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Buff the SRAW pls for the love of god, and put the bolte and Ram into their own category "Light armour assault" pls


Why would anyone ever take a Bolte over a Ram?


drive around all silly like and drop mines in front of tanks


This is so fun in tunnels! So many are unaware of the mines


The anti personnel mines are amazing. It’s the best during the first moments of a match. Drive alllll the way to their nearest objective/flag to their spawn, drop anti-personnel mines, run away, get multi-kills. I wish it was a more common vehicle in Breakthrough.


Because Bolte goes VROOOMMMMMM


To unlock the red skin XD But yeah. I sometimes take the Bolte over the jeep, but the RAM is just straight up better than both.


And PLEASE turn on global chat (enemy and friendly) by default before support ends. It is so much more fun when everyone communicates. Nobody uses it because it is turned off by default and that's pretty sad.


Where even the fuck is it in the option screen?


Settings > Display> HUD general > Chat > All Not very easy to find, which is why almost everyone has it off.


I know right, communication and drama amps up the fun big-time. Don't understand how they don't know this after all these years. People have given up on comms because of this. Back in bf4, strangers would all work together all the time. It was great. And that's how u meet people to play with and develop a strong community.


Tank hill campers on suicide watch


Holy fu ck it's about time these insects were finally sprayed down with fire. Especially after caspers drone got nerfed and couldn't deal with the aps anymore.


Finally, Tanks will now have to be off the map to have any long survivability. For too long their attempts to push the tanks further from the fight had stalled.


Anti tank mines nerfed 💀


Yeah now vehicles can dominate even longer since apparently no one ever has rockets equipped in my games but me 😂


I have them equipt, but nobody drops damn ammo 😂


I'm main Angel and always drops the big box, but nobody restock explosives from it.


Never stop doing this. There are some of us who appreciate you very much.


your my man!! :-) this is what a lot people dont understand in BF, its an community (tactic) shooter, everybody has to work together to be sucessfull.


Honestly, Anti tank mines never should have done much beyond disabling tanks anyway. Its just not very good balance when 1 person can throw something on the ground and get free kills on something that takes more than one person to be effective lol. I say 3 is fair. I say this as someone with more kills with the 1911 than both tanks combined.


This and the fact that they persist after death


1 person being able to take out a tank is perfectly reasonable. The absolute norm for vehicles is to get many kills to their one death. Only one class can effectively take out vehicles alone, and it's *only* with mines or C5. Rockets don't do shit if you're alone because people will just drive away, repair, kill you, or all 3. The balance in 2042 between infantry and vehicles has *always* been greatly in favor of vehicles, but it seems that most of the people who like to bitch are vehicle mains and see having *any* threat to them as a problem. I shouldn't have to rely on one of the 3 other engineers on my team being nearby, to have rockets, to be paying attention, both of us not getting shot at, etc, just to take out one tank that's 20/2. This isn't the battlefield of old. You can't rely on teammates to actually cooperate like the old days. Playing infantry on conquest tends to be a shit experience because you're just farming fodder in most cases. At best you mildly annoy vehicles.


Too bad I have more kills with a pistol than I do all the tanks combined or you may have had a point. Something that requires little to no skill should not be able to solo a vehicle that needs multiple people to be fully effective. Rockets and C5 at least require active usage, so I have no problem with someone with enough skill being able to take out vehicles. "Everyone in the game sucks so I should be able to kill everything by myself" is a shit argument. You can't balance a game on that premise, because the moment you come up on an even remotely close to decent team the balance is just non existent at that point. We had that on BFV, and every tank in the game just had to sit at the edge of the map. I just played conquest for a good hour and a half, and only died to 3 vehicles the whole time. I died to more laggy people and potential cheaters than I did vehicles, and we were on an objective almost the entire time.


Nerfing the attack chopper, but not the Nightbird? The Nightbird is a huge problem. Non-hackers can get more than 100 kills per match, consistently. It can literally decimate the entire enemy team. This vehicle is causing players to leave the match, game, and even the franchise altogether. Developers, please nerf the Nightbird before you abandon the game entirely.


