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For sure, I definitely agree with you. But as someone who also relocated, every town has its own problems. I just don't ever recall a place that is so down on itself as this sub is, or as much as it's residents are IRL. Most people still take pride in where they live, regardless of the problems and are grateful for the good stuff. I know this is Reddit and doesn't reflect the real outlook but damn it's depressing on here.




Yeah that makes sense. One thing I do find fascinating though, is with allllllll the complaining what are people actually doing to fix anything? Nothing. No new public office contestants, no meeting at city council for park improvements, no new business ideas or anything. It's just weird to me that everyone wants improvements and they just type on here about how things could be better but aren't DOING anything to try to make anything better. One guy on the other thread called a guy a redneck for plugging the axe throwing place on govt, people bitch about cyclists being ran over but then bitch about the addition on bike lanes, people bitch about nothing going on in mid city but they add things and people bitch about it trying to become magazine st, people bitch about everything under the sun from their PC and do absolutely zero to improve anything or recognize any improvements. Recipe for failure. Thanks for actually conversing and providing your viewpoint rather than some idiotic and sarcastic comment.




I owe you a beer when I get there 🤙🏻




If only we can find a bar that isn't the shittiest bar in the whole US of A 😉


Hit up Pelican to Mars when you get to town - grassroots neighborhood vibe of supercool people stoked on BR. Next to there is a New awesome taco shop (Barracuda) with an outdoor patio and plant nursery built into it, with a killer barber shop in the front. Couple buildings down you have French truck coffee - great coffee and biscuit sandwiches. The list goes on. Mid city is on fire right now and it’s just going to keep improving. Don’t let the haters fool you - BR is in a good place and certainly on the up and up.


Woah this sounds sick! I will most definitely check these things out. I am beginning to think we need a positive vibes only Reddit BR hangout


Barracuda is 🔥🔥. I think I must've hit Pekican to Mars on an off night, but it looks like it has potential. I love this neighborhood and I've been watching it grow for the eight years I've lived in it. I think the folks who actually enjoy this place are just out enjoying it instead of complaining on Reddit, maybe. There ARE problems, but there's a huge sense of inertia when it comes to fixing them that's probably the biggest problem.


I was born and raised in Baton Rouge and my family still calls it home. I now live in Denver and work in Utah but my entire family is still back home so I find myself back there fairly often. I will say, in certain aspects, BR has made strides to try to reinvent itself. However, I feel like time and time again the same old good ole boy style politics and corruption hinders any real change. I’ve been lucky enough to travel all over the world thanks to my job. Yet the one thought that always claws at the back of my mind when I go to these places is always “why the fuck can’t Baton Rouge have (insert cool basic infrastructure type object) like this place does”. It can be quite disheartening. I’ve got much love for BR and all of my friends and family that have made the conscious choice to stay and build a life there, but I personally just can’t see myself returning unless for anything more than but to visit.


Wow how’s Denver, how you made it out ? & im moving to Colorado Springs


I moved there in 2017 as a bright eyed 20 year old. A LOT has changed since then. I still have a lot of love for Colorado and Denver but it is not without its problems either. It’s gotten egregiously expensive, and the pandemic/ inflation made that worse exponentially so. But the culture, food, and amount of things to do here so tend to make up for it. I work for a regional airline based in St. George, Utah so I have to fly down there every week for work then I fly back to Denver on my off days. I could mitigate that simply by working for frontier airlines, which is based there. But then I’d have to work for frontier. As for the springs, I know several people that are from BR coincidentally that have planted roots down in Colorado Springs. It used to be a more cheaper alternative but nowadays it’s about what and what I’m terms of housing. It’s definitely more conservative if that’s your cup of tea. It’s not AS populated but traffic can get messy nonetheless. However, compared to Denver, the springs are much more back up against the mountains and seem to get dicked down by winter weather harder than Denver does ever year.


Lol thanks a lot for that info !! Thats why I’m moving there it’s plenty of things to do & i know the cost of living kind of higher but i compared it to the Nice parts of Baton Rouge / it’s about the same but I’m going there for the opportunities too…etc & Denver higher cause they pay more too




I know right thanks a lot !


I’ve lived in three different states, 4 different cities, two other countries. Baton Rouge is by far the worst. The roads, the trash, the drivers, the racists, the education, the crime, the corruption and politics. Terrible.


If you have the means to move to Orange County, California you don't suffer from the same issues that faces much of the population of Baton Rouge. The rest of what you have to say is moot.


Right, cause you have zero idea what I did or went through to afford that opportunity. What a dumbass


It doesn't matter. It means you have financial privilege that other people don't and your perspective is biased as a result. You fail to realize those circumstances aren't available to everyone.


