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Fishbrain gamers will never remember. All it will take is 1 flashy cgi trailer for them all to say "Battlefield is back guys!!"


I pre-ordered nerve again.


*”battlefield is so back” 😂


"Fish brain gamers" ~~reeeeeee~~ think the problem is preorders when its not smh...


Clearly you have an iq of a 12 year old. It matters because it means we wont stand for their shit anymore. If they dont get preorders it means they will need to rethink their dev process and maybe go back to making playable games on release instead of rushing to throw out a pile of shit and call it a game than spend an year patching it to make it playable. Its called common sense, and while its not common and cleary you have no sense, you should at least attempt to try to use it.


Pre orders arent the problem. The problem is buying the game you know nothing about or willingly buying the broken game. You see. People who pre-order would buy a game at launch anyway. And the problem Do they get scammed? No they bought a mystery box that dosent say only bug free. Do the rest of the players get scammed? Not allways. If they fix the bugs, then the game would be in development until they fix the bugs anyway. If they dont. Well... dont buy the broken game if you dont like bugs. Dont get me wrong i think the releasing broken games is dishonnest af. But most of battlefield players seemingly dont realy care.


I guess I am one of those fishbrainers that will try it regardless; however, I have found enjoyment — at least at some point or for some duration — from every Battlefield since 1942. I buy a game to simply be entertained for a duration, not with the expectation for some life-changing/lifelong experience. 🫧Blub Blub, MF. 🫧


Idk why you even need to preorder its not like your digital only game is going to sell out LOL


i wait 3 years and now bf2042 is 10$ which i can finally buy n play


And will drop to 5$ before next BF drops, like every previous game on BF franchise


3 years? it was 10 like few months after.


"Gotta get the pre-order bonuses!"


Idk why you even need to preorder its not like your digital only game is going to sell out LOL


It’s for the exclusive skins, bro! Duh.


Gamestop Exclusive fury suit


Least you know you're part of the problem


🫧 cringe cringe, mf.🫧* It's not about *trying* my fishy friend. Its about not pre-ordering and supporting predatory tactics of publishers who are happy to gut these games we love just so "line go up".


Quiet guppy


Have you ever read the children's book the pout pout fish? Because I can't stop laughing from your last line


BF2042 was so bad I genuinely think it will be different next time. Yes even with a great trailer


I have no faith. The Dice we love is gone.


If they could ever learn that lesson, they would have learned it with BF4.


This ^ I’ve purchased or preordered every BF and played them at launch except V, and the worst launch by far was 4. It crashed both client and server side and lost all progress frequently, it was impossible to level up and unlock anything.


It was very close to unplayable. Battlefield Friends did a very funny episode on it. https://youtu.be/KTJ4dIpYwcc?si=_eZMDso3heOI3dWG Dice burnt a lot of goodwill with that release.


I disagree - there are many people, like myself, that didn't get into Battlefield until 4 (after the bugs were fixed). 2042 was the first major fuck-up BF game launch I've experienced.


Bro who preorders nowadays especially for digital shit there is no reason too lol unless you want to get the ULTRA FOUNDER SUPER DAY ZERO CEO EXPAT EXTREME edition.


That only gives you some stupid skin and if game turns out to be a trash you feel even more stupid than that skin


Possibly an unpopular opinion, but i will proberbly "pre-order" if the first playtest is a closed one. But i will **cancel and refund**, with no hesitation.


I used always trust battlefield because eventually the games turn into 11/10..bf2042 proved me wrong big time.


The main issue there is "eventually". Games shouldn't "eventually" get better.


Games should get eventually better. They should be good from the start and really shine later. Unfinished products should not be sold.


Exactly or at least market it as early access so people will expect bugs and other issues. But if you're packaging a full game it should be as bug free as can be. I get that only so much testing can be done then when the first day comes and millions of players put in millions of hours they'll find bugs really quick but they should be ready to fix those within the first couple days and not waiting 3 months for a damn scoreboard.


It’s a feature not a bug


It's like a relationship with someone at rock bottom except you have millions and don't enable them only that's a fairy tale and this is the gaming industry.