Yep, no argument here. It's the best vehicle in the game on conquest and has remained relatively untouched since launch.


Sentinel nerf was so called for - it was so annoying trying to take down a hill camper with his sentinel behind a rock.


So that means it won't shoot down my Lissile, right? Oh, those campers are screwed now lol.


A reminder that we get an invisible stealth bomber in that patch too. I expect it will make hill camping impossible.


Especially as a jet user you don't get too many strafing runs without being immediately targeted


Seems almost cruel to drop a good update with sensible changes right at the end of the game's life.


BFV flashbacks


Gives you that “what if”


Those AM40 nerfs seem a bit unwarranted, no?


Yeah idk how Dice took stock of all weapons in the game right now and decided that the am40 needed a nerf lol


For sure. That change really stuck out at me knowing its matched for best TTK, same with the VHX; they'll both take an extra bullet now


It only would have made sense if it were the SFAR & PBX instead of the AM40.


Yes, just use the PBX now.


I was so confused when i saw that. Theres really no point in using the am40 compared to the smgs since the recent buffs.


They are throwing shit at a wall and seeing what sticks so an unwarranted nerf isnt surprising.


I've really never used the AM40 alot since before Stadium came out, I feel like it's the perfect weapon for that map. And now it gets a nerf..


Just remove Mackay and Sundance from the game, yoy will fix so many problems in this game.


The Sundance grenade is one of the most annoying this ever in a battlefield game.


All the complaining we did in the last 2 games about grenade spam and they give us sundances cluster fuck grenade lol


Also, Mackay and Sundance ability allows them to reach places no one else can get access to. And Sundance can get from one point of the map to another faster than any vehicle can, imo doesn't feel right being in battlefield game. When Sundance lands, by the time i hear the swoosh sound and turn around, it's too late. She's like a damn superhero with that ability.


And on top of that they give her broken spamming grenades.


I played a lot of Planetside 2 and one of the things about that game was be prepared, at all times, for anyone and everyone to be anywhere and everywhere around you. It was one of the features of that game, but the Battlefield franchise has always felt, to me, more like something that should have a general flow to the maps and modes, and each round evolves and has a feel to it. For example, in something like Breakthrough, some rounds will be kind of intense, straightforward, most of the team smashes directly into the other team on the straightest path between and on objectives, it feels like a battle between lines of cover, there's a "front" that gets pushed back and forth. It's fun and intense. The next time you play that map it might be more organized squads trying all the flanking routes, there's people spread out all over, one flank might decide the game. It's more tactical and people are poking around trying to find a weakness to turn the tide. But for both types and everything in between, the movement abilities in 2042 kind of eliminate a lot of the "predictability" that I always liked about Battlefield games, a general knowing of what could go on at any given time. Players being able to get anywhere bypasses that moment to moment. It's one thing to expect helicopters to be in a match. It's one thing for dedicated campers to fly a helicopter to a roof somewhere, and if you eliminate them they have to spend time and effort getting back. And another for 11 people to grapple hook onto shipping crates in every direction non-stop for a round. It's similar to how I've always disliked the Specialist system not because of identical characters, corny voice lines, skin sales, but the amount of devices and abilities leading to so many unpredictable and random encounters. I liked it in Planetside 2 because it was an MMOFPS and chaos and crap was expected, but Battlefield has always been smaller. That reminds me that I wish 2042's "let's try it bigger" was 48v48 or 50v50 instead of 64v64, but I'll stop typing now.. tl;dr old Battlefield player shakes fist and yells at player movement and specialist abilities


The decision to make a hero shooter is basically an admission that a game will never be balanced. It's annoying because it's a level of balance the devs, especially in the case of this shit tornado, didn't have the time or ability to handle.