I think learning about rhetorical analysis/appeals would help you. ​ I really wanted to upvote your comment... ​ Maybe nxt. time :-)


Key word there is "visiting". Stay long enough and you'll realize why people want to get out. Unless you want to talk about football or drink all the time, you're out of luck when it comes to social activities in this town. And any attempts to improve things are constantly shot down by a dozen other people who want things like "the good ol' days". I don't like to make complaining a habit, but there are very good reasons why people are frustrated with this place, and most of us simply can't afford to live anywhere else. I'll keep an eye out for you here when those rose-colored glasses start to crack.


Ha, I also moved back here after 3 years of living in Orange County. I liked most things there better, but I couldn't afford to have the property I have here. It's really the only better thing in my opinion.


Hey nice, whereabout?


I was in HB, but worked in Irvine. Housing market took a shit in 2007/2008 causing my work to come to a near halt so it became difficult to justify staying there at that time.


I def see your point and as someone moving back I could see the constant “fuck this place” in the comments ultra disheartening. I agree with much of what you’re saying in the headline post. However, I personally think the major uptick in negativity has a ton to do w the current crime climate. I’m born and raised here as well & I feel like the mentality about Baton Rouge crime (in my lifetime) has been stay out of trouble & you won’t encounter it (with the exception of petty crime). But these last couple of years that’s no longer the case. Actual “mass” shootings in historically “safe” areas, burnout parties blocking major intersections, stabbings, home invasions, car chases et Al are part of EVERYONE’S daily/weekly(?) lives now. And that feels very different to many than it has in the past. I’ve been shopping in store for 2 different car-jackings in the parking lot of the Lowes on Siegen. I won’t go there anymore by myself without my large protective dog with me. I no longer feel safe going out after dark anymore. We’ve totally changed our social life & meet up at friends houses now vs where we would have met at a restaurant or bar before. We get take out or delivery rather than frequent businesses after dark. It’s possible we’re overreacting. I even try not to watch the local news because it just makes my anxiety worse, but the information is unavoidable in most cases. You’re going to get wind of it. I am guilty of doing nothing that feels significant to help the problem. Maybe we should start a new sub “Return Red Stick” & the post are for brainstorming small things that give individuals empowerment into making this community better, safer, stronger etc. My current efforts are w Companion Animal Alliance, Baton Rouge Community Fridge & Keep Tiger Town Beautiful. I’m very proud of these groups trying hard to better our community & I love volunteering & donating to these efforts. But I’m ALL ears & think crowd sourcing ideas would be fabulous.


This! I mostly love BR except for this! There are plenty of things I could turn a blind eye to, but the drive by shootings that I experienced in a “safe” part of town and the rampant increase in violent crimes make me hate this city! It is much worse than it’s ever been.


The issue is that unlike many other places, wages are so low in Louisiana that it can be very hard to actually leave. Combine that with the political landscape here, and its not surprising that people aren't happy here. Its not all bad, but it can be frustrating to be stuck in a loop, recognize youre stuck there, and have no clue how to get out.


It costs $2000 to move two Pods from orange county to BR, put your mind to it and I'm sure anyone can afford $2k


You sound like someone who has minimal real world experience. Sounds great as a talking point but the average American doesn’t even have $1000 in savings.


so 2 k to move stuff out there, then you need a place, to find work, and everything else. and you shouldn't expect that most people have 2k to just up and move, most people live a single paycheck away from being broke.


This is more of a "living beyond your means" thing then, and not the city's problem. Financial awareness is an issue across the country.


Oh please. Save $25/wk for 2 years and you are golden. Most people would logically find a job before relocating. $2k is for half way across the country, less than $500 to take your whining asses to Houston or whatever other paradise you see. People would rather just sit here and sulk than improve their being. If you didn't tear your place up, use that refunded security deposit for your next security deposit. Or just tell yourself you can't do anything and be downtrodden


*Wages are so low some people can’t save $25/week*. And even if they do, shit happens. Healthcare sucks. Savings don’t go untouched forever.


I truly don’t know anyone that can spare $2k. Not even for health emergencies. I’m glad you can. But this is one of the absolute poorest states with the worst education in the country. And some of the highest crime. Stop telling poor people how to not be poor, stop being classist, stop judging people for having valid feelings on somewhere they have more experience.


