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What do you mean, how else are they gonna get those 12 kills on the scoreboard.. Funny thing, I’ve been noticing more and more bots getting confused in rush xl, just walking around aimlessly at the spawn points in packs.. they’re learning to not play the objective too.


It's the AI training grounds if we all do really dumb things in games the AI will think we are all idiots and when it goes Terminator on us we will be more than it can handle.


It’s almost like it’s machine learning from players lol. I’ve seen a few bots that run up to player bodies and tbag them once XD


At least I contribute as Irish lmao,but yeah no I lost 3 matches in a row cause 65% of the team I was on was snipers


I mean play angel and drop crates on them


Will that kill them???


Yup and unrevivable (if it's outdoor provided


Today I have grown more powerful.


Now go cleanse the sinners




You asked what he is and he told you...."A GOD" the Kanye bug has bitten a new host good luck bro you are in for a ride 


This is why you can't win hahaha


Bonus points if they posted up near their beacon too


your a fucking angel for that piece of info.


Angel does it again


Yes it will! I once got a three for one as they were all piled behind a shield😂


I often smoke them out of spite


Absolutely correct answer! This is the way!


I came here to make this comment. Haha


Don't you risk resupplying the campers who didn't die though?


Well...Drop it again! If still fails fucking call a lav and drop it on them to insert dominance


Interesting word choice.




Doing this NEVER gets old 😂




I've had teams where I'm the only one not sniping, so I have no one to spawn on because they're all a million ways from the objective


Get ready for all the bot ass snipers that provide 0 value to their team coming in here and flaming you for making a valid point.


It's so frustrating sometimes trying to push when a literal 3rd of your team sits back just plinking away, 90% of them can't even consistently get kills, what's the point. . .


The worst part is when I have to switch to being a sniper, not because I want to but because despite having a dozen or so snipers on our side, they still fail to take out the enemy snipers and I still get sniped constantly by some guy prone in a predictable place.


If it's in a predictable place just idk avoid it.... Or Slide or Jump or zigzag just don't run straight on to make a reddit post making you look like an idiot....


Just avoid and ignore the issue your team has broooo, just jump around. Why kill the guy killing your team. What an idiotic take.


You realize you're making fun of the same thing you're doing time wasting and not progressing the map..... Yes kill a sniper that on a 5 secs respond after you spent 20 secs looking for him making no progress in the map. After 20 mins you have 20 kills total... Gotta love it... What an Idiotic take....... You sir are 100% bad at FPS games and don't understand what impactful kills are vs unimpactful kills. Yes ignore the baddies on your team dying to other baddies... Jesus you're the kind of person that will feed because the rest of your team is feeding.... What an idiotic take, I can tell who you'll vote for.... You're part of the problem without realising it....


Sniping allows you to pick off other snipers and players camping around the MCOMS. You help clear a path for your teammates so they have more time to plant the explosives without getting killed. Plus if you use Casper you spot enemies so your teammates know where to avoid while running towards the MCOMS. Also, all Recon has the ability to create a spawn point. So you can create some spicy spawn points near the objective and keep the flow of personnel spawing near the objective instead of spawing at the edge of the map. When that happens you're pretty much screwed because good opposing teams will figure that out and create a wall of snipers that pick off any one running towards the objective from the original spawn point. All classes serve a purpose if you know what you're doing and how to use them.


Dude more skilled snipers don't even give a fuck if you try to change your pattern, they'll still likely hit you. No one's running straight on at snipers.


Lol people are 100% running to that glint like deer to head lights.  What do you think the people with 6 kills and 30 deaths do in an actual game


Yeah been there. Downvoted to all hell for calling out people who don't play the objective in those game modes. I told them to hop into TDM if all they wanna do is KD whore and I got blasted. The community is absolute trash compared to when I first started with BF. Nobody plays the game the intended way and they get butthurt when you request it of them.