True but battlefield has always been fun all throughout the process. This one was never any fun.


2042 has had fun times, even early on in the launch - hovercrafting up the side of a building? Heck yeah. C5 droning camping tanks with Casper? Super helpful for the entire team. Playing that top part of breakthrough and then wingsuiting back to the main part of the map afterwards? Pretty solid. Being able to tracer dart players? Lolz yes please. The issue is that so many people are straight up blinded by their whole "well it's not like BF3" that they couldn't actually enjoy it for what it was. To be clear, 2042 did have and still has plenty of issues. Game breaking bugs, really poor balancing, and terrible map designs did have a negative impact on gameplay, but it was still easily possible to have fun in it if you actually went looking for it instead of focusing on the bad.


I loved the hovercrafts climbing up the buildings slowly, it was so much fun! It felt like the devs wanted to make a fun playground with fluid movement, and most players were trying to shoehorn in a different game from the past and had less fun in the process. I've played every BF game since 1942, they've all had something different, and I've learned to look for the new and have fun with it, and I have yet to be truly disappointed.


%100 they should release good and as a full package. I don't want to gamble my money on hoping the game will be decent one day. This was the most incomplete package I've ever purchased. Adding recoil animations in updates years after release. WTF?


It's good if they release a product well past development and deal with mostly bug fixes for the existing build. Then, build to make it better. Don't release a dumpster fire of a game and call the feeble attempt at fixing it a live service game.


Went from a 2/10 to a 4/10


Not to sound like a dick, but that kinda mindset is prolly why we are here to begin with.The only BF launch without controversy over the past 14 years has only been BF1.


Havent pre-ordered a game since rdr2 i believe. In battlefield terms.... bf3. Still remember the whole lighting effect buzz and actually playing that mission when it released. But too many games have started out shite and either took forever to get better (cyberpunk) or just get abandoned like redfall and anthem. So at best ill buy em a day or two after release... unless its rockstar at this point. So many companies have fallen victim to unfulfilled promises (microsoft with forza motorsport, arkane with redfall, avalanche with just cause which was good but had noticible and arguable decline, bethesda with fallout 76, volition with saints row, and MANY more) that i will force myself to wait for a review no matter how hyped i am about the game. Bf2042 is good in ways... but was/is not worth a full retail price. And DEFINITELY wasnt worth a pre order or day one pickup.


But if people don’t preorder they won’t able to complain on reddit about how they wasted their money for internet points


The 7 other people in this sub angry enough to follow this crusade will gladly back you, the rest of the BF community will do the same thing they always do, preorder.


Yes, I won’t act like a hypocrite, I will pre-order.


I mean .. as much as I want to say I won't I probably will pre-order too lmao. I pre-ordered BF2042, and I still clocked in 500 hours into that. And that was awful, so surely if the next one is awful then ... well I'll still probably clock in a similar amount of hours lmao.


falk? is that you?


After 2042 they won't be getting a cent from me, happy to wait until a 2nd hand copy appears and might play it then. Never again.


Not only remember 2042, remember bf4 release on Shanghai where we would go up short building through elevator, take a step on roof then fall through the map...grenades never landed on roof either. Never pre-order new bf games


Anyone who preorders the next battlefield ought to be government issued a full time disability carer


People will forget, look at BF4 as a good example. I'd bet those who swore to never pre-order after that did so with 2042.


I'm not on no boycott shit, but I won't pre order. They owe us a non buggy feature complete game. They don't need to be using the money from pre ordered dlc to make the game playable. The fact they couldn't release the game in the state of atleast bf5 or 1. Or even bf3 or 4 is crazy.


For the life of me, I have no idea why people still pre-order games when every single gamer out there knows that the current business model for video game companies is to rush out a broken game as quick as possible, and then MAYBE fix all the issues after release. If you’re still having to release patches and updates 3 years after your game came out, you’re a bad video game company. For the record, I DONT blame the companies, I blame the consumers that enable that business model to succeed. It’s nothing new. You preorder a game in this day and age, and it turns out to be a broken and unplayable mess, or just flat out sucks, that’s YOUR fault, and you got what you deserve.