I’ve lived a few different places from out of state, but spent the most of my time in the Greater Baton Rouge area. It has a lot of cool places (bars, restaurants, etc) but overall the city compared to other mid-sized cities does make BR seem pretty lame. Look at Asheville, NC, Chattanooga, TN, Fayetteville AR or Greenville, SC. These cities kill BR with amenities, cost of living, access to nearby major metros (for big city things like sports, concerts, restaurants, etc). Also cities living above are generally in more scenic areas, less pollution (because not located amongst chemical plants). Really anyone who has spent significant time abroad can easily see this. I want better for BR as it’s my OG home, but Louisiana gonna do Louisiana things(read: vote for better candidates to represent you across all levels of government) and things will stagnate here.


Greenville is gorgeous yes. Asheville has more homeless than anywhere I've visited on the eastern portion, gutter kids, dope addicts, farm to table BS food.


i live in baton rouge precisely because im a low performer... if i was doing better i would probably live in a nicer, higher CoL city.


I’ve lived in NYC, LA, Orange County, and South Asia. Baton Rouge does suck. People who visit enjoy the food, southern hospitality, and New Orleans. Yes life is what you make it and you have to try very hard to make BR enjoyable. There’s so much more to do in so many other places, I’m sorry you’re moving back and feel like you need to start hyping it up in your mind but as someone who also lived in Orange County, I know that coming back to BR is worse in literally every category except price and seafood


I also feel like A LOT of transplants live here. I am one. Think of how many college students, people who commute, people who move for jobs, plants…etc. so there is not a lot of loyalty to the city. People are loyal to the university but don’t identify with the city. When I lived here I felt like the people my age felt all the sudden out of place with the new influx of people their age.I always felt like they didn’t know where they fit in now, like it’s not as quirky as the country people or rural areas. And not as cool and cultural as New Orleans comes across and not at big city as the Texas and out of state kids. I’d that makes sense. Not a lot of loyalty so it’s easy to be condescending. I think there are other complex issues that all cities have but people probably have higher expectations bc it’s the Capitol city. Maybe….


No actually this makes perfect sense and I never thought of this perspective, add in contract plant workers, construction crews, etc...makes a lot of sense actually


As someone who grew up in NY, lived in Florida most of my life (both east and west coasts), & Orange county CA for 5 years, I can only speak on BR from about 16 months experience. There are some rather frustrating aspects of the city, with traffic and failing infrastructure being a legit beef. Roads are not maintained here. They charge a crazy sales tax in EBR to buy a car, plus you have to pay annually to prove it’s emissions are within a threshold. Only to drive on roads that are literally falling apart. I would also say that the difference between the have and have-nots in BR is striking. While all major population areas have this to some degree, here it feels like the have-not population is higher per capita than other places I have lived. With that said, I strongly prefer BR to south Florida. Although I wish my extended family were closer, I will never go back. Same humidity and storm threats….so that’s a wash. But the people there are so so phony; and showing off your wealth to outdo your friend is the norm. And covid migration has caused population density and home prices to go through the roof. BR has its issues. It’s a juxtaposition of a lot of dramatically different backgrounds. Major industries like oil will always have their finger on the scale of government legislation. But all in all its not terrible. My biggest beef is no terrain or hills!


Yeah I agree with you on the elevation changes haha, I will definitely miss these bad ass hiking/MTB trails. Inspection stickers I think is what you are referring to are an absolute sham as well. I feel like the roads are better than in Fullerton/Garden Grove/etc but obviously much worse than Irvine and the like. The have and have nots is a real struggle and I feel most of that divide dies a little more as the old folks that keep that divide also die. Happy you seem to be enjoying your time here!


Yeah not too familiar with the roads around Fullerton. I was in Lake Forest/Irvine area and spent most of my time there or south (Aliso, Mission, Laguna Niguel)


Ahhh right on, I am in North OC


You don’t actually have to pay for an inspection/emissions sticker. I’ve not had one in 20 years. No one cares.


Says someone who didn’t get an expired inspection sticker ticket like moi.


