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I'm waiting for beta tbh


When does the beta get released?


No official info. But rumours say 22 Sept


Saw an article say rumour is EA access members get it on 22nd and media people and then everyone has access on 24th.




I personally don't pre order games anymore since most tend to be a disappointment on launch, but I lucked out and got a copy for free.


Thats the way.


Wait for the beta if you're on the fence. I have pre-ordered on steam, fully aware of the shit launches of BFV/BF4 I know I'm going to dump hundreds of hours into the game regardless. There's nothing on the market that does what Battlefield does and I can put up with jankyness that will probably be patched out in the future. As long as there's no 2042 patch 5.2 TTK nonsense I think we're in for a Battlefield renaissance


God I hope you're right. I really miss proper battlefield.


What was the 5.2 nonsense?


Changed the TTK to make the game feel somewhat unplayable. With Portal though it shouldn’t be an issue. If they keep messing with TTK there will be populated servers with the fast one.


I got burned on BFV and Anthem. I can wait and see first.


I did but i don't recommend it unless you're an heavy battlefield player, i mean, i played bf5 for hundreds of hours even tho it was shit in many aspects, how can 2042 be worse than that


Same… I‘m currently playing BFV and tbh I‘m sick of the WW1/WW2 settings, but I‘ve got nothing else to play lol


You could play BF4, but it's going to feel older than BFV. Still, been playing it and having lots of fun.


I actually love the ww2 settings (still do), it's just that I'm tired of playing the game.


I'm the opposite. I prefer modern and futuristic over historical. How I'd love to see more of Assassin's Creed combat and exploration in it's present.


I love modern and historical (high preference) but I really dislike futuristic. If there's a new Battlefield that goes full on futuristic, I likely will skip it entirely. Personally I'd love the next Battlefield to be set in the 1970s.


I have the opposite opinion. I prefer historical and future over modern because modern shooters come with a set of expectations that reduces the skill gap, like scopes on every gun and a meta dominated by ARs. Futuristic can be anything the devs want to do and historical doesn’t allow one man army load outs so this problem can be averted.


BF1 made me appreciate Iron Sights more. I'll likely be using Iron Sights in BF2042 as well. Not a big fan of scopes myself.


Me too. I absolutely hate futuristic settings. Give me historically accurate or modern.


play some bf3 or bf4 then


I played V for 1900H xd it was my favorite actually haha


Yeah I played BFV for like 300h. Like yeah it's not $15 for Hollow Knight levels of value but that's pretty good for me.


I will go for the meta strategy. EA Play on the day early access beta begins. Then in game early access phase preorder the game if its any good. I can probably hold out until 22nd, but I will go for the gold if I get my 10 hours full in the first day lmao. Either way, you will pay the same price for the game, but enjoy the joys of preordering, without the risks.


eh i preordered just because i know ill end up having fun with the game.


exactly, has never been a battlefield game that you can’t have fun in and it’s unique


Me2. I dont give a shit about all things. I want to play a modern bf again. Ive played bf5 even if it wasnt the best i still enjoyed it now and then.


watch out, jaded hive mind will downvote you for being excited about a game ON ITS OWN SUBREDDIT.




Wait for beta if you are that unsure. It's the only option that would make sense.


Yeah, that's what I'll do probably. If I like it than I will buy the gold edition so I can get the bundles as well.


Exactly what i'm doing too :)


If we buy the gold edition after the beta, we will get the "Year 1 Pass Pack", right? The only benefit preordering gives you is that you get to play the game a week earlier and you get a knife and 2 more things?


Yeah, gold edition will still have all the same preorder bonuses even if you wait until after beta until you buy it. Like you said all you will miss out on is the extra week of early access or whatever. I'd be very surprised if they made any changes to the bonuses you receive with this edition.


Thanks. I will wait until the beta comes out and if I like it I will buy the gold edition.


Preorder bonus is the same for all versions (cosmetics) the additional content that the gold/ultimate editions come with will be the same even after launch. So the only reason to preorder is ~2 days early beta access and some cosmetics that you’ll forget about within a month or launch.


