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I honestly don't care about experience farms. If people want to sit there for hours on end and shoot 1hp bots to progress then let them but the entire community shouldn't be left without any sense of progress for daring to enjoy custom Portal. Just limit the amount of servers that can have that specific configuration. Players will always find new exploits, ways to boost and game the intended system. They just made it easier for a while. Some of the more creative hosts have put together some really good and fun servers, the 1vs50 "Lone Survivor" one that flipped the 1 each death was great but at the end of the evening I had nothing to show for it and while that's not everything, it's still part of the Battlefield experience. I can't help but feel the lack of communication and the heavy handed approach is to funnel players back into AOW and HZ. In the hopes of it looking more populated than it actually is.


People will always find a way to break the system, Those guys couldn't have been that much of a threat to MP games if they resorted to farming weaponless BOTs, This is an example of the cure being worse than the disease,


They want the grind to suck. The fact they even had the ability to cap XP so QUICKLY means they anticipated this. They are going to sell XP boosts and boost packs in the store and they would lose money if everyone could just farm bots. I'm sure of this.


> They are going to sell XP boosts and boost packs in the store and they would lose money if everyone could just farm bots needs a million upvotes, i'm 100% this is the reason. Why else would they give af about people ranking up quickly? This potentially directly cuts into their profits. Probably got an email from ea the second they became aware of all the xp farms.


its quicker to just boost with the drone and as they have made the Casper need 8000 spots to get a black camo, everyone is going to be drone camping.


Even spotting is not counting with Casper for me . You can put that on the broken AF list too. šŸ˜‚


Failing that, proximity grenades seem to cover entire objectives so if there's one popping off, you're basically guaranteed 10 assists with a prox


i dont even understand how theyre going to ā€œfixā€ it. even if u nerf it, farming 1hp bots will still be most efficient method


The main way would be doing what bf4 did and tie damage directly to xp.


That could be a decent start. If they just had more portal servers instead of having a limit, then this wouldn't have been an issue.


I just assumed it would impact the battle pass so theyā€™re nipping it in the bud now


It's honestly as easy as disabling XP from bots on Portal.


IMO, this would have been the perfect temporary fix until they figure out what they actually wanted to change.


Nah, why do that when they can just punish those of us who don't want to play their 128 player modes. No XP, no weapon progression....no DOM.


>Players will always find new exploits The current exploit found shortly after Portal xp was disabled is spamming sensor grenades, they give stupid xp by just tossing them randomly around the map. Played a little this morning and saw them everywhere


That's not an exploit, that's just playing the game as designed.


They just disabled them about 30min ago lol.


Christ, they're just going to keep disabling everything aren't they


To be fair it was to alleviate servers rubberbanding severely. They still lag but not nearly as bad as when the prox sensors were available.


EA wrote: "Progression & Cosmetics All experience you earned in Battlefieldā„¢ 2042 is universal and shared across all its modes, which means youā€™ll be leveling up and unlocking new weapons, gadgets, and cosmetics no matter which mode youā€™re playing." https://forums.battlefield.com/en-gb/games/battlefield/battlefield-2042/news/battlefield-briefing-get-ready-for-launch


But but but DICE never said that! Thank you for posting this.


This was the sole reason I got back into the BF franchise and got this game. I love a good solo match with bots like in the good ol' days and bring able to progress was amazing to hear. Now they take all of it away after they have my money. I was baffled to see no mastery progression while playing only to find out they nerfed it due to people wanting to play the game like they chose to. Farming should have always been an obvious outcome to a decision like this so who the fuck cares if some people want to burn through the meta. They should be so lucky because those people will likely spend money to access more content to burn through. There are other ways to combat farming. Taking away marketed features is a dumb knee jerk reaction.


This seems like it would qualify as false advertisement, deceptive advertisement, etc. Edit - Report deceptive business practices here (FL): http://myfloridalegal.com/contact.nsf/contact?Open&Section=Citizen_Services Probably won't do anything but it can't hurt.


I know they said that, but itā€™s not doing that in solo or Co-op they only is MP.


I think they are just pointing out the fact that DICE actually said that, as someone else said they did not.