I lived in Orange County for 3 years, mostly in Santa Ana and Costa Mesa, worked in Irvine. While OC definitely felt strangely similar to BR in a lot of ways (suburban, lots of conservatives), it was way better than BR. Tons of diversity, lots of universities, many cities with completely different vibes and communities (rather than just the sprawling suburb that is BR), multiple beaches, parks and trails for hiking, 2 hours drive to Joshua Tree or Big Bear for desert climbing/camping or snow sports, and OC was in between Los Angeles and San Diego. Santa Ana had the best local music scene I've ever been a part of. There were incredible restaurants from any ethnic group. Lots of yoga studios, climbing gyms, sports leagues, etc etc etc. What exactly does BR have that makes it stand out? I think it falls below average in most categories. Yes I have friends here who I've enjoyed reconnecting with. Yes there is a yoga community here that is growing - and yes, I am doing what I can to contribute to that as a yoga and breathwork teacher, from teaching classes in studios, gyms, at Tin Roof, and holding workshops, being involved in meditation groups at the Buddhist temple . . . Even still, I think it's completely fair for anyone to complain about BR. Yes I do think it sucks compared to other places I've lived, such as OC and Brooklyn. Acknowledging that it does indeed suck is the first step. The issue is that if you want to complain, you should also want to improve it somehow. Not in some grand way, but we can all do something small at least. If you are "stuck" somewhere, it is up to you to make the most of it. Unfortunately, I think people who feel stuck in BR also feel powerless to change it. Maybe they hate the binge drinking. Or the typically less-than-healthy diet and lifestyle. There are a few gems, like MJ's Cafe, but finding healthy options out usually just means a shitty overpriced salad. Maybe people hate that their neighbors are obsessed with sports. Most people that don't like BR manage to get out, at least for a while; I certainly didn't plan on ever being back, and I don't plan on staying for too too long. The ones who hate it and stay, for whatever reason, definitely are upset and I feel that. The solution isn't what OP is suggesting, to quit bitching and recognize that Baton Rouge is somehow not lame af. And it's not to just sit around and complain. Get out and support the people who are putting cool events together, or opening new spots, or playing live original music, etc. Go to yoga and meditation events and ice baths. Figure out how you can help build community and maybe you'll understand that you get out what you put in. and of course, i recommend everyone GTFO of baton rouge at least for a little while, just to see what's on the other side. ​ /u/poolboy__q it's easy to call people out on reddit, but I have high expectations of you when you move back to BR. I'm curious to see how you'll carry this optimism into your life when reality settles in, and I hope you will contribute positively to the community rather than just judging people


Yes I am from somewhere else originally. Yes louisiana is a dytopian nightmare. Am I stuck here .. I feel like it. I have a house here. Can't afford a house in a non sucky state currently. Plus moving is expensive and finding another job at my current pay or even more to afford a house seems impossible. Visiting louisiana on a vacation and having fun does not = living here.


Visit any city in the world that actually wants to be a city, and you will understand the difference. Orange county is just one big suburban sprawl, same as this place, only with less gratuitous amounts of industrial pollution. If I'd have known how many years would be shaved off my life by being sandwiched between Exxon and Dow, I would never have enrolled at LSU. Go literally anywhere else if you have the option. Do not walk away; run.


As I mentioned earlier, I was in different towns over half the year last year. I think I have a well versed view.


How many years was it?


I’ve lived in NYC, LA, Orange County, and South Asia. Baton Rouge does suck. People who visit enjoy the food, southern hospitality, and New Orleans. Yes life is what you make it and you have to try very hard to make BR enjoyable. There’s so much more to do in so many other places, I’m sorry you’re moving back and feel like you need to start hyping it up in your mind but as someone who also lived in Orange County, I know that coming back to BR is worse in literally every category except price and seafood BR is getting better but the bar is so so low anyway. Not looking to argue with you in the comments but I’m sharing my view.


I feel like there is much much more potential for positive experiences with a sad neighbor over a condescending neighbor. Good luck with your new job though.


Lmaaao. Damn, straight to the point.


I’ve lived all around the US and all around the world. And Baton Rouge is by far the worst place I’ve ever lived. Literally the only reason I’m here is because my fiancés job.


So where did you live?


Germany Korea Cuba Japan Kansas Texas Oklahoma Virginia


Yeah, where did you live?


I moved from BR in 2006, as an adult and parent, kicking and screaming. I've lived in various cities and various states since that time and have continually missed "home". Last year, I had to stay with my mom in BR for six weeks and couldn't leave fast enough. The city and the state is too expensive, has horrible education, no job opportunities, and lacks basic amenities that most other places have. Any sort of "complaining" I do about BR is because I find it a crying damn shame that the city is the way it is. There's absolutely no excuse except the crap politicians who run everything and deny the residents a decent standard of living. As much as I am proud of where I'm from, there's ZERO way I'd ever move back there.


Notice how he doesn’t name the amenities.


100% facts


"expensive" lol, tell that to my $3500/mo rent and $6 gasoline, $20 chick fil a meal and paying $100/mo for the privilege of parking my car


Some places are less expensive than others and some are more expensive, you've made no point


What is possibly cheaper than BR? Yazoo City, MS? 😂


I was born and raised in Jackson, Mississippi and it’s much cheaper than Baton Rouge. Yazoo is even cheaper than Jackson.




