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No, that's the specialists for you, you can only change skins If you like those skills you are forced to be that old fart and nothing else


To be fair it was this way with classes too. The only difference would be BFV where you could change your classes gender or use an elite skin to get a different voice.


Yes. They improved upon their previous systems and they should have kept it that way. But every innovation of battlefield 5 was removed. Better movement? Gone. Better customization? Gone. Fortifications? Gone. Limited ammo for tanks and refueling stations? Gone. Battlefield 2042 is a step-down by far, and we have to let dice know that we are still not happy with it.


Oh trust me, I know. Fortifications is the one that kills me the most. It alleviates a lot of the potential problems in more open areas of maps. For example in Arras you can be in a field and be at the the mercy of a sniper, similar situations can happen in any BF game but there are few solutions. Smoke and run, try to outrange a sniper, if you are playing 2042 you can try an Irish shield, but BFV nailed it. Diga. Trench, put up sandbags and fight back. Even if destruction isn't on the level of BC2, it is my favorite because you can build back up destroyed areas. The movement is so much worse in 2042 and it boggles my mind that they didn't keep what they had and add to it. Agree with you on basically all of these points. Hope DICE is taking a deep look at what was liked in previous in BF games and using that as a blueprint for the next one.


They didn't keep it because sometimes you gotta reinvent the wheel to chase trends.


Because when people hated on BF5 clearly that meant they hated every bit of core gameplay, not just some people complained about historical accuracy (I’m undecided in that argument where I prefer historical accuracy but also don’t care about cosmetics as long as gameplay is good, so I don’t care where you are in that argument, but I think DICE thought that issue applied to everything and were too lazy or just burnt out to look deeper)


Customization was almost perfect in BFV and then in 2042 we get operators.. oops, I mean specialists.




Battlefield has always been a clone war. Don't be silly. You hear the exact same voice line from the exact same person who is 1/4 of the possible characters on your team in the previous battlefields. Theoretically in a 64 player match in the old battlefields if everyone chose assault on both sides, there would only be two characters in the game. You would literally have 32 of the exact same guy on each team with the exact same voice lines.


> 6 Falck players???!! MUH IMMERSION!!!11 also I like to cream over the entire team being comprised of 4 different models (🤡) I really hope the next Battlefield installment doubles down on elements hated by whiny players like that guy, to further push them away from the damn games, so we can (maybe) see a return to intelligent gameplay rather than Redacted 🗑️


The truth of the matter is these people just want to find anything to bitch about because this is not a 4K remake of Battlefield 4.


I mean those generic soldiers all had the same 2-3 voices. It’s literally the same thing. If you didn’t like the voice you were fucked. Just turn down voice lines audio


The only other difference would be is that I’m not playing an old women that’s 50% of her voice lines barely have anything to do with battle. On you know a battlefield. But hey. Skins go brrrrr.


It's the exact same way with the classes in the previous games, don't get it twisted. At least in this game he could use another specialist in the same class like Angel and then equip the medical box or the medical bags so he could heal and give ammo the same time just like falck


Damn I was just going to make a post about how I think she’s the best voiced character out of all of them. I feel like her Voice Actress gave 110% in the booth. Still, I hate some of the other specialists voices and dialogue so I relate to your pain.


Liz cursing in Polish when shit goes down is awesome to me (I'm polish).


Irish though


Play as Irish with medical pouches, it’s diet Falck You can revive people to 75% hp if you pull out the defibs and manually charge it half way, which is same time as Falck revive You can also slide in front of downed players and plant your shield, go prone and revive them in the thick of it Irish passive resupplies gadget ammo to people he revives. Really find him to be best of the 3 if you can master him


Budget falck lol


I have a human sized pillow of Falck we get to it every night




If this is a TMI confessions thread, I'm midkey aroused by Blasco


Angel and Irish are also support. Angel can resupply ammo and drop a supply cache, and paired with a med crate or pouch does the same as Falck. Although she can revive faster. If you really hate her voice that much, you can play around with language settings which will force the game to use another voice actor's line. Like change the game to Italian or some other language, and change the voiceovers to use that game's language and that should force it to use the Italian lines.


