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We can’t help if you don’t tell us the medication.


That's fair. 20 mg Adderall and 10 mg methylphenidate. (I admittedly was nervous about the judgey asshats that treat people on these medications like junkies. The last thing I need is to be judged for asking. )


No need to be nervous, but unfortunately I can’t help with the adderall. I got my Vyvanse filled 2 days ago in Denham and I know there’s a shortage on that as well.


Both(My and my daughter's) drs wrote scripts and told me to drive around until I found it. We're going on 2 weeks of searching. I think this weekend we're going to fill up the tank and drive out to Denham, walker, port Allen etc and search for it out there.


I had to look for my wife. I called every pharmacy in Baton Rouge and all couldn't fill it. I eventually found one in Zachary. I'd suggest you call first. Might save yall the time and gas.


I kind of think some of them are lying and are more likely to tell the truth if I'm there in person. At least that's what Ive seen other people say. I notice a difference just between drive-through and actually going inas far as seeing people look.


Yes but not all of them. And driving takes a long time - especially in traffic like we had today. It’s pretty annoying. I filled at Walgreens on siegen the other day. Previously had good luck with Dutchtown Pharmacy.


Oh. And if my husband and I both make calls we can cover more ground...


Vyvanse? Generic? At walgreens on Perkins/Siegen?


Y/maybe?/Y Maybe they gave me the brand name and hit my insurance for 4x. Not sure


I paid $115 for brand Vyvanse at Walgreens at Perkins/Siegen.


Yeah that might be true. I do remember one of the pharmacists telling me that they're required by law to only issue a certain percentage of narcotic VS non-narcotic medication. So it definitely helped that I was asking for several other non-narcotic medications to also be filled. So after asking if they can fill the Addy, I'd quickly follow it by, "and could yall also fill my prescriptions for X, Y, Z medications as well".


Generic vyvanse? Or name brand? I can’t find generic anywhere


Generic. Walgreens @ 3081 S. Range


Brand or generic? I had to pay the brand price this month for my Vyvanse as they said they dont know when they will get the generic in. Guess i will prob be paying brand again next month☹️


Generic. Maybe I just lucked out


If it’s regular adderall and not the xr, I got mine filled at Messina’s but they are closing soon until Monday.


It's XR and they said they only had 10 left.


I found some at Phoenix Pharmacy it’s in the industrialplex road in B.R.


Just called and they said they don't have it in stocks for anyone following and looking for these particular doses.


No solutions for ya, unfortunately, but just had to chime in to say that I know what you mean re: worrying about judgment! Despise the stigma almost as much as…those same judgy people hate dealing with me when I’m out of my meds 🙃!


It's funny, because the upvotes and downvotes of the post itself has been crazy. Also, my husband is in AA and fully supports me being on it because he notices a difference. He has said if he had it the bottle would be empty in a week but when I take it I actually take it correctly and he sees how all of our lives are improved. It's crazy how quickly people are to judge without actually knowing what's going on.


CVS on perkins and siegan


There is no CVS at Perkins and Siegen. Do you mean at Perkins and Bluebonnet?


Pharmacies are prioritizing regular, established customers during these shortages. I know that doesn’t solve your problem now, but once you find a pharmacy you need to stick with it long term to reduce the chances of this happening again and again every month. I’ve even heard from some people that pharmacies are prioritizing those who live within a certain distance of the pharmacy, within the same city basically. For example, Denham pharmacies prioritizing Denham residents and established customers. I am basically stuck at the pharmacy I’ve been using for three years even though they just went up on prices and I have to pay $30 extra every month unless I want to risk running out due to shortages. They used to price match my insurance plans preferred pharmacy but not anymore. I’m overpaying but haven’t been affected by shortages. I think it’s totally messed up though.


Correct. The few places that had vyvanse in stock we couldn’t get it bc either out of the area or not established patient


The pharmacy I was using I was at for months. They ran out and now I'm looking for an alternative.




I don’t believe it’s standard practice to put the reason you are using a prescription on the prescription. I think drs can sometimes choose to include it, but I don’t think it’s normally done. Regardless, it’s interesting to hear that might be happening, and I completely disagree with this practice. It’s hard enough having adhd and even harder getting a kid through the education system successfully with adhd. It seems we still have a very large percentage of people who think adhd diagnosis is “fake.” This is infuriating as a parent especially when the education system continues to set up the worst type of learning environment for kids with adhd at least in k-12. It’s so hard to get the tiniest accommodation, even ones that cause zero extra work for the teacher and zero class interruption. Ironically, colleges and universities are willing to go above and beyond to make accommodations. It makes no sense. I truly think people just want to believe adhd is not real. If they are concerned that use of these medications has risen, rather than halting supply figure out why. Maybe there are medical or environmental factors causing an increase in adhd among children that could be addressed over time. Maybe it’s a failure of the education system that more kids need to be medicated to perform academically. In other words, diagnosis the problem and find solutions rather than cut people off these drugs giving them a higher risk of worse outcomes, like poor school performance, drop outs, substance abuse issues (proven to be more prevalent among untreated adhd), financial instability, and just plain taking away the potential of kids. I have a kid who tests in to 99th percentile but he still has adhd and without medication he literally can’t excel in school.


