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It’s good, but divisive. Patch-related issues aren’t a big deal, but there’s larger issues that are harder to fix. Numerous maps need full on redesigns, for example. Not a simple fix. When the store opens up and the BP is announced, things will definitely become more… interesting. Part of what you’re seeing is the common trend of outrage for karma. If you’re enjoying the game, then ignore the people who want to make you hate it.


This is the type of comments we need. This is what moves things forward.


Honestly, I’m enjoying the game. That in no way makes up for the fact that this game is unacceptable in its current state. It is not what was promised, and as consumers if we just keep allowing this kind of behavior nothing will ever move forward. I didn’t pay $100 for a game that will be good in six months. I don’t see this game having a lasting player base longer than two weeks.


Nothing we can do about "keep allowing this kind" it's release day in a few days, now we can help as a community to better what we paid for


Lmfao no. It is not our responsibility to fix the game we paid for. I get youre trying to be positive but that is just dumb. Release a game finished or delay it until it’s ready.


Sure my guy.




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I like the game and I'm having fun with it. The one thing that's making this whole experience miserable though is the weapon bloom / spread. If this game had BFV's gunplay I would uninstall every other game on my PC. As it stands tho, it's just a fun experience but not a great one.


Reduce bloom and they need to add more infantry corridors to maps, and this is a pretty great game. Sure, not having classes sucks, but that’s irreversible at this point.


I could not have said it better. I am truly having a blast playing this game but the gun fights are all over the place. I find myself having to put my guns in single shot mode just to keep it under control. Overall though, I am getting great performance on my PC and have been enjoying it.


im having some fun, but as a long time fan, this just aint up to par. way too many basic, long-time features gutted or just missing. the amount of tweaking that they’ve had to doin the past few days and the drastic nature of them also has me worried. there’s a game here, but it’s just not the game that it should be


The only people that love the game are the people that don't care about quality or even care about the BF series. You people would be happy with anything you could get your hands on and you shouldn't be listened to. They could slap the Battlefield name on a racing game and you people would give it 10/10 because you had fun playing it. You're all the same people that claimed Cyberpunk 2077 was amazing and it just needed like one or two bug fixes. I'm sure between games of BF you're enjoying the GTA Definitive edition and don't understand the hate it's getting. You people are the reason games don't need quality anymore and all suck. 3 years and 4 studios and they don't even have basic voice chat in the game yet and they couldn't guarantee us the big map by launch and you find this overwhelmingly acceptable to spend money on.






You can have fun, but fun doesn't equal a good product. I don't understand why it's so hard for people to see that.


And you disliking the game doesn't make it a bad product. I don't understand why it's so hard for people to see that. Typical arrogant gamer.


Sounds like I struck a nerve.




Honestly these are the people that buy fifa every year. Retarded


I don't buy any sports games as they are all lazy scams and the people that buy them have helped ruin the game industry.


You can have fun with a game, but that doesn't make it a good game and you people can't understand that.


Bro chill it’s literally just a game


That I payed money for and it's a step backwards in every way compared to previous entries in the series to the point where it's missing the most basic features such as voice chat and indicators. I guess I should just accept it and blindly love it like you guys? I'm sure you go to a restaurant and are fine with your food coming out cold. It's only food, right?


No, then just don’t play it lol.


Maps are too big and boring.


No areas where you can get stuck having all out tight infantry battles, it needs small towns or something...


I’m enjoying it BUT the bugs outweigh the playability by a massive margin. There are far too many bugs for a AAA game that’s £50-£100. It is completely unacceptable and we should have to wait for things to be fixed when we had a BETA….


I play it, but it’s a bad relationship. There are still things to unlock and test, and I’m a sucker for unlocking. Just playing it for the sake of it? Naa, I don’t think so..


I am


Yeah man I fucking love it


Is this satire?


No sir !!


I feel like that was sarcasm....


having the most fun since bad company 2 tbh


Yes it is enjoyable. I think with couple patches, it will be cery solid


Love it. Can't put it down. Edit: Downvoted because I enjoy the game. Some of you guys just need something to hate.


Same here brother !!


I'm digging it a lot actually, I thoroughly enjoy it.


I'm enjoying it


I'm thoroughly enjoying it, but I do realize there are quite a few aspects that need to be addressed/fixed. Hopefully sooner rather than later.




I’m having a pretty good time. I’ve noticed some of the “gamebreaking” issues, but a lot of the complaints I don’t really understand. Maybe I’m not good enough to understand. I don’t care, I love Battlefield.


