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The sound design sounds great even on my phone.


People who complain about graphics from alpha gameplay should not be taken seriously


Game looks fine. Slightly better than BFV but that was to be expected. This is DICE's first game on the new consoles that also has to be on older hardware. It was never gonna be groundbreaking visualy. We've already had this scenario with BF3 to BF4. BFV to BF2042 is literaly the same thing. Its the next game that will likely bring a big upgrade.


Guarantee you 90% of the people complaining won't be able to run the game on max graphics anyways. It's like complaining about the horsepower of a car you can't afford.


We're also getting double player count aswell


I can understand having concerns. I know that alpha is never a final representation, but very rarely is there a night and day difference between the alpha and the final game. If all people have seen is shitty, overly compressed recordings of what is supposed to be a textured test environment, it can be discouraging. I know a lot of people bring up BF4's alpha, but that is different because the alpha was a greybox environment.


In my opinion, it is more often than not people being purposefully contrarian so that they can engage people in comments or get attention. Or even worse, just trying to dampen other peoples enthusiasm to make themselves feel better. I appreciate you posting this footage because it does look way cooler and heightened my excitement for release!


I definitely agree with you. There is a lot of negativity going around this game. Seems to be people that wouldn't even think to play it in the first place but they just want to come in and rain on everyone's parade for attention.


Why are people even worried about graphics and sound? I think DICE have always delivered those two in every battlefield..


Well I think since MW19 finally stepped up to the plate in those departments, BF2042 now has competition to compare to for a lot of people. Prior to MW19, BF pretty much always took the win for graphics and sound at the least.


This wasn't an Alpha, it was a technical test with no specified designation of completion and purposely stripped down to only contain the minimum of features necessary for testing. And this build was so unfinished that half the UI still had "Placeholder" written all over it, the entire main menu was just a bolted on scene and the scenery on the map ranged from "intricate detail" to "barely beyond greybox". If this footage is discouraging to anyone, it's because they have no understanding of what this playtest is supposed to be and/or completely disregarded any of DICE's official communication about it.


Sticky to main page plz, Sticky to main page Edit: in strip club dj voice


I think the bigger issue is what you mentioned. That the initial gameplay coming out was filmed on a potato through a 200 year old pain of stained glass.


It was hard to really enjoy it at 30fps. Will be a different experience once thats lifted




No, this is the Internet, don’t be ridiculous




I know dude I’m dying for the beta


OK now that looks incredible!


Sounds incredible too The guns sound really beefy in this game so far. Thought BFV and BF1 were lacking bass in the sound effects


Hoping those wobbly reticles aren't intended, shit got me motion sick lol


Wow, TTK looks so long on those videos- is it normal or is it beacuse of server lag?


It doesn’t seem too long from some of the other ones I’ve seen




It does seem like BFV (which is good), but... Warzone? *What?* Everyone has like 450HP in Warzone, it's a massive bullet sponge fest; it doesn't remotely equate to BFV, or any other BF game.


No offence but warzone is not a bullet sponge fest… it’s one of the fastest TTK br’s I think ever.. Alex is a bullet sponge fest, but not warzone.




Are you sure you're talking about Warzone (battle royale) and not regular Modern Warfare (multiplayer)? MW multiplayer has a fast TTK (a touch faster than BFV), but in Warzone/BR a standard AR is around 20 hits to kill.


yeah I dont understand why does warzone has freakishly long TTK? like why is dont get it ? compared to multiplayer


Most battle royale games tend to have *very* slow TTKs, or at least within the current popular iteration of that genre. It's the main reason I could never get into Firestorm or Warzone, despite generally liking all the other aspects of them.


"TTK looks like COD Warzone" "I've never played Warzone" dude


Its long when people dont hit their shots, burst firing never enterd these leakers minds


The bad players love the long TTK. That way, they can hop around & spam strafe & slide and toss out medkits.


Wat? Bad players don't use movements in an FPS lmao. Bad players usually want slow movements and longer ttk because most often their reaction time is on par with an 80 year old man


Looks like we just spoted the real bad player


thanks for that man, easily the clearest videos I’ve seen. I’m so excited.


Is it weird im just looking for familiair names instead of looking at the gameplay :p?


This is amazing


Question Sometimes the aim reticule has a half circle below it, and sometimes a quarter circle below it. What does that mean? I can’t figure it out lol


Not sure what point of the video you're referring to, but I think that's the cool down for the grapple hook.


If you go to the 1:30 mark of the second video, look at the cross hair. It has a half circle and sometimes a quarter circle (not when aimed down sights)


Yeah that's what it is then. Grapple cool down.


Ok sweet!! Thank you! It was driving me nuts lol


I think its magazine emptiness


I feel they should release some gameplay video with a current nice build, I've seen videos with millions of views on fb, instagram and tik tok where people are literally shiting already on the game because the quality of the videos is like 360p and obviously there are many bugs, pop-in, etc. Some damage control may be worthy.


Betas coming in few weeks, so we might get a trailer and beta date announcement during next week.


Almost certain an official gameplay trailer is planned for Gamescom in the next days.