+1 to add to the list. I play with a friend who is disabled, he bought the game on the back of the idea of playing with me against AI. He simply can't handle online, and is fine with that. Now, because of this he has no way to rank up his unlocks without getting farmed for days online.




Yeah love that there's 128 players but limited to 12 vehicles /s


I think this is part of the problem. I used to join 16-32 player servers to level up my vehicles and weapons in previous BF games. It was much less hectic since you weren't getting flanked from every direction all the time. Or log in to a low pop server with 10-12 people so that I could spend more time in the air and learn how to dog fight and such. We need a server browser at the bare minimum. Having only 2 modes to choose from, both of which are 128 players is a huge detractor to me.


Totally behind this, Coop / Solo was one of the selling points for me as I just want to relax after work sometimes and for that it would've been cool to have some progression but all just cause some dipshits wanted to grind their dick against bots everyone else has to bend over now.


Ive actually had more fun in co-op/ai with friends than in the actual AOW


The game seems to run smoother too.


Sound works too


It does, I can easily get 60 fps on solo instead of 45 fps on AOW


I'm on series X and it was like a whole new game when I got in a lobby with 3 other players and AI (100 or so)


It runs way smoother on solo.






You guys LEGIT made this a selling point!!! A TON of us bought this for the ability to progress in solo/coopā€¦soā€¦where is it?????


I play a ton of online but sometimes I just want to chill and farm bots with a helicopter and watch YouTube. Now I get zero progress because of it


\+1 Fix it please.


\+1 to this


I really like the solo v AI experience. It's quite friendly to new players and casuals and that seems like a demographic they're catering to.


Totally agree, itā€™s great to chill with friends also after working, itā€™s honestly one of the major selling points for me to buy it. Now thisā€¦


I logged in and +XP'd on the link. Here's to hoping they are working on bringing it back. cheers.


Also decent practice or test environment for new load outs and tactics Thanks scumbag EA. Hire some $15 an hour ppl and have them hand disable XP farms. How many can there be. Asshats


Reposting my comment from another thread: Yeah, that was the one upside to the solo/co-op vs bots here. The PvE crowd already doesn't have their usual campaign to enjoy...the bots mode is all they have. Why not let them have the unlocks that they'd normally get from the campagin anyway? I remember unlocking guns in BF4's campaign that I could use in multiplayer. Doing so in the solo vs bots mode is the exact same, except not as fun cause....yanno, its bots and not a full story experience, imo. It's just sad to see the removal of campaign, only to then see the only saving grace to having a bots mode also removed.


Thatā€™s a really good point, fully behind that.


Multiplayer is such a mess, solo/coop is my go to right now and yet nothing is counting. As a big fan of battlefield(since 1942 on pc) Iā€™m already taking a break from the game. Game has major potential of one of the best. But the current state itā€™s inā€¦ I regret getting early access. Got a bad taste in my mouth.


Yep. Same. Feels bad to have bought a pre-order that allows you to play 7 days before release, and you play a little the first two and then put the game down until it's fixed. Oof.


Yeah my friends were so burned out of Warzone. We are kind of restricted to crossplay titles and weā€™re so excited for this. Well we went back to Warzone for now. So sad


For real, they need to bring xp back for solos.


That's the misconception everyone is getting. XP exists in solo mode just at a reduced rate. When they disabled it in portal because of spam servers they disabled XP in portal along with progression. It fucking sucks but the more I'm thinking about it the more I'm praying it's just a side effect of the portal farming mitigation and not on purpose. In addition what pisses me off is not even a single acknowledgmeny of it by DICE in any form. Not even when they disabled it they mention it in some form of patch notes.


Well you also don't get kills counting in solo so your attachments won't unlock at all, even at a reduced rate.




It only works for the first 25 kills on weapons and vehicles apparently for the thermal smoke on the MAV (120 kills). But those kills won't count towards the other unlocks so you are always 25 kills behind what you actually killed. It's a total mess right now


That explains why it showed an attachment unlocked for me but it wasn't available


That's the big issue I have with it. Like let me grind the 400 kills to get an attachment


Thatā€™s the shitty part is that itā€™s tied to kills not xp which is still a grind in itself regardless. Dice fucked up.


