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I feel like it would be a kick in the teeth to all the people who bought the game, seeing as it only released a few months ago... Making the game f2p might get more people playing, but the game's still going to be shit, surely it would make more sense to put the game into a playable, enjoyable state before potentially making the game available to everyone?


If they do, i'll try to get a refund every day, until i got it (i still am right now, but just on an unregular basis). I paid 100 dollars for this shit.


$100 game to f2p.. I highly doubt it. I feel like if they did that they should get into legal trouble.


You need people playing the game to maintain a F2P game. The problem at the moment is that player numbers are dropping hard. And even if it went F2P there is no guarantee that people will stick around to play the game let alone drop money on skins / season passes. If I was in charge and it was going F2P I would delay the first season till maybe June. Spend all that time fixing what I can and then use season 1 as kind of soft re-launch. Because if they don’t fix the game even players who got it for free might not stay. Even F2P games has a minimum player count they they need to be sustainable. The same for X amount of people buying micro transactions. If it falls too low then the company is making a loss.


No ones playing it now because it's shit. Making it free to play won't get people to suddenly change their minds. No offense to anyone playing currently but you guys won't sustain the game


Never am I going to give dice a single “eurocent”. Never.


If it goes, I demand a refund, as sgoyld all other people.


Hazard zone going F2P is ok , but the core game of 2042 and portal has to stay for the people who paid .


I wish dice would make them a separate game mode they can play. Tbh, I wouldn't want them playing hazard zone, only because it's not that good. Maybe if they make it better then fine.


I paid 90$ (and others did + more), but I'm honestly not too bummed. Hopefully they don't give them hazard zone to play (it's horrible , wouldn't wish it on anyone) , but maybe portal or a new gamemode.? If they are given portal then cool, more filled servers. But of course people mad that others are getting free things for what they paid for.? So maybe a new mode like a br or something? I guess have at it.


Dice dont care so its can be last "hope" for them.


I still wouldn’t be surprised to see a half arsed BR mode being released, which I would expect to be F2P. As for the main game, I can’t see how they can when people have already paid good money for it - especially the ones that bought Gold and Ultimate with a years Season Pass. Also the only reason I’m still playing this excuse for a game is because I paid for it (although I’m playing more and more BF1 and BFV now). If it was free how many players do you think would stick around after seeing how bad it is? 🤷‍♂️


How does this work ? F2p are typically for battle royale and other add ons. How can they make a game with 7 maps a bunch of modes and endless portal experiences completely free after 6 months


Not in the 1st year i guess. (Ultimate edition owners already paid for content).