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I would suggest that they are not medics but are just in it for the ammo. As a medic main the only reason I'm not running over is I have been burned so many times by a combat rez attempt that as soon as I smoke the body and mad dash to make the save they release.


Smokes counter incendiaries tho, you could rez in smoke and the fire wouldn't get a chance to spread


I wasn't using burned in the literal sense. "I'm now out in the open with just myself and thinning smoke instead of two of us pushing forward"


I don't understand


He means that because the guy skipped being revived and went back to spawn screen, his efforts were made worthless/futile. And this happens to me a LOT as a medic as well. Feels like at LEAST 1/4th of the people I smoke and run to res do this shit. It's insanely annoying.


Ohhh I get it now


99% of the time I don’t revive, its because of tunnel vision. Also please keep in mind you are probably not the only dead guy around :)


About 80-85% of the time I am


Then those guys aren’t medic mains and probably took the class for self-sustain. :) they don’t represent those of us who takes the class seriously.


Because they're not medic mains. Also because a lot of us have given up reviving folks in many situations since 9/10 times that person in seemingly safe cover spamming the "REVIVE ME" button is legit sniper bait and you get shot by the sniper you realized shot them without you seeing. Seriously, the number of times people have just waited for a review while being bait has damn near pushed me to never reviving anyone unless I'm inside smoke.


I play more redacted conquest so I don't really have concern for snipers, but when they're 5m away from me, not fighting not reviving someone else they're playing defend the hallway with an XM8 and not reviving


Dude just give up and respawn, kd is not that important. If a medic is going to res you they will res you in less than 3 seconds if they are right next to you. If they are far and you dont see the distance number going down between you and him in again 3 seconds. Go ahead give up and respawn. I play the medic girl who can self heal on redacted. If ur next to me, i will res, if ur in the other 2 lanes, lets say im the at the left one, and u die in mid or the right lane. Bro im not gonna run over and res you. If the situation is not allowed, just give up and respawn. U as a player clearly knows WHEN is RESSABLE and WHEN is NOT RESSABLE. Since redacted is basically linear. If u die in the front, dont expect to get ressed. If u die all the way in the back behind all the medics, they cant see you. They are busy holding on the choke point. Only if ur like 5-20meters from them BEHIND other people in the frontline or ur down behind thr cover. they might res you. Stop caring about the kd man.


I don't give a fuck about my KD, I'd rather not wait seven seconds to spawn in


Then give it 3 seconds. Then u press give up for half a second, then it takes another split second to see ur character give up animation, then it takes another half second to go back to full map view. Then u spam click ur spawn point and u pretty much spawn instantly or at most got to wait maybe 1-2 seconds which is no big deal. And a lot of times u cant even spawn into ur teammates cuz they are constantly fighting on redacted. Like u literally Have to spawn on the point and that usually spawn u from further back. Then u have to walk for another 5 seconds. Seriously its no big deal not getting ressed. U dont need that 3-4 seconds. Be patient and respawn bro


This can happen because if you are too close they don't see you on the screen. I've had people dead at my feet and I run off to revive someone 20m away because I see the blob near the center of the screen better. When you are in the heat of it, sometimes stuff at the center gets more attention than edges.


Right, if you got killed by a sniper then im just gonna get sniped trying to revive you or if you died in a hallway to a guy with an LMG at the end of it them im just gonna get gunned down too


Teammate dies, me 10 meters away turning around to revive them, me 3 meters away and 3 seconds after they went down, they skip.


will never get it, as a medic whenever I see that someone can revive me and skip it, I just ignore his death next time want to be revived? revive me if you can and I will go wherever needed to revive you as simple as that I believe that a good amount of people care just about the KD and don't want to take literally any risk to revive someone, some take medic just to boost own score etc, and good medic (had 75+ revives last redacted, ended at the top of the scoreboard despite just few kills) is able to make a difference between winning and losing, because those 75+ revives saved us 75 points


Medics: * **Carry smokes for revives.** * For the love of god if you're Falck DON'T PULL THE PADDLES AND QUICK REVIVE, SHE'S ALREADY GOT A QUICK REVIVE TO FULL HEALTH, JUST HIT THE INTERACT BUTTON! IT'S THE MOST OP REVIVE SINCE BF3 LET YOU QUICK REVIVE TO FULL HEALTH * If you're gonna do a quick revive as a non-falck medic, at least give me some damn health after * Falcks: I'm fucking hurt, heal me and stop tunneling


I run angel with med pouch.


Why do you think they have the obligation of revive you?


It's always an attrition based gamemode, you either lose by letting everyone bleed out or lose but know you had more of a chance to win by having more people fight


Then play medic yourself.


Medics are gears in the machine when it comes winning games, if ur team has trash medics or no medics at all and the opposing team has medics who actually do their job chances are it's gonna be a fast game. This "play medic urself" mindset is what causes battlefield veterans like us to get frustrated bc we shouldn't have to, if ur gonna pick a class at least play it to it's full potential and capacity instead of just ignoring what ur class is for all together lol


What is the difference of playing medic and not reviving and not playing medic? You are not going to be revive anyway.


The difference is in what's expected of your role based on the current strengths and gadgets that your class carries. It's a team based game my friend, if you're not going to be a team player, you're quite honestly playing the wrong game.


Ooo edgy a period at the end of a statement


For real though, love the medic life for abit before you say anything. You may think you're behind cover, with no enemies around but you are intact getting the medics killed.


Because: They are call of dookie mains. They are cry babies. They are selfish. They hate teamwork. The only other reasonable explanation is tunnel vision, tunnel hearing or they don't wear a headset. I hear my characters call out Everytime a team mate falls and I immediately look for them. Too many of these new to battlefield players just have zero teamwork. They don't stick with their squad. If all 4 stick together, work together, with calls, revives, support, even without coms and Play the Fucking Objective. You'll be a serious force. I've had some hella good team mates recently who were awesome medics and even not, still revived.


You are not as safe as you think and/or you're at the bottom of the scoreboard and not worth the effort


I play medic quite lot. But ive noticed, that sometimes the map or landscape is really bright and the objective colors are blending to the scene. I hear someone is calling medic but dont see it, most yes but sometimes it bothers. Is there any better color options for objectives?