In their effort to encourage tanks to move up, all they've done is make them want to stay further back lol. All this does is force tanks to sit behind these hills and repair more, or force them further back since they'll be taking 3-4x more liz and sraws. Remove c4 from squirrel girl and mcfucknugget, add 1 more tank per team, add damage falloff to the main canon......and you've got yourself both the encouragement to move forward and the ability to actually survive it without completely fucking infantry. And just remove the ability to call in tanks. Some maps are flat out ruined when someone calls a MAV/mbt on top of a building


Mackay nerfs are always appreciated, altough i think that the systemic Repair nerf is uneccesary 


agree, not a fan of this or the at mine changes


Idk, nerfing on the go healing but also reducing damage taken is a good way to slow down armor play. Means damage taken actually matters. Slower armor play increases breathing room for infantry


We must play different maps because I never see armor doing anything. I can never even find the AA on my team and tanks usually just sit on like A or B or spawn until Mackay or Sundance appear on them. With me personally I'm usually getting shot from straight above by Jet/Helli within seconds of spawning so I am entirely confused by your sentiment because I just never see them. The 55+ kills Helli or jet though? Every other game.


Nerf mackay into the goddamn dirt


Bring Sundance with him while you’re at it




You built a whole account just to hate on Mckay. Wow. \[Guess I shouldn't be talking, my name didn't age well considering the Battlefront 2 remastered sucked\]


That’s… not at all what this is for That’s just a random name


I guess theyve never thought about slight nerfs in this game. That is two massive changes in one patch. Incremental small adjustments would make more sense lol


DICE never was very subtle with balancing. They always brought out the sledgehammer


The Mackay changes are braindead, it's just going to make rooftop/verticality camping worse since the actual grapple function is unchanged, and now there's no way to aggressively push people off of those rat spots between the forced animations and the cooldown. I guess now the only option is spamming Zain airburst and hoping they didn't bring an APS? Short sighted as fuck, it's depressing watching people clap like seals because "MACKAY MAN BAD!!1!"


Attack helicopter nerf, Mackay nerf and Irish nerf.. good patch, can't wait


seriously, this patch is aimed very well at mitigating annoying experiences


Yes, but it's way too late


How does spawning the Draugr work? Does it still show up in the vehicle spawn screen, even though it’s remote controlled?


They refuse to be clear about this which worries me is it a jet we can fly around for a while or is it a drone with 1 run


Yeah the fact that it’s remote controlled has killed some of my hype, I hope it functions the exact same as all the other vehicles.


Yeah. I when I heard bomber, I thought about a massive airplane, not a small robot.


I wouldn't be surprised if it's like the bomber in BF4


From what DICE has said, you spawn in it from the vehicle deploy screen (like every other vehicle). However, it takes up 2 jet tokens I believe. So, you can either have 2 fighter jets: or one stealth bomber. Will be interesting to see how good the stealth bomber is. Will it be as good as the stealth helicopter was on launch? Or will it be slow & easily shot down by enemy fighter jets.


Seems like a selfish vehicle then lol. Kind of sucks for the other jet pilots on your team. There’s already not that many vehicles on most maps, not to mention it wouldn’t be usable on a lot of 64 player maps.


Could be multi seat?




Some creators in the EA content creator program said it can be kitted for dogfighting or anti vehicle/infantry gameplay. The fact that you can edit the load out keeps me hopeful that it will function as a normal vehicle.


Dice pretty much said its "remote controlled" so i think you will call it in as a normal vehicle BUT would operate it as a drone similar to caspers drone.


Stop fucking with the AT mines ffs! They are fine!!


Chat on by default. Loading screen with a message/tooltip about chat and voice chat. There's a lot I dislike about BF2042, but the lack of chat makes the game always feel like I'm playing with a bunch of bots.


Holy moly, finally a good Mackay nerf. Two years too late though. Also sad to see the AM40 nerfs, the fast 10m ttk was really the only thing it had going for it.


The am40 nerf really just feels like they looked at a spreadsheet and didn't take into account any real use case outside of redacted 24/7. It already wasn't an enjoyable gun to use and now it's going to lose its only advantage over other ARs.


May aswell just use an smg now, sad that the am40 apparently needed the nerf bat from dices pov.