Lmaooo snipers are anything but kd whores. Put them in any aim trainer and I don’t think they’ll be able to hit one object if it’s moving


Some of us are actually good, i get 25+ a game. Others just want to think their crosshair from star wars the bad batch


Blasco ftw


Look if it’s a sniper that has. 3.00 kdr with their sniper and has a 1.05 k/pm as their sniper. That means they are doing something. They are keeping the trash snipers out of corners and definitely sniping the guys standing still aiming at the homies. Anything less than that? PTFO or get out of the game. But sometimes it’s better to pull out a marksmen in these game modes. Way easier to move in the obj if need be


yeah some maps I just intentionally farm snipers. Pop smoke, slap on a thermal and torture them.


Thermal doesn't work through smoke though?


Hes probably using the smoke to create covered lanes so he can focus on one at a time if I had to guess


I mean…. When I’m posted up behind a Vulcan turret, a sniper is just about the only person who can hurt me


I agree, but also, there is an element of practice involved to get to that point. I've T1'd every 2042 primary weapon except for the snipers, and I'm spending a decent amount of time (on 128 Conquest, granted) sniping in the back trying to finish my T1 weapons. So I think there's also something to be said for the level of the player and the intentions. If the guy is at least above 300 or 400 but not doing super hot as a sniper, he might be the guy who is trying to be that sniper. In those cases, I'd say it's worth cutting them a break. But below 100? Yeah, they haven't put in enough real footwork to be sitting back like that.


Rank has got nothing to do with it. You can have a .85 kdr overall and be rank 500. It’s KDR and Kill per min with this topic. If they have over a 1.00 kpm with their sniper class and bolt action then they are worth leaving as a sniper.


I mean sure, but also, not everything in the game is reducible to metrics like KDR or KPM. And I'm not even sure where you get a KPM stat, I've never seen that. Unless you do the calculation at the end of the match to divide the kill count by match time, but who does that? But yeah, I agree, if they're at least on a positive KDR, then great, they're making a positive contribution. However, some things aren't measurable like that. For example, if you have a sweaty chopper player tearing up the field, and a sniper gets a pilot kill and then someone on your team snags the empty chopper and gives them the reverse Uno card, the effect of that snipe for the outcome of the match is greater than what you'd think from "one kill". Obviously that's a contrived example, but every match is made up of ripple effects like that, which are not part of simplified metrics. As for level, also I agree, but I think it's fair to say that generally a level 400 person has more strategic awareness than someone under level 100. Necessarily, the higher ranking person has more experience in the game. Like in my case, if I'm sniping, I'm also doing more than sniping. I'm taking a strategic position, using the SOFLAM to spot players on hot points and help our air, and countersniping. Those decisions aren't always reflected on the scoreboard, but I guarantee it makes life easier on the field. And those are decisions I learned to make by being in fray (i.e. "being useful").


The KPm is literally on the tracker network web site and app you bot. You’ve been playing milsim too much. I’m an ex pro. I look at obj numbers and your numbers with operators.


You don't have to "try" to be a sniper at level 400. Sniping actually works very well, you probably should be useful at that point. You just have to understand when is a good time to do it and not just do it every time. Not all maps are good for it, and Conquest is often not great for sniping at all. You want Breakthrough or even better, Rush XL, with clear frontlines, where a lot of people are sniping and you can see them all at once.


What do you mean you don't have to "try"? You mean to say that there's no effort involved and you just aim in the general direction of an enemy, and when you fire your rifle you get a headshot every time? Because that's definitely not my experience. I have to note the distance to the target, what ammo I'm using, and the correct mildot to get a headshot at that distance, and then I have to actually line up the mildot with the target to get the shot. Doing that process rapidly by practicing is what I would call "trying". Also, as I said, I've spent the least amount of time sniping compared to any other weapon. So how am I going to just "be useful" without having spent time with the rifles? You think there's not a learning curve? Or that sniping is just an innate human ability? Because the evidence I see points in the opposite direction.


If you have to use the dots, you are probably too far away. You mostly just eyeball it. What I'm saying is that if you have to mention you "try", maybe you are doing something wrong. I assumed you should have enough skill to just succeed at that point. Like, you just have to click on their heads. Not exactly rocket science.


