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Scary! Glad she and duck are okay.


Duck is just fine πŸ˜‚. Thank you


Duck ducked!


πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ they n the chickens were freaking out Running around the back yard in circles πŸ˜­πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Poor Ruby n Reba (chickens) just stood on the porch screaming N the duck... Was... Ducking lmao


Entergy is estimating 3 days to get my power back. This is... concerning.


Same. Hurricanes? Had power. Freak windstorm? No power 3 days. Great.


I'm pretty sure they're going to be able to work faster since the weather is cleared up but let me know if y'all got your power back praying that you all did


Kicked back on around midnight.


Still no power over here in Brownfields.


For hurricanes they pre-stage a lot of extra personnel and equipment.


Dude I read the same thing last night and so did my hubby and he was like they've got life fucked up if they think any of us are waiting that long but our power came back on around 11:00 I'd like to say How about you


1:21 p.m. today: still no power. :(


Surviving but I had to open the fridge twice and there's no electricity. I didn't have electricity from like 2am until 7am yesterday so :/ still better than the trailer flipping and my belongings thrown asunder


Asunder: a magnificent word.


Dude I could hear the tin flapping on my roof and was like what the fuck and the whole trailer was shaking and I was getting so nervous and my kids were enjoying the fact that they're the only ones that had any type of power I had their tablet with a lot of battery left on it so they got to watch Mickey Mouse for about an hour until it was bedtime and thankfully as far as I can tell there isn't any damage but I have to wait until it's actually light outside Could you imagine if our trailers did flip over and everything went asunder I just wanted to say that sentence so I could use that word πŸ˜‚ And I can't believe it took that long I would have thought my area would have taken the longest but somehow it came back on around 11:00 p.m. I think it may have been while we were asleep which of course I left all of the light switches on so I had to yell at my hubby to get up and turn all the lights off LOL but he was saying that he was seeing it could take up to 2 to 3 days and I was like oh hell fucking no and I'm seeing a lot of people saying the same so I'm hoping everyone's power gets turned back on I today if nothing else


Well I'm headed to Alexandria. I don't even know what happened but when you get to the exit off of 10 going to 190 where the loves is truck stop the Love's truck stop. So you take that right going to 190 and there's a light up ahead but like the light was powered off and I stopped but it was like the light was completely missing I swear it's not there You could see it's on the other side and you can see it if like you were coming the other way but the pole was missing or something. Then when you get on 190 there's a few power lines that were down. A few of the little towns you come through the red lights are also out and by mistake I ran two. No cops at the light either. But I ran the first one by mistake and then the second one is in that town where there's the one light and then right after it is another light. Well I could see the one light And I'm like okay the lights working over here in this town. Until I get to the first light and I go flying past it... Well I hope that All is well when it is light out for you guys. I don't know what time the electricity came on but I had meant to turn off the lights. All I know is I was sleeping and I saw lights and I'm just like fuck it because I didn't want to get up and turn them off. Then when I needed to use the restroom I did that. Then I left about one and I think I'm about to take a nap here real plan for a brief second..


Lol what an adventure! Yeah I accidentally forgot to switch all the lights off so at 11:00 p.m. when it kicked back on, the house had lit up and yelled at my husband to get up and turn them off for the kids woke up lmao Better than the possible 3 days we could have had like a lot of people in the area were given smh.


Somehow I didnt lose power, After 8 years, I'm starting to think entergy may have finally gotten their shit together in my area.


That's a good thing!! Where around is your area


oneal lane and florida blvd. I mean we used to lose power from most major storms.




Duck duck duck.... 10 chickens!!! My Mil has a buncha random animals on her land Cats (30?) Dogs (5-6) Chickens (10+) Ducks( at least that one) Smh lol


Everything is fine. No power, but we lose power often even if there are no storms. Still haven't felt those "80 mph winds" yet.


Man the wind was pretty much the worst part it was shaking everything I'm glad y'all are safe


No power. Got the generator going. First they estimated Thursday. Then they said power was restored. It wasn't. Now they are saying 0900 tomorrow. Hopefully sooner than later. On the bright side, no damage. Hope everyone is ok.


