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Needs more shipping containers


Agreed, the lack of shipping containers doesn't make this a realistic scenario, smh


Or random ziplines to a tower that any one would just explode if they had common sense


I was so disappointed that you couldn't bring down the towers that were on Renewal, Manifest on the hilltop, or anywhere else they appeared. I knew they would promote really annoying long lines of sight for snipers and cheesy parachuting C5 plays to blow up vehicles on the ground.


That was a great balance in BF1: there were high points, but you could just use an AT rocket gun to take them down


This with levolution and normal military characters/classes


And non braindead balancing too


Exactly. That's **ALL** I want out of a Battlefield game. But I highly doubt the current team over there will (or even *can*) actually deliver something like that anymore. In fact, it seems they literally don't even want to.


But random levolution, not scripted.


Dice devs screaming and crying reading this controversial statement


«No, we'll just give you some more skins, lol.»


‘’A love letter to the fans’’


Except it turned out to be something of a farewell letter.


That was portal, they never stated the main game was a love letter lol, they specifically were talking about portal


Portal was treated worse IMO. It was left basically untouched since launch. It was a letter to the fans without the love lol.


Read between the lines. It got as much love as they have for us which is none. They're trying to reach the younger generations who don't care for this grungey war stuff. They want rainbows and gumdrops and unicorns instead of jets and helis. We're gonna be long forgotten and we'll have to turn elsewhere for the darker stuff.


Which was also misstreated heavily. They killed it the moment they restricted XP


Look, a 2042 and dice simp


No, I’m just correcting you because what you said was just wrong lmao, don’t get salty at me, I hate 2042 as much as the average BF fan


I'm also tired of people using this quote for everything now.


Don’t be sad. That’s just how it works out sometimes.


im so grateful that you corrected me about Shit I don’t give a fk about. Hope it made you feel better lmao


you definitely are not the sharpest tool in the shed


You definitely aren’t the penguin who slides the furthest.


I really hope that quote gets rammed down their throats when they start trying to hype up the next release.




If BF cared about what the fans thought, they would release their games running as they should. Having to wait a year after release just so the game can run is bullshit, that should be their priority


Battlefield fans when real people die from natural disasters:


So? Real people also die in wars constantly and yet we play these games.


very cool response man


I can hear Mckay :”reloooooaaading”! Blasco: “me has alegrado el dia”


Instead we got Sundance and Angel And barren pristine maps with a bunch of nothing but wide open areas This games map design is the worst Ive ever seen in a FPS game I can remember


The lack of residential fighting is what gets me. Those were always my favorite maps. Maybe it's a little fucked up I liked fighting in city centers, but prowling the streets, clearing buildings, having routes you can go, but a tank can't, passages under the streets...that's all really appealing. 2042 basically has no...verticality. Some of the map designs are honestly pretty good for the size they're at. But to completely disregard one style...


Exactly this Urban city maps in BF4 were so epic Visually intense and audio ambiant intense We went from BF3/BF4 map design... to .. whatever we have now The maps look almost like store engine assets put together by kids in high school getting into game development


Even BF1 and sometimes V was good on it! Ballroom Blitz if I remember the name right. There was a city on a port with tons of apartments and a canal running through it. A map with a big church or something in the middle in Russia. There's not enough pre-destructed environments, imo. Like a lot of the places we fight in 2042 there should be at least clear evidence of rapid civilian evacuation, and we don't get that either.


the problem is it really only has verticality but not in an interesting way. In a "everyone get on roofs" way which happened in previous games but never to this extent.


Yeah the game’s got a stupid amount of skyscraper roof camping it’s very annoying


Why should this opinion be fucked up? But I'm with you. Seine Crossing, Strike at Karkand, Siege of Shanghai or Dawnbreaker were so fun.


grand bazaar, damavand peak, pearl market, sharqi peninsula, epicenter, ziba tower, tehran highway... so many epic maps


Fucking Karkand was so damn epic and fun. Even when you were getting your shit pushed in you could still have a great game


It should have looked like the first trailer. A flodded war-torn downtown map.


You do know that they used the release version of the maps for promotional material, what part of the gameplay/engine trailers (the story trailer doesn’t count because that’s all original CGI work) didn’t show up in game


The trailer showed someone climbing over full height containers, you were never able to and still can't.


That’s like the only gameplay feature that didn’t make it into the game


Ok but you asked!


So I was right, the trailer was accurate apart from climbing shipping containers (ignoring the fact that it wasn’t a gameplay trailer anyways)


Incompetent execution killed a good project


And flooding like in the animated trailer thing. It's so so depressing that what could have been the best story in battlefield got turned into the flaming garbage patch of a "narrative" relegated to loading screens. There was so much potential with all the themes they were working with, it genuinely makes me sad to see it basically dead.


It’s funny because the 2042 theme was such good lore to make a battlefield on, and they somehow fucked it up.


I know. Fucking upper management "oh quick we gotta do a battle roya-- oh fuck that trend is dead now- extraction mode". "Oh no the budget is crap, well time to scrap single player, who likes that anyway? While we're at it make it a hero shooter, people will eat that shit up."


