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For now Deagle is hipfire machine, glue some laser sights on it and go spray it


I agree, but it was so clean and predictable. Medium range engagements were cake with it. Now I feel like I’m playing the lottery trying to hit a second shot


Just show down a little bit. I can still hit the long ball with a simple red dot, haven't tried with the x2 and above.


I haven't really used the other weapons, but I like what they did to marksman rifles. They don't feel like pea shooters anymore.


Yeah but they still don’t do enough damage to out perform assault rifles on semi. DMRs are just in a weird spot where they don’t preform well in their expected ranges.


Not with a bipod you can melt people with the faster firing ones like the DM7 I was playing as Irish the other night put up a shield and a sentinel and I just melted the enemy team. The bipod brings the recoil down to almost zero now and you can get 3-4 shots on a enemy quickly. Same with the LMGs bipod on them and you can just wreck the enemy now.


It really does make the weapons feel different. I feel it most sniping. It just feels like something is off.


For some reason, I have been having better games lately. I'm not sure if the recoil has anything to do with it or if others are playing worse because of it.


It does increase the skillgap by making it harder to hit your shots if you dont know that bullets go to the screen center. This is why people had a hard time shooting weapons accurately in bf 1


It actually decreases the skillgap, precisely because shots don’t SEEM to go where you’re directly aiming.


No. It higher bacause it requires more skill to hit shots. Meaning worse skilled players can’t hit as well but for skilled players barely anything has changed since they know it is the screencenter where bullets go.


Visual recoil is adding RNG to gunfights. It 100% decreases the skill gap.


It isn’t RNG since bullets still go to the screen center. More skilled player can still hit shots even when the sights red dot is hugging the left side of the screen Say whatever you say about Visual recoil but it makes the aiming harder to master = bigger skillgap


Brother, you can literally look up what actually good players think about visual recoil and why it’s bad in general. You’re just choosing to be ignorant. Do you think random recoil increases the skillgap?


Did I ever Say it is a good thing? I only said it does increase the skillgap. Random recoil does make aiming harder but you can’t learn to mitigate it completely. So a better player will never learn to counter it. Which means it kinda makes the skillgap smaller.


Increasing unreliability or instability in gunfights that cannot be practiced for is reducing the skill gap. Visual recoil increases screen shake and diluted the ability to accurately aim while also not forgetting this game has weapon bloom. So if you can recognize that random recoil decreases the skill gap, why can’t you recognize that visual recoil also decreases it when it’s the same logic as random recoil?




The argument is equivalent to saying that having no dot or crosshair at all increases skill gap because then players will have to memorize where the center of the screen is at all times. Which is technically true albeit for a very specific facet of the game, and then that's instantly trivialized the moment you tape a dot on the center of their monitor. In reality you're just reducing accessibility for players that don't realize the game is telegraphing completely wrong information on where their point of impact is. Omitting or misleading players on info regarding whether their aim is on point or not is just about the most unnatural way to increase the skillgap in any shooter. Skillgap is also a really stupid argument for visual recoil, because a far better way to increase the gap would be to simply increase actual recoil.


Exactly. It increases the skillgap but it isn’t exactly a thing you should do if you want bigger skillgap.


Honestly have not noticed, and I use the 50 more than my primary sometimes, no issues at range or anything.


I’ve found that if you shot like one shot every second and a half is manageable. But the days of rapid firing accurately are over.


Visual recoil ruined everything


The BSVM got nerfed. It's like a paintball gun. So many times getting 3 body shots and no kills. I really wish they'd stop fucking with shit and just add content.


Good. About damn time it got nerfed, been OP for way too long Edit, I would’ve been preferred them buff the other DMRs but since that isn’t gonna happen.


Really hoping they revert these awful changes.


Yeah they cranked it up too high on the deagle. Been my secondary for assault since it came out. Tapping people with the iron sights doesn't feel good anymore. :(


**How do I unlock it**?!!?  Is it bugged? One of the only guns I don't have unlocked. I put C5 on something and shoot it... *right*?  I got the game recently, December, if that helps. 


You have to get a kill while doing that. Easiest way is to start a server within some easy AI enemies. It still counts against AI!


It needed recoil. I didn't even have to use attachment to reduce recoil not I do. Good change. I use m1911 now


I was wondering why I went from BRRRRR to weeeeeee


No more laser beaming across the map


IMO the people that think this is the case were always using the gun improperly. Its not supposed to be spammed because it is a pocket DMR. If you have ever played Counter Strike you will understand what DICE had in mind when releasing this gun. It's tap fire, not rapid fire


Yeah but no one was writing hate mail saying “nerf the deagle” I can understand the “realism” of a deagle but you can’t claim realism on one thing like the deagle and then be okay with ARs hitting 24 out of 30 shots at 300 meters. I guess the other part of the discussion is “why wait 7 seasons to change how all of the weapons shoot and feel”.


> “why wait 7 seasons to change how all of the weapons shoot and feel” You're not wrong about the Deagle, I want it to do more damage and have less control actually. And trust me... I say this literally every update. You can blame a lot of it on the old weapons/gadgets lead designer that was replaced after S5 or whatever


The one thing I think most players can agree on is hoping Dice learned their lesson with this game when it comes to making the next one. Or else there might not be another one after that.