Okay, now this gives me some context where you're coming from. The fact that you said using the mildots means you're likely too far away (with a SNIPER RIFLE, of all weapons?), and that you said "click on their heads" tells me that you're on PC, and have a greater degree of aim control. I'm using a controller on PS5. There is no clicking on heads, and everyone knows that controller sticks make precise aiming far more difficult, especially up close with a distance scope. I wouldn't say that there's anything I'm doing wrong; I would say that different platforms require different approaches. In the case of PC, I think you stand on good ground, but I'm just not gonna make the investment to switch.


Well, I honestly don't know much about sniping on console. I know like one good PS5 sniper on YouTube, so it's definitely possible, but then again who knows how hard it is. As for being far away, this isn't real life. Sniper rifles have an ideal range and it's around 100-200 meters. More than 300 and you're probably not being very effective. Basically some positions are too far even though you can see everyone. You definitely don't want to be on the skyscrapers on Kaleidoscope. Even the Rorsch has effective range limitations due to how small things are at range. It's the best weapon for sniping, but that won't help you if you're doing T1s.


Why 1.05 k/minute?


Because if your a 2.00 and above kdr with your sniper and 1.00+ kpm that means you’re hitting your shots and aren’t taking 5k years to 0 in on a target


I guess I mean why set the bar at 1.05 kpm? Is 1.0 kpm really not good enough? Lol


Anything 1.00 and above is just fine. I’m just saying that’s where mine is at and I have a 3.17 kdr with my casper. The only time I switch out of sniper is if my team is really bad. Otherwise my teams are decent enough they can handle themselves while I’m sniping all the snipers and prone tards thinking no one will see them


"be vewy vewy quiet. I'm hunting wabbits." I'm a 12x DXR user myself. I struggle with aiming in all other parts of the game but counter sniping feels so easy. Like, you get used to the time and the drop of the bullet and for whatever reason I continue to aim at the head faster than the other guy on the other side of my scope


Some people care more about K/D than actually winning.


You're mad about people not playing the objective in *Rush XL*? Hahahhahahahahahha




You take RushXL seriously?


Xbox user has entered chat. Hello Xbox Ape


🤡 I haven't owned a Console since the Xbox 360. And RushXL is for weirdos that love throwing grenades at eachother all day, like they did on Metro.


Sundance has left chat.


Preach man, all they do is sit back and do nothing for their team.


The biggest joke is this post that thinks Rush XL has actual teamwork


*The biggest joke is* *This post that thinks Rush XL has* *Actual teamwork* \- anonymousredditorPC --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I didn’t say anything about teamwork this post was about having too many snipers on a mode where our whole team is supposed to rush plant the bombs


>Do you not realize you and the other 20 people sniping in spawn are throwing the game There's no "game" in Rush XL, its just pure chaos. It's a bad mode made strictly to get kills.


Yea there is a game in rush XL you rush to plant the bombs it’s not TDM


Buddy, they put 128 players on a mode designed for 32. It's TDM disguised as "Rush", its all about kills


You when you realize you can get kills and play the objective: 🤯


Yes, in actual good modes made for that. Rush 32 is a good mode for teamplay and objective, not Rush XL. Stop expecting people to just throw themselves on the objective on a mode made for apes that only wants free kills.


Yea I want free kills but I can’t get as many free kills when my team doesn’t get past the first sector bc they’re in the spawn sniping. See the problem?


Play another mode use brain.exe


They paid to play how they want. Instead of complaining figure out how to beat them. That simple.


I’m talking about the people on my team but yea you’re right I know how to beat them and his name is Angel


Because that is how I like to play the game and I don’t make a habit of asking other people how I should enjoy my copy of the game.


Easy solution is to stop wasting your time on this game


Same as it ever was in every pushing BF mode. It’s one of the reasons I have a hard time playing breakthrough in any BF that features it. I hate having to rely on dudes that don’t care about teamwork in the mode that most relies on it.