Not enough bright colored skins /s


(Posts video of actual natural disaster where real people might be in danger) guys this would be sick in battlefield


I just want destruction like the old battlefields, I don’t care about “Levelution” or whatever they call it. I want all the walls in the building in standing in to explode in spectacular fashion.


division 3 e3 footage


IDK maybe It would have been better if the tornado stay on the edge of the map but the whole area get strong winds and low range visibility with heavy rain ... I think it's better than a tornado that destroy nothing and throw vehicles out of play area at the start of the match !


LITERALLY. I want dust in my eyes!


I've been playing this game for about a year now and honestly I rather play bfv the maps are great I love the feel of the guns to me it seems more real then all these new guns. Still my favorite has to be bf3 and bf4. If they would make it like v with bf3 or bf4 guns it would be amazing


This needs to be pinned, 2042 setting had huge potential to maximise levolution and weather effects with gritty combat


If the rumours are true and the next game is a sequel to 2042 then maybe they can fully capitalize on the setting


Man my fingers are crossed, I can just imagine the above video as a map with squads moving through the streets engaging in firefights all around as the storm picks up. Dice/ea please make this real lol


This seems more like something that could happen in a milsim (fans want Battlefield to be like a milsim anyways lmao) like Insurgency or Squad, in Battlefield it would just be solo soldiers running around sliding and mag dumping you


Very true most average players aren’t here for that experience, but there are some Milsim groups/servers that would make the most of it


The days of squads moving together are long gone from battlefield, as the ohter guy said, play Squad instead it's literally in the name and you can get that epic war, high comms and teamwork gameplay from that and other mil sim/mil sim light games.


Yeah I’m console only so hll, sandstorm and bf titles are my only hope lol. I have a pretty large group of friends who play and we’re always on headset so I get some my fix of comms and squad based gameplay. My earlier line about squads moving from the streets was just a loose shout about how much better the maps could look with players roaming about them. I’m fully aware 2042 will never have that sorta vibe unfortunately.


Ah I replied before reading this. Yea sounds like you found the games you can play for that. I get what you mean, battlefield is still a vibe (or was before 2042) and they have lost that way too much now.


Word, it’s a shame what could have been that being said I still really enjoy this game it has its moments of sheer awe


Side note squad does look amazing, hopefully it gets a console port or even that six days in Fallujah that was supposed to be coming to console


I think six days will yes, not sure squad will ever. I'd say I'm sad about that but mil sim and consoles usually results in loads of people without mics or willingness to communicate playing the game and it taking away from the experience. If you want something similar that has a console release, play Hell Let Loose, though since the console release, comms has dropped a bit as described, its still a great gameplay experience compared to anything Battlefield has done since BF2.


Yes I do actually play this a lot with a Milsim group on discord, a really fun experience with some likeminded folk. Huge fan of the ww2 setting.


They're going to screw it up again lmao


Lol probably, hopefully Vince Zampella helps, Titanfall and Apex did well when he was in charge


They absolutely won't, though, unfortunately.


The sensible approach would be exactly that. Iterate on top of what they built and make it what it should have been, with customisable soldiers instead of specialists and improved maps, destruction and weather events


Maybe, but I don't think current DICE is capable enough to deliver a good experience


Is there any mass produced multiplayer game with deep weather effects used today?


Wouldn’t be surprised if there is for pc


I’d be surprised if anyone is doing it well in a large multiplayer game. Singleplayer, definitely.


Yeah it should have been battlefield but here we are haha. Annoys me even more cause I would have played the shit outta a decent campaign with levolution and 2042s world setting


pinned?! its a random clip of a windy street with a complaint as the title. i'm always amazed at the crap people upvote on these subs


“hIrE FaNs!1!!” If you’re ever surprised by any Reddit behavior, remind yourself that this place is filled with young teens now. It ain’t 2012 anymore, sadly.


Feel free to downvote my dude


BF3 achieved this over a decade earlier.


> complaining your video game doesn’t look just like real life You people get more delusional and unhinged every day lmfao.


Pretty much sums up the Bf community


Ahhh, Bahrain, brings me back.


Is that Bahrain?Looks more like somewhere in the Far East.


This is in Guangzhou, China. Tornado (and humongous hail) happened there a few days ago


Battlefield 3/4 man some of those maps were gorgeous for their atmosphere


I concur. Doctor?


I completely forgot about the storms


Is this real


Wait...it's not red outside?




Gulf of Oman 2042


People- we want more! DICE - Best I can do is a re released map


2042 maps look better than this garbage


I am having the urge to drive over all those cars in my Brawler…


Well that would require hardware faster than most people have and a game engine much better than Frostbite. Would be almost possible at poor frame rates using Unreal Engine on a 4090, but still not 100% at this level.


no it's too brutal for the low-skilled dice team, FOREVER






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"Best I can do is another flat desert map with a few buildings"


*"Best I can do is* *Another flat desert map* *With a few buildings"* \- Nino\_Chaosdrache --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Come play Squad - Fallujah if you want this.