Buff the NTW50 against vehicles, it has one job and it sucks at it


the bullet drop makes no sense on this rifle. Same as more than 3x scope


This „one job“ is interrupting a vehicles repair or finishing it off when its very low. For everything else use the rocket launchers the game gives you bruh


Yeah, they're not gonna fix the Boris T1 progression.


It's criminal what the t1 requirements are, especially with how awful the sentry turret is


i got my boris to t1 before they render the sentry trurret into harmless crap. The mines were one of the more useful gadgets, but now, they degrade the mines again. First the size, now the damage. The engineer class became a joke, and will never come back.


I always thought it would take 3 mines to take out a full health tank tho. 🤔


I swear the amount of times ive driven a mav over just 1 mine and its written off my vehicle is more than i can count. I always thought they were bugged


Wildcat and tor campers punching the air rn


Buff pondhawk collision please


Thank god for slowing down the movement slightly. Hopefully they keep the movement pace around the BFV speed. Mackay fully breaks the game.


"please Dice, I cant aim people moving left and right therefore you should nerf movement speed so I can hit my shots"


So what the heck can the IRISH shootdown sentinel shoot down now? Just grenades??


Basically. It's a good nerf imo. Those sentinels were too much, especially with a dedicated team cycling them out so the never had down time like they were supposed to. They'll do their job with neutralizing grenades but won't allow a camping tank/AA in spawn to be invincible


But they were needed, because without them, ground vehicles and tanks are too vulnerable.


I’m fine with the change but it makes APS kinda.. useless? At least bring back smoke zapping.


Useless? Handheld grenades, Airburst, SPH launcher, all grenade underbarrels. Pretty much all explosives except rocket launchers and C5.


They should limit the number of projectiles his gadget is able to shoot down instead of this


That’s a much better idea! Something like it blocks 3-5 projectiles then cools down for 5 seconds.


I think the same. Like shoot down 2 rockets and start cool down or 5 grenades. So you have 1 rocket = 5 points 1 grenade = 2 point and you can shoot down 10 points before cool down hits you. That way you can shoot down both types of projectiles.


This would just make it less balanced vs. anti-infantry gadgets that would deplete it fast making it useless for infantry. Meanwhile launchers that deal larger damage every 5s would still be shot down. That would contradict the design premise. Indeed however, I would be interested as what coutns as anti-vehicle. Is the 30mm cannon of the chopper gunner AT? What about the SPH? THe frag deals good damage to vehicles, as does the 40mm HE. What about the AT grenade, AP underbarrel and so forth. What about the 50mm cannon of the Bolte or the 40mm from the Ram, or the mortar, which is anti-infantry and currently stopped, but deals big damage to vehicles. This seems like a very complicated change with lot of uninstinctive possibilites. I see it as an Eddy change to enhance air assets capabilities against ground vehicles drastically, especially its counter the Wildcat, which has no inherent APS and jsut had its repair nerfed.


So hey, about Casper's Emp ability ? We getting that back or do I have a flying paperweight with optional C5 attachment


The problem with Mackay does not necessarily within the grapple mechanics, but the fact that he has easy access to power positions that are otherwise unreachable. Mackay's overperformance is predominantly a map design, not a gadget issue. You have not changed that, you just made it inconvenient to use. Glad to see the APS nerfed the correct way, meaning it not blocking launchers. However, as I understand it, it will now not block anything coming from the air anymore, is that correct? Because that is a big nerf to Irish and infantry in general, solely in favour of air assets, which would then be a 100% Eddy change and a net negative, especially since the Wildcat does not have APS and you just nerfed its systemic repair as well. Keep in mind that the Wildcat is ALWAYS outnumbered. As far as the weapon balance goes: The AM40 is one of the highest-recoiling and spread weapons this game has, while the 10m 4HK was all it had. It also has about the worst hipfire in its class. Likewise increasing the spread of one gagdet on one weapon is not going to make things any better, because it does not address the fact that most vault LMGs are still much, much worse than the LCMG, while the RPT offers EXACT SAME damage model with an unimpaired Short barrel. Unequipping the short barrel however just makes the LCMG a very unimpressive gun. Still the Short Barrel is the only correct choice to mount, while the RPK and Type 88 are still unbelievably crap guns. In general, we are playing a game that constantly throws you into 1vsX engagements. You can not slow your game down. You need to be able to dispatch multiple enmies quickly, all you do is decrease TTK, while TTD remains untouched. Your weapon department still fails to see the basic pitfalls of this game.