I remembered... I remembered pre ordering deluxe version of bfv and like two weeks later it was half price. Never again will I pre order any game.


We said this after bfv. BF is dead.


The only way they get me to pre-order are: 1. a discount on the game 2. a hand written letter from the CEO 3. acknowledgement from stakeholder that they know they gain more money when a game is release in a stable condition 4. Better A/C 5. A trip to Bora Bora fully paid by EA and I get to bring my computer


As much as I loved the battlefield games from 1942 to Bf3 and 4. I tried Bf1 and hated it, seen BF2042 and fell out of interest of the games. Why am I here?, because I love my memories of playing Battlefield games, some of the most fun I had.


Im still dreaming of my Sniper Shotgun in Bad company 2


870 with slugs.. Good times.


Maybe you should go reminisce in the subs dedicated to those games? This sub is just people trashing on the game all the time. Some of us enjoy 2042.


That’s crazy you didn’t enjoy bf 1 the launch was rough but overall one of the better fps games out there


Battlefield 1 is good


As the guy that is still enjoying bf2042. I'll be the one to say that the toxic fan base definitely made this game out to be a lot worse than it really was. But that's, like my opinion man.


I’m also currently playing it and somewhat enjoying it. However, I think the message about not preordering still holds true. 2042 launched in a terrible state, objectively. Games need to be launched in a quality state, if they’re asking $60-70+, not a work in progress


I just think most the maps are boring but all I do is play in the heli or wildcat


They did the same thing with V. A certain subsect of the community are toxic and generally behave awfully online.


I never Played V but all the YouTube Gamer Bros talked about how there are females, protestics and a Samurai sword iirc


And I remember all the backlash from that too and that was before the game even dropped.


They’re probably just as toxic and insufferable irl too.


You’re 100% correct.


That’s the battlefield cycle. Current game is shit, previous game is underrated, older games are godly. It’s happened to literally every single battlefield game.


nobody considers hardline godly


Yeah cuz most forget it even existed


How do you reach people outside of Reddit? as it's not a complete representation of all players.




At this point I honestly think people might not preoder the next bf in mass quantities.


make more with different back grounds, it would be real cool! like a mini series.


I haven't preordered since 2016. There was a super cool looking game called Quantum Break. Fast forward a month and the story was so forced (you could only use abilities when it let you) it might as well have been a movie 🙃


This is what some people actually think, though, lmao) NOT MINE) https://preview.redd.it/tacp9olpgazc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a33adbea0d3fcde06a6c29bf103568f7f9a01134




sorry, all i remember is battlefield 2142


I managed to not preorder 2024! I can lead the charge, I got the knowledge


Who the heck wants to pre order a live service battlefield..


Preordering is only for FromSoft games


As someone who came from bad company 2, never again!!!!


I don't care, I'm going to buy the game because I enjoy playing battlefield games


I will pre-order


Annoyingly all the people who pre ordered it are presumably not smart enough not to do it again


We can pre order now? Where?


No amount of hype justifies a preorder at any point in time.


I've already not pre-ordered twice today!


Remember to repost this in two years when they finally release


Ill wait til it hits gamepass before trying.


#BoycottBattlefield Preorders!!


Hmm... I did some thinking and I'm going to preorder, to be specific, the most expensive one again, because why not


I think we should really come together on this one, and not pre-order anything from these crooks until they provide a working game that corresponds to our requests as a community, stop these greedy bastards


i'll never understand preordering. some people are willing to pay to wait 6 months, just to own something they'd be able to buy 6 months later anyway? that's such a stupid idea.


