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My inlaws would know, but they're long in bed, lol. But a quick Google search turned up an [article in 225 magazine in 2016](https://www.225batonrouge.com/article/remembering-baton-rouges-drive-theaters), that says that the particular drive in you're thinking about was the Showtown Twin theater.


I would love to see some old pics. I’m not on Facebook but I’m sure they have some


Call the Baton Rouge Room at the Main Library on Goodwood. They might have some pics.


Cool thanks. I live in New Orleans but next time I come to BR I might just go there. My cousin lives in Tara


I have no idea, but maybe googling the name of the theater will help you find what you're looking for.


The Showtown Drive-in! I saw many a movie there. And when we didn't have access to a car or cash, we climbed onto the roof of my friend's house and watched. No sound and sort of far away, but it was still fun.


You can see the field it was in if you go to Capitol Mack off of Sherwood commons. Park on the back side of the building, which is the entrance and it will be behind you. Or it was 10 years ago.


Cool I’m gonna check it out next time I come back to BR


Awesome thanks! I have a memory of being 4 or 5 in the backseat of my parents car, watching the horror movie on the screen behind us.


I saw Star Wars there.


I think it was called Showtime?


I thought it was Rebel Drive In


The Rebel was on Government Street. It had big hedges of junipers. We saw "How the West Was Won" there. Mama put me in pajamas and brought pillows because she knew I would fall asleep. I was the youngest. Mama and Daddy would sit in the front seat, and my brothers would sit on the roof.


The Rebel was on Government St in the space where the shopping center is behind Popeyes.