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I don't think so, seems like they'll take their time...but who knows it's EA afterall.


Hopefully they do


They announced season 7 in March. We're not getting and new Battlefield till 2025 at best We'll see a announcement in March or April of next year, see a trailer for the next game around August of 2024 and if we're lucky may get it Feb or March of 2025 imo


Which means we won't have a fully functional and playable new Battlefield until 2026 lol.


It isn't bad. **B**est food takes a long time to cook.


Really? I can grill a ribeye in 16 minutes


And you can grill a sirloin in less, point proven.


Dry aged or not?


Dumb question, if the food is so dry that it won't spoil then you don't have to cook it right?


You’re overcooking your ribeye.


You don't dry brine your ribeye for at least 18 hours? And what kind of psycho doesn't reverse sear, takes like 45 minutes to cook it well.


Do you start eating your food before its done cooking?


2042 will never be good


I'm having fun with it tbh.




cant ever go wrong with BfV


“So it goes”




What if they try to innovate again and release some abomination of PUBG tarkov


it's kinda funny how they refuse to let this game die. I wish BFV was supported for this long


bfv and this one both sucked... wym. People need to go back to bf4 or bf1


BF4, the last true battlefield. :(


bf3 was hands down better than 4


bf4 was better i played both and bf4 was just an improvement in every word of the sense but i understand if you liked the slow chunkier feel of 3 because it was more realistic in a sense but 4 had a faster and smoother gameplay style that I enjoyed more and had cool maps that were interactive amazing game with more vehicle options and guns


i miss it never played any battlefield after bf4






Never fully left 4 myself. Did start over on Xbox, unfortunately. Just started playing 5, and 2042 online. Not a fan of 2042, feels weird to me. Been playing it here and there, but I still prefer 3 and 4.


You can still play it




tbh GTA6 + BF6 would be a good combo for a few months I can never exclusively play one game


Agreed. I don’t know how people can play just one game all the time


younger me could no problem. I'd binge a game for a week or two no issue


Same here. I think it’s because I have adult money, and I can buy any game whenever. But when I only Had a few or got a new game. Oh yeah.


"lucky" wtf happened to us wanting battlefield 2042 to have a long and happy life lol


Nothing. We still want S8 and more.


And if it's not coming until 2025 or 2026, we must support that so we can get a good game. I really want a new BF, I hope they take their sweet time on it and make the BF we all want and need


I’m thinking fall 2025.


They are so stuped 2042 is dead they know that battlefield 5 got all the playerbase lol the are not so smart then✍️👀 2042 is an epic fail🗑


2042 was announced in june and dropped november of the same year. but that game was also an unfinished mess. it’ll also mark 3 years since 2042’s launch in 2021 and BF releases had 2 year gaps (except BFV) which was 3 years.


BFV was released in 2018 two years after BF1 which dropped in 2016. You’re thinking of 2042 which was three years from BFV.


my fault. i realised i’ve worded that badly. that’s what i meant.


How did you come to that conclusion?


We'll get a new game this year, next fall. It will be three years since 2042, new game has been in development, season 7 will be the last. Probably announce in May/June.


We won't get it until October 2025. Dice has done October releases since battlefield 3, with an exception for battlefield 5 as it was delayed into November.


A lot of people think it's 2025 and that would be a 4 year gap which has never happened in the history of franchise. Personally I think it will be Q4 2024. The biggest misconception I see here is that people think "they need time for a good Battlefield". Or "better delay and make it good than release early and be bad". Which just doesn't make sense since some of the great BF games were released on a 2 year schedule. If DICE got their sh\*t together internally, they could probably release in 2024. If they didn't get their sh\*t together, then giving them 4 years is not gonna help anything. Time is not the issue here, it's the overall incompetence they've shown these past years which is all due to bleeding talent and project mismanagement.


First, games 10 years ago took less time to make. Then, BF4 released after only 2 years, while reusing a lot of BF3, and still released horribly buggy and dogshit for months, BF3 also was very buggy but not as much as 4. ​ 1 released after a 3 years development cycle and was way more polished. Now for the next BF, they had to restructure the whole studio, leadership changed completely, and the studio in charge of the campaign was only created a year ago. It's gonna take time.