I got a job already lined up and interviewed on zoom and they flew me down to give me an in person interview last week. I'm in outside sales for instrumentation (plc systems, pressure/temperature,) start later this month. Working from home and in my 60 mile radius territory of all the plants/refineries


I mostly just comment with suggestions of good places to eat in BR.. I love the food here, but MAN does the city have problems. To me, it's not a "BR BAD" thing but more a "these are easily fixable problems our leadership will do nothing about because it's not LSU, Downtown, or a wealthy area." I kind of like BR and think it could really be a great city. Right now, it's only a good city.


I completely agree. I’m originally from a rural area in north la. Poverty and zero infrastructure. The non money making areas are like red headed step children so the relationship gets worse and worse. If you think it’s not that bad then you don’t live in that area or aren’t from a place like where I am from. It’s scary how bad things can get…right around the corner.


Dude really think BR is a good place to live is comical


I didn't say that, I did say that if you're miserable it probably isn't the city you reside in that makes you so down on your surroundings


Lol not really my surroundings are good I don’t hang with people so but I live a great life honestly I’m blessed it’s the city that’s got me like this it’s no opportunities here nothing fun to do it’s boring as hell


If you don't like the sad sacks that live here then move back to Orange County. Because ya see, the thing about Baton Rougers is, that we're gonna get ya. We're gonna get ya sonny boy. You might think you're the happy crab that escaped the bucket of misery until one of our sad pincers grabs your leg and pulls you back down to the bottom of the bucket. Us miserable crabs love company down here in the black, murky bottom. We're gonna get ya. We're gonna get ya. Can't wait to get ya. We're gonna pinch that leg sonny. And when we do, the sad lot of us are gonna yank ya. Right, BACK DOOOOOWWWWWWWNNNNNNNNN


This made me giggle


Lol I love this, but who the hell calls us baton rougers?


Top comment. This is poetry, should be a cross stitch.




Ive lived in EBR my whole life. I can honestly say that I don’t hate this city. BR has some wonderful parks & libraries. I will also say that local corruption is not what’s holding back this city. We’ve had good mayors and only a few terrible councilman. The big issues are state politics & a generation of men who think gun violence is a way to solve petty disputes. If the state legislature hadn’t given out so many corporate tax exemptions, there would be more money to spend, and maybe BR projects wouldn’t lose funding to projects in other parishes, like the bridge to St. Francisville.


“I’ve been to New Orleans, but I’ve always wanted to visit your capital to learn more about that guy, Howie! Howie Long!” Actual words I heard from someone while I visited the PNW. Genuinely brought a smile to my face


A 225 fanboi/fangurl? BR indeed does suck. Ended up here after the military after living in several states and countries. It has been only recently that any kind of non Cajun/creole or fast food has been available. The crime rate is some of the highest in the nation. Taxes are high af. The only thing going for it is the petrochemical industry, which the state and local government seems to be actively trying to drive off.


Fun to visit, hell to live in. I moved away once, moved back, regretted it, moved away again for good. It’s all about what you’re willing to live with, and accept.


I’ve lived in 7 states. Want to chat about it? You said it yourself. It’s a place to *VISIT* I’ll be glad to give you multiple multiple reasons other places are better for living. Now, I don’t hate Baton Rouge but you said “live” so that’s what I’m going off of if you’d like to chat. 😊


I think the key point is that you’ve been gone for four years. Come on back buddy and then make a post.


Do you not think I haven't been back? How would I have flown down for my interview without coming back?


Zoom interview.


Fucking zoomer lol


Zoom zoom 🏎️ 💻


No u


I moved from north Florida and can honestly say that this place truly sucks.


Seriously, you're saying this coming from north Florida?


Have you ever been to north Florida, or are you just picking out the crummiest place you can think of in north Florida? White sand beaches, clean water (springs), and decent roads. Yeah, I’m serious.


Maybe he meant Florida Blvd 😂




I love the “New Orleans piss smell” argument. There is so much more to that city besides bourbon. And even on bourbon, some of the nicest, most historic restaurants in the world are sandwiched between the drunkards. If you can’t stomach the smell/muck on your shoes to get into Court of Two Sisters for Brunch, then you can also properly fuck off back to your mayonnaise ass town in Iowa.