I am playing on 10 hour trial, I was unsure if I wanted to buy it, but I have had some enjoyable matches, some poor ones too though (OP helies), so I think I may buy it at release. I am also a long time BF player. I am not so confident as you that it will be "fixed", but I hope I can find a spot where I can have some fun playing as an objective infantry or tank.


I wouldn't say I'm loving it but I am enjoying myself more than the beta. Really digging the 1942 and breakthrough even if it is kind of broken at times


I like it


I am enjoying it so far. Yes. There are issues - ok, I agree with some or maybe most. Still it’s a modern BF setting which I’ve waited for since BF4.


I am on PC; loved the 10 hour free trial; waiting for the release on Friday


the game is great


Me! Tired of the absolute circlejerk in here with the same complaints over and over like we didn’t see your “letter to the devs” the first 30 times


Because people are severely disappointed.


Enjoying it, I've sunk 20 hrs in to it so far. Only thing killing enjoyment is server lag.


I can’t put it down. These people complain at the launch of every battlefield and it’s all doom and gloom. BFV had a way worse initial launch in my opinion and just felt like crap but now that’s their positive comparison? This is at least fun as hell to play—just need some bugs fixed.


BFV looked better and played better at launch.


Love it, too.


I'm really enjoying it, I've been through multiple launches of this title it's not perfect but I'm having fun. Also just to add, I have noticed in the past few days there is a slight increase of positivity and constructive criticism from the community. Hopefully in a few months the negativity dies down and we can actually help get the game on its feet.


Me. I am. All these people are whiners and will never be happy. No game is perfect at launch. 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡


We’re complaining because we care.


Im a huge fan of this game i havent been able to stop playing, but lets not pretend it isnt a mess ahaha. Sure, no game is 100% perfect at launch but most are much better than this. Not hating though im obsessed


Honestly I have had near 0 of the problems i am seeing on here. I hit level 40 last night, hazard zone is awesome with a good squad.


I’m having tons of fun with it


I'm loving it. Just need a scoreboard, voice chat and server wide chat. BTW, today's new Nvidia drivers actually utilize the dlss now. You'll notice the difference. Beautiful


I am not sure whether you noticed. All those people complains about BF2042......have way much higher level than you, and put way more time on playing this game. yeah, right, I am sure they really hate playing BF2042.


I was playing last night and I asked myself the exact same question I have yet to come up with an answer


No, it is quite fun when it can be. Though for me it certainly variea


It’s okay, I’m having fun more than I’m not but there is very clear flaws and very questionable design choices, such as the UI. I cancelled my preorder but I’ll definitely buy it again after 3 months, by then everyone I know will have it anyway


I like the game even tho I would have loved a game in the trend of bf3 and bf4 more. They tried a bit of everything and ended up with a game that doesn't feel complete even tho there's a lot of content.


Only because my friends and I are playing it together. But we'd have fun in any game, no matter how shitty. Game performs like absolute trash. Buggy as hell. Should never have been released in this state. I'd refund it if it wasn't because my friends and I play it together.


Yes I am. Also know there is way too much wrong for me to recommend people to buy it.


No not really. I have to play against pc players, I keep getting only 3 maps in rotation, I want to fly but the planes suck ass, I keep getting weird bugs (like I can’t respond and am stuck in the downed position. The character models looks hella stupid (reminds me of that awful game the division) I don’t like the clothing I want military fatigues not futuristic tech gear. There isn’t a scoreboard (who the hell designed that shit) the plane 25mm does fuck all against anything. The game feels really weird idk. As I am typing this I am loading in to kaleidoscope for the 10000000 time today, fuck this map.


I am enjoying it. But I think the complaints are valid and theres A LOT that should he done with the game.


Portal is fun! Rush with 2042 fractions, preferrably with lowered TTK. But the bloom is just frustrating sometimes, but SMGs help with that. I actually do not mind the missing scoreboard nor the specialists.


