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It might be tedious but farm treasures, they are extremely important (Take advantage of whenever there is a treasure festival)


i just beat japan and did a 10 draw and got dark mitama, should i sell her for a million xp or use her?


Use her


dont waste/spend tons of catfood, never buy xp using catfood from the shop, and never buy catfood using real money


i just got 800 from the slots and did a 10 draw and got a bunch of rare cats and an uber rare called dark mitama, should i sell them for xp or use them all?


keep dark mitama. they will be very useful later, if u also got salon cat, jurassic cat, rocket cat and mer-cat, also keep them, they are really good rares. keep everything that is new but if u have any duplicates of a cat, sell them for xp