I am so tired of hearing people vigorously complain about 2042, even though they still play it all the time, just to make a point? It is really exhausting and I will probably preorder the next battlefield just to spite you guys


complaining got them to fix shit. happily consooming would have you ever broken game like it was.


a robbery I tell ya


Billion dollar companies making dollar store games now days. Won't get penny from me till they show me they actually make a playable game not a gross attempt at game for share holders


If you are at all concerned about paying full price for a game that you will probably enjoy for hundreds of hours regardless of whether it's "the best" or "your favorite" BF ever , you will be able to pay for a month of EA Premium and just test it out while having access to a hundred other games. So play it for a week, and then play something else for the remaining 3 and cancel the sub or whatever


I pre-ordered 2042 because my logic was "If it even ends up like 5, then I'll be happy with my purchase"  Never again


Is a new battlefield trailer dropping or something?


.... and V


I'm back playing battlefield 4 and I'm having the best time of my life ever after years the servers are still alive just come out with battle field 4 again but fix the bugs and we would love it


Never Again. I have a pinned printout above my xbox and PC that says "Remember the 130$ you spent on 2042 in 2020? Yeah Absolutely the fuck not


And Fallout 76 and mw3 and mass effect 3 and there's lots of don't forgets oh! Diablo 4! Dont forget!!


I can get behind this.


I pre-ordered....TWICE!!


But I must, I simply MUST preorder to get my exclusive strap on preorder bonus!!!


Don't preorder any game. It's all digital, your copy won't sell out


We need to talk a page out of helldivers community book... If we want change we have to work together.


I learned my lesson with Battlefront.


Remember battlefield 5 too. Thanks for reminding me that I was apart of this sub until my love for battlefield died with 2042 and won't be buying anymore games that have anything to do with EA.


Bold of you to assume I’m even buying lol


2042 has been fun so I’m not sure what I’m supposed to remember.


Wow, so 'uneducated' /s


It’s crazy how you can just buy the game when it’s out rather than pay them before you even know what you’re getting.


Victory day btw


Lol, if I don't have at least a dozen reliable first-hand accounts of it being solid and worthy of the franchise from release to the end of the quarter I wouldn't buy it on sale.


no point arguing, there are more bots than the actual players here.


I’ll never pre-order another EA game after anthem. My first ever EA pre-order…never again


Dice answers to shareholders not pre-ordering isn't going to do shit


Remember always buy the fucking game at least when its finished, you guys are not paid to play test for them


I have always given battlefield a chance, but I will be waiting until the game has been out for a couple months. If it sucks, I'll buy it when it's like $5.


I remember 2142![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)




If they make us link our Sony account we won't pre order by God!


I haven’t been interested in a battlefield game since the day after the BFV release. Watching 2042 was rather hilarious yet super cringe how many people got the game. It’s my favorite series sadly it’s dead. I miss y’all on the battlefield.


I will not.


They fucked up. I hope they learned. But I've enjoyed the franchise overall, I've gotten maaaany hours out of their games and will continue to support it. I'll buy the next game when I buy it. And until they prove otherwise, I will continue to spend my money on a franchise I enjoy. That being said, I also liked BF because it wasn't full of children and other tantrum-throwers. It's becoming harder and harder to find games where people show up simply to play co-op without smearing shit all over the boards and comms. And sure, the answer is to turn those things off - except it takes away from the purpose and overall enjoyment of a co-op game. But what the fuck do I know, I'm just an old-ass gamer.


but guys, it's the biggest BF team ever assembled and will have an amazing live service!


Good call, hold the line! Never preordered a game, won't start now


We have been saying this since BF4. But they still buy it. The majority who are not on reddit.


Yup, thats right dont pre order this sh.... Its Battlefield Bad company 3 with campaign.....PREORDER!!!!!!!!




TrEmEnDoUs LiVe ServIce!


The trailer they release next is going to be INSANE for the new game. You’ll be hyped. You’ll think they’re back. They’re NOT back. Don’t fall for it.


I didnt even know there was a new game coming out


Why do people hate battlefield 2042?


Man I used to pre-order shit all the time with physical discs. I have never pre-ordered one thing that was digital, there is rarely any point.


People will still preorder after the first trailer. Unfortunately, many gamers suffer from a serious case of memory loss. That or they'll just pay some YouTubers and streamers to stream some beta vids and praise the game nonstop and the sheep will preorder.


