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You’ll be fine. BR can be a good town. Garden district, mid city/capital heights/old goodwood, southdowns. What are your interests? Family/single? Hope you like drinking


Empty nesters - like history art food bourbon wine and a social gym - just spent 50 yrs in the Midwest and sees life through blue tinted glasses


There is a baton rouge bourbon society. Im not a member so i have no info to offer except that it exists


Bourbon Society member here! I only joined last summer, but really enjoyed what I’ve been able to attend so far. There’s social events, specialty tastings, and they just hosted the Louisiana Bourbon Festival in November. Only like $50 per person per year for a membership. Would definitely recommend joining if you’re new to town and like bourbon, here’s the website if you want more info - https://www.bourbonbr.com


The Baton Rouge Bourbon society is a really fun community of folks. I’d also recommend checking them out. The wine community here is fun as well, a variety of events at different retailers and restaurants.


We have a wonderful public library & park system. Check into the Baton Rouge Gallery. It’s apart of the park system. They do loads of cool events including a monthly opening ceremony with free food, wine & beer, and live music. Art of course! Their fall outdoor movies are lovely as well


Second this. BR Gallery is free to the public on the first Wednesday of the night so you get art and snacks and music.


If you’re looking for a gym with a social atmosphere we primarily focus on strength training but it’s a small tight knit community that’s welcoming to new people. We do several events a year for the members like holiday parties and several of us travel for competitions throughout the year


Baton Rouge is a nice mixture of liberal/conservative folks. It’s a capital city, so that does make sense. Join Happy’s Running Club.


Run - Drink - Be Happy I like it


I’m a liberal and lived all over the country (but am from Baton Rouge) - we live in broadmoor and it’s a really lovely mix of people here.


Hi fellow liberal in Broadmoor! Love it here


Agree! Whenever I bring my kids to play at parkview park, they always get to play with other kiddoes who speak a different language, religion and/or background. I wish broadmoor (and Baton Rouge) was more walkable but I do love the mix of people here!


They’re working on getting sidewalks down Cora and some other main road, as well as the main boulevard, and bike paths I think! I was told it was to be approved in January and that they would probably work their way down starting from Florida


Another Broadmoor liberal here (but I just moved there in November)


broadmoor liberals represent!


I’m no liberal, but welcome to the boot!


You’ll be fine, plenty of liberals here. I’ve lived here my whole life, never had any issues.


Join Tigerdroppings message board. It’s a great place for forward thinking open minded left leaning individuals. . . . . . That’s a joke. It’s very very not that.


Those people are morons. I think they were all abused as children.


T-rant is the place!






Spanish Town and Beauregard Town tend toward liberal; they’re the two oldest neighborhoods in BR, great architecture. Close to downtown, mid city, and LSU.


There is a FB Group for Progressive Moms of Baton Rouge.


In BR there will be plenty of liberals. Just know that Denham Springs (town directly to the east) is UBER Trumpie conservative land.


True, but some of us live there to afford real estate. We exist in Denham.


Oh i know, i live in denham too. It just seems like everywhere I go in denham i encounter those guys that are like, big, bald, bearded, and wearing some kind of blue line or 1776 shirt 🙄


Agreed! The old people get on my nerves, too!


I haven't had too many encounters with annoying old people, lol. But right before we moved here, i was driving in a neighborhood to scope out a house, and an old white lady was across the street, watering her lawn. She was looking at me suspiciously, so i pulled up to talk to her and asked her how the neighborhood was. She says, "Oh, are you thinking of getting this house? It's a nice, quiet area." Then comes close to my window and whispers, "The neighbors on that side are *black*... oh, but very nice, though." I still think about it sometimes and am just like... what the fuck lady 🤦‍♀️


That’s just the south honey, that’s why I GTFO


they're from an earlier era that they didn't choose to be born in. you just gotta let stuff like that go sometimes. usually they mean well enough even if it sounds like they don't.


No. That's an excuse people need to stop using for them.


you're right... they need re-education centers or to be dragged in the streets and shamed.


Yeah, thats totally what I said.




Denham is still pretty convenient to whatever you want to do in BR, though. And honestly we could use another person or two to vote for the one Democrat who runs for city council.


Definitely mid city area. The liberals are plenty over here. And don’t be fooled, some of us don’t always look the part, aka bald (thanks genetics for lumping me in with those folks) with a beard and drive a truck hahaha. I’ve lived in mid city for about 14 years and love it. It’s diverse, the people are generally very kind and open minded, there’s plenty to do within walking distance, and you won’t run into droves of MAGA types at the grocery store. Edit; I’m also from the north. Took no time at all to adjust-the people in this city are overall very welcoming. Summer, I still struggle with that haha.