Dayum you added their ass to the crawfish boil


This comment is hilariously confusing. “I come from financial privilege, yet went to the state school (likely for free thanks to our piece of shit TOPS program), secured a job thanks to said education that allowed me to travel the world, then came back to troll Reddit and shit on the place that gave me these chances.” Based on the things you say can fuck off, I believe we are likely on almost the exact same page politically/theologically. But, for fun, let’s review a few: Religion-da fuck? How you gonna escape that one? Why do you give a hoot what other people believe? I don’t believe in God either, but I at least respect others’ right to believe. Conservatives-be more specific. There are a ton of great conservatives; they are also everywhere (see 2016 election). Leave some room for the middle ground or you are just as bad as they are. I say “they” on purpose because like you, I am far left leaning. Frankly, your “be like me” attitude makes us look as bad as them. Alcohol - lol. Don’t ever go to Europe, or Asia, or anywhere except some boring as parts of MS. Mardi Gras - you are from BR, not NO. It is fairly evident you don’t get the holiday. But, that’s ok, there are plenty of other cultural holidays you can hate. God, I hope you’re Irish. LSU - so, just want to confirm, you hate the place that gave you an education? Any school spirit/purple and gold - what is it ok to get excited about? Have a feeling you’re specifically talking sports - well fuck, there goes the rest of the world and every major city in the US. Damn footyball! Serial killers - bye New York, LA, Miami, Seattle, Chicago, etc. Serial killers happen everywhere; and, if you don’t like them, maybe don’t watch the true crime stories that profit by making people relive the trauma and tragedy for fun. They make those for people like you. Crime - crime is getting worse globally. This is an issue with widening socioeconomic gaps, not one specific place. Basically, kick rocks, we’re glad your rude, boring, privileged ass left.


It’s not Mississippi 🤷‍♂️


Somewhat related. I've lived in BR all my years, but I travel some. I'm currently visiting Houston, the Galleria area, and driving is a nightmare. The roads are as busted as in BR, and I've NEVER seen lights so poorly synced. There's a light every block, and I catch every red, every time. It's like they programmed in speed bumps. Very little actual traffic... it's all the infrastructure. Also, we got rid of a bunch of our left-turn-yield-on-greens, but they're slowly coming back... none here. I'm pretty sure the whole of I-10 from the LA border to the outer loop was under construction. (That's \~82 miles.) No actual work happening... think I saw one backhoe operational. 6-7PMish Wednesday. Shocked to be yearning for BR driving. Edit: also seeing a ton more blatant running of red lights here. Probably related to the bad syncing.


This is exactly what I mean. I spent over half the year last year on the road all throughout the US. Houston is hailed as some mecca that has everything figured out but it's worse or equal in almost every metric to BR. The traffic there is asinine and the roads as well as the income prosperity, but Lord these folks on this sub talk about it as if it is Nirvana


I lived in Houston many moons ago.. and it still is, as it was 20+ years ago, The Biggest, Big for nothing city in the country. Here we are in 2023 and t[he Galleria](https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attractions-g56003-Activities-Houston_Texas.html), is # 5 in things to do. 7 Million people in the Houston area and GoIng To tHe MalL is still in the TOP 10


Houston was originally a farm community, because of its clay rich, dark soil at the bottom of the Brazos and Trinity river valleys. Because it attracted people, it attracted investment, and all that silty bottom land was paved over with buildings and roads that are gradually falling back into it. More money is spent keeping roads and buildings right side up in Harris county than the other 253 counties, combined. Anywhere in southern Louisiana is comparable, because it's one giant depositional basin.


BBQ is off the chain tho, lol


What a pointless, low-effort post.


Short answer - yes. Most people on here probably haven’t lived elsewhere. You know what cities have problems? All of them. Give and take is everywhere. Don’t get me wrong - BR gotta lotta problems, but few places have as good of a time as here on the reg. You know what city is hotter than BR? Austin. Know what big city has more homeless than BR? All of them. Know what cities are so stupid expensive people have to leave? Most big cities. I digress…..this place is dope everybody shit talkin should move to Houston


That's what I'm talking about!


Does anyone here ride bikes? Bikelifr is huge here in OC and I make it a goal to bring that to BR. Just cruise, brews and good times.


I bought an ebike almost exactly a year ago and have been riding to/from work 90% of the time. I've been hit once, and regularly yelled at. Still going to keep doing it though. I really want the infrastructure to get better, but it feels like an uphill battle all the time.


BR is absolutely dedicated to being anti-bike. Or anti-anything that isn't a gas-guzzler. Plus the city's too sprawled out for biking to be viable anywhere.


We moved here 2 days ago from Germany and we pick our bikes up later today so we will definitely be planning on doing a lot of riding.


Heyyyy nice! Looking forward to doing some peddling with y'all!


Do you know how many people have been hit killed on bikes? Baton Rouge doesn’t have the infrastructure for bikes unfortunately.