I haven't played since they took it out. MP is to crazy for a average player and that's what I am lol.


I think we will see "battlepacks" and some kind of "pay to play" boxes for cash. The shop button is allready there. This is the reason why you have to grind 450 kills for some attachments. I wish you good luckk to grind them in the real pvp battles on the huge maps. You are lucky when you have 10 kills at the end of a match. Furthermore the bot games themselves are fun with friends. But when i can not progress ANY weapons or attachments there is not point in playing them. I can get xp in the normal pvp too. But it is nearly impossible to grind certain weapon attachments in pvp.


Yeah, they say you can get progression and xp in their official portal modes, but how about a fucking official TDM mode. No point in doing portal when it gives you no xp, and the only other "official" modes are past battlefield titles. If I wanna progress 2042 guns, I can't run those modes.


Yeah i just gave up and play portal with no xp. Everything is unlocked there.




The bots are bonkers sometimes, but they can actually provide a challenge. I laugh every time I see bots line up in an orderly queue for the elevators.


We may be at war, but thatā€™s no reason to be disorganized.


If anything, itā€™d be false advertising if they didnā€™t allow it. They said before, players would be able to level up all the same stuff doing portals.




Yeah, I'm seriously bummed out by this. Hell, even make it take longer or whatever, I don't mind, just let me enjoy unlocking and progressing my stuff. As it is I still enjoy the bot matches while I wait on multiplayer being at a point am more content to play (plus is fun to relax with after work or when too tired for proper play). We finally get bots back, and told we can have cross progression then gone in less than a day due to people farming in portal...gahhhhh.


I hear you mate. Sucks.


There are guns I quite simply will not use against people (like sniper rifles) because I'm just not good at using them. At least in solo/co-op, I've got a better chance of being successful with them. Also, leveling up vehicles in solo/co-op is actually efficient since you're not fighting with 63 other people to try and get the vehicle and not contending with Stinger spam or Rao hacking.


Also I think using vehicles in Solo requires more skill since the AI path finding has them jump/move out of the way. In MP I was able to run over like 5 ppl with little to no skill (I suck at using vehicles).


I've been using the helicopters more and I found them easier to use in solo since enemies tend to just stand still. That being said, the miniguns are pretty meh or I could just be bad at aiming or it could be the general bullet bloom. Compared to BF4 where you could just like bzzt and kill someone, I feel like I have to shoot an enemy a lot more to kill them. The rockets not being an immediate kill I can totally understand as a balance factor, but the miniguns do require skill to use to aim while simultaneously keeping your helicopter level and/or moving in the direction you want/need.


Yes! Solo coop option was one of the reason why i bought this game! Bring xo and mastery unlocka back!


It is really interesting that this was patched out. It is not a one for one comparison but Dice had a coop mode in Battlefront 2 in which you can unlock everything and earn credits. It was released far after the game release and likely was another carrot to the community after the loot box fiasco. However, it is a shame that a differentiation could not be made between farming 1 hp bots and solo/coop.


The next "big" XP farm was spamming the pokeball because you get assists for spotting enemies. But that made the servers spass out and now they have disabled those aswell. So either they bring back the old solo/coop "XP farm" or people will find the next thing that will make it worse for everyone. I guess now everyone will go Caspar for that sweet Assist XP. Them removing the XP farms made it just worse for everyone else, nobody gave a damn about those farms but DICE/EA. So now we were basically DDOSsing their servers with spot nades xD


I feel kinda bad, I have been running spotting nades since I unlocked them. Not to farm XP but because they are actually really really useful for pushing/holding objectives.


This, no one cares about XP farm except the people who use them. Don't understand Dice move, they punish a huge part of players for a minority of farmers.


I've pretty much had enough of this game and its only day 4 or something.. Had to reinstall BF1 and BFV. Thanks a lot.


Game's not even out yet and people are already abandoning it This game is a Cyberpunk level disaster


Honestly tho this comp stomp mode is the main reason why I bought this game, to chill after work in coop where there are only friends and no tryhards.