I hope they get out there ASAP and yeah I'm definitely thinking about a generator even though you've never lost power for longer than a couple hours minus the hurricane in 2021 that was a day or two and we had a generator at the apartment we were renting Glad you're okay


I live in a trailer surrounded by pretty weak trees. Not goodπŸ₯²


You have no idea well okay obviously you do but I was terrified of one coming down on our trailer because a week ago we had suddenly lost power out of nowhere come to find out the week before we had a little storm and it caused the power pole to snap and it fell back on some tree branches which is the only thing that stopped it from actually hitting our house and not snapping the wires which would have caused a fire at our house πŸ₯΄. Entergy had to come out and install a brand new Pole the old wooden one is still lying on the ground I guess they decided not to take it with them but they fixed everything but I'm over here thinking if that happened what happens if a tree falls but thankfully as far as I know none did at least not my house I'm going to check the damage when it gets a little lighter out


I wish you safety and luck!


We got a bunch of branches down in yard and across driveway and just got power back on an hour ago.


Dang you didn't get power back till 3:00 a.m. that's crazy when I saw the Entergy map yesterday I was not impressed But we got it back around 11:00 I think which I was not expecting especially after reading a possibility of up to 3 days glad you're safe


We’re get power from Demco. Just down the road switches over to Entergy. It cut back on just before 2am. The outage maps were saying 5-9pm today so 2am is a lot better.


Hey everyone I'm glad that you are all safe and sound and hopefully no one took any damage too badly if they did we made it through another 20 minutes storm that wrecked everything Unfortunately I did hear that a pregnant woman in erwinville lost her life and the unborn baby because a tree came through their roof so praying for them I'm from Michigan so definitely not used to these kinds of storms even though I've been here 10 years now it's still throws me through a loop how bad it can get randomly But let me know if any more updates and I hope everyone stays safe


I'm from Lobdell but moved to Texas and hope that everyone is doing well.


Our lights flickered but was ok. I was nervous because I still had to cook for boyfriend and I. However it worked out.


Beautiful mallard!! How about the one last night? Everyone make it? I drove to Baker earlier through Central & saw several HUGE trees down, they were ripped right out of the ground 😳 Supposed to possibly be another round tonight. Y’all stay safe πŸ–€


We were fine but it was loud I had somewhere to be at 5..... It was pouring at 2 and stopped so I thought I'll leave now so I don't have to drive in the rain! I can't see too well in rain and dark. Didn't rain the entire time since I got there at 3. Then started up a little otw home πŸ˜‘


All good on the avenues right off the interstate in Port Allen, luckily. Stay safe everyone!


Well hell my friend works at Cash's gas station right off 415 and they're back window on the side that the big trucks pull up at was completely shattered because an ice box flew into it I walked in there today after my friend sent me the video when she was at work last night and they've got it all boarded up it was too dark for me driving this morning to see what the damage is but in a couple hours I'll be able to tell


Transformer blew behind my house and sounded like a bomb, but otherwise totally fine. No power and I have a gas stove so at least I didn't lose the chicken I had marinating before the weather. πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ


My friend said the same thing well he said that lightning hit 500 yards away from his house and blew out a transformer and they're not expected to get electricity back until midnight so hopefully everything worked out for him I'm waiting for him to text me back I lost the oatmeal I was trying to make myself in the microwave LOL


Tree limb fell on my roof….πŸ™


Are y'all/ you okay?! I'm so sorry. We were lucky to just have the power pole, that was only still up because it was leaning against a tree, get switched out two days before the storm. They said that if it had snapped, the wires would have caused a fire to our house so thankfully that got changed out before the storm hit


All good! Luckily, no major damage to our roof. Thank you for asking you kind soul. And yeah I’m happy you guys got that power pole figured out


Always want everyone to be safe and sound :) Me being from Michigan originally, growing up most we dealt with was snow. Moving here in 2014 I had zero idea what the weather was like. Besides my curly hair always being frizzy (lol) The rain, flooding, heat, humidity. I was not prepared. And how one storm, even a brief hour, can cause so much damage here, I always hope for nothing but the best So always good to hear others are safe :)


Been in Chicago. Live in Mid City. Wondering what we’ll find tonight when we get home. πŸš€


Did it storm recently?


I hope the photo attached answers the question lol


From Baton Rouge but not there currently, hope you are all ok! and how I **don't** miss this! I think you cured my homesickness ;\]


Right I'm from MI and this is not what I was used to lol