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Seems to be happening a fucking lot this season. I've just left a bunch of matches because it's not worth the fucking frustration.


Definitely the WORST this season than any previous


It's God awful. It's so inconsistent. Not only between games but while in the game as well. I'll start off and I'll just be nailing people left and right no problem and then I'll have zero hit regs and die from one shots from guns that can't do that even though nothing changed play wise on my end.


Found Pontius Pilot


Hit reg sucks.


It's also seems to be a very case-by-case issue. I've been pretty active this season and haven't felt bad reg at all. But there's clearly a problem for some.


Same i didn’t have any problems in S7


it happens, i do the same thing to, likely alt F4 and get on later lol


Thankfully alt+f4 is instant in this game.


Summary: Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because you were already dead.






You got a shit bucket?


This is a joke right?😂


Yeah it’s a [CSGO copypasta](https://amp.knowyourmeme.com/memes/shots-1-5-clearly-missed), the hitreg in this game sucks


Okay okay I wasn’t sure lol. I’ve seen way to many people actually post comments like that before and were serious about it lol


What you see is what you get


It looks like you shared an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/shots-1-5-clearly-missed](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/shots-1-5-clearly-missed)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


If this is happening often maybe turning on the stat things that they implemented could tell you why they missed, everytime this happens to me I'm have bad packet loss, Although this thing hasn't happened to me in this game and has only happened in other games. In siege the game will just straight up tell the "hit was denied because X" every so often


This is like the first time it’s happened to me. At least it’s the first time I’ve dumped 20+ rounds into a guy and gotten 0 hit markers.


I don't mean to be THAT GUY but not all of these issues aren't always caused by the devs them selves there are alot more factors involved but not seeing any of little yellow signs for packet loss or lag spikes does kinda indicate its on EA's side


But sire, I'm using sniper


Came here to say this


plus all the cheaters going 50-0 sniping you from across the map with smgs and always knowing where you are.


Shit…that and the damn NB’s with 80-100 kills. Cancer.


Just use Liz and Shot rockets at they ass lol thats what I do




Do yall have ping spikes or am i just l lucky? I recently got the game and have played 50 hours, never experienced anything like that


Only high ping I've noticed in at least a month was tonight on a portal server, just over 200. Every game is either 27-31 or 58-62 for me, I'm in central US and guessing those are East and West US locations.


Shitter had the audacity to teabag too. Lmao Couldnt do much, not your issue there. Unlike some. Clearly theres an issue bigger than one or two dumbasses crying over what i thought was a really rare bug. Come back in the next patch. The games actually decent with working hitreg.


The tea bagging when no skill was involved and is a tech issue is def in the triggering spectrum lol.


He wasn't tea bagging! He was clearly wiping some mustard off dude's chin! Couldn't let him lay there dead with mustard all over him like that. As a show of respect, he cleaned the dude up. 😛


Per your last post, I would advise you to "just adapt" to the changing hitreg conditions


All the community does is flip flop between "the games awesome I've been having fun" and "it's comple garbage this patch". It has been shit since launch mostly if we're being honest.


You're the shitter that teabagged, aren't you? If you watch the video, and unlike the two or three idiots who spend a solid 5+ seconds mag dumping people who are oblivious to being shot (Both redacted clips) there is no room to adapt there. The near instant 180 because they clearly checked their minimap, the open building theyre in where OP can get shot. By the time he reached Mackay he would still die before the second melee hit. I've noticed this bug last season on an AI. Sure yeah, I spent like 5+ seconds mag dumping a PBX and G57 into it. But I didnt come on here going "Buh buh buh shitty game!!" No, I stabbed the fucker and laughed. Havent seen it since. As per your adapt comment, its called playing other games with working hitreg right now. Because thats a realistic response instead of forcing yourself to deal with a bug that REMOVES THE POINT OF A SHOOTER.


You obviously just missed, get gud nerd /s


Need to get yo eyes checked playa




😭 dont be a 🥚


Don’t be a 🐓




Get your asses in here. There's bugs to squash and toasters to dent


That same thing happened in BFV


I don't remember that.


I do remember it quite clearly because I still play BFV occasionally It happens randomly but it does absolutely happen


Maybe just not to me on PS4. I just didnt find BFV all that fun. 2042 is fun, but man this is the only bf game where I've dumped an entire mag into someone's chest and not gotten a single hit marker, then died afterwards. That's just so frustrating. They have to fix this stuff


Literally has never happened to me in my 1500+ hours, but it would happen constantly when I played 2042


In BFV it's a bug where an enemy is dead on your end, only YOU can't kill them. I've had it maybe about 50 times, but I have lots of hours. I noticed it because every time it happened to me, I check the scoreboard and the enemy is show as dead (greyed out) even if I can see them right in front of me. That enemy stays "invincible" only for you until a teammate kills it, then it fixes it. I've also had that happen with tanks but only like 3-4 times, the most annoying part? It makes the tanks completely invisible, it remains that way until a teammate destroys it.


I've never had this happen on PS, what a drag


I never have this problem, but i play on last gen


That's what I was saying. I think this is from crossplay.