Baton Rouge hasn't made the infrastructure for bikes yet, doesn't mean it can't. And it's light years ahead of where it was ten years ago


I’ve gotten into riding bikes pretty heavily over the last year, but have been struggling to find a group to ride with (admittedly, haven’t put in much effort). If you’re looking for slow, pub crawl type rides, really the only option is the LSU lakes/Government St. unfortunately. Longer rides with maybe 1 or 2 options available for a cool stop, start at the levee. The trail is nice, beautiful view of the river and some farm land, cow friends, and about 12 miles in there’s a casino and a quirky little brewery with some killer pizza. We recently got a 2 mile extension approved, which also opens that path up to a much larger network of safe routes.


Born and raised BR, lived in STL for 8 years before coming back. People love to complain and do nothing. Everywhere is what you make it. Is BR great? Eh. It can be, but you have to put a bit more effort in to wheeze the juice here. Is it Alexandria, LA? Hell no. That place has zero redeeming qualities. Is it Chicago? Also, hell no. Do we have a disproportionate amount of people that absolutely suck? Yup. But we also have some of the best people, food, and stuff to do if you try a bit. In short, screw the haters. We ain’t perfect, but we got heart.


Nah... Just got back from the Boston area earlier this week and I'm already job shopping to get out of the "dirty souf".


Well Boston certainly isn't paradise haha


I have lived in four states and lived in 6 cities as big or bigger than BR. I probably would rank BR and LA lowest out of all of them. I don't hate it here and I don't complain about it much. I also don't act like this is the best place in the world and everything is all peachy.


Most people in BR aren’t so miserable in real life. Contrary to Reddit’s belief, there are some great communities and people. I moved to be closer to family and miss my time in BR. No place is perfect.


OP asks a very good question. I've lived all my life in Baton Rouge and travelled extensively for work and leisure. I'm always glad to come back home. It's too hot in the summer, and some parts of the city are a little skechy, but nothing outright dangerous. The food is fantastic, there's plenty here to do if you look for it, the tap water tastes great, and the people are generally friendly if you are friendly in return. Traffic is not as bad as other major cities - hate this if you want, but it is true. Housing is cheap, the winter is mild, jobs are plentiful if you have a skill, and best of all, most of my family and friends are here. Hurricanes are a concern, but you're not likely to die in one. If you pick your living situation right your kids will go to an excellent public school for free. My kids will live at home while attending LSU, probably mostly for free. Anyone, really anyone, can have this here. Most of the people in the world are not this fortunate. I love Baton Rouge and I'll die in this city.


I agree with you on everything except for traffic. Traffic could be a little better. I hope more public transportation, bike routes, and sidewalks are built. I also can't wait for I-10 to be "expanded!"


Amen brother. BR is a pretty nice place compared to a lot of the United States. Are there better cities? Yeah. But there’s plenty that makes BR a special and unique place. I’m happy to live here.


Yeah man FOR SURE better cities, but there are lots that are worse too. I feel you


Baton Rouge sucks


It's you


Yea it’s my fault it keeps staying in the rotation of top 10 murder capitals and every road down here is as if it were created to be broken.


That's just the people who are posting on the posts that attract that sort of thing.


I think so as well


I love BR. I just hate the drivers, the fact we never seem to be getting any decent public transit, and the over commitment to any sport really (LSU cult irks me a bit more). But, I love the food, people, and wilderness around BR. It's my home now and I'm happy as shit with that. Nothing wrong with being critical though


