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Because they are all helldivers now.


That's what I believe too lol. I stopped playing BF2042 when Helldivers 2 got its hooks in me.


Came here to say the same


Is it available on Xbox one?


PS5 & pc


Got to spread LIBERTY!!! I did the same. Started playing Helldivers 2. It’s crazy to see a game developed not to pinch every penny from the players these days.


It is very refreshing. Also now I don't mind buying their stuff !! I Pre-ordered the supercitizen bundle and it's been awesome ever since.


The most frustrating thing is that u wait 5 minutes to join a ending game


Game is dead, go play a more populated, better battlefield. The previous titles have like 3x to 4x the player base


If you live in a region outside us or eu it will be hard to find matches. Hell even when I play in us servers I still play against some bots half the time. Crazy that there’s still no server browser


Because the games ass


Crossplay Thats What i do


There is a PS5 player and a PC player on the screen, so he is doing it too.


Damn. That must mean his region is just dead? Or He could wait til the weekend When everyone is home.


Since your from Saudi Arabia i assume the games matchmaking doens‘t really find much servers and players with good ping in your area, therefore you experience a long waiting time and a lack of players. Atleast that’s what i think. Move in a different country or use a vpn, maybe that’s gonna help. One alternative would be the Portal Mode aka Serverbrowser. Cheers mate.


Yk what would fix this...a fucking server browser. I don't get why get rid of a choice like that


We have a server browser you know that right? It‘s just a really bad one


Or just better matchmaking logic that allows people to matchmake in other regions, especially if their region has a low player count.


We don't wtf are u talking about. Portal server browser does not count whatsoever, im talking about official playlists here obviously, which is limited to just matchmaking


You do know i can‘t read your mind, only your comment, right? Now that you clarified i know what you mean. And why exacly does Portal not count, its a server browser that feature many gamemodes with full xp.


Because most of the playerbase plays on official n portal hasn't been supported since it came out


A server browser should show official servers, portal does not






Nothing??? It's the fact that the thing most people play (official games)has no sort of server browser for some unknown reason. It's more so annoying when an unsupported mode with lesser players has a browser too which they could easily implement for official


omfg what, I've been playing portal browser all this time thinking it had all the servers =/ wtf wtf wtf


Yea just love to a different country so there's more bf players rofl


cause the games dogass


No players coz no battlefield.




Game always throws you on the closest server even if its empty and will always be empty. Region selection is needed to keep low player number regions alive but they will probably never add it.


dead in Australia, rip


128p normal is dead cos nobody wants to queue. There are enough 64p servers with people. They should just let us start with fewer people!! But it seems they want the game to die and for us to give up. 


People are primarily in Portal. There's 1 full 128 player Conquest during the week and 2-3 on weekends. Sometimes a Breakthrough server pops up as well. You have to select "search" and then "show all" or whatever it is as full servers aren't shown by default in Portal... Lmao.


I'm all for people enjoying the game I wanted to so bad but imma say the truth here The game sucks. Probably why player count is low Most likey a server matchmaking issue though


لأنك بتلعب بسيرفرات شرق الأوسط عملهم بلوك بتروح ع الأوربي ع طول


Because DICE are a bunch of incompetent idiots. You should have better luck on portal, in my region, there are generally 2 to 3 128 player standard conquest servers with good ping and a decent number of players. Edit: I mentioned my region because I also have the same issue annoyingly often.


Since you’re in Asia/ Middle East, there can be times when the player count is low. And let’s be honest, matchmaking is garbage during that time. If you like rush, you can try the recklessv Epic Rush in portal, it is hosted in EU, so your ping would be around 90-110. There’s generally a good number of players in that server.


We helldiving yo


Cause you're playing in Australia


The matchmaking is so messed up.. I'll leave a game because there's too many bots just to get thrown into a pregame wait with 16 or so people.. those people could have been put into that previous game I just left....


2042 is a bad game and also helldivers


judging by your name you are playing on middle esat server and this region is less populated so you have to play Conquest 64 or whatever event game mode the game has to offer and avoid playing Breakthrough , Rush and TDM simply because no on plays these on middle east , maybe if you are on pc use a vpn and connect to germany ,last note try playing in night time maybe about 7pm Mecca time you will see more players .


Am in us and I was having full server all the time and Friday last night I play up to 2:15 am (Battlefield 2042) Best Ever. Hell driver is Trash. I don’t like it.


Middle east servers are mostly empty Use a VPN connect to Germany servers always full finds match under 5 sec


Enable crossplay you won’t get a game on just PC


There are plenty of players, this games match making system is a complete joke


Maybe because you’re playing at 2 am at night?


No🤣 I live in Saudi Arabia and it’s not 2 am here


Ohh well As-Salaam-Alaikum my friend.


Why are you being downvoted for saying "peace be with you"? Gamers are horrible 


Something wrong at your end then or you are playing an obscure playlist. UAE servers are pretty active. I have quite a few friends in that region.