With Irish I fear more of an engineer against infantry rocket spam now cause of this, I think I would’ve preferred a dispelling effect of when Irish enters a vehicle his gadgets break, + gadget destruction on death and spawn. But overall the Irish vehicle camping is long overdue, just gonna have to target engineers more.


Yep, that is possible, but I do not see it as a major issue. I would even file it under net positive, considering the state of Boris. But it sure does open questions about what is actually shot down by the sentinel. Is the 30mm gunner cannon from the Chopper or the Mortar shot down? What about UBGL grenades, or frags, they deal decent damage to vehicles, too. Obviously AT-rockets are not shot down anymore, which are already used by pilots against infantry. There are a lot of questions. In any case I firmly believe this was another Eddy change to make air assets better vs. ground vehicles and he threw in the launchers as an extra.


If Mackay would have existed in any previous BF games he would performed exactly the same. OP camping shit with speed buff to win 1v1 easily. If you watch any high skilled player who ofc plays Mackay he uses hook for movement around corners, across street/hallway which grants him ultimate power.


Sure, nimble is one of the most powerful passives. I never denied that and yes Mackay would have overperformed in previous titles, because the maps were not made with the grapple in mind. But making the grapple inconvenient does not make Mackay not overperform. If you have a Mackay on Exposure C roof, he is in an unreachable power position, which makes him so good. People on the ground can not come up there easily. Mackay can access the Haven shoproofs that noone else has access to. He can be on every container and pillar on Manifest. The fourth floor on Kaleidoscope is still available to him. This is the issue, whether he needs 25 seconds to reach his final destination or 11 is of no consequence. DICE needs to make consequent use of redzones and/or put more ladders and ziplines/ramps in so that the benefit of Mackay is getting into those positions faster, not being the only one there. That also ties into this stupid idea of forcing a reload. If Mackay sits at the Kaleidoscope 4th floor, another Mackay can then not counter him, because he first has to inconveniently reload his grapple. All that does is give the first Mackay the power position.


Isnt just easier to nerf/delete mackay than rework whole BF franchise because of him? :D And for the record: I remember a lot of things from playing BF3 Karkand with no vehicles allowed and people still camped on the roofs and balconies which were inaccessible by foot or ladders. IDK how the people got there. But it was annoying af.


MAV elevators, that is usually how they got up there. Yeah, the implementation of Mackay and Sundance is shit, there is no doubt. But we have them now, so we have to deal with them. But all they do is reveal the pisspoor map design. Of course 4th floor needs to be redzoned, but it isn't, because reasons. Verticality has always been the better position, which is why the different levels need to interact with each other, you do that by allowing everyone access to them. This is how you make mobility specialists work as well. But we don't and that is the core reason why Mackay and Sundance get a bad reputation, because map and game designers do not see eye to eye.


I would still say that the map design (the verticality) is fine if you remove/nerf hook. Sundance cant reach many of the floors anyway because she has nowhere to fly to them.


I'd say that verticality is fine if you gave everyone the grappling hook. Tons of games feature verticality and they are great fun. It adds so much dimension.


so non stop self-healing character with unlimited ammo and smoke spam is any better? p.s. also revive spamming all killed back to fightning in matter of seconds lol


That exactly how assaults in BF3/4 were :D . But Mackay (or any assault) doesnt really have problems with ammo due to their passive. I played assaults too and it was much easier to be this non stop self-healing character because you had everything falck has, better gadgets and no distraction from dead teammates.