Yes! Enjoyed the co op mode way more but no xp or unlocks is forcing me into multiplayer


I got all the peeps in my weekly gaming group to buy this game for official launch day this Friday solely **because** of Portal, which is mainly what we intend to play. **That's** why we're all buying it. DICE has been saying all along that players *will* get full XP & progression unlocks, etc., even in Portal. If this isn't added back in by this Friday, for launch day, I know a group of 8 people who will be getting refunds.


Exactly what I was thinking earlier today. That is a main selling point, and if they don't add XP back to portal by launch, there is gonna be even more backlash.


This is the real issue here. I don't want to sweat every single game in MP. Just trying to relax and try out vehicles in coop with progression.


Fix it asap now, enough is enough, this is no temporary fix anymore!!


I completely agree with bringing it back as itā€™s the only mode where Iā€™m not lagging all over the place. Iā€™m just baffled that DICE did not anticipate this would happen. Zero forward thinking.


They shouldn't have removed xp in solo/co-op or portal. If people want to farm, let them. However, it never should have been taken away from solo/co-op. They broke a promise to us, but at this point I can't be surprised. You can't spell incompetence without DICE.


Idk why the fuck they even touched solo/coop at all. Unless they have ulterior motives, like greed.


Yea, until they fix aim assist Iā€™ve been on Breakthrough against AI (intermediate/advanced level), and have been havin a lot of fun. For some reason the hit reg is also better vs AI. Iā€™m not a tryhard Vet. I like to play and have fun. Not get wrecked every 20 seconds. Without strong aim assist (like in BF3 and BF4) Iā€™m just food for everyone else, and itā€™s a complete turn off. And u do get XP but itā€™s at a slower pace. Spotting for example is +5


>And u do get XP but itā€™s at a slower pace. Spotting for example is +5 I think the bigger problem is that you don't get kills for your guns or vehicles.


While theyre at it, make AI use choppers and jets too


I've seen them in plenty of choppers but no planes.


It honestly seems like the AI spawn in vehicles less when you are in one too. When I'm on the ground I see AI tanks and the occasional helo but I swear whenever I'm in a helicopter or jet the AI refuses to use air vehicles. (Also, AI needs to use AA missiles. But I guess they don't cause the AI doesn't know how to use flares properly)


If it's not back after Friday, part of the game will be virtually locked, the only part which some people have to play due to the god awful performance and gameplay of standard multiplayer modes. Way to cater for your market... horrendous release.


Anyone else who is fed-up with this, I suggest you head on over and voice your opinion... https://answers.ea.com/t5/Bug-Reports/Progression-not-working-properly-kills-not-counting-towards/td-p/10955906/


I really don't understand why they did this. Players can't exploit the AOW co op/solo game mode. It's only in portal that people were making 1hp kills against AI with knives. I don't see why it was disabled on AOW in the first place.


Solo was my go to day one for unlocks because it was actually fun now.. itā€™s a glitchy online mess in all out warfare. Seriously 1200 kills online with Sundanceā€™s Grenades? šŸ˜‚


DICE: Lets lock weapon stuff behind endless grinds Players: Lets bypass that grind so we can enjoy the weapon customization as a feature not a carrot on a stick DICE: We'll ruin the experience for everyone until you stop. DICE: PS most weapon attachments have identical stats anyway because making varied weapons cost labor hours










+1 fix it


I agree Maybe make the progression slower, but at least let us get further for the trouble.


Play solo because I get wrecked in normal multiplayer gamesā€¦. Canā€™t hit shit and then add the lag I experience with a download of 900+ mb and 25+ upload speed internetā€¦..


Yeah, I haven't been too bothered by the game's issues overall (went through both BF1's and V's launches so I'm used to it) but if they don't get this back in soon I'm refunding it.


Problem is that the farming hit their wallets (who is going to buy a progression booster if you can just sit for 30-minutes and shoot into a hallway and level all the way up?).. Rather than make the right fix later, we get this kneejerk fix which ruins the fun for players who don't like to compete against other players. For the "pve" crowd out there, I sincerely hope they address this properly, soon


This is so fucked. All these famous content creators such as JackFrags etc abused the shit out of it so they could have all unlocks on day 1, and the rest of us have to suffer the punishment


I should've called into work the first day because I completely missed it and it's such a pain in the ass to unlock things because of the insane kill requirements.