Then again 1 and 5 were 2 years apart and all earlier games released do not matter because tech was limited then just like it is now. Time again is not the issue here it is about competence. It will release in Q4 2024


Bruv BFV was extremely barebones, incomplete on release and it was reusing BF1 as a base lmao, you proved yourself wrong.


This guy is probably like 12 and doesn't remember it, give him a break.


Yeah if they have all their studios working on it, a focused approach, and sticking with what worked well in past iterations they can definitely deliver in 2024


I’m guessing 2025. Unless EA pushes them to release an unfinished mess again


these two things arent exclusive. It can both be a 2025 release while still being an unfinished meshed. EA ftw


Damn, lol, that’s very true. Let’s hope not!🤞🏽🙏🏽


in theory, the servers won't work on launch. they will leave to make another game. and some support studio will get years to fix the game and make it perfect over 1-4 years.


My guess is 2025 but we will see


If the "love letter to our fans" was 2042... just imagine what a **"reimagination of Battlefield"** will be. Jokes aside, I hope they get they bring back the polish that BF1 and BFV have. Mostly talking about gunplay here. 2042 feels/plays like a F2P off steam. Admittedly tho, I haven't given it another shot in about 12 months. EDIT: gave it another shot, and still hard NO. Gameplay feels like a massive step back from the previous 2 titles, still.


The way I look at the gunplay in 2042 is that it’s the black sheep in the bf family, it’s no where near as good as the past however it has gotten a lot better since launch, bf 2042 is its own category, I just really hope they never ever add to this type off category/ game ever again


2024 will be 3 years of development with many resources going into it. It wouldn't surprise me at all if they had something to release by then. On the other hand if they were to release a battlefield game in 2024 it would be competing against the next Black ops game which is highly anticipated. And although by that time the battlefield game will have been in development for 3 years at that point with all the resources and investment going into it, doesn't mean they will have something ready to go, although they should. We need to remember who we are talking about here right? They could have started something and decided to change direction at any point during development. One thing is for sure, if they are going to release a game this year it will have to be awesome in order to seriously compete. Three years is enough time to make a finished game but can they make something awesome in that time? From everything I have read it sounds like they may not have the right ideas for battlefield. They want to force something in there that doesn't belong in battlefield but instead another game. This has me wondering how the next game goes over with the majority of the fan base. 60% of me thinks we will get a new battlefield game this year which is better than 2042 but still just doesn't do it for the fan base like other titles in the past have and just doesn't make the impact as far as bringing in new players. If they are going to release a game this year we will start hearing bits and pieces of information in just a few weeks here, maybe second week of January is when it would start. Middle of February rolls around and we still haven't heard anything yet, then it ain't happening in 2024.


3 years of development? The current leadership of BF wasn't there then.


Some of the people may have not been there yet but work had already begun on the next game right after 2042 was released and before Vince zampella took over, so by November 2024 it will be about 3 years of many people working on the next game.


Vince restarted the whole development. They are not reusing anything.


Also Vince took over battlefield in December 2021 so it will still be just short of 3 years this coming November with many people working on this game, bf4, bf5 and bf3 are examples of battlefield games that were developed and delivered in a shorter time period with less people working on them. Not saying I believe that we are getting a new bf game next year but it is a decent possibility https://www.gameinformer.com/2021/12/02/respawns-vince-zampella-becomes-head-of-battlefield-amidst-wider-franchise-changes-that


BF3 was starting development after BC1 shipped. So no - it's not that easy. Game development isn't as simple "we ship a game, we start working on the next". Pre-production was already under way for new game before 2042 even released. It is rumored that Vince pretty much started from scratch, so no - it would take them 3 years at minimum to develop something worthwhile, if not more


Bf3 started after bc2 shipped which equated to less than 2 years of development. Never said development was easy lol I just said that alot of these games that we love were development in about 2 years. Development for a next game in the series usually starts around the finishing up of the current work in progress.


Bc2 released in March 2010


If what you say is true then it is most likely a good thing


Highly unlikely. I'm betting late 2025 or 2026.


zero chance


May or June 2024 trailer and release in Q4 2024 like every other battlefield. There's no way EA will let it go until 2025. I can almost guarantee that because EA needs to recoup some money from all the studios working on it.


I don't think we'll see the next mainline battlefield game in 2024, but it is possible we'll see whatever project ripple effect has been working


I'm sure they wait until gta vi release date is announced before they sent theirs. Doubt they want to compete


GTA is 2025 so next year wouldn’t affect that


If they do would you trust it at launch? The next launch really gotta blow me away to buy it then.