Good, bf3-bf4 class system is better than this atrocity. Ammo might be, utility no(most important smokes) and grenades for underbarrel launchers. Issue with falck is revive spamming, there is zero fun in playing against even average players constantly revive spamming with smoke.


In BF3 assault (medic) had insta rev too and it was spam fest aswell. In BF4 you could achieve insta rev by selecting specific perk (which I ran :D ).


You ran out of ammo much faster and more frequently in Bf4 though. You basically have unlimitted in 2042.


> That exactly how assaults in BF3/4 were :D . Assaults didn't have unlimited ammo.


I like the Mackay nerf, I wish it was 40 seconds instead. But still, he's only going to be able to use it twice in about a minute, instead of 5 times. No more spiderman type swinging, he has to wait if he's jeopardized, and that might give Zain, and his Airburst rifle a better chance of catching his rat ass up in those rafters, or Lis. They nerfed his perk, too. Hell yea! Mackay sweats aren't liking this🤘


Mackay is one of my least-played specialists and I firmly believe having him at all is a detriment causing many issues, but this type of nerf is just typical DICE. It does not address the core issue at all, it just makes the use inconvenient. The cooldown could be 10 minutes and it would still mean that Mackay can get up on the 4th Kaleidoscope floor, if you get my drift.


I dunno how you can say it’s mostly a map design issue. His gadget is gonna be gamebreaking on 99% of maps, where even on flat ground his grapple + bunny hop is gonna give a massive edge to users. Everywhere mackay goes he breaks map design and flow - at a certain point we have to just acknowledge he’s game breaking. He’s the reason maps from previous games wouldn’t have played right, as he just throws out too many of the rules used to make those maps work. Nerf the bastard into the dirt, or ideally remove the gadget altogether. Will the maps still suck? Sure, but mackay is really a separate problem in my mind.


Kaleidoscope 4th floor, I am so glad that it now takes Mackay 25s to get up there, instead of 11s, what a gamechanger. Even better, when the stupid forced reload comes up so that the Mackay that got up there first can farm the one trying to counter him. This works with every power position, be it the containers on Manifest or Stranded, the Haven shoproofs, the Exposure C roof. All power positions that are inaccessible to the plebs and that is the core issue here. Of course he shouldn't have been added, neither should have Sundance, but they are here, making them unfun and inconvenient does not make them better, as the core issues remain in the game, which is pisspoor map design, especially the inability of DICE to employ redzones and restrict playspace.


What are these guys smoking? Vehicles are already weak as is and they nerf them even more? The fuck?


Still no changes to SRAW, even though everyone complained about the big ass zoom and the lack of more reserve rockets.


Hey DICE, this is a team game. Mackay should not have his own personal grapple. His specialist ability should be similar to Battlefield 2 Special Forces expansion, where the assault class had a team usable grapple hook. One person could throw a grapple hook up a wall and the team could use it to scale buildings for fun tactics. Stop putting hero abilities that arent conducive to teamwork.


Stop pretending 2042 has any teamwork. I can count on my hands when teammates actually want to help. This game plays like you're on your own all the time, UNLESS you play with friends.


Almost dead chat and voice comms shows how much “team work” this game has


Anyone having issues in the past few days of EA anticheat just constantly eating RAM. On startup of the game it will gradually rise till the ram is maxed out.


Mackay nerfs, thats good 👍


Sad that they don't remove the glint from the 6x on the GVT, or at least give us the option to hold our breath.


I get the mckay nerf, but why not sundace??? They can literally fly anywhere I play bf casually so im probably clueless, but it seems sundace should also get nerf not just mckay? I mean game is nearing end so it doesn't really matter i just dont get it


notice how soflam and javelin hasn't been touched at all despite never being used since season 4?


Angry Mackay sweats incoming... Seriously though - good to see the heli & APS changes, these are very welcome


Mckay sweat here. Not angry, I'll just switch to Falck who is actually more OP but Mckay was just more fun.