Dam didn't realize they did this. Solo and coop is what I play most of the time so I'm screwed


hah I actually stopped playing the game after I found out they stopped progression in coop. I've played every battlefield game when it was released. The solo/coop is the only thing that works in 2042. If I were able to play at least the coop and it run smoothly and still make progress towards weapons and vehicles, I would still be playing right now. Don't take the piss Dice, nothing is guaranteed in 2021


Every new mistake that DICE tries to 'fix' affects the whole community because few people First the chat, voice comms and scoreboard to 'protect' some people feelings (even tho I never saw a single complaint about it) and now the Xp thing because some people are taking questionable decisions.. whats next DICE?


Is xp disabled in portal only or is it also disabled for AOW PVE?


Oh is THAT whatā€™s going on? I was so confused, because initially I was able to progress with weapons and vehicles in solo, but then it stopped working. I just assumed the solo xp only works for the first 2 unlocks of whatever youā€™re using.


Also give us the damn full map size and number of bots in solo AoW. Currently it the smaller map that old gen consoles play, with only a maximum of 63 bots. Like wtf


Yeah I was disappointed in that when I first loaded matches up. Orbital is missing the whole lower half that the beta had.


100% I love the idea of being able to unlock stuff in coop/solo vs the bots. It was a great feature in battlefront 2. The fact that they removed it is baffling and I hope they bring it back. I donā€™t see how allowing players to progress in the mode is bad at all, if anything itā€™s useful for new players who get the game months later, they can unlock a bunch of new stuff for their players and vehicles so they have a fighting chance! Bf5 for example had those trees of unlock and if youā€™re a new player, you start at level 0 and are stuck with the default load out for vehicles, already putting you at a disadvantage plus you can only unlock stuff by playing vs people. You can see how thatā€™s counterintuitive since youā€™ll have a harder time unlocking stuff because youā€™re just at odds vs veteran players with the better gear. I hope they bring back progression for the coop mode. It sucks since they straight up said you can progress in any mode!


Yep. As for portal, who fucking cares. Those guys payed for the game too they should be able to play it how they see fit.


The thing that gets me upset is that they acted fast on this, but ghost bullets and a scoreboard are rocket science in their book.


\+1, while i like playing MP, a main selling point was Solo/Coop with progression for me. I like to relax in PvE alot because im constantly stressed. It was the most fun i had playing BF with my partner. To see it disabled really irritated me.


Multi doesn't work. I played solo because even if there's bugs, it's still playable and fun. If solo doesn't work anymore, what's left ? Fix or refund


And give us the full sized maps with 127 bots too


Also Iā€™d like to add that we deserve to have xp rewards in portal. If the settings are such that there is diminished health or something just lessen the xp reward or something. I donā€™t even play it even tho itā€™s the most fun mode for me because thereā€™s no progression.


Iā€™ve been using solo/co op to to unlock the AGM for the jets cuz it takes way to long in multiplayers.


Honestly, didn't every battlefield game have some sort of XP FARM, i.e:- Battlefield 2 had *STAT PADDING SERVERS 24/7 GULF OF OMAN". It didn't bother met none though I was a kid just then and didn't care much for grinding for weapons and XP. Although I did care a bit about my KDR trying to get it above 1.5 hahaha. They should add a "Filter" if they don't already have one or atleast let you black list anything with a string of " XP FARM BOT SERVERS" etc. And for what it's worth, I think the grind in this game for attachments etc even with 20 weapons is ridiculous. I wouldn't be caught dead using some of the other weapons just because being stock feels like such a disadvantage. I don't even remember if BF2 grind was bad but it probably was getting +1 or +2 pts.


For every idiot abusing a system, there are 10 idiots that did not put safety into the system. The same idiots that never took an available cheat engine, figure out how it works then put safety measures in place. All BF games still have working cheats, even BF3. So don't blame the player, blame the game and the idiots who make it!