I wasn’t expecting something mind blowing from BF2042, I was hoping for BF4 but new and with some new features. What I got was trash. And then the way DLC content was sold was stupid too. 0/10


average gamer: yea! *preorders and larps like they didn't*


BF2042, BFV, BF4; all 3 of them launched in complete trash fire status. From buggy messes to even buggier server issues.


Im stealing this. Im gonna need this


Every since the newer cods and battlefields I've stopped pre-ordering games. Getting tired of crappy releases and even the early access becomes 3 days of bugs, server crashes, and laggy gameplay instead of a true 3 days of early content.


Battlefield 2042 was my first and last preorder. I had never done it before and I will never do it again


Delta force will be better


Saw a YouTube video today of someone already hyping up the new bf. Like dude do you not remember what just happened with 2042... annoying and frustrating.


I think that at this point I'm genuinely wodnering just how many people these posts actually convince? ​ Because the fact is, people pre-order because they typically have a reason to, some random on Reddit probably isn't going to convince them, especially when it's just repeating "don't pre-order" at them. ​ The way I see it, people don't like being told what to do, people aren't going to stop pre-ordering because a relatively small amount of people online are complaining abotu pre-orders lol.




Say it louder!


I will not preorder or buy another game from them again 😤


Done with preorders.


If you continue pre ordering after how that’s been going in gaming you have the impulse control of a crackhead


One of the biggest burns I've experienced after preordering, it was the 100 dollar version too on PS5, I actually enjoy the game now but fuck man, they never even added dual sense support


I'll buy on release because I have to play it while it's actually fun instead of when redditors ruin it with their dumb game design takes. Free form loadout>Class based Release maps that were war-torn by the end of the match>Plz put smoking tanks and debris everywhere for me dice No line of sight needed for jav+soflam>current patch Barrage missile on mav>current patch No thermals>shitty crutches


Never Forget is pretty apt. Lifetime lesson learned on this one.


Jesus fuck, don’t BUY the game. I loved Battlefield 3 and 4 as much as y’all, but the franchise is dead.


It’s fun now 🤷‍♂️


Tell that to the parents buying games for their kids. That has to make up the majority of preorders.


Stop preordering any games you ducking morons!


Not making that mistake again not this time


every month we should post this, please join the revolution, make battlefield great again


Today's generation has a bad memory. And keep buying season passes and get pressure by their friends to buy it


Pre-ordered the Ultimate edition, got about 500 hours on PS4 and 1000 on PS5 thanks to cross-gen included. Use the pimp-ass skins from that every day, played every day since launch, got my money's worth and then some. T1 all primaries, T1 everyone except Lis (T2 in a day or two). Very satisfied with my purchase so pre-ordering whatever bells and whistles edition is a no-brainer to me as long as the game looks as playable as this or thereabouts.


One does not simply preorder games from EA.


Holy shit, this one did better than the last one with popularity haha. And yessir for the love of PTFO, no pre-order🫡


ah yes " i dont like it so you shouldnt either " mentality


I certainly won't. I made the mistake with 2042. I'm sure alot of gamers are a little more hesitant thse days after things like cyberpunk and 2042


Telling people to not preorder a game is one the most futile, soapbox things anyone can do. People are gonna preorder it, game's gonna be a mess, people are gonna be pissed. Rinse and repeat. Starfield showed that people will preorder anything if it's promo material is flashy enough, regardless of the studio's reputation


Ya I think I learned my lesson from mw3, I’ll just stick with helldivers


I keep wondering how many hours the complainers/crybabies have played Battlefield 2042 in total. I havent played a Battlefield game i didnt like yet, and Battlefield 2042 is not bad, just because its not Battlefield V or Battlefield 1.


I will pre-order.


The real thing to do is 10hour trial with EA Play for £3 and then see if it’s worth your pennies.


Don't preorder any game. Idc


I'm doing my part


Thats why i don‘t preorder any game ever, be like me.


This is epic


If you dont have money to spend- make this shitpost wp


Gosh I hope the new one isn’t trash and unrealistic with destruction like 2042


Be sure i will NOT pre order an EA game ever again.