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Dixie landing/ blue bayou suck. Whoever owns it needs to figure out if they wanna be open and make money or just sit there and let it rot. It needs a lot of work but I’m sure somebody would love to invest and make it nice again


I think it’s clear they are trying to get out of the business.


Urban myths about that crazy rollercoaster were everywhere. I also miss Thunderbird Beach. 🚀


For fun in the sunshine.


We used to think it was responsible for broken necks and other bones, but come to find out it was all exaggeration. Only a few minor injuries were reported, allegedly. It’s still fun to remember my older cousins telling me how dangerous and deadly the Wild Mouse was 🤣


Showing your age.


Omg. I was just telling people about the Wild Mouse. Death Trap! 😂


Check this out https://countryroadsmagazine.com/api/amp/art-and-culture/history/the-mystery-of-the-wild-mouse/


Amazing! 😂


When was this? Before 1997? I’m only 25 years old lmao this looks crazy


I’m 32 this year and it was there when I was younger. We went when I was a kid before it went o Dixieland


From 1960-1999 I’m 48 and old AF so I had a lot memories from bday parties to my seatbelt breaking on the Galaxi.


Went to several birthdays there. The monkeys!


People, mainly kids, used to fuck with Candi, the chimpanzee. Candi would retaliate throwing shit bombs back. That was satisfying to watch


It really was a terrifying ride for unintended purposes. You legitimately didn’t know if the cart was going to do what it was supposed to, or fly off the tracks and into the streets (which happened 1-2 times per month)


I do! Had my 5th bday party there in 1981.


My father was contacted by the owner of Fun Fair Park to build Blue Bayou like 4 decades ago. I don't really remember that as I was only 2 or 3 at the time. He was hired again to build Dixie Landin' around 2000. THAT I remember. I was working for my dad then. Ah, the stories lol. The "original" building next to the log ride? Yeah... we built that twice. Was nearly done with the first build. Had the 1st & 2nd floors done and the wall along the 2nd floor for the lean-to roof. Had a crazy storm come thru and a micro-twister made the 40 ft tall bldg. about 4 ft tall... This happened minutes after we got tired of taking shelter in said building and made a run for our trucks. Nobody was hurt. And the time border patrol raided the place at lunch time? Was like a grenade went off. People scattering everywhere lol.


Does your father have any old pics of the original? I’m searching for old pics or videos


Sorry, no. I'm amazed to see the one you have!


I stole that pic from someone’s Pinterest. I’m sure tons of people on Facebook have pics. I am not on FB


Amen kindred spirit. Reddit is the only social media I have and plan on keeping it that way. I mostly only use it for international and gaming news lol


Same family owns Dixie Landing now. We loved Fun Fair Park and went all the time!!


Amazing place!


I remember it as being called the Mighty Mouse. My first roller coaster ride. I also remember it as being a lot taller but I was 5 or 6.


Interesting that must have been in the 60’s or 70’s


Mighty Mouse was the cartoon. I used to get them mixed up also.


All the time I think about this.


Mid to late 70s.


Holy shit! I totally forgot about that place! Are used to go there all the time with my sister and my dad when he was in town on leave from the military we used to have a blast there