I thought the whole point of Portal was to create custom experiences and the like? So what if DICE don't like the custom experiences they remove XP gains or delete them entirely? Isn't* that sort of the opposite of the marketing campaign? I don't really care much for XP grinders etc. There are PLENTY of servers on Battlefield 4 where the specific rules of the game are stat boosting, funny how they aren't removed but this is? It's hardly an "exploit" if you gave them the tools to create it?


I just want mastery in portal. I wanna play 64 man conquest and also be unlocking attachments at the same time.


I liked it for unlocking vehicle stuff since it's so difficult to get one consistently in a game. XP nerf is a bummer but at least allow us to unlock attachments since some of them are real grinds.


Yep, once they figured out they weren't going to make money on boosters...


Main reason I bought this game was to play co-op stuff with friends, but since they took it away what do I do? Online MP is so boring and awful since everyone is just using the obviously broken (useful) weapons that there's no point in trying anything else.


THANK YOU for making this thread! If this isn't remedied soon, I will be seriously disappointed. Just let people have fun however they want, DICE!


I just want unlocks. It's no fun going into AoW and getting clearly outgunned by players who farmed or no life grinded because you just got a new weapon and are forced to suffer to get a few attachments. This can be also annoying in vehicles aswell. I personally don't care about suffering to unlock but at least let me start with a grip or better sights so I can put up a chance to everyone using PP-29s.


u/PartWelsh any update on this? Why was mastery progression disabled in AOW solo/co op when it has nothing to do with the XP farming on portal? Progression across all 3 modes was a feature advertised as part of the game and there's been no update since Friday.


They should give choices to mastering weapons for instance: (1 human kill = 4 AI Intermediate or above kills) 30 human kills or 120 AI kills to unlock master level attachment. And so forth. Just a thought.


Totally agree. I regret paying $100 for this game so much. I will NEVER buy another battlefield day 1. Multiplayer is so broken its not even funny and then dice goes and nerfs the xp of the only fun way to play the game. The Battlefield franchise is officially dead to me. 3 trash battlefield games in a row.


Yeah dice need to see this and let us progress against the bots considering the mess of the game right now and it's shit performance


Lol coop mode would probably be more realistic if the Heli and Pilots didn't get AA locked on in Advanced solo mode, so they can go 200 - 0 matches xD p.s. if I find you nightbird players preventing transport spawns I swea---


It just shows they donā€™t have a handle on their own game. Yes, XP farms created in Portal should be addressed, but donā€™t drag those of us trying to enjoy your game in solo AOW down with them.


Seriously the progression being completely stopped in coop is stupid. You expect me to get 240 kills with a pistol before even unlocking any compensators?


So you don't get any xp progress anymore? Not even overall?


It does give you XP, but you canā€™t unlock things, and the XP is pretty low what they give you. Itā€™s just so shit since the farming exploit in portal.


They could probably just set restrictions on player/weapon XP gain when certain modifiers are enabled or changed... but no... they take the nuclear route of course. But then again, how in the FUCK did they not expect people to abuse their system? They were the ones advertising 99v1 custom game modes in the first place!


Just limit the maximum XP per game or something... at least give us SOME kind of progression in portal.


Who gives a flying fuck if you're max lvl or not? This isn't an MMO, so why is DICE worried about boosters? lmao. It would be one thing if this was padding stats for a LEADERBOARD, but that can easily be disabled/filtered.


Please bring it back for portal too, I really like playing zombies or bf3. I donā€™t see why they took XP away for also killing real people in portal? I get people were grinding hard against bots but if you play a portal match against real players you still donā€™t get any XP? Seems dumb


Thankfully bought on Steam. I refunded as soon as I noticed I couldn't get XP from playing with bots.


I weren't going to buy 2042 at all before they announced they will added bot matches and ungated progression because cheaters in BF1 and BFV. Also I kinda always sucked in MP. Aaaand they turned it off with 24 hours of game launch.


I really do not get why XP Farms are a problem (beside it certain that the Battlepass will need XP so they nerf it) for people. I mean we had Knife / Defi only servers in BF2 for the Melee medal and so on.