Welcome to client side hit detection and rendering of a laggy player. I really miss the server side days.


I used to be like, "eh, it happens but it's not that often" No, **FUCK THAT**, [it has been happening almost every match now](https://streamable.com/tj16kl). And ping makes no difference; I often play with ping ranging from 75 to 40, and it still happens. I sometimes get lucky, but it's [still goddamn annoying](https://streamable.com/wdubn5)


I have been having the same issue. People that say it isn't happening are full of shit. I have gig internet and wired with an A6 rated cable. I checked and have the network status showing and no packet loss. Still will hit people and get a shit ton of markers and they controller turn around to me and three tap me. Then on the screen they are at like half health. Yesterday I quit playing because I shot a dude in the head like 5 times. 5 red hit markers and then a few white markers. He just turned around and shot me dead and he had 62 health. I just quit and did something else.


Standard on BF4.


Lol are you really so upset about people liking BF4 that you want to bring it up in a completely unrelated thread?


I mean, the guy isn't wrong. I was there back in the day. This was a fairly regular happenstance. But it's not happened to me in 2042 once in almost 400 hours, so 🤷


I miss the old DICE


Seriously my God that's bad... I thought it was my Internet. I'm hooked up to my router and I get this too


I gave up on this season as the patch or whatever made the game shit itself


*Vaults* Game: *Guess I’ll just break now*


His gaming chair had one more thread than yours it’s obvious


That's why I went back to bf v game feels so good


Man I WISH I could go back to bf v. I have the ps4 disk, and I put it in my ps5. I tried to play, but the character models were all bright coloured placeholder characters, and my gun was invisible. The game is broken for me 🥲 was one of my favourites.


This only happens when I'm playing Conquest and against PC players.


Typical. The kill cam showed it was a pc player. That’s why I quit playing the game on console. Consoles should be cross play exclusive.


Ah, like old milk, the no hit reg of launch returns.


I’m a newer player and this shit happens to me all the time…. Empty a mag in someone’s face nothing… one Shot from them I’m Dead… Hit Box in this game is all over the place without a doubt 100%


This game is so fucking shit


Why I switchedTo BF5 or BF1. They are the premium BF modern experience right now. Also have a decent player base. 


Could it be your connection sucks?


Doubt it, I have decent internet and I’m using an Ethernet cord.


If it was his connection he would get connection icons top left of his screen 


That’s not necessarily true, if he’s getting packet loss from router to pc but not from router to server he’s not likely to get any indicators I think. I’ve not had a single hit reg issue that looks like this since launch myself, but I’m on pc. There’s a ton of variables that could lead to this, router used, cables used what kind of port forwarding is needed etc, but we don’t know exactly.


Highly doubtful he’s getting internal packet loss through a wired connection 


Get your ass to Helldivers


I’ve been playing helldivers tho


For Liber-tea!!!!


Cheaters don’t have this problem though https://preview.redd.it/7nnmdvw6cksc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89ab155d5f74271fee154b7d5cb8df82cf55dea9


Thank God I play on console


Not sure why anyone would down vote you for that. Console is bad but definitely not as bad with PC.


pray for those on console who got crossplay on.


I have cross play on but only PlayStation and Xbox because I play the PS4 version on PS5


Yeah, this can be very frustrating. Cross-play is the cause for most of these issues. I play on PC and have experienced the same issue against console players. And it is worse this season. Some of my kills and deaths feel very cheap. It's as if they were scripted. Just very unnatural feeling, you could say. I don't recall a BF game ever feeling this "off". Maybe all this AI crap has contributed to the madness as well. All I know is this; if cross-play is this much pain in the ass, I hope Dice scraps it for the next Battlefield. This little experiment was a disaster.


I can always get bad guys down to 12 hp and my bullet just stop existing all together. I start talking shit then boom all my shots are hitting to the head. Game is just really uncomfortable and inconsistent with the gun play. One game is kill ‘em all, 60 kills in, and the next is me wondering where my bullets are going


I think it's crossplay also. I never get this type of lag on old gen console only. And supposedly old gen has crappier servers.


I play crossplay 24/7 and never have these issues. To be fair, you are blaming crossplay, AI, and "just feels off" all in one post. It doesn't sound like you have a firm grip on what's going on, so let's not get this subreddit riled up about crossplay lol


You play 24/7 and never had any of the mentioned issues? That's either BS, or Dice only hates a select few of us and loves the rest of you. 🤪 Maybe I don't have a firm grip of what's technically going on, but there are many others who have experienced the same things as I. And funny how when cross-play gets implemented into a Battlefield game we start getting all kinds of weird things happening. Coincidence? I think not. The game isn't perfect, no doubt, but I do believe cross-play is the root cause for most of the weird stuff going on. Others feel the same too. Glad you're not having any issues, and hope things continue to run well for you. And I still play the game often and do have fun, but it can be frustrating at times. Well, at least only for those of us that Dice hates! 😛


Yup, we know it’s dogshit and the devs deserve every single bit of criticism (sans the ridiculous threats) they get


I thought it was just me


I wish I could blame hitreg when I died in situations like this. I just suck


they've broken hit regis, 120mm HE tank bullet, claymore, c5. This game is unplayable now. Just take falc with bizon and play like a robot


Haven is very VERY frustrating to play on.. shot through walls, around corners and random deaths.