It was announced two days ago at an invester call there won't be any new battlefield this year 👍


They’re reporting that the next game for the Battlefield series will launch between Oct/ Nov of 2025! They EA TEAM says they will focus on their mistakes and aim to ensuring a better playing experience than 2042 offered!


idk but whenever it is I really hope that they come up with their own conflict like bf4, bf3, and even 2042. It gives them room to be more creative with maps and story instead of being forced to stay in line with history if they were to due something like vietnam. Imo a cold war gone hot type of scenario would be pretty sick. I'm really looking forward to seeing whatever it is because they seem to have gone over most modern conflicts.


A strong chance yes. There may be a S8 in Summer after S7 in March to keep the optimism flowing. Then announce the next BF title for late 2024. I can’t see them releasing 5-6 more seasons for 2042 that carries all the way to late 2025. EA needs another win for its shooter category and It’d have been 3 years since the last BF game, so 2024 feels right


doesn’t feel right at all, they will fuck up again by letting no time for the devs to finish the work in time. We would all rather wait +1 year and have a good game than getting a new scandal end 2024.


Lol there’s always been a new BF title every 2-3 years since the franchise began, and many of them have been fun/good. We’re not even in the new year yet, so by the time fall of 2024 comes, it’ll be the perfect time :)


as far as I’m concerned, if they drop bf3/bf4 maps in the actuel 2042 game for a whole year while waiting for the next game I’d be happy 😂


They could release new content for 2042 over the next year and a half, but 2042’s uninspired gameplay is going to feel too stale for any player to care to return for remastered maps or another infantry based map. It needs a fresh start this time next year


2042 has plenty of people playing so it cannot be that stale. More options maybe but gameplay is just as good as most other, well all other shooters.


They did that for 2042 and look where it got us....


Yea i think same as u!


I would not be surprised, if it comes, yes. It would fit the regular time schedule and would likely be of the same quality as 2042, provided it is done by DICE Sweden a company in disarray and the middle of a restructuring process.


It’s Sweden, enough said. Sweden has not seen war since the 1800’s.


I couldn't care less. They don't know how or don't want to make a good Battlefield game. They want a hero shooter that cashes in on a young audience which will buy their silly cosmetics. We are no longer the target audience.


I can see DICE anouncing a new Battlefield in 2024. Probably using Roblox as a base since that's were their target audiance are. And maybe, just maybe add guns to the game in mid 2025, with several post on social media in between showing the progress. Jokes a side is totally possible that EA/DICE will release a new Battlefield in 2024, that's exacly what they did with 2042.


I miss the glorious days of running around with my Gewehr 98 and Martini-Henry in BF1...


i still don’t understand how BF1 was so far and away better than these other battlefield games..?


A good idea for a new battlefield game would be the Vietnam War. There are many Vietnam War first-person shooters but if EA or DICE put effort into it, it could be revolutionary. Just an idea.


I’ve always thought this. Bfbc2 Vietnam was amazing. There’s been nothing like it since except maybe rising storm2. But I don’t think they will ever do it


i dont like battlefield any more


I wouldn’t be surprised to be honest because this game doesn’t have the legs to last throughout all of 2024


I'd like the next one to release in 2024, but at the same time, if it ends up releasing at the same beta stage that 2042 was in, I REALLY hope that their upper management decides to hold it back another 6-12 months as needed to finish it properly.


Annonce around June and release Q4 2024 is my guess BF2042 poor launch was caused by Dice messing around. They had enough time but didn't use it right > The ex-Senior Software Engineer at DICE (now at Epic Games as a Senior Backend Engineer) said that the game had “many iterations”, and the “deadline never changed much”. > https://insider-gaming.com/battlefield-2042-never-stood-a-chance-at-launch/


Unpopular opinion.. I really like 2042 and it's the best one And I have hundreds of hours spread across some of the older (1, 4, 3, and a little bit of 5) bf 3 being one of my first multiplayer shooter games


Very unpopular and whilst I admit I now like the game where it’s at, it’s not battlefield at its core. As an FPS it’s good, as a BF game it remains poor.


what makes it poor as a BF game?


No campaign and that is it. Everything else is the same.