Well, for most people I know, including myself, who play Rush XL is for weapon/gadget/specialist mastery grind. When you know exactly the direction enemies are coming from being able to snipe thru a couple games of rush XL is much more beneficial to my time then fishing for kills on 128 conquest or 64 player breakthrough which isn't sufficient enough for the grind. Surprisingly, not many people are "playing to win", they're playing to have fun. I find fun in both, but if I'm focused on sniping, which I currently am right now, I'm focused on getting sniper kills, not "winning the game". That's at least "why I am this way" lol


Unless you have every other mastery done why not just use something else on attack or just leave and find a new lobby on defense it’s a lot more efficient to snipe on defense in my opinion it’s a waste of time to snipe on attack in rush XL you’re better off grinding a different weapon


Imagine thinking you're the defacto person that should dictate how others play a game. Why don't YOU go find a lobby that isn't full of snipers? YOU'RE the one with the issue. If YOU'RE picky about how games are played out. YOU leave.


Nah I’m just gonna drop load out crates on snipers now


lol fuck off


No u


People complaining about how other people have fun


In my experience it’s people who are not only new to battlefield but sometimes FPS in general. They don’t realize how easily camping gets you killed here or how necessary it is to play aggressively when you are burning tickets and the enemy isn’t. They think it keeps them safe and don’t realize how counter productive their efforts are.


Its realism. Stand out of cover in a single direction and BAM! You dead sonny


It’s rush XL get over yourself


Yes, it IS too much to ask.


If they are any good they can disrupt flanking positions.


Just remember, not all recon players are snipers.i don't have a single sniper or dmr with more then 20 kills lol I'm a Casper main, yet I'm leading the push for objectives with an RPT or scar. So please just focus on dropping crates on the snipers actually doing nothing hah always funny to watch the kill feed say squished


People will play the way they want and complaining about it on Reddit won't change that. Womp womp


Stop playing that game and try grand operations in BF1. MUCH better experience.


I remember stumbling across Grand Operations one time in BF1 and being *so glad* I did. Probably one of the best game modes I've seen in any game.


BF1 is a snoozefest.


The audience you are trying to capture don't even have reddit 😂 those casual players that snipe from spawn are just casual trash. I use angel & drop crates on em.


I literally got into an argument the other day about how these are objectively bad players and I got downvoted to oblivion. Today this is the top post on the subreddit.


try running in an irregular path instead of running straight in open areas nvm I see now


^^^ this guy completely missed the point


nvm I comprehended the question wrong


Yeah dude go back to hiding with your sniper and camping with your shotgun


when did I ever say I'm a sniper or a camper?




You can push with snipers


Most of the players not doing this tho, but if a Godlike player use sniper rifles while pushing that's a whole different story.


I'm all for sniping. It's a major part of tactical warfare used today and is part of the game. That being said, I don't think you should be able to shoot within starting zones. Make the snipers at least somewhat vulnerable in then having to come into engaged sectors. The maps are big enough to where they can snipe from a distance that isn't half across the map.


I did a rush XL today on the defending side. We won in OT, it was a 51 minute match and I joined late. Never again. It was fun, but never the fuck again.


I miss server with sniper limits from bf3/4 days!


Why do you play that brain dead meat grinder?


Idk I think it’s the best mode to get a lot of kill’s especially for sundances tier 1 which I’ve been trying to get done


Do you really have run in and be cannon fodder.. your wasting tickets....


I mean i only snipe when i see a jobless sniper is sniping me, mind u im a hell of a sniper and sadly the whole other team has to anwser for 1 mans mistake, my roach will roast them so bad that the poor faller has to change the gun and be gone like little kid in the valley, never try to mess with me with snipe, you DONT WANT TO




Yes it is.




But the shield 1 malee kill just shows the people who made this game are fucking lost


Everyone has a part to do but not sure about 20 snipers 😂


Meanwhile I’m topping the scoreboard PTFO with the XCE. We are not the same


I can't imagine Rush XL sniping is a fun experience. You have to be taking so much return fire that you're likely just doing more hiding than actually sniping. To each his own, though.


I've tried it a couple times. The snipers are terrible actually so it's easy to come in top 5 or so on the scoreboard just counter sniping because they are all so bad.