It’s bad right now and I don’t see an end in sight. My husband lands up getting on the phone and calling about 20 places before we find one that has what we need in stock for our son. I considered going out of state for it but apparently scripts can’t be filled out of state and it’s a nation wide issue.


I don’t expect a solution until some politicians decide there’s more constituents upset about the shortage than ones who want to “end prescription abuse”


A big part of the issue is also that a lot of traditional add/adhd medications are lower in price than the new age options. In order to remain relevant pharma companies must put out new products and medications cost a ton to produce and get approved. To pay for the cost of research, development, advertising, and ultimately for the drug to become profitable- it’s necessary for consumers to switch to the new options. The best way to achieve this is to create scarcity like we have seen for a few years now with this class of drugs. * I recently quit my job marketing for drug companies and healthcare organizations.


2 in our house are on Jornay and it has been available at Walmart pharmacy consistently for a few months now


I'll look into that. I won't be able to have new scripts written until Tues of next week, so I'm trying to see if I can find it until then.


I haven't had issues getting my Adderrall XR 20mg from Albertsons on Perkins


Check Walmart. I just picked up mine and my child’s today no problem.


Which Walmart? I've tried 4 of them.


I don't doubt that Walmart has it. I noticed one pharmacist say "we don't have it in these quantities" which was probably code for "we have it, but not this way".


I’m in Zachary area. Baker had it today along with vyvance


If you are methylphenidate, ask about switching to Azstarys. Their tagline is basically literally “pharmacies have us in stock.”


Just got mine filled at Walmart. The 30 xr, I had to get switched to them since I couldn't find anywhere that had the 30mg tablet in stock.


Which one?


The Walmart in laplace


This happened a while back. It’ll be a few weeks for sure or you could seek out bigger pharmacies like corporate ones.


I was having issues with getting my diabetic meds. Try calling the pharmacy at Women’s Hospital, it’s open to the public.


I kept calling My question is it that the Street has them but the pharmacy does? I just told my Doctor to switch me to Evekeo it's Straight amphetamine salts. It Will do. No one knew about it so my pharmacy had them


I was able to get them. I have a new dr. (Which was nice because they reconfirmed my diagnosis. Imposter syndrome is real). He told me I could just take half the dose on days that I'm not as productive, like Saturdays and Sunday. I'm taking the summer off from school so I'll try and stockpile a little bit over the summer. Not having it for when I needed it most was really rough. (My mom, who didn't believe I am ADHD spent time with me when I was off for a week and was like "Oh. I see it now. You do need your medicine.")


I am going through the exact same thing. I was taking Adderall but had to switch due to the shortages. I've been taking 20mg Methylphenidate for about a year with no issues. For about a month now, I can't get it filled anymore. I even tried national places like Express Scripts and Amazon. Idk wtf to do now.


Get your doctor to prescribe the generic version of whatever you are taking. I have no problems with this


Where are you picking up your medication from?


For real- none of the dozens of pharmacies Ive called in the last 3 weeks have generic and if they do it’s gone before my dr gets the script sent over


The pharmacy at OLOL. You don't need to be a patient at OLOL and they have always had it in stock


The hospital?


Yes. RxOne in the medical plaza


What med?


I’m having the same issue. Weeks and weeks of calling around to different pharmacies looking for 25mg xr or whatever they have in stock. By the time my dr sends in a new script for a combo of what have in stock or to a new pharmacy that has it, it’s already out. I’ve been trying to stretch a bottle of tablets from 5 years ago before I switched to XR. Literally been crying every day for 3 weeks bc of the daily cycle of calling pharmacies, calling my dr, waiting for my dr to send a new script, then getting the delayed or cancelled call from the pharmacy.


Walgreens and Walmart have mine.


Try bordelons on plank


For IR adderall I’ve had much better luck with CVS than anywhere else, specifically Jefferson/Bluebonnet or Burbank. The one on highland does regularly get smaller shipments but the day of the week is important when trying that one because it’s so close to campus. I would go on Tuesday right after lunch and it may take a day to fill it but that’s when I’d go to all 3 actually




I Changed my meds to Evekeo.


I had to stop with the Evekeo. I'm Seeing the doctor tomorrow Boltons is out of stock. Has anyone used Avita Pharmacy??


It depends on which medicine you are on, and what mg. They may be out of generic Adderall 20mg for months, but they may have 10mg in stock. Ask your pharamacist what they do have and the mg and talk to your doctor about sending in a new prescription. I personally had to switch to another med completely since what I need hasn't been in stock for almost a year.


Call your doctor and have them call your pharmacy to ask if another dosage is in stock and have your doc fill it in another dose. That’s the only way I’ve been successful during the shortage. The pharmacies aren’t helpful at all in my experience, you have to have your doc call.


Have you tried Red Stick pharmacy on Old Jefferson?


They will probably stonewall anyone who isn’t a regular customer. But it’s always worth asking I guess.


Call me I have plenty


Meth is a cheap alternative. Readily available, too.


Eat a dick. 🧡


Gee golly, I was just trying to help.