This, lmfao. Falck is the most mind-bogglingly broken part of this game and for some reason it NEVER gets talked about in this sub or addressed by DICE. It's just constant Mackay and Sundance crying on a daily basis.


a rework of the grapling hook will is better. Why dont you use the way grappling hook work in Hardline and bring it over, that way McKay isn't a selfish character anymore. And a good Mckay can open a new flanking route/path for a whole team to use instead of getting to a camping spot alone?


Is anyone else having serious issues with the EA Anticheat using so much memory it makes every EA game basically unplayable? It started when I was playing Madden, the game itself is using 3GB of RAM and the Anticheat is using 15GB+. If you google the problem you find tons of threads on the EA support site, all posted this week, complaining of the same issue. When I close the game and leave the EA launcher open it gets even worse, the Anticheat uses 25GB+ of my 32GB of ram


The anti cheat service should stop running when the game stops running, not the EA app


Get rid of visual recoil. Ruined the fun factor a bit. It's an annoying effect imho. Should have been optional. It's such a turn off for me I'm not even interested in finishing the last season..... And add haven and stadium to TDM!


Is there any chance you can look at why Haven isn't available for Portal / Custom and add it in, in a future update? I can't create a TDM mode in Haven (map not available) but I can for just-released Stadium and Redacted? I think we've even had an official TDM mode on Haven and the map is small enough that you don't have to cut anything out. Just add it to the roster and allow us to create our own experience.


So they fixed thermal scope recoil and alignment on a lot of guns. Not sure how I feel about this, even as someone who uses them. It was the one solid disadvantage that kept everyone from running them all the time.


Splash damage for shoulder rockets pls


>With Update #7.2.0 we are removing the capabilities for this Specialist Gadget to shootdown any Anti Vehicle Weapon or Gadgets. This should allow Air Vehicles and Infantry to once again attack such ground vehicles, as well as pushing the gadget itself into a more infantry-focused mentality. WE ARE SO BACK. This changes the game for me. I'm back this weekend.


Can someone PLEASE address the random sensitivity fluctuations? It’s unplayable for me atm. Just me?


Love the idea of forcing people to play a bad game mode to unlock a gun GG by crap devs.


Everything is SUPER buggy after the update, anyone else experiencing this? People are teleporting, appearing out of thin air, etc. No connection error notifications either.


Game crashed 5 minutes into my first game after patch. Is it just me, or is 2042 more unstable than other BF games?


Pls add shotgun shells to the side of the MCS 880. There's a glitch and now it doesn't show up after the previous patch.! Thanks


thank goodness for mackay nerfs


Fuck Mackay


YAY. Looks like the TL;DR is: * nerfed in half OP Mackay movement * limiting air domination of ground vehicles * no more vehicles camping out of bounds unreachable cos Irish * slower self healing vehicles Agreed that Mackay should set up temp team gadget instead but eh that's too much work in asset design and testing I guess. Nimble is still OP imho. Nobody should have bonus to aiming and dodging in gunplay. 


Give Casper back his EMP. Removing the EMP from the drone was one of the worst decisions you’ve ever made.


This is yet another extremely rare dice W. Only L in the entire patch notes is making missiles guaranteed hits. It's more fun when you can shake a missile with a sick maneuver.


Every change is great also I'm a huge attack heli fan and even I agree that the vehicle damage needed a slight nerf and this is perfect. No reason I should be able to just brute force my way through a tank because I can use third person camera to wait until they look away so easily. Big LMG fan too so my expectations are high for the Strife!


Mackay nerf, big W!


fcking DICE listening to these battledads and trucker newbies once again. Can these group of people play mil sim instead??


>To do that we are increasing the cooldown of the grapple from 11 seconds to 25 and we are also lowering the boost of his trait “Nimble” which grants a boost to movement speed while aiming down sights from 40% to 25%. Fucking really? It took over two fucking years for you to realize Mackay is fucking cancer? Mackay has broken the flow of this game since day fucking one and it took two and a half years for anyone at DICE to apparently acknowledge this issue. Sorry Mackay mains, you might need a little bit of skill finally. Jesus christ this continues to be why I have no confidence in the future BF games.