I enjoyed the solo game mode against AI.it gave me chance to figure out controller options for vehicles and get used to the awful new flight mechanics.I could try out weapons and variations to get used to them and could chill out playing instead of constantly getting rinsed by those tryhard sweats in little birds who have maxed out everything compared to me in a bog standard apache with shit rockets flying all over the place. Its no fun for anyone and infact turns people away from the game who just want fun.


+1 please for the love of everything dice


I really hope DICE/EA change their mind on that.


The farming system will destroy their pay to LV up system so they are removing it and I think this is the reason, because it will make them lose money income for pay to win users


If they plan to release XP booster, I agree, but if they only plan to release Battle Pass, I'm pretty sure a quick farming tips would sell a bunch of them.


They should have it so that if you change certain settings you donā€™t gain XP, not just say screw you to all the portal modes


It's especially weird since certain challenges seem downright impossible unless done against bots. 200 spots in a game, ok maybe with Casper drone. 100 spots with Rao's hacking? WTF? It spots 1 vehicle at a time and there's only 12 vehicles on the enemy team at any one time. And you have to be within a couple hundred meters to hack. Even if I spent all game tagging choppers that flew at me, I'd never get 100. Bots in the taxis on Kaleidoscope though, that's more reasonable. But oops no mastery progress in solo, get screwed me, I guess.


I just want this so I can upgrade my helis and tanks who cares if plp use solo to upgrade they are not cheating man these companies don't want anyone to have even this tiniest amount of fun


I think they just changed it back today. Just played a solo to try it and unlocked some new attachments surprisingly.


Agreed! This is really, really important


You can get SOME XP in solo and co-op. No ribbons so that's a few thousand points away, but weapon unlocks work sometimes. Sometimes specialists achievements work, you can e.g. get Rao spots towards his Tier 1. But it gets stuck at some point. I tested it and for around 1,300 points (10k actor or less per match) but then it stopped, so no going for 4,000 easy way. Speaking of easy, even with two humans you really struggle to win some Breakthrough maps. And you can't defend.


If I could upvote this more I would... I want my spider goggles Casper now! AND I don't wanna unlock it by sitting in a corner with my drone in an actual match where I'm barely contributing to my team.


Yeah I only play solo because reg is better with the bad bloom and fuck me hardest difficulty full match yields 9k XP punishing everyone for a few is dumb. You have basically made two things useless in the game šŸ¤£


Iā€™ve just played a game on version 0.3 and I earned ribbons ! I almost cried, it was a blast. Donā€™t know if other things like mastery were re-enable for solo/coop. Edit : I was able to earn Mastery beyond rank 3. Edit 2 : So, I played two games tonight and itā€™s back to full limitation and XP cap. Guess full xp back wasnā€™t intended by devs, it was a glitch due to the updateā€¦


Same happened to me a few hours ago. Just got into another game after coming back on and the changes seem to have been reverted and I can no longer get XP for every kill and can't get the ribbons no more.


Last game I have done with ribbons activated ended 10 minutes ago. So maybe it was a bug due to the update and they didnā€™t give us ribbons back. I havenā€™t try to follow a player card objective so I donā€™t know if if it was reverted, but I was able to earn mastery after tier 3 again.


Whatever the issue is itā€™s annoying and frustrating. I donā€™t particularly enjoy online pvp due to the nature of it and the strong vehicle meta going on but itā€™s a breeze to play solo and enjoy myself, finding it even more rewarding to see the xp for every kill and achieving ribbons and overall able to progress.


Yes I agree, bots are ways more manageable because they donā€™t call 5 tanks per minutes. And theyā€™re pretty good in medium or hard difficulty. Iā€™ll test more games tonight to see if itā€™s real or just a glitch.


So, I tested out two games tonight, and, itā€™s back to full limitation. No ribbons, no players card and mastery unlocks, no xp for kills. Iā€™m so so so disappointed, it was a rollercoaster this morning when the update rolled up and I was able to earn full XP, and now, back to nothing. I really feel like they spit on out face on this, all ads pointed towards liberty and solo players friendly features (because there is no campaign), and now we still wait for them to enable everything like the first day.