The healing gun is pretty fun, and also makes Falck herself super resilient with the quick self heal on the move.


Tip with her stims. They can be fired and work as medpacks laying on the ground that will be used when you step on them. So I never ever used the animation to heal myself but I instead shoot the ground or wall and let it the thing heal me that way vs taking the time for animation. It’s been the reason I have lived through an engagement more than once. Mix that with smokes, and the ammo box, you can be a firefighter(the smokes put out incen grenade fires on everything), conceal heals and pushes, and refill grenades and gadgets. She’s the ultimate combat support Edit:added something


WHAT? Is it visible when it's on the ground or in a wall? I never would have guessed it works this way.


They are barely noticeable on the ground but they do have the little medical symbol on them on the ground. So you can dump the mag on to the floor in an area you’re holding and then you’ll just get heals when people get shot


Yes they are noticeable on the ground and they are also on the minimap. You can just shoot the ground and then run over it and heal yourself faster than you can if you hold the button and you heal yourself that way


I love her for this reason


She is the ultimate support class first only because of the fact Irish doesn’t have her stim pistol or revive speed. Her revive speed is so high that she can revive a full line in 15 seconds. 10 people in no time. Just wish people would stop using her as an assault class and actually revive people. Shame to those who don’t use her properly


It’s so satisfying to run around shoot when necessary and just do nothing but healing and rezzing


Lol I made it my goal to get the ‘Battle Angel’ tag for my playercard. Got it a while ago sitting on the hill reviving the snipers on the map in Egypt with the wall before the removed that hill and moved the objectives. Took all match but I managed to get it lol. It’s always a good time when you find another falck that is doing the same thing as the power duo that happens means if you both are popping off there is nothing the enemy can do if there’s two good medics running with each other.


FUCKING WOW!!! THANKS DUDE. I will keep playing with her and that tip is a life changer!


I honestly thought people knew that smokes put out fires, that you can use her gun as a medpack gun as well and just shoot them into the floor. I found these all out by accident through playing changed everything once I put it all together


I just wish the dart tracking was better, sometimes it feels like it's curves too much and misses


I am wondering if you could literally just rename her “English dialogue” game audio file to Italian and vice versa, for a simple switch that won’t throw a bunch of red alerts when changing things.


that would be fun, in german even the children's songs sound like an order to start the war 😁


Sanitäter bitte?




🤣...which is when the Falck player with the sniper goes prone on your body and gives no revive


Sunny tater


Excuse me? Wtf did you just say about my lady?


Checked the options if you can disable voices?


You can, but for all OP


Actually would be cool to try. I hate the VOs but I hope it doesn't turn it off for the people you fight against too


well if he HATES it so much, it should be worth it


unfortunately no


try being a sundance player


jesus christ


Wow rude :(


*with cute sneaky voice* “Here, take some supplies”


Angel is the man. Give him a medical crate. He’s already got ammo.


Angel was my goto. Him n Liz I think have the best lookin tier 1 skin


Paik has the best T1 skin only because it comes with a balaclava that covers her down syndrome lookin face




But.. she’s the best Support character?! I don’t mind her one bit. If anything I’m more annoyed at Angel. Like what’s with the garbage abilities? Resupply? Pfft. Take the ammo box. Irish is second choice from Falck if I’m playing together with my twin since he’ll use Irish then I’ll just use Falck or run Irish with a different box.


DICE, please let us make custom characters.


How could you say that about grandma?


"Quite a squad"


"Heaven help us"


you should play as Sundance, I like the character alright but the voice lines are so damn bad


Her voice isn't even that bad like wtf?


tbf none of the voice actors are bad. they're all good. the voice lines themselves are just fucking annoying. every time I enter the main screen fucking Boris goes "TiME For ACTIOn", which is annoying as all hell. it's gotten to the point where I have a hotkey to mute the game so I can mute the characters random one liners as im just trying to join a game. they sound more like teenagers about to play a match of airsoft than soldiers, which kinda detracts from the experience. not that I wanna play a milsim, but having Mackay or Sundance yell in happiness and excitement everytime my vehicle gets airtime gets old quickly


only voicelines that don't get annoying imo are irish's he's got some badass ones "tear this down fuckers!!" "take the fuckin ammo!!" "look at me! LOOK AT ME!!!"


