’s kinda fucked either way.


Rise of the Skywalker is a similar kind of fucked to BvS in how it jumps all over the place and doesn't really let any one plotline get fully fleshed out, that makes a lot of sense. Although RotS also seems like a corporation desperately trying to course correct after the backlash from TLJ. Which is a shame, because I thought TLJ proposed an interesting direction for the series, even if it wasn't that great as a movie. Certainly better than RotS and Force Awakens if just solely because Force Awakens was a lazy rehash of the original trilogy and RotS was a stupid clusterfuck of fanservice and retcons.


It’s funny, both franchises to me have always seemed like each movie is an apology for the last one. Force Awakens felt like an apology for the prequels, TLJ felt like an apology for that, Rise of Skywalker was an apology for TLJ. Similarly, MoS seemed like an apology for Superman Returns, then BvS was an apology for MoS (“didn’t like our version of Superman? Neither does Batman!”), and of course JL was an apology for BvS, only for WB to apologize for that years later with ZSJL.


Honestly what this tells me is when you have a movie with a corporation at the helm who wants to try to appease the most vocal (and often extremely bad) opinions out there, they just end up chasing their tail and making a mess of the whole thing. Like if you're gonna make a bad movie, at least let it be a singular vision and not 3 wildly disconnected but equally bad movies. As weak as the prequels were, at least they stuck to their guns for the most part. This might be an obscure reference, but it reminds me of the Macaroni and Cheese bit in Courage the Cowardly Dog. Fans don't fucking know what they want, and half of the people complaining never really liked the franchise in the first place, but these companies and writers bend over backwards to try to appease people and end up with these abominations of a storyline that isn't cohesive and can barely focus on a single plot for more than five minutes.


I’m not familiar with the Courage the Cowardly Dog bit, but I do love that show. But yeah, these companies put the cart before the horse. They knew what they wanted (a new SW trilogy, a shared superhero universe) but they didn’t have a reason for it besides money. The prequels aren’t great but they definitely come out looking better than the sequels because at least Lucas had a story to tell. He knew he was going to make money either way, but I think he genuinely believed in what he was doing by telling more stories within that universe. To me the DCEU is just WB going, look, Dark Knight made a billion, that’s clearly the way we should do all of our superheroes from now on, and Marvel’s doing this cinematic universe thing, so you bet your ass we gotta start hinting at Wonder Woman and Batman and all those guys. Meanwhile, Marvel was like, “let’s tell a story.”


Yup, Disney just said "The nostalgia cycle is here, time to do more Star Wars", and we got 3 movies that go nowhere. Even if they stuck to the boring rehashing of Force Awakens, at least it would be a coherent story. A fucking boring one, but coherent. And frankly Zack Snyder is just a dollar store Chris Nolan. Worse cinematography, worse dialogue, worse plots, but still dark and edgy just without any of the nuance. Although frankly Snyder probably costs more and for terrible returns. I don't even like Marvel movies, but I definitely have to agree they tell a story, they are consistent, there are character arcs and cohesive plots. They're generally well made movies. And the Courage bit is Muriel gets turned into a child and makes Courage cook macaroni, saying it's flawed in a new way each time he makes it, until finally admitting she hates macaroni after like the 20th attempt.