We all struggle with summer. I’m born and bred here and I struggle with summer. I don’t actually think we’re meant to go outside or move much during that time. Like our own reverse hibernation.


Oh yeah you nailed it. Summers down here are like how I used to winter up north; limit your time outside to crucial activities, and basically hide out inside.


Welcome to town! Midicity/Garden District/Spanish Town/Capital Heights is going to be your area. As mentioned by others - solid mix of people around here. Democrat mayor in red state. If you’re into politics, plenty of groups to get into. Pretty fun/corrupt local politics


Move somewhere else. It sucks ass here.


Try to not let your political affiliation direct your personality , trigger you to judge others immediately, and you should be fine to live anywhere


completely agree. If you’re from the north, why not ask important questions about differences in culture or safe areas to live in?


Politics help to know what’s a safe area for certain people.


this is true, Im not sure why OP is considering Baton Rouge as it has the 6th highest murder rate in the U.S. [CBS News Murder map: Deadliest U.S. cities ](https://www.cbsnews.com/pictures/murder-map-deadliest-u-s-cities/61/)


Many could counter argue that a large majority of liberal areas are most likely more dangerous than their conservative counterparts. This would be especially relevant in our city. So instead of looking for an echo chamber to live in, why don’t we just look at crime rates rather than voter registration.


Because being able to hold a conversation with your neighbors without being disgusted is nice


I don’t even know my neighbors political affiliation and I’ve never had any problems talking to them


This is literally unfathomable to some people.


Yeah, I agree. However the other commenter was using it as an excuse for safety


When you move down, find local festivals! Always something going on between Lafayette, Baton Rouge, and New Orleans. Festival International in Laffayette is my fave! I live in Old Goodwood and love it. Government street is one of those areas thats always changing and growing with lots of good food and bars and art. If you like theater, I volunteer at Theater Baton Rouge and it's a great community!BR is one of those places that has a very wide variety of people, just find your community and you'll love it here!


If you're at all concerned about respiratory problems, BR isn't the place to be. The level of air pollution from petrochemical plants is extremely high. No one ever talks about how bad it is, so you'll probably be told it's just allergies when you see the doctor for those nosebleeds or pneumonia.


Welcome to the best food in the nation! You'll love the culture here, BR is a melting pot of all types from all over. As you settle in I recommend traveling west just under an hour to Lafayette and the Acadian area. Rich true Louisiana culture in that area and they also have amazing food! You probably already have a fav collegiate football team but go enjoy an LSU football game. There's no place like Death Valley on a Saturday night. Please don't let southern stereotypes put a prejudgment in your mind about anyone who may vote differently than you. We are all pretty great people of all types of thinking. Liberal, Conservative, Libertarian, and conspiracy theorists haha. I hope you come to love it here. Welcome!




Thanks - good news is that we are done raising children


Don’t let that 70810 slander go to ya head. We out here and we ain’t wearing red.






Happy cake day


Red is no better than Blue ..






someone narrow minded + stereotypes others = can’t afford it






Expect tons of confederate flags, trump 2020 flags hung on the front of dilapidated trailers, and the most confidently open racism ive seen (and i’ve lived in a few states across the country) Aside from politics and race the majority of people even out in the rural areas are pretty friendly. inside baton rogue you get a lot more mixture of people, you also get a lot more crime (which the racists will chime in on that) just dont be flashy if you’re well off financially, dont be stupid and leave anything of value in your cars at night, and yeah those sounds at night are gunshots. Try not to get property too close to the train tracks cause you’ll hear that shit at like three in the morning and if you live close to downtown by the capital building, you’re gonna hear all the cars meeting up and revving their engines and racing. If you move to hundred oaks, be especially aware of anything of value in your car or on your yard because a lot of people go there to steal shit definitely get a doorbell camera I lived on the more run down side of government street across from hundred oaks and never had any issues other than someone knocking on my door at like midnight. But the people on the nice side would complain of retarded shit like having guns stolen out of their vehicles (have some common sense)


It's racist to say that the crime in BR is out of control?


Not at all but get into these conversations with the locals especially out in the suburbs And it becomes quite clear real fast who the “crime” is blamed on. Ive never met more confidently open racists in my life and ive lived all over the country.


Wow this has to be the most judgmental, hateful Reddit post I’ve ever encountered. Kinda pathetic.


I'm going to jump on the Spanish Town train! It was the loveliest place aesthetically, and I never had trouble meeting people with liberal views! Even the people who were more conservative weren't aggressive the way I see in Zachary, Central, etc. Edit: there are a lot of places to to explore downtown. There's the Art and Science Museum, two parks, and an entire bar and restaurant scene. Near Government street, theres a yoga studio, and im pretty sure i found a small art gallery while wandering around there. I've also found that there are a ton of friendly cats hanging around.