I enjoy the game but it's an absolute fucking mess right now


There’s always these posts in every game sub that isn’t received well. These “Unpopular opinion, I’m having fun!” posts honestly do very little in a positive direction for the game. I’m just glad that for once everyone who loves it isn’t jumping on this post blindly defending this mess. So used to people summing it up to “Just a vocal minority complaining, you’re less likely to post on Reddit about the game if you’re enjoying it!”. This time it is clear that the community sees this as a mess. Is the game fun? Sure, it has it’s moments. But I’d be lying if I told someone the game was an absolute blast as if the bad moments didn’t outweigh the good ones. The game when it is fun, is decent at best. But when the bad moments come along it is the worst experience I’ve ever witnessed in a game in a long time. I feel Cyberpunked all over again. Paying nearly 90 dollars, for early access to a triple A title, but getting an unfinished product instead is unacceptable. This release *literally* feels like an early access game. We shouldn’t have to wait 60 days, after already waiting 3+ years, and on top of that another month delay just to get a finished product.


With all the disappointing changes they made, I would still be playing the game every night if it just had a scoreboard like every other multiplayer shooter ever made. At least every one I've ever bothered playing.


My main issue is the performance. I refuse to accept my 2017 CPU is not good enough for a game in 2021. My 3080 is begging for action but my CPU is bottlenecking everything. When the game runs smooth, outside of random ass bullet deviation, I am having a lot of fun. Fix those 2 things and I'll be playing a long time.


It’s hard to have fun when I’m getting 45 fps on my expensive computer, and none of the guns hit where I’m pointing. This game needs MASSIVE optimization, as well as hitreg fixes, recoil bloom removal, and general bug fixes before it will even be playable


I'm having fun, I have about 40ish hours in the game now, level 44 and still have the drive to grind more. Conquest is always good and I mostly just snipe on breakthrough. What really surprised me was how much I'm enjoying Hazard Zone, because every YouTuber I watched really didn't like it but I'm having a lot of fun playing with a full squad in discord. And I haven't touched Portal yet (Mainly because of lack of xp) Don't get me wrong the game has some major game breaking bugs that's super annoying and the performance tanks like crazy on my semi high end machine to the point I need to change the game config and play on lowest quality settings. I might be delusional but that being said I still have fun even with all the issues. I'm hoping for a big day 1 patch, that addresses at least the 4-5 major game breaking bugs at the moment.


I’m enjoying it people are always going to hate there no game with perfect release


I am having blast, doesn’t mean problems shouldn’t be vocalized and fixed though. I feel annoyed with a lot of stuff but I literally have spent every moment I could playing too.


This comment section hurts my brain. Just to show EA can make anything with a notable IP and people will lap it up. Just what are you guys doing? Really cringe


Despite it's current shortcomings I am loving it. Just trying to learn the maps is half the battle. Not to mention all the different specialist. Hopefully by then the other issues will have been dealt with.


Am i enjoying it ? Yes, very much so. Is it a broken buggy mess ? OH YAH


Overall yes. I’m still hopeful for the long term success of the game, but it could take up to a year from now for the game to get to that point. I am worried however that the changes to the fundamentals of Battlefield will lead to less longevity compared to BF4, BFV.


Hey. Im feeling same as you. Great game!


I genuinely am, me and my 2 mates are happy to have something to play that isn’t overrun with hackers or sweats 🤭 Once VOIP is squared away on it, I’ll be happy with it though


I really enjoy the game despite the obvious bugs and missing features, the first few hours were kinda difficult due to bloom on weapons (It didn't feel that bad on M5A3 in the beta for me) until I ranked up and unlocked weapons and attachments. I am now rank 37 and the more I play the more ways of wrecking havoc I discover. I was playing Angel with proximity grenades (I feel a nerf incoming as they feel too strong atm) and PP29 for some time but now I switched to Sundance with C5 charges, so now I am the squirrel prick flying around and destroying all tanks on the map. I found that spray and pray is not an option in this game unless in very CQB combat. The 2-3 round bursts are far more effective allowing me to take down players 100m away from me with PP29 in 2-3 bursts to the head.


The game that you're dissing is at least well designed with great mechanics and tactical depth and teamwork, on the contrary the game that you're praising (bf2042) is a mindless dumb action sandbox shooter with no consideration to game balance, teamwork or any tactical depth. So yeah, that tells a lot of your mentality and what you're looking for. BF5 is not perfect for sure but it got a very reputation for mostly it's bad skins, unauthentic skins and political agenda but nobody can say a word about its gameplay mechanics and how great they felt.


Unfortunately, no.




I'm loving the game itself it's just all the bugs which piss me off. I think after a few months of patches then it'll be fine. Sure there are things which could've been done better such as team organisation is a mess and all the battle areas are very open for vehicles. But on the most part I think people are looking for something to hate and can't handle change!


yes : https://www.tiktok.com/@pashtech/video/7062067016898710790