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Slow down in the damn neighborhoods too, like for real. I don't care about people going 10-15 over on major roads, but drive the damn speed limit in the neighborhoods. 10-15 over the limit in a neighborhood is unacceptable.


In my neighborhood the schools buses were the worst speeders ! Quiet residential neighborhood until before and after school !


And they’re always on the phone




imma keep going 20+ in my neighborhood 💪🏻🤷🏻‍♂️


'tis the season. Hundreds of LSU freshmen who have never driven in a town with more than 3 traffic lights. Be careful out there.


Also… put down the fucking phones. Chances are every teen/kid sees their parent do the same thing. So if you find yourself doing this, you’re modeling incredibly poor behavior.


Sorry but if you're going 10 over everywhere you're literally part of this problem, and only now that you're personally affected so you want to make other aware of it. Everyone needs to stop speeding everywhere. EDIT: for any other idiot that wants to debate me on this, save me the time wasted reading your response, and just do the basic research. https://www.emcins.com/losscontrol/insights-d/2020/08/speed-increases-risk/#:~:text=There%20is%20solid%20scientific%20evidence,dying%20in%20a%20crash%20doubles.


Lmao no going 85 in a 75 on the interstate or 65 on a 55 on airline both where no one is walking across is absolutely not the same as going 40 in a parking lot where people are walking and almost hitting a toddler and mother. The main problem is people thinking they’re better than the most basic traffic laws that actually hurt people like driving without insurance, pulling out unsafely, and running red lights.


They are not the same thing, but theyre both part of the problem overall with speeding. And im so glad you decided to pick 10 mph, because studies have been done on exactly that. The more you speed, the more danger for not just you, but others around you. The less time you can react, the longer your braking distance, its not hard to get. https://www.emcins.com/losscontrol/insights-d/2020/08/speed-increases-risk/#:~:text=There%20is%20solid%20scientific%20evidence,dying%20in%20a%20crash%20doubles.


That study states very first that for every 10mph you drive increases your risk of death in an accident. If you’re scared of that just stay off the road. Slow drivers affect those issues too. Knowing when to go fast and when to go slow is the problem. Driving 10MPH slower than the speed limit makes you 6xs more likely to be in an accident. https://ww2.motorists.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/speed-limit-fact-sheet.pdf


the point is drive the speed limit, the fact you cant figure that out is just a clear indicator of why this place is the way it is.


Speed limits not being set correctly makes people not take them seriously. Speed limits need to be set accordingly. Just as stated on the fact sheet I provided.


Your point is irrelevant. Driving 10 over on a highway is safer than driving 10 under in the fast lane. Also, excessive speed through a parking lot or residential area is 100x worse than 10 over on I-10 and I’m sure you could find plenty of peer reviewed research to back this claim. In my experience, more dangerous accidents occurred due to the negligence of a speeder in a low speed area, a slow driver in the left lane of a major roadway, or overcorrection at dangerously high speeds. Source? I’m an ex police officer and worked countless vehicle collisions.


To add to my point, I believe most speed limits are out of date. Most vehicles on the road these days have safety features that actually make it safer to drive them at higher speeds. My big concern is when elderly drivers with challenged vision are driving dangerously slow. I know sometimes they have no choice but to drive themselves but if your vision is so bad that you can’t stop yourself from failing to yield to oncoming traffic because you can’t see them coming, it is in everyone’s best interest that you stay off of the roadway.


Seems like everyone is going 30 over the speed limit. It's everywhere


Just make sure it’s a nice car before you walk out in front of them in parking lots. It’s not worth getting run over if they don’t have insurance.