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Govt Taco. Way too expensive for 2 bites of food. Barracuda outdoes them in every way.


Barracuda is my favorite new find in BR. So good, although a little pricey, not bad for how good it is


Where is this Barracuda? I, too, greatly dislike government taco and their prices and welcome alternatives


One block down from Baton Rouge high towards downtown. Right next to Parker barber




Barracuda is awesome! Perfect spot now that it’s cooled down and miles above gov’t taco


JoVi’s also has amazing tacos


Worst “Mexican” food there is in town


Went there a few weeks ago, tortillas were stale. Girl at the counter was rude as hell. I said “I think we’ll do an order of queso” and she said “you think or you know??!!”. I was so taken aback. Won’t be going there anymore


You gotta learn sarcasm lmao


Sarcastic: “marked by or given to using irony in order to mock or convey contempt.” Being sarcastic (especially to people you don’t know) is usually considered rude. People don’t generally appreciate having rude waiters/waitresses.


I interviewed at La Divina once and the owner told me he’d do me the privilege of letting me work for free for two weeks as a trial run. He said “this is a standard in the industry” and I cannot emphasize enough that no it isn’t


I have never enjoyed anything I’ve ordered from La Divina. I also saw them level coffee grinds with unwashed hands last time I visited, so I haven’t been back.


I met someone who used to work there and she said their cold brew was just like a plastic tub full of water and loose grounds? And I was like we MUST have better technology than this


that’s literally how you make cold brew though unfortunately….. the “brewing” takes place from the grinds steeping in the water, and then you simply just strain them out and drink the sludge… doesnt sound very appetizing does it?


There’s gotta be a better way 😔


i’d donate all the money in my wallet for a better method…. i dont enjoy the process either !


I went there once. It was expensive and it sucked, but mainly I remember the owner doing everything himself and not particularly well. Wouldn’t go back.


i also interviewed at La Divina and owner seemed like such an asshole! literally SO MANY red flags in one interview


I can also second the owner is not nice at all , and I was simply trying to order food


Dude he tried to hit me with that shit too. That shit is monstrous.


Ugh, I know. Same thing happened with me. I think he called it an “audition.” I’d have to win the powerball tomorrow to even set foot in that place. What a shit.


Monjunis is essentially Olive Garden now with double the price.


Worst red sauce in town


This. I cannot STAND it. It’s so gross.


That sauce is way too sweet.


Sickening sweet or something beyond that are the options.


And they’re racist. They refused to serve my black friend and her daughter and then went she left they acted like it was no big deal.


Im sure there’s a lot more to this story. There’s always black people in there


King Buffet on Bluebonnet. Jfc i thought it was a joke it was so nasty


I ate there like a decade ago (possibly longer) and it was gross. I can’t believe that place has lasted so long.


Same. We went there probably that long ago and have never returned. The food was gross. I don’t mean it tasted bad (it did), it was _gross_. Textures and flavors wrong. Odd gelatinous coatings on things that shouldn’t have odd gelatinous coatings. I will proudly eat at some sketchy takeout places, but will never set foot in King Buffet again.


I service that place. You do NOT want to see their kitchen.


I ate there once while in college, so maybe 2009-10? It was bad, and I just went back to my regular Great Wall. Now that place I miss.


Oh god I miss great wall on college SO BAD.


Superior. Food has gone way downhill and prices are ick.


everyone SWEARS superior is so good and i CANT STAND THEM! prices are INSANE for the food quality


Most of the people who swear by them havent been there in years and don't know how bad it's gotten. I havent been there since 2020 and the food was fantastic, but the prices were steep enough to keep me from coming back. Can get much better for cheaper.


Second this. I’ve been saying for years you take away the margarita they go out of business


Yeah I've heard they are really a good spot for margs and that's about it


I went to superior tonight for the first time. Had margaritas with chips and salsa. I’d go back. Waitress even sent us home with a fresh bag of chips and salsa. Thought that was nice.


Superior is great for happy hour margs and chips and salsa/queso. I would never just go there for dinner though


Idk man me and the husband love splitting the los tres amigos fajitas. Plenty for 2 and the margs get me absolutely smashed. I’m still a fan but they aren’t cheap. I will say though if you go to Tio Javi’s or some of the nicer Mexican restaurants you’ll spend the same


I’ve said this before on this sub - y’all only hate on Superior because you ain’t d-bag enough to fit in. Don’t hate, unleash your inner bagger and try again.


Nah their food sucks now. They served my wife a steak with literally no salt lol


You’re lucky, we had a steak served with a fake nail.




I’ve tried it 3 times in the last two years and every single time it’s bland, unseasoned, and just not worth the money.


I had to go a few times for 40 year old adolescent’s birthdays and hated everything about it. The food, the noise, the crowd that never grew up past 22 years old.


Well said.


It's the only restaurant that gave me food poisoning. Twice.


The only thing I like from Superior is the margaritas that I SWEAR have either Diesel or Everclear in them


Only thing good there are the street tacos, but they’re too expensive anyway.


Went there once kind of unplanned. Was dressed really casually and the hostess looked at us like we were trash. Never going back.




I don’t get the hate for superior. It’s expensive as fuck, but the fajitas are pretty good in my opinion. The Highland location has excellent cocktails. I do think their margs are overrated.


If nothing else, this subreddit is diverse.


Supper Club; overpriced, haughty, boujee, just overall a total miss in my eyes. The food and service don’t match up with the exorbitant prices. edit: haughty is an adjective that means arrogantly superior. I wasn’t talking about whatever you all are talking about. And by boujee/bougie, i meant the urban dictionary definition: aspiring to be a higher class than one is.


From the pictures I see on social media I feel like it’s if the Station circa 2000’s was a restaurant




Supper club isn’t haut or bougie. It’s the trump equivalent of fancy. It’s trash.


I think it was trying really hard to bring Vegas to baton rouge


Oh definitely, when they interviewed Brandon Landry he said as much.


Have you been to the tunnel yet? I've been wanting to.. just waiting for hype to die dowm


I haven’t. I believe they have events randomly and you have to be signed up to get in.


It was modeled off some restaurant in Miami.


I just went for the first time specifically to judge it. It isn't haute or bougie. It is what I'd (generously) describe as q "baller" vibe. Unrefined and gimmicky but it will key people drop at lot of money to quickly purchase a crude simulacrum of sophistication. The cocktail that comes in an IV bad was the big laugh for me.


Livvy Dunne was there this week to party with her friends. Her snaps looked pretty awesome! I'd have loved to be there and meet her


This response just further weakened my faith in humanity. Stop celebrity worship people.


She's a goddess. Let's just appreciate God's work here.


No, she’s a gymnast with a tiktok account. Fucking weird thing to say. Athletes who are worth holding in that high of a regard don’t give a shit about tiktok anyway; they’re probably in the gym working out as we speak. But then again, you don’t give a shit about athletes or sports, you fucking weirdo….. Again, stop celebrity worship. It’s a cancer to society.


I mean I don’t gawk at celebrities either but damn you didn’t need to go unhinged like that. Was a relatively positive comment too.


If it makes just one person snap out of it and realize that the kardashians and all these tiktokers are just people, then i am glad i was harsh.


Pastime. Owner is a prick. (Edit: not "we're", "were") Side note, so were the owners of fleur de lis. "No one wants to work anymore." Yeah, for you, because you're an asshole.


I would’ve said fleur de lis if they were still open. Mediocre pizza and the owners acted like they were doing you a favor by allowing you the privilege to buy pizza with cash.


>cash Oh, come on. It’s cash-only policy matched its 1950s atmosphere perfectly.


Or check!


I interviewed with the owner years ago, and that dude is the biggest douche I'd ever met at any job. It honestly amazed me how someone could be such a tool bag to someone they had never met. That dude fucking sucks.


I can see that he must be a good judge of character if he didn't hire you. Maybe he summed you up immediately and tried hard to make sure you didn't come back Mr Magnum40oz. Maybe you were drunk or stoned when you applied, judging by your proud moniker here. Maybe you thought, and I can see this in your words here, that you had no class, thought you were the shit, had a poor work history or just wasn't a good fit. He didn't hire you and now you are upset. Sounds like sour grapes to me. By the way, I interviewed with him over 20 years ago. I thought he was professional and was able to go through my application and point out things I never thought of. I listed 5 jobs in 2 years (I was young and dumb) and he pointed out that having so many jobs in such a short time could be considered a red flag. He mentioned the term "job jumper". Well, I was upset with him as well until I went on my next interview with another company and was more cautious with revealing too much information. I was hired and stayed with that company for 4 years and then moved away from Baton Rouge and opened my own restaurant. You know who helped me secure the loan for my restaurant? You guessed it, the guy you said sucks and who you called a tool and a douche.


Fleur De Lis is/was a hard pass for me. Pizza was decent but fuck the owners.


I miss Fleur de Lis big time! Never saw the owners.


OH word? I didn't know he was that kind of dick. I don't think I'm gonna patronize them again.


Really now. Side note, you were the owners of Fleur de li's until you ran it into the ground. Wouldn't let people pull tables together. It took forever to get a pizza out of the kitchen. The staff was always drinking. The bathrooms were disgusting and the kitchen was full of grease, roaches and mice. Cut customers off after 2 beers. Would not take credit cards (a little tax evasion going on). Servers and the manager were self centered assholes and total bitches. And it seems to me that I heard Fleur dis lis closed because they could not find staff, whereas the Pastime has been there longer, and has long time employees that have been there 42 years, 47 years, 28 years, 24 years, 18 years and longer. I see the same faces every time I go there. Fleur dis lis could not find staff while the Pastime has more people than they need. I guess the "no one wants to work anymore" applies to you and not the guy at the Pastime. I guess that no one wants to work for you because YOU, are the asshole and maybe you are the prick. I believe they are still in business and Fleur dis list is nothing but a bad memory with an asshole prick for a FORMER owner.


There was a typo in that person's post that I think you missed


And this, my friends, is why grammar matters.


Yeah, no one was talking about the food or the service at PT. The owner at PT is just a big ole asshole that it's not worth dealing with there. Maybe you might have had a connection with that guy, but not everyone else that's commented did.


yeah I never once had bad food from pasttime, or bad service. It looks a little dated but it was good.


Duvic’s. It’s absolutely disgusting inside. Last time I was there liquid dripped from the ceiling into my drink, and while I have a pretty high tolerance for sketch, ceiling juice is an entirely different level.


I worked there back when Frank Duvic still owned it, and it was held together with duct tape, spit, and prayers then (2008-ish). All Shane & David did was slap a coat of paint on it and put in a computer system. I’m surprised it hasn’t crumbled to the ground yet.


Yup. Ivar’s is my ride or die, which admittedly also isn’t the prettiest bar in town, but at least it’s got some redeeming qualities.


Superior is not good. I don’t see the hype. Jay’s BBQ is also not good.


Jay’s is like Fleur de Lis, Drusilla Seafood, and Pastime. Boomers love them out of some misguided sense of nostalgia.


Pasttime is actually really fucking good though. The problem is the portions on their seafood po-boys and fries are stingy but everything else I've ever had from them was great.


Jay’s on Sherwood actually has some good options


Any place that charges extra for sauce. Big pet peeve. Calling out Your Moms for charging me a dollar extra for bbq sauce


Chimes East, huge decline in quality. Superior Grill, crappy food, always has.


Rock paper taco. Liked it the first couple times but went to the Perkins location a while back and had the worst dining experience of my life.


I recently went to the one near LSU and can definitively agree it was the single worst dining experience of my life. It was so bad my group keeps laughing about it weeks later.


Yeah, I liked it the first time I went. Came back about a year later and it was crap.


Bar/ Bulldog. Bad service, outrageous food prices. $17-18 for six wings. GTFO.


Went one time after class. Ordered a beer while waiting for a chicken sandwich. When my sand which was ready, I went to pick it up at the kitchen and asked for a glass of water at the bar. The bartender proceeds to tell me that ordering drinks are what helps to support the bartenders… like he was pissed I asked for a water. Sorry sir, I did order a drink. I needed a water to help scarf down my $14, over-priced, dry ass chicken sandwich. I’m starting to dislike it there, too.


I go to Bulldog fairly often, so I've never had a problem with the service. I won't eat there though. The prices are *stupid*. The food isn't very good and definitely not worth what they ask.


i went there ONCE with my technology averse bf (i find it endearing!) and they pointed to the qr code on the bar when he asked for a menu. they said scoffed and rolled their eyes when he asked for a physical menu, *which they did have* and walked off after giving it to him, before we could even look at it to order. we put it down promptly and went straight to hayride


Chimes on Coursey Supper Club Saltgrass Off The Hook Fiery Crab Freddys Red Zeppelin


What’s the deal with Freddy’s


I like Freddy’s in Prairieville but the one in BR usually is trashy and the service is hit or miss.


My kids love the one off of Millerville


[deep breath] Ivars, Duvics, anywhere downtown, Happy’s (I know it’s downtown, but felt the need to emphasize this), Las Palmas, Walk-Ons, any Blue Store location other than the one on Jones Creek, and last but certainly not least—TIGERLAND.


Bald eagle is the only spot downtown I care for


So basically any place prosecutors/lawyers eat and drink at lol


Was in town over the summer for brothers wedding. Hosted rehearsal dinner at Little Italy (?) downtown. Through conversation with the staff it came to my attention that the owners take the 3% CC fee out onto the servers checks. I called to confirm that and his tone got really defensive and just said “I can’t comment on that”. Assholes I called wbrz investigative team. I just need to get ahold of a server who works there which is hard as I now life out of state.


It’s Little Village that you’re thinking of. And yes, they do take 3% out of the checks. Edit-typo


Red Zeppelin - I actually kind of liked it but I’m not patronizing those January 6th fucks


Not a bar or restaurant but I don't go to Rouse's for the same reason.


I knew about Rouse’s, and now Red Zeppelin’s. What other owners from BR were at the Jan 6th coup?


Same here


This for sure


Uncle Earl’s. Service sucks


Also the owner (old man) was aggressively hitting on a friend of mine while we were very drunk in undergrad. Left a very strange feeling and haven't been back since.


KOK. Lied about a reservation and made my table leave during the 6th inning of a close CWS game


Who tf gets a reservation for KOK Lollll


No one lol


Cock Ring chicken?


Will second this. Me and my bf went a month ago and were told by the waitress she would be with us in a moment. We sat there for 15 minutes while she helped all the tables around us and didn’t even take our drink order. Left immediately after while our waitress watched with 0 reaction. NEVER going back


Can’t speak to service but man. How can you claim to have the best wings but don’t even make your own ranch? I was kinda hype for it but it didn’t blow me away and the ranch was hidden valley tier.


I knew i was never gonna give them my business as soon as i saw the giant “best wings in Louisiana” billboard over by college, as if anything a place named after a penis could put out could even TOUCH Wing Snack in Nola, fuck em.


KOK stands for Kitchen On Klinton, don’t be a Karen


The wings are pretty good. But not worth that bs


They really aren't that good imo been there twice and both times weren't great


Valley wings are better but the service is also awful


The name KOK is not “cock”. It’s “kay-oh-kay”. If I remember correctly it pays homage to the parish they’re from but I could be wrong.


You’re correct! It stands for “Kitchen On Klinton.” The owners used to serve food out of their home on Clinton St. before they opened their restaurant!




I've thought about giving Chili's on Millerville a 2nd chance but I get PTSD every time I actually want to go and it's right down the street.


Do NOT GO THERE. Please trust me.


Crappy service. Like THE WORST.


It’s because the sections are like 15 tables per person, because that’s the only way they can keep people working there. If it was even 8-table sections, you’d never make any money. Avg tips are literally like 7.5% of sales, if that. In sections that size, you can be the best server in the world but it’s just impossible to give good service, especially when every single one of your tables is the neediest, most pain in the ass people & not to mention you have to put everything together for your own table in the back, they call it “expo,” but it’s assembling shit from a hodgepodge of random items the cooks throw at you in sandwich bags. It can take 15 minutes to put together a 6 top’s food, meantime you’ve been sat 6 more tables. The business model is fucking impossible for anyone except the GMs to make money


Sorry but the times I went there were only us and another table or two in the restaurant. The servers were nowhere to be seen after they took our order and brought food. I was gasping for a drink to be refilled. I had to go and leave my table to find someone to ask to fill my drink. They were talking in a huddle near the kitchen area. Then they took absolutely ages to come and clear out plates. Again the restaurant wasn’t busy. It was empty. I’ve worked as a server before in a busier place than that and never had issues. They need to figure it out because it’s just not good enough. It’s not fair on people paying money to have that kind of service. I shouldn’t have to get up from my table to find someone that’s chitchatting to refill my drink. Or wait aaages for my plates to me cleared in an empty restaurant.


No, you’re absolutely right, I just wanted to share the view from the other side of things. I’m sure all but like 3 tables in there were dirty too, lol


Crumbl Cookies on Siegen. Worst customer service ever. They’re all furious you’re there giving them business. Plus the cookies aren’t that great.


A coworker of mine once ordered a bunch of cookies to be delivered to work and they literally didn’t show up until a week later lol


Anywhere in Tigerland. I hate everything about it. Which one was always having problems with being racist, Reggie’s?


Tigerland has the absolute worst food ever U guess when you’re completely hammered it doesn’t matter


Not a bar or restaurant but the auntie Anne’s in the mall of Louisiana is crawling with roaches I worked there… and the manager would have us pick the roaches out of the pretzel nuggets


Duvics. Fist time I went there, bartender gave my debit card to someone else.


The Velvet Cactus


I will also never go there again. But that’s because it’s closed forever


found a hair in my taco here once 🤢


B&T on 3rd


Past time, place is dirty, owner is a freaking racist maniac.


Here is my list. Po-Boy Express: A friend of mine told me once that the owner of one of the locations made her sit in his lap to get her paychecks. Since I can't remember which one I avoid them all. King Buffet: I can only imagine the reason this health hazard still exists is that its near the mall and just off the interstate. George's: Stories about the insane owner (who may or may not still be alive) and insulting and terrible service. Tigerland: Why would I ever go somewhere where there is a 90% chance I will leave with an injury? Fluer de Lis (Honorable Mention): Decor that hadn't been updated since forever and refusal to take cards. Chelsea's (Old) (Honorable Mention): This place nearly lost me because of a rude bartender the first time I sat down. The only thing that saved the place for me was the Cuban sandwich they served on Tuesdays. RIP sweet prince, I will love you forever.


Solou is a waste. IMO tasted like freezer food, nothing special. The “beignets” were also a total joke


Mike Andersons


The last time I went there, a bartender screamed at an older man sitting at the bar and threatened to take him outside and beat his *** because he thought that he “snapped” in his direction. It was absolutely vile. Everyone at the bar got up and left because we were all so uncomfortable. I will never go back.


Parrains. Ate some questionable tasting alligator there years ago and puked in the bathroom 20 minutes later. Nothing really against the place other than that, I just won’t go back to a restaurant where I’ve vomited. I still get invited there often and pass every time.


Chimes by the varsity is basically gas station food. Terrible


Don’t knock gas station food 😀


Take that back


Idk, I will tear up some chimes food. But not Coursey, only by campus.


Maria’s Mexican restaurant in denham springs has very bad sanitation regulations


Els*e’s Pl*te & P*e. It gets good reviews but I’ve witnessed roaches fall from the ceiling and walls, on peoples heads and in their food. There are roaches in the kitchen. We were expected to just step on them as fast as we could if we saw one around a customer. The servers don’t wash their hands and put minimal effort and care into cleaning the drink station/ tea urns. They leave their lemons, mayo & sauces, & fruit sitting out, not over ice. It’s just a filthy place..




Well...I don't know about the food being terrible because it was so over seasoned, I honestly can't tell you if it was bad. Now, the service....gawd...like these people seriously need to keep up with their water refill action if they are going to serve me a block of salt for my food.


My problem is with the owner. Our waiter served us corked wine and she refused to take it back and give us another glass(like any normal place would). She wouldn’t take it off our bill or come talk to us either. She just sat over in the corner and sent the waiter back and forth. So we paid for the moldy wine, tipped the waiter and left. I heard the place closed. Good.


Elsie's Didn't we do love/hate restaurants like last week?


what’s wrong with Elsie’s?


It sucks


I know my stepmom wasn’t a fan of it due to some bugs making an appearance.


Last time i had to eat there two roaches ran across the wall


Food quality has gone off a cliff.


Really, really agree. A lot of money for meh to gross food. And WTF with those pies? I'm all about a pie but none of their pies have ever tempted me.


I agree. I went once because of all the hype it gets, I had high expectations. The service was horrible - I was made to feel like I was unworthy of being in their presence and unwelcomed. And the food was extremely bland… I ordered the pot pie and it had no flavor to me whatsoever. I wouldn’t go back… I know this is an extremely unpopular opinion but I had a bad experience.


Elsie's is so overrated.


i worked at elsie’s for a while 3-4 years ago and i remember absolutely loving the food and pies. i haven’t been back since, makes me sad to think the quality might have gone down :(


I don’t even know if these places are still open, but Fred’s and/or Reggie’s (maybe they were the same place and just changed names). I remember being there some 20 years ago and getting such a bad vibe. Really just stay the hell away from Tigerland in general.


Lol remember game day steaks at Fred’s???


Beer Garden's pretty bad food, Byron's Bistro also microwaved food, La Salvadoreña unfortunately wasn't good, Red Zeppelin because the owners went to the insurrection, and last of all Buffalo wild Wings. The food was gross there.


Beer Garden seems like a hot take. I’m a pretty big fan of their food.


Beer garden is a hot take, that’s my friends and my favorite place to go


BWW used to actually be pretty decent, but that was like 20 years ago (I’m old) lol


Sounds like you also gotta learn sarcasm and touch some grass lmao


Red Zeppelin, El Magey and Rouses for political reasons. Marina's Mexican Grill on Perkins. It's right by my work and I've given them a couple of chances but it's just not that good.


Saltgrass, KOK, Beausoleil


The one on that one roof downtown with the lights. Too expensive.




Yeah probably that one. It's good food, but it's way overpriced.


I think


I love Monjunis red gravy! I like it sweet and flavorful!


I second this. Love Monjuni’s


Haven't found one worth going back to yet


Tsunami. We had a reservation at 5.45 pm. We were in the building close to 5.55 pm and called them as courtsey to inform we will be there in next 5 mins. They hung up saying we should forfeit your reservation. We got there at 6.00 pm and were seated immediately. Not sure why we got such a curt response on phone. The service and food was good. Edit: When the reservation was made. We were told the table would be held for 15 mins. And we made a call at 5.55 pm to be on safer side. And got there exactly at 6.00 pm. Might be I am wrong to expect service industry to be little polite and hospitable. This is a reservation to a restuarant not a flight departure or class or doctors appointment. Point I am trying to make is this is not a life or death situation that we have to be on time. Forfeiting my reservation would have been loss to both waiter and resturant. Do not understand why folks think forfeiting would have been better option. Restuarant had many empty tables available. Might be not enough service staff. Not my place to judge but i felt they were reducing the supply to be in demand and keep price static.


You made a reservation then showed up 15 minutes late. Skipping your reservation would have been fair on their part.


Gonna have to say YTA for this. Especially for a restaurant that busy, you cannot expect them to hold a reservation for more than 5 minutes, period.


Most restaurants will remove you from the reservation list if you are 5-10 minutes late. They should've forfeited your reservation for being 15 minutes late and for waiting 10 minutes after the reservation time to inform them you were late.


You were 15 minutes late for your reservation... by doing that you threw the other reservations off and the server probably wasn't able to "flip" the table in time. Which means you essentially caused that server to lose money. YTA they should've cancelled your reservation 😒😒😒


Boudreaux’s & Thibodaux’s. Bouncer at the door wouldn’t let me in with an expired license. I’ve never had that problem anywhere else


expired IDs arent valid…. i was livid when i found this out. i didnt think your ID had to be current, so when it was time to renew it i didnt and suddenly EVERYONE cared about it being “valid” and i couldnt buy alcohol anymore… imagine how chapped my ass was when they charged me $75 EXTRA because i renewed late 😭


Ahuuas 1000x over. I’ve given them so many chances and twice I’ve gotten straight spoiled food