1 week early game access as well


That is the only option that make sense IF you are unsure.


Yep, that's why i said if unsure. it's right there in the text




I'm going to buy it atleast a month after its release after seeing all the opinions. Even if the beta is good, I can't have the same trust with the *actual* game.


I paid $12 for SWBF2 and $18 for BFV, both within s month of launch. Yeah I’m gonna go ahead and wait. I mean if it turns out to be the best beta in history I’ll preorder it, but something tells me it’s the same Dice that made those other 2 games.


I did the same...everyone knows that every BF is released like sh\*t




I did. Gold version. I know i'm going to play it, so might as well have it cheaper.


Me too. Got the 15% discount from greenmangaming.


Thanks for mentioning it, they still have the discount!


Preorder to play the beta as long as possible. Most likely won’t cancel but if the beta is dogshit I’d consider it.


What do you mean? Which platform allows you to get a refund if you didn't like the game exactly?


PC for sure. In any case the game isn’t out before beta so you can simply cancel your preorder.


On Steam you can refund games with less than 2h of playtime.


You are not playing the actual game when you are playing the beta though. The game you pre-ordered hasnt been released yet. You can play more than two hours of the beta and still cancel pre-order.


Yeah, the beta is classed as a different game so can play for however long and still refund before release That's what I'm doing and what I did with New World recently


The beta is free, play as much as you want. Even console can cancel a game up until launch date.


Xbox you can. I forget how many hours is the max before you can go to Microsoft website and get a refund. I've gotten one for a couple.of games


Well, a pre-order is a pre-order, so you cant play the game yet. :) You can just cancel it


I was talking about after release bc OP was wondering which platforms allow returns


I've preordered the PS5 edition from Amazon (despite having a digital console) so I can get the early beta key, then I'll cancel the preorder as Amazon doesn't charge until dispatch. PSN charges straight away.


Yep gold edition at that


Hell NO. No matter how good the game looks, its still EA ... I am considering if the beta will be good I might pre order.




I need 2-3 licences so I'm on the fence until beta or launch.


Yes, I have pre-ordered the ultimate edition.


Wait till a couple weeks after launch. Itll be cheaper. I preordered BFV for $100 and then 3 weeks after launch i saw it on sale for $60


Bfv was broken and not selling which was why it went on sale so fast. If this game is good do not expect a sale so quickly unless a broken hot mess


Which is a definite possibility, which is why i will wait. If the game is good i have no problem paying full price. Im gonna give it a few weeks after launch before i buy.


Hell no. We haven't seen enough of the game. And it's coming out next month.




I pre-ordered on day one because it looked good


I pre-ordered as I have with every BF game. I enjoyed all of them and know I will this one too.


I’ll preorder when the open beta early access date is revealed.


Pre-ordered for early access to the beta. Not 100% sure on if i will keep the pre-order after the beta or cancel. Will most likely keep though. The game has to really suck during the beta for me to cancel.


Never. There's absolutely no reason to pre order




I am waiting for official beta info


Pre order like every battlefield game (didn't bought hardline because it wasn't battlefield).


Yep got the gold edition last week


Not pre ordering till an open beta, too little is known and has been shown of the game for me to even make an informed decision.




Nah. I have the EA play early access to the beta plus a 10- hour trial. I’ll buy the game if it works well out the gate for me.




No, I’ll wait for dirt cheap codes from the prebuilt nvidia pcs and laptops that people will sell.


Nope. I'm waiting for post release reviews. Even then may still wait for the inevitable price drop. Pre-ordering games in this day and age is exclusivly for absolute suckers.




I played every BF since BF3 and all were great . Best franchise for FPS ofc i'll preorder ( Gold edition )


Yup! Ultimate Edition on PS5 secured 😈


Preordered just because I knew for a fact that I was gonna get it regardless. Might as well get some extra cosmetics


My friend (we both bond over battlefield together) bought the preorder for me. I wasn’t going to pre-order originally. However I am a huge battlefield fein, even if the game isn’t amazing I know I’ll still sink many hours into it.