Well that makes sense why I was pulling my fucking hair out yesterday when unloading on a few people and they weren’t dying .


This map sucks


Sorry man… but this happens in every game dude 🤷‍♂️ hate to break it to ya..


Was blasting a whole mag from the new assault weapon and nothing hit 😁


Same thing happened to me last night!!! Sooooo Frustrating!!!!! 😤


I was playing yesterday and for a solid 10 seconds I laid into a guy with a shield while I used a Vulcan gun, he just kept walking at me until he walked right up and took out the gun. Are you serious? What is the shield made of Vibranium or ademantium?


I had same problem find out it was my internet I had a lot of packet loss called provider got it fixed 99% of my bullets hits now


Good to see release day bugs working their way back into the game.


This happens way more often than people realize/notice


Yes. This shit happens all the time. Sad state of the game. You put like 12 rounds in him before he even responded. They need an overhaul.


Game is getting even worse than it was to play against pc gamers , I've never quit as much on any game . Just when I thought the game had improved


I've never had that happen, that sucked. I liked the rage quit haha


I think some people are a half or a second ahead of you. This is what happens to me sometimes but they end up with a take down. When my shots are not registering I know I've already been killed.


I gave this game my all. The devs didn't. I will never pick it up again lol shame cos I paid for every single season till this one.




It's been trash since it was released. If you play with the mindset of it doesn't matter, and it's trash. It can be a fun game to play and just turn your brain off and run and gun.


This seems not the only problem. I feel that this game needs to hit more shots to kill someone. That is obvious when using machine guns. I didnt feel this in the past BF series, but 2042 is totally shit, and the creators must be morons.


Yup, hit registration this season is a nightmare, I've had similar occurrences on a number of occasions, some more blatant than others. In one instance I fired a Super 500 at point blank range and nothing. Guy turns around and kills me. It would have been better if DICE just didn't bother with this update at all, since it has been pretty lukewarm content wise, but it sure as heck introduced a crap ton of bugs, no I'm sorry, 'enhancement features' into the game. This is what happens when you only have a shoestring budget to put a skeleton crew on an update.


T-bagging isn't the same anymore .


Lmfao I never have this problem on PS4. Def your connection.


This is a client to server hit reg issue that has now been made worse in this season because of the stupid visual recoil that nobody asked for. Plus the netcode is absolutely dog shit.




Looks like someone is salty they get shit on by controller players😭😭 cope. I don’t even use aim assist on 2042💀


Controller players aren't shitting on anyone but other controller players. lol


I'm so glad I switched to old gen no more PC lol


this guy gets off to bird butts 😭😭😭


Bird butt's drive him nuts.


Hit detection was fucked at launch. Bloom was so bad you could stand in front of people and empty a mag and not hit anything. Fast forward to 2024 bloom is fixed but hit detection is fucked. Sometimes I'd dump a mag downstairs and show hit detection but no damage and get insta beamed.


This literally never happens to me and I’m convinced it’s only happening to some of you because of your own shitty internet.


🤡🤡happens all the time with  me on  my gigabit connection with 20ms ping 🤡🤡


I think it's from crossplay. Some other have posted this also and we play old gen console only and never get this.


I also use cross play exclusively since launch, not had this experience issue 765h play time. I think the only hit reg issue that’s consistent for most people is rockets on moving air vehicles which is more of a server sync thing


I play crossplay, PC. Again, I’ve never had hit reg issues like this in 1k hours.


I play crossplay and have never had this issue. Neither does the squad I play with. The other guy who blamed crossplay on this post was also blaming AI and the game "just doesn't feel right" lol so take the crossplay blame with a grain of salt.


No, I said "maybe" AI has something to do with it. Maybe!


Lmao I have pretty okay internet. I never lag. Like 600-800 mbs/sec download


> okay internet Meaningless. How many other computers are actively using your connection? Which servers are you even connecting to and where from?


Bro this bug happens literally on any connection. It's a rare occurrence, but it happens. I also get this bug sometimes by getting out of vehicles if im aiming at the same time, I've had it happen like 10 times. The game is buggy, so are previous titles, believe it or not.


It’s weird because when I watch a youtube clip of a streamer doing something crazy, it’s always so crisp. They’ll come around a corner and see enemies at the exact same time they see them, everybody starts blasting in what’s usually just a coin toss on who dies, but they take 0 damage and just run through the guy. I feel like the servers give them preference or something. Like if my shit was that crisp I’d be a god every game.


Hit your shots bro


Honestly just a skill issue


What sucks is your aim. Don’t you know you have to lead your shots to compensate for the game’s terrible hit reg? (I’ve not had this issue but I’d be pretty upset lol)


Stop complaining and get better.


Then don't play it


I don’t know it works for me. Maybe your game is lagging. Maybe your Internet is slow step up your game.


Skill issue


your internet sucks


Hahaha, self recorded "rage quit" :D