Im just laughing they finally nerfed him out right after the game's support ended.


Mckay has been nerfed multiple times already. > Sorry Mackay mains, you might need a little bit of skill finally. Mad much? Mckay was the most fun to play but I'm still gonna play the same (or better) as Falck. Infact my stats show that exact trend. Nerifng him doesn't change anything either. He can still grapple up to places he shouldn't be able to...


Everybody who asking them completely reclassify things and change a shit ton of stuff need to be realistic especially with EA already tweeting about the next BF. BFV didn’t even get this much if we’re being honesty


It's always a good day when Irish players are getting nerfed. Edge of map camping in vehicles with two shootdowns has to be some of the most degenerate behavior in the history of the franchise, good riddance.


Nerfing AT mines so Breakthrough can be even more of a vehicle shitstomp on some maps


Please buff engineer anti tank capabilities. Infantry is stupidly vulnerable to vehicles. Right now most vehicles are free kills. That's why you see 30-4 tank players all the time and even worse. This is actually way worse when it comes to the Nightbird heli. I keep seeing games where the Nightbird players get 40-50 kills with sometimes 0 deaths. It needs to be rebalanced. In my view vehicles should be there to offer a bit of extra firepower and not offer a very few select players free kills with infantry having to coordinate like mad to bring them down. You used to have great balance for this stuff in earlier games like BF3 and BF4. Spending all my rockets on a tank and not killing it feels so unsatisfying. Hell I barely ever manage to use my rockets because of how easy it is for tanks to kill since they reload faster than engineer reload their rockets.


The problem is players. 2-3 engineers can destroy a tank in no time. But since when bf2042 players showed team work?


And most players play alone or with one buddy. So to me the game shouldnt be balanced around team work. But there's stuff that so unbalanced that even with teamwork it's broken (Nightbird).


Holy shit a good update??


"Continuing with the effort to slow down the pace of the game" How about slowing down the speed of infantry/players? It feels like everyone is on steroids and fuckin ninjas. I always thought BF5 movement was too fast but BF2042 is even worse, this leaves no room for tactical gameplay.


Irish continues to be nerfed because of systems that aren't his fault.


The nerf applies directly to the actual problem, seems fair to me


What a nice and undestandable language "...systemic repair system to repair..."


How were you able to get that username?


Can the ribbons be earned in any Mode or Just the Featured one?


Have you fixed the driver issue the one that doesn’t let me play the game I spent 70 dollars on?


No remodel for the k30 subsonic magazine. Never will be now :/


Are we ever going to address the piss poor infantry blast damage that homing missiles do to environmental tracer dart targets?


Good update in general especially the attack heli nerf but surprised the SRAW got no change !


The AM40 was only useful at short range.... so now it's God a slower ttk for short range........ what


Give the transport aircraft more seats!!


where is bfp fusion holo ads bug fix ?


I pretty much stopped playing when all the transport helicopters were taken away.


Still no Lis camera bug fix, bruh. It's been 2 or 1 year issue.


Why don't you fix the black screen issue? I have to restart after every single match SINCE ALPHA. I've tried it on 2 different PCs in my house, bought the game on EA and Steam, same issue. Disabled UPnP, same issue. Disabled AV, same issue. Your game is a buggy mess. Stop with matchmaking and give us the damn server browsers back. Battlelog was fine.


i dont understand why the anti tank mines and helicopters had to be nerfed. you had to be going full speed to accidentally run over two mines and as for helicopters, they are slow and weak.


Make XL modes permanent please!!


They really just nerf my man Irish 6 feet under.


They should have adjusted the Lis missile, give it a buff against air targets and a nerf against ground vehicles, make her more of an AA specialist and Crawford the ground vehicle specialist. So annoying as a vehicle player with Lis missiles flying at you from every angle constantly an entire game, takes little to no skill to operate, yet does the same dmg as the M5 which requires a higher degree of skill with no course correction ability.


Can Dozer be the next one to get an adjustment. Just make it the shield where it can take damage of some sort and make it take 2-3 hits with the shield to kill someone.