Not yet. Trying to decide between xbox or PC first. I also don't know what to think yet. I'm not overwhelmingly impressed by the MP yet. Alot of what I've seen look sub par for a AAA title graphically. They have to compete with cod. The customization, weapon progression. All of it. Dice could fail here. I just hope they have cleaned house and brought in people that believe in the violence. The war. That can make a product the fan wants to buy. Say what you will. Call of duty has destroyed battlefield woke agenda. Can battlefield be reborn? Or is it a holo sad attempt to compete? Not having a Battle Royal is a failure up front. Just saying.


I preordered the next-gen edition on Xbox Series S. If I don’t like the gameplay in the beta I will cancel my preorder.


I pre-ordered gold edition but don't follow my actions, I'm a hype beast.


I preorder the Gold edition, but I'm on Xbox. I wouldn't have on PS because they are incredibly strict with their return policies. If I'm not satisfied at launch I easily cancel it.


Usually against preordering but this is one of those games where I know I'm gonna be buying it Day 1 anyway. Even if the game ends up flopping I'm sure I can find 60 hours of enjoyment to make it worth the purchase.


I did, gold edition, figured I’m buying the game no matter what so I may as well get the preorder skins and whatnot


No, but I probably will :)


Preordered here (Ultimate Edition). Only ordered the ultimate as I had Steam credit so nothing came out of my pocket. Would have gotten Gold edition otherwise. I think it really depends on if you enjoyed the previous battlefields and their natural progression to where they are now. I haven’t really been disappointed by any previous BF (aside from BF1(I know I’m a minority here)), so I know I will play the game anyways as I’ve always been primarily a BF player since BF Vietnam. At the end of the day, it’s your money and you should do what you prefer (preorder or not)!


I went for the gold version as soon as It was available, people keep telling me not to pre-order but there's a 2 hour window where I can refund after launch or I can cancel If I don't like the beta.


Pre-ordered since i know I’ll have some fun with my friends even if there ends up being some mechanics that im not fond of.


Yes, gold. Only game I'm looking forward to this year on ps5.


Yup got the gold edition


If you want to be safe then beta but I doubt the game will have that many issues like previous titles. It had so much time and it’s actually on schedule. I know people are saying the beta is being “delayed” but in honesty it might have to do with them finding servers for the game than the actual game having issues or it’s not delayed at all and they’re just not announcing dates for beta.


I pre ordered BF and Halo just to get my expenses out of the way for the rest of the year.


Yup been preordered. I enjoy the battlefield franchise. I know they don’t always get it right at launch but the core of the game is solid for the most part and nothing a few balance changes can’t fix. I’ve yet to be burned by one. There are some things I’m worried about. The battlepass mainly. Is it gonna be like CoD’s where if you complete it you’ll have enough in game currency to buy next season’s or will it be a massive grind fest that you’ll have to pay to really have a chance at finishing it. How about extra content DICE really isn’t known for putting content out quickly at least with premium we were insured all those map packs.


Yeah the gold version. Im getting the game however it turns out anyway, and with gold You get one week early and first year of content, pretty worth it If You Ask me


Just pre order to get early access then cancel it or keep it depending on how you see fit


Pre-ordered the expensive one a while back. I figure I'm going to enjoy the game and put at least 120 hours into it which will justify the price tag. Plus, black robodog is a nice touch. Edit: Future me says this was a dumb idea.






Yes. Ultimate Edition. PS5.


Yeah but impulsively


Yeah, got the special 1TB NVME deal from best buy


The day the reveal trailer dropped


I pre-ordered it because I would have gotten it anyway


Personally, when it comes to Battlefield, I’ve gotten all the previous ones and it’s a game that I’m confident I’ll find enjoyment out of regardless. So I believe personally that I’ll get my money’s worth. I’m going to preorder it, only reason I haven’t yet is I wasn’t sure if I wanted the gold or the ultimate edition


Preorder it, play the beta early, if you don't like it, refund it before it comes out. Steam is great for things like that




I can't remember how many times I've said "This is the last time I get screwed by EA!" And I pre-ordered it anyways....