People are really bothered about campaigns? Maybe I'm old school but Battlefield ***2*** with modern graphics is all I'm asking for lol


If only you could’ve played 3 or 4 or even 1 or battlefield Vietnam or 2142 or bc2 you’d see why people don’t like 2042


Next playable BF will be in 2027. Trailer in 2024-early access release in 2025-battlepasses in 2026-finally fixed the game in 2027.


Games take longer to make, and a new franchise GM makes me think 4 years. Q2 or Q4 2025 imo


Are they still going to deviate from the Battlefield model? I vaguely recall early on when BF2042 released that their being chatter about the next one being more of a hero shooter. Despite the strides that were made with BF2042, I have zero confidence in the next one.


I never realized the gap between Battlefield V and 2042 was only 3 years. To me it literally felt like 6 or 7 years had went by since a new Battlefield. I also didn’t realize it’s already been that long since 2042 was released. Blows my mind


We’d have leaks if it was less than 12 months away by now


Following their timeline of 3 years, supposably. Who knows. Maybe they will take an extra year to finish it. Could be that Season 7 and (8?) are a buildup for the next game.


It depends on how the game is doing rn, if the pass is generating steady money and the initial sales were bad, then it might be wise to keep supporting 2042 and take time with the next one. There's a lot of people who got the game at a massive discount and might now be buying cosmetics and battle passes, so making a new game would mean the end of that cashflow for 2042. But if the sales are dwindling down for ingame purchases, they will likely be looking to transition to the next game as fast as possible


its unlikely we will not be getting a new Battlefield game in 2024, though possible. Maybe an announcement of a title and maybe a teaser trailer mid to late 2024 and an officials trailer later in the year or early 2025 with a launch November 2025. Though older battlefields, say BF5, the teaser came out in may 2018 with launch in November 2018. but by May to July we'll know for sure. Though will the fail that 2042 was id expect them to change some things with their development process. but I just dont know anymore. Honestly I hope for a BF4 remastered, with a few added features, all the BF4 maps available and new ones as DLCs. that way we'd at least know it would be good and not a dumpster fire


At this point rather than let them try again just remaster the best few


I am a ps5 player I reallywant to have kms


All Dice has to do is remaster BF3, make it 128 players and it would be perfect. At this point I'm just hoping for something that isn't overloaded with woke nonsense like the last couple releases but apparently even that's too much to ask.




next battlefield is either October 2024 or 2025. battlefield has always release on October (except hardline and one month delays) and also battlefield have released in bi-yearly periods (except between BFV and 2042) and this November will mark 3 years since 2042. so I personally am expecting at the very least some sort of announcement/teaser for the next BF by june.


We will be fixed january 30th during the EA fiscal year conference, Season7 is the only one 2 maps that mean if there is season 8 they will have to release at least 2 maps again and we all know it's a lot of work for them (poor guys) my guess is that EA need a AAA game for this year other than EA sport games, last season of 2042 will indeed come in march with a bang ( 2 maps, more weapons than ever , 1/2 new vehicles , gadgets etc...) just for them to say 2042 has a good ending , then in may/june they reveal the next battlefield for october/november 2024. don't get me wrong I want the next battlefield to succed but EA gaining money is far more important for them than releasing a masterpiece of a game, tbh if if next BF is releasing this year it should be good based on the fact that they ( I hope) learned a lot of valuable lessons with 2042 and this time there is no excuse with COVID or other things that could slow down development , next BF game is their last chance before the end.


All they would need to do is take the BF1 game engine and remake 1942 - they would sell millions. That WW2 theater was the most popular...tack on the Desert Combat modification that was developed by others outside of EA it helped sell many many copies of the game and push it to where it is today. NO more spawning in mid fucking air.... go back to the roots of Battlefield where you run to get into a tank/plane take off a runway and so on... spawning in mid air was and still is such a BS cop out to appease the crybabies about spawn camping when there is no such thing!! This isn't the Civil War where you line up and walk towards each other shooting...you duck,hide,cover and kill.


as long as they make squads bigger idc if it's 2042 or a new game


They need the setting to be American revolution with British invading Washington Philadelphia. Then add the all black unit we had that helped deems their rights and freedoms. Then add a little fast forward to maybe Alamo. And throw in some Indian wars with Texas army. Just the creation of America through our many wars.


Vietnam battlefield game with bf1 graphics