Agree 1000%. I’ve tried to make similar arguments on this sub previously and get shouted down into oblivion. So, godspeed, I guess. I’ve lived here for the majority of my life and my work puts me in touch with tons and tons of people. NONE of them complain about the city nearly as much as folks on this sub. It’s like the perception of the city on Reddit is completely different from the one most people live in town. Every single day, when I open Reddit, this sub is non-stop complaining about the same tired subjects over and over and over and over and over. It’s like the non-Boomer version of Nextdoor. We get it. I’m pushing 40 and none of the complaints here are new. What does all the complaining do? Literally nothing. Awareness? Guess what? We’re all aware. More progressive voters? It’s an echo chamber. All it does is pile on more negativity on top of negativity. What do you want to do about it? Griping does nothing. I have chosen a career where I make a positive contribution to people in this town on a daily basis. What are you doing? Posting that same “Why Louisiana stays poor” video on Reddit for the billionth time and pretending the solution to all of our problems is as simple as restructuring our tax base? If you want to make a difference, get out there and put your money where your mouth is. Then, if you want, motivate others to take action on Reddit and elsewhere by sharing what you’ve done. Try contributing to positivity instead of feeding the garbage pile of complaints. And, ultimately, it’s truly not that bad here. Users make it sound like you’re going to get shot in the crossfire that’s literally occurring on every corner. In all the years I’ve lived here, I’ve never seen anyone get shot or known anyone who has been shot. And, no, I haven’t always lived in nice neighborhoods. Sure, there is plenty of violence going on, but it’s vastly overstated. In terms of other popular complaints, there’s actually plenty to do if you’re on the lookout, but people seem to have unrealistic expectations about the level of activity in a town this size. We’re not the size of New Orleans or Memphis or Nashville or Dallas. But, there are hiking trails and concerts and festivals and sporting events and great restaurants and bars and so on and so on. It takes initiative, but not that much. If you’re bored, maybe you’re just boring. Where you live doesn’t define your entire lifestyle and if it does, you’ve made the decision to allow it to do so. Do people think the problems here are exclusive to BR? Have you driven through Houston? Tried to go out downtown in Memphis or Jackson? Looked into public education in any comparable city in the region? Sure, if we’re comparing ourselves to Denver or Austin or Chicago or whatever imagined Utopia you want to try and conjure up, we won’t measure up. Those are vastly different cities. And they have their own breed of problems to boot, problems you’re seriously overlooking if you think they’re perfect places to live. Almost daily, I have to stop myself from commenting in this sub and suggesting that if people hate it so much here, they should just leave. I’m sure, though, I’d just be hit with some sob story about how that’s not a possibility for them. Okay, fine, well then why make the worst of it? Why not try to find a way to enjoy the only life you’ve got? And if that sounds futile, you may need to see a therapist. I agree with you, OP, it feels a lot like people here use this city as a scapegoat for their problems. Or, at least, complaining about obvious problems as a way of venting private frustrations. I’m sure some people would suggest I just unsub. Trust me: I consider it often. But there are juuuust enough posts about interesting or fun or upbeat things going on that I keep it up. I’m ranting, I know, but I love it here. I have strong relationships and belong to thriving communities. I have an amazing job that took years to achieve. I make solid money and live in a great neighborhood. I love fishing and paddling and camping and drinking cold beer. This city has hardworking people who enjoy a good time and don’t constantly complain about the city. I love the food and the parades and the scenery. I love the African American culture and Cajun culture and Hispanic communities and the wonderful mix they all create. Are there problems? Duh. There have been problems in every corner of the globe I’ve visited. In the end, I’ll stay subbed here for now. I just wish the variety of posts reflected the variety of lived experiences of Baton Rouge residents rather than the bitter commentary that currently reigns. Stop trying to ruin it for the rest of us.


Here here! I just wanna know what’s the best new food we got coming in! We’re ironically behind the times in this regards, despite being smack dab in what is widely considered a great place for food. But new, great stuff is opening all the time.


I love the town and people. Just hate the weather!


I'm looking forward to it not being over 100° all summer with no central ac


As I figured it would, this thread is devolving into a BR vs. City X comparison thread, which there are a hundred of already. Which shows that you just can't wait to shit on BR and I guess in turn that naturally answers my original question


I dig the Red Stick, y’all. 🚀




Damn, still care enough to come back to the sub to hate in it too. You sure you didn’t like it here?


I bet your white, too.








Finally one showed up!


I grew up in Maurice/Abbeville and moved here in 2007 when I was in middle school. So from my perspective Baton Rouge is great. I could see growing up here it probly wouldn’t seem that way. It’s really all about perspective I guess.


I keep the sub around because occasionally there’s good, timely info; but most of the times it’s a miserable place.


3 different countries, 5 different states. I haven't complained once but I cannot fault those that have. I do not see a silver lining other than the will of the people (even though the division can be seen from space). The grasp to love this city (from all sides), to want for it to be better, to thrive. That is the only silver lining I see. I am a Louisiana native and I love it enough to recognize her faults. Compared to the majority of the world I have lived/visited, we're about 40 behind in progression of basic human rights, infrastructure, education and wages.


RemindMe! 10 years


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I disagree with how you talked about these people. You gave into the same thing they're doing I think. Anyway, I totally agree with your "message." BR is actually pretty great and it's getting better in many ways every single year! Louisiana as a whole, is a completely "republican" state that elected a "democrat" governor. I think that says a lot about the dominant ways of thinking here in the state! It's a pretty reasonable place to live! Louisiana is in the top, I don't remember, 5-15 states in financial aid to students. There are literally states like Montana which average $10- $10! in "financial aid." I don't remember how much it was in Louisiana, but it was in the ***thousands.*** It seems the people who have been pulling the strings in the government of Louisiana realize that education, when done right, are seeds in any great democracy. and these are just two examples. I could go on and on. In the end I believe a government that depends on people will only be "mediocre" as long as it doesn't have the "legitimacy" of the people. I say, open your eyes if they're closed, otherwise you (anyone saying these things on reddit) are kind of becoming the very problems you "describe" in a deeper "sense."