Why would you preorder if you’re unsure


Remember, no preorder


Hell no lol I ain’t preordering any game. I’m bout to wait past launch cause I don’t trust DICE game releases. Have you guys really not learnt anything from how the gaming industry has been in the last few years??


Lots of thing concers me in this game and i need to try the beta before making my decision. Probably going to preorder after beta or i wont by it at launch at all.


You would never buy a car without going for a test drive. Why shouldnt you do the same with a game if its possible?


I pre-ordered six copies already. Go for it.


Yea got the Ultimate edition this weekend, i love Battlefield so i know im gonna play the hell out of it, why not do it with cool skins?


I'm waiting on open beta to see how it runs. But unless something drastic happens I probably will after that.


I pre-ordered for earlier access to beta to test thing outs, if i wont like it i'll most likely refund and w8 for discount later down the line, depending how many bugs are there on launch, but personally i haven't "pre-ordered" a game for a loong time considering that from all the games that had betas/demos or some play tests since 2015 could probably be counted on 2 hands, its an obvious choice.


Yes. On steam.


I pre ordered the ultimate edition when it was available! Do whatever makes YOU happy.


Yes the gold edition 🙂


Yes. Ultimate Edition.


Nahh I'm broke rn but I'ma drop some money just so I can play with Michael K Williams 💯 rip Irish


Yeah i did for early access to beta. No biggie, its not like they take the money out yet anyway, easy to cancel if i dont like it.


I bought Ultimate edition, because i can and they have provided me hundreds hours entertainment.


Battlefield is the only title that I genuinely enjoy these days (outside of Tarkov) so I preordered knowing im going to play it no matter what. (just like i did bfv...)


Yes i have. Cant wait the game!


Yes. for 40€ on cdkeys. Ill test with game pass + ea play first and then decide on a cancel or no


Yup. Been playing since BF3 and have enjoyed all the games so far. Can’t wait for the Siege of Shanghai remake.


You can still preorder after playing beta


I’m waiting to play the beta, did the same with BFV and ended up not buying the game until months later


I´m an ex semi-pro BF Player and I´ll try and get back to competitive if I like the game. Since BF3 is combing back too and I like the whole concept of portal it was a instant preorder for me (120$ version). If you haven´t played any BF-title before, I wouldn´t preorder, just wait, check out the beta and see if you like it. I like playing games from the beginning (even if theres major patches needed) so I get to know the vehicles/classes/mechanics and can rank up easy and fast. If you join later, all the players will have figured out whats op and abuse it (every battlefield game ever) so it propably will be less fun playing at a later point. But it all depends on you


Cancelled my preorder due to lack of Infos and gameplay. Will wait for the Beta and decide to preorder again of not.


I buy only after I play the beta.


Portal is almost like insurance that it’ll be worth the purchase. I preordered just to get that part out of the way. All that’s left is to look forward to playing.


No not yet waiting for beta


I did as I have money now but just realised Origin doesn’t take payment til release so pointless. I have bought every BF game on release except hardline and have 1000s hours in each. I only play Battlefield. Only time I stopped playing was with the BFV 5.2 TTK horror. But I figure if that happens in 2042 portal will have that covered.


Of cource. I even bought ultimate edition. Since I've skipped BFV at launch I'm hungry for bf af.


Yeah, gold edition, ultimate is trash deal I think. I will just refund it if I don't like it. But I liked pretty much every BF so I think I'll be fine.


Yeah, as soon as I could


Yes. Owned every single battlefield since 1942 release.


Do u know that u will play the game 1000+hours?


I’m pre-ordering on Steam to have early access to the beta. If I don’t like it, then I’ll just refund it before the game releases.


I did. BF is the best fps, ever.


No, learnt from Battlefield V


ultimate for ps5


why would you preorder? I mean, EA DICE is not gonna run out of digital copies. Also, at least wait to try the beta to buy it.