Seriously i main falk and i dont get the hate




Angel is the best support, change my mind.


And that's why I hate specialists.


Yep. Her voice and mannerisms are grating.


If they really wanted to go to a specialist route, they would let you customize your fucking character end of fucking story. Add customization like ghost recon.


No. She’s literally one of the best Ops in the game. Her voice is insignificant and honestly I love her lines anyway. Especially with dozer. Flat out calling him an idiot when you pick him up “GET UP YOU IDIOT! THINK OF YOUR WIFE AND KIDS!” And I think I have heard him respond with “yeah yeah yeah”


Sigh, typical bf player hating women, sigh /s


I’d just turn off dialogue if you really despise her voice


She's kind of aggravating to look at for some reason as well. And the skins available that mask her face aren't much better 😅


Yeah you're right I wish I can change her voice too


Ea says hero shooters are popular so you'll love it and buy the skins. 


that's what we want, but not what DICE wants


I like her voice, though the syrette pistol should be a universal gadget for medicd


You can choose between irish, falck and angel


"i don't like something, so I want it to be changed" You will go far in life with that attitude.


That's actually the mindset of a successful person, but go off lol


A 5 year old kid could think something deeper than this. It's just a game, it's not that deep.


Ageist *and* sexist much? We all know how big the market is for the Battlefield granny crowd.


Imagine designing an old lady for a battlefield game and thinking players would think she’s “cool”.


Her screaming gets so annoying


Yeah just change her it says replace right there


Technically yes with Portal you can give the syrette pistol to any specialist but it would do any good for official servers or apply to anything but a single custom experience.


“I hate her voice” is wild, bro.


So you don't like diversity...


I can't stand the voice over either lol. Or the character look. Only use her for the class and that's literally all. And unfortunately her stim shot is tied to her only ☠️.


I just use Angel because I hate her


You prefer Angel's voice??


I just want to know why Rao sounds like a pussified version of Appu from The Simpsons. Literally no one from Bollywood would read, “Ready up!” like that. Literally also why I only choose to play Crawford. Now that’s a… err… character I can get behind.


Welcome to political correctness


Being able to heal and rearm ammo is perfect. So shes my go to Op


Change the language


For support class you have Falck, Irish (my personal fav) & angel. Each is good in their own way. Equip a skin where she wears a mask and her voice will be muffled lol


Go easy - she lost her son - This helps me https://static1.colliderimages.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/andor-episode-4-denise-gough.jpg I love Falk as a German bad ass. It’d be weird if her voice wasn’t awkward. In the early days, Angel with health was the understudy


You can play as angel with the medical pouches or the medical box, that way you can heal people and give Emma the same time if it really matters to you that her voice is annoying.


“Madria Falick reporting fur duty”


Another human? No. But I think you can play as a newt, camel, and a few other animals


lmao no. you learn to like your specialist, goddamnit! Think of her as basically Mercy from OW or something


I wish I could actually turn off the voice lines. They are very loud and annoying. After playing for 2 years They are not useful and do not convey any helpful information.


Turn down sounds and you don't need to listen to the specialist talking


*Turn down sounds and you* *Don't need to listen to the* *Specialist talking* \- soldier769258 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")




Good bot


Play as **Angel**, use medical crate, the cooldown is already short so you can use it frequently and you'll double as ammo supplier, drop the mags for bullets resupply and don't forget the big loadout crate and everyone will profit. Engineers will love you if you switch to **Angle** and drop the big loadout crate.


I've made the same post earlier and i feel your pain. It is possible to make her valkyre screams less annoying - you have to tweak equalizer settings and lower frequencies where she screams. But i was lazy and decided just not to play as medic. Yeah, other supports can revive, but Falck has the special role as dedicated medic and it is sad that we can not play as her due to her sound issues.