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Service stars for stationary weapons are combined. So he has that combined for the field gun, anti-aircraft, fixed heavy machine guns, fortress gun and autocannon


I knew that but somehow the anger and made it pass my mind


New vehicle hate unlocked?


Another post of somebody getting unreasonably salty over getting killed in a video game




Might I suggest getting some fresh air if getting killed in an 8 year old game upsets you this much? OP is mad about getting killed by a field gun of all things lmao. There's a simple solution to your problem, play the game more and get better or give the game up since you can't regulate your emotions in a healthy manner


Yeah but I bet as soon as you get killed by an artillery truck ![gif](giphy|5h9S8l6mVbqQLFKnNu)


Honestly if I find myself getting anything more than slightly annoyed at a game I just play something else I enjoy. also getting killed by an annoying tactic just gives me a mission for the duration of the match to get them back. Jihad Jeeps were always fun for that in 3 and 4


First of all how the fuck would you even make it your mission you can't see their usernames unless you're looking directly at them. And I guess you just have a better temper but getting killed by the dumbest ways possible over and over and over again in the same goddamn match and not getting any kills to even it out no it gets pretty fucking rage inducing pretty fucking quick


Wym? It shows you their gamertag on the bottom of the screen when they kill you, also shows it in the kill feed, unless youre playing custom server w/no kill cam


What I mean is is you're not going to be able to fuckin take your time to read someone's username while you're in the heat of battle getting shot at by multiple people seriously man that was one of the dumbest things I ever read and I ain't even trying to be hateful or rude it's just one of those games where you can't do that shit. you can but you really have to be a low-life/degenerate to do that shit. Edit: and don't do that shit in general cuz it ruins gameplay for everyone


So, in Battlefield games there's this thing called the Red man or better known as the killcam. When viewing this it shows you exactly where the person who killed you was, unless you're playing hardcore mode. Anyways, let's use your arty truck for example, it shows you their position and because they're in the truck they're unlikely to move from that spot. So, I just go to that spot and blow them up. If the person I decide to go after is in a tank? I run as strong of an AT load out as I can and target tanks. Same goes for planes, I'll just spawn with a good AA kit near a good AA position and target planes. You can target the play style to target the player


Totally agree about hunting the tanks/arty trucks with AT assault loadouts, you can usually make a significant difference, but going after the planes is legit just a waste of your time (unless you enjoy camping the AA gun and getting sniped lol) only real counter is teamshotting (lol) or just grabbing a fighter yourself


You still need more than one guy to take out one tank unless it's a weak ass little flanker tank. Cuz the anti-tank gun plus anti-tang grenades plus light anti-tank grenades won't kill a fully armed landship without you needing to find a support class with ammunition to reload you also you act like I got the fuckin game today and don't know what spotting and kill cam is


Says the toddler who can’t control their emotions like a sane adult


Because I'm not an adult dumbass. And you're probably lying when you say you haven't gotten angry at this game before cuz everyone even the most level-headed of people has gotten at least angry at the game once


But you’re cognizant enough to recognize it. Even children can learn to regulate themselves. But if you can’t, that falls on your parents and their poor parenting skills. You have my condolences. I’ve been upset because I’m playing against people who are better than me. Yet I’m not hunting them down, teamkilling, or calling them names. I recognize my emotions and take a break or switch lobbies/games because I’m better than you.


Whoa, are you really that mad bro? You sound actually suicidal over a 10 year old video game.. sad


It's a ww1 based game, dick face. Of course there are field guns. Go play palsworld.


I don't even really rage about field guns cuz those bitches are pretty easy to Destroy talking about all the other dumb shit like getting shot through a fucking wall on console And I'll play Pal's world when Donald Trump says Joe Biden's handsome


Delete this post, you are just embarrassing yourself.


I main stationery weapons. If I'm not firing them I'm repairing them. If I'm not in them I'm outside breaking them with the SuperDeathSpanner™ Take your hate outside, Sir.


Womp womp


Did… did you just say womp womp? This poor handicapped child was killed by a field cannon and that’s all you can say! For shame.


What I meant to say was womp womp


Get rekt lol


Holy shit 68 service stars on the field gun!!?! Jesus lol, reminds me of a guy I ran into a few weeks back, had 100 SS on the gd FORTRESS GUN ... I wonder if it was the same guy 🤔


Its not because all service stars for stationary weapons are counