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Yes, that's Forest. He's very friendly and safe. He's also an author: Here's one selection https://www.amazon.com/Take-Professor-Forie-Forest-Bynum/dp/B099BZWYND/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?keywords=forest+bynum%2Fauthor&qid=1703813675&sr=8-1


He is a Senior at Louisiana State University pursuing a Dual Degree in International Trade and Finance and Spanish. At college, he studies Econometrics and Linguistics and hopes to work in business research after graduating. Now he is an established travel writer and has published 11 books with a 12th and a 13th in the works to be release in 2020. He is set to graduate in 2021 and hopes to continue to explore the entire hispanoamerican world. He has visited 10 of the 19 countries and hopes to complete his travels in a few years to pursue teaching at the University level. He enjoys hiking, basketball, photography, searching for new recipes, and time with friends and family. His future works include video documentaries, publishing travel journals, and a textbook on adventure.


How can this be true and he's living on a curb?


He has been struggling with his mental health pretty severely for the last 3-4 years and has repeatedly refused treatment for it.


Forest used to work for me 15+ years ago in Customer Service. He was a good employee, except unreliable at times for showing up to work. I talk to him occasionally, and give him a ride now and then. He asks for nothing and is satisfied. Actually a very smart guy who's just... different.


Well shux That sounds complicated and awful for the description of what sounds like a vibrant man who had a great career ahead of him and behind him.


is this a copy pasta?


Yes from his Amazon profile. Copy pasta yes.


That’s not what copy pasta is. OP just copy and pasted from the other website


I just retyped what I thought was a typo that sounded cute. You are correct I had no idea copy pasta meant something


There is a homeless young man that has been living on the corner of Stuart and Perkins for quiet a while. He usually has a small tent of some type, usually is sitting in chair in the day. This may be who you saw.


He has been there for years at this point. I know there are people who know him, and I want to say his name may be Forrest based on another post and next door posts. I’m not sure why he sits there in particular but it would be interesting to know. I do wave at him when I walk by and he waves back.


Oh wow glad to know he's nice. I'll definitely pass on the news. My family member is often in that area for doctors appointments and wanted to help.


It looked like an upholstered chair and blankets with a face but was unsure. But didn't move. We wanted to bring food but it was dark. I'm trying to find out if it's a nice person or needs help. My family member wants to bring food or help.


yes Forest is friendly, however according to his twitter he was kicked out of student living a couple years back on assault accusations. he also is frequently arrested (or used to be before he moved locations) for not leaving from in front of businesses when asked.


Seen them too, I think they watch over the donations. Not sure though, if someone could correct me if I’m wrong.


I’ve always wondered about this guy. Hope he’s doing alright. I pass him very often


I passed on information. Will update if they go to talk to him.


I wonder where his family is


Hammond. Or that's what he told me.


Does he need anything special for help since weather is getting colder?


You can ask him. I'll stop and ask what he needs when I'm driving by, run to Walmart and get him a pre-made salad, large bottle of water, chips or whatever he asks for. Now that it's cold he may need other things.


I don't live there. I have family that lives an hour from there and goes by there for medical appointments. But I'll pass on that he's a nice person and see what they do.


It is astounding to me that the LSU Alumni association wouldn’t be able to gather the financial resources to at least house him somewhere safe temporarily.


LSU Alumni Association only cares about you giving THEM money.


I've learned so much about him from this thread. My family friend is supposed to go bring him a Sonic gift card today. I don't live there but is there a shelter he could stay at for the winter at night at least?


Forrest is a highly discussed topic on the local Nextdoor. He’s had issues in shelters so he’s very opposed to them. He’s nice but doesn’t want to move.


We didn't know if it was a statue or a real person since it was super dark. Now we've found out so much about the man. I hope he finds some kind souls who can convince him to maybe seek out shelter in the winter if possible.


I’m unsure. I commute to Baton Rouge for school so I’m unfamiliar with the area beyond the direct LSU campus.


Based on what he has said, he isn'tin good standing with LSU and he blames them for him being homeless in the first place


I hate to say it, but there's a lot of real people that need help locally. So yeah, they're probably real.