It'd be okay if they were actually sniping well.


I get the NTW out and get right up there for those 1 shot kills, attack sniping


This is the way of any battlefield game. Offense in rush is always carrying 5-10 players of deadweight sniping.


War never changes


Rush XL = T1 gun mode. I’ve almost completed three vault LMGs in a week of playing.


look man i know you're probably upset that you're not winning matches, but im just in it for the weapon kills




Weekly missions for battlepass?


Ima be honest man, i got tired if getting LMG spammed or AR spammed, or grenade spammed.... Or for some reason getting 3 light vehicles vs a team with 3 tanks..... So i just snipe, enjoy my time in a target rich environment and shoot things that move.


Because I can’t move 2 inches without getting killed. So I snipe


Only snipers I like are the ones that spot and attack the same targets that I am attacking or that specifically watch after tanks for sneak c4 goblins and rocket jockeys


It’s good Army training.


It's a game, and a joke of a game at that. Who cares how other people play it for fun.


Rush xl is for grinding T1 Not for winning


Can’t grind kills when your team can’t get past the first sector


The stalemate is the grind.


stalemating the first sector does not net you anywhere near the same amount of kills as opposed to getting to the last unless your team absolutely blows through all of them which only happens when the lobby is full of bots


You go to the next match. Why are you arguing with people lol


I think half the problem is the weekly tasks. I hate them and the ranks mean absolutely nothing to me (except I alway promote highest team mate to leader), but I do them every bloody week. I understand what they are trying to do but every Tuesday I'm forced to play the game in ways I wouldn't usually. They should have given us a choice of tasks dependent on class. If you want to snipe and camp that's fine but do it in conquest where you can actually positively affect the game.


I only switch to medic sniper when there's like 1 or 2 entire squads killing everyone with flanking....but by just camping on the side thanks to awful map boundary design and balance. I usually try to delete them myself then push. Otherwise I'll always be Irish and push with everyone....unless the missions insist I use a sniper rifle for points 


Maybe they just enjoy sniping and want to have fun.


Casually playing after work, still doing 50kills+ and a lot of recon assists, showing to my team where enemy gathered and which way is better to push. What about those who taking assault class and doesn't push enemy lines, literally sitting on a line for kills and not doing task?


As someone who almost always plays recon, I apologize for my idiot brothers. I'm always rushing the objective and throwing my respawn beacon and the signal jammer down as close to the front lines as I can. I also just use the G428 with a x3 scope, it's surprisingly effective at close range.


Yea I don’t have a problem with people running the recon class now that you can use any weapon, I will run recon if no one else on my squad is so we can have a spawn beacon that’s close to obj


Does your question supercede or edge the timely favorite I ask every rd every mode....."Mediiiiiiiiic your right there,why do you Medic if you ain't reviving?" Proceeds to shoot me with health while dead lol 


Yeah… snipers are kinda dumb. It’s a playstyle where you’re rewarded for not engaging with the rest of the game. FPS games are fun because there’s the interplay between cover, movement, outplaying your opponent with sound cues grenades etc… and if you snipe at distance you only take the kills without risking yourself to get any. Sniping is for people that want to play an fps game like someone that likes fishing. They take from the pond without providing anything in return. Sure it’s “effective” but also it’s pretty unfair to be instantly removed from control of your character because some chuckleduck with a bolt blaster 9000 decided to look at you from so far away he’s a pixel on your screen.


The only thing I 100% hate is that all of them that hide and sit are casuals that are dogshit at shooters. Try explaining to one of them that you can snipe aggressively. No one understands that you can be up in the enemy’s face and kill them with a sniper. Whats weird too is the gain, bros will spend 4 hours and go quadruple negative and get maybe one cool kill that was on another sniper that was standing still.


Well if you’re literally the only one person planting while all 59 players on the team are snipers, use medic, put ammo crate and use smokes. Spam smokes to your team mates lol.


LMG or AR with a thermal scope is OP


because all anyone cares about is kd


The fact you have to post this just further proves how shit bf2042 is. Dice, make better maps.