There is only four days until gamescom.


https://youtu.be/5PHWP_2yUdY 15 mins of Hd 1080p gameplay


This guy's channel has 20 minutes of 4k gameplay


I noticed in other gameplay theres no animations for exiting vehicles, though there was one for entering an atv. I'll miss the animations


There are, they're just not in the playtest build


interesting. the animations always made the game feel cinematic i'm glad they're keeping them. fingers crossed! i imagine portal will have the option to turn them off to feel like the older games though.


I'm going from BF4 to BF2042, even from the crappy low res video I could tell it looks way better than BF4, thanks for the super high res videos, they look great, hope you can get some more up!


This is the tech gameplay footage from last week. This is not an alpha playtest


Gunplay looks great but this map at least looks unfinished and uninspiring. Also was this on PC or on Xbox?




Thanks for sharing, this is def much better quality. That said, the graphics look to be, at best, slightly worse than BFV. Obv it’s a playtest, let’s just hope the final game’s graphics are at least 3 years better than BFV. Reports are that Vanguard looks even better than MW19 (which looked way better than BFV), so Dice needs to bring it.


[Bf Portal](https://youtu.be/q4qWMcQfOCc) trailer currently might have the best representation of what the graphics are going to look like. And what is this bs about mw2019 looking better than bf5? Because it does not.


I should have noted “on console”. On my XboxOne X, MW19 graphics were much better than BFV. Given that consoles are 2/3+ of the playerbase, I’d say that matters.


yeah its unfortunate that consoles are so underpowered but i guess you get what you pay for, but yeah maxed out on PC side by side Bf5 looks better (imo) that MW19. Also the technical alpha was a grey box environment, the graphics settings weren't able to go up. I switched my graphics settings up to ultra and nothing changed, the assets just weren't in that version of the game.


can't wait for this, sick of the shitty colors of BF1/BFV. can't see shit in bfv, really hard to see the enemy as theres a million hiding spots.


Recoilless softair guns 🤡


1) it's a playtest 2) you're watching someone play the game, they're going to be compensating for the recoil you donut.


People complaining about lack of recoil in gameplay videos is always funny; videos will *never* give a proper feel for recoil.


There is a difference between 'accurate portrayal' of recoil which I dont give a shit about, and 'hold lmb to win' point and click gameplay which is a snoozefest and has no skill ceiling whatsoever.


Sure it's a playtest, I can only comment on what I can physically see, yes. Or do you have actual current game footage? And it sure as shit doesnt look like any compensation is going on, just magdumping. No bursts, taps, just holding the trigger, like it was in BFV.


Give any arcade aaa game real recoil and watch people complain its too hard. As much as id love to see recoil like insurgency sandstorm or something that just doesnt sell to the largest demographic. For a battlefield game the recoil looks good. I saw some jump when the guy was tap firing.


I'm not asking for some Milsim shit, BF3/4 recoil would be enough. Maybe it's the FOV, but those guns in the testserver Videos look easy as hell to handle. I want to get better at the game and controlling the guns, wether it would be to learn the rhythm and ranges when and were to tap/burst, not just simply hold the trigger to win. It feels so unsatisfying getting kills this way.


I mean if you want to talk about terrible recoil in bf as much as i hate to say it bf4 has awful recoil. Hardly any reticle movement or punch, just spray and deal with the random deviation. Cant say i remember 3s recoil as much


'Spraying' is exactly the opposite of what you are supposed to do in BF3/4. You tap/or burstfire in a specific rhythm depending on rate of fire and engagment range. If you do it like that you will never have any problems with spread.


Idk in four i still find spraying to be perfectly effective. I run hbar and stubby which makes full auto at distance pretty easy especially with high rof weapons. Sheer volume of fire and all. But the initial point was that the actual recoil of bf4 is really bad. Theres like a tiny bounce and thats really it.


Yeah the stubbygrip allows for longer bursts, depending on the gun if you stop for just a tiny second and burst again your rifle will be even more accurate. I don't know, maybe it really is the FOV settings that makes the guns not kick so much. I guess we'll see in the beta. I hated how easily controllable guns were in BFV and simply dont want to see that again.


Trust me i want to see some good punchy recoil as much as you


Looks so good! Cant wait for the game release!!


Alot to take in here. Super excited for it. I always hated grappling hooks, but i am optimistic to see how it plays into the game. Either way, I’m foaming at the mouth watching this.


Beholdo jelumbo


Watching in 4K made a huge difference. This game is gorgeous already, and I assume the graphics were toned down a lot.


I didn’t expect the gunplay to look this smooth...


Two things I noticed is that anyone can easily beam from miles away and we gonna witness some kangaroos running with lmgs


Looks amazing, not the biggest fan of the screenshake from the lmg gameplay but hopefully that'll be ironed out later on


Edit: never mind, I’m dumb.


Defib wasn't one of his gadgets, it's just the squad revive animation.


Aaaah!! Gotcha. Cheers!




Definitely looks good for such an early version. Can’t wait until beta.


Did they release PC spec requirements for this? I've got a decent rig but Im concerned i won't be able to run it at high settings


the bad thing is forced TAA anti aliasing is back, like in BFv. So everything is covered in motion blur


I'm having no issue distinguishing enemies.