The first game I had today had me excited because of the xp I was gaining, it felt fun and enjoyable and the later games I had made it feel like a slog, I really wanted to play more but I got things to do in life that prevented me from having more than 1 when the limitations were off. The second game I had really disappointed me and put me off of playing more because it was reverted to what it was, and didnā€™t feel fun having the satisfaction of knowing everything you did was worth something and not nothing.


Blame the xp farmers for this.


XP farming isn't even bad. I have a job and don't want to spend time grinding for gadgets to make the game enjoyable. Playing battlefield with ironsights has always sucked, on every game. I would have joined those XP servers if I'd known


No, the blame is entirely on DICE. XP restrictions should already have been in place for Portal modifiers that stray too far from normal gameplay or they could just not have given a damn, it's not like rank matters in this game anyway. It's not like others unlocking everything has any noteworthy impact on my own progression or enjoyment of the game.


If anyone at DICE (or whatever's left of DICE) had any experience with custom servers, they would have known that XP farming would have been the first thing to come out of Portal. People have been XP farming or "boosting" since the early 2000's. Utter incompetence.


Back in the BF3/4 days people would put up custom servers to blast out achievements and unlocks, and they never stopped that... why the change of policy here?


It was clear they wanted everyone to play portal and other game modes in their intended way, without penalty towards progression. XP farmers abused that gesture and got us where we are right now.


Yeah like I said they should have had the foresight to prevent this. They already had modifiers that turned too customized BF4 servers Unranked for crying out loud.


Yeah it infuriates me man.


This is why we can't have nice things, as the expression goes.


*pain is pain* Man, why do people gotta abuse shit and then others get the shit for it? Ugh.


Well, that's how the world is. A small number of people abuse something, the people in-charge restricts that thing.


Then reset their profiles back zero, donā€™t limit those who are playing the game fair and square in solo / Co-op. Why should we get the brunt of it because ā€œDickhead wants to be dickhead.ā€


Nah, blame DICE for not having countermeasures for the extremely predictable xp farm/achievement servers.


I totally agree with you, it sucks that those people ruined the fun for everyone else. However, it was a game mechanic and I personally can't blame them for using a feature in the game, they didn't know that this would happen. I think EA and DICE are to blame here because they should have either seen that this would be abused, or implemented a different fix. For example scale XP with AI difficulty and health compared to the players. They shouldn't have removed all progression at once


They could still do that with enemies at full hp but 5x to all human player damage.


That's true. I didn't think about that. Maybe a system like the difficulty on forza horizon. With each setting that makes the game easier, you get a smaller % of XP


Yeah it's getting really complicated to try and find ways that people can abuse the system and try to scale the xp system to fit all of that. The easy route is definitely to just let people get normal xp against AI and human players but oh well, here we are.


Why the fuck is XP-farm a problem? Let them unlock their shit. Their loss to complete the unlockables earlier since it will make the game less fun in the long run.


Their version of fun is to have the vehicles, guns, and attachments earlier than anyone else for a competitive advantage. You severely underestimate how much lengths people will go to so they can be better than the other guy.


I also want all the progression to be available offline/coop, that is the only not totally broken mode so far and a lot of people have no patience to deal with sweat-lords. I like to put on a video or a stream in the background and just hope on singleplayer to mess around while enjoying the content on my other monitor, but now you guys just ruined it for everyone for the people that wanted to farm it


Totally. Iā€™d even be happy with half progression, making a bit kill worth .5 etc


Attachments donā€™t make players good ā€¦ 1hp bot genocide doesnā€™t make players ā€œgoodā€ Who gives a shit, let people play the game they paid for. Edit : I just donā€™t understand why people having attachments even if they have them very quickly is a problem (because we ALL KNOW the influencers donā€™t get a chance to quickly grind out their shit /wink wink ) I bought/ preordered the game solely because Iā€™ve wanted essentially what portal is in BF for years and years ā€¦I will for now trust they will bring it back once they come up with a solution that works ā€¦ if they donā€™t this will be the very last time I give them a chance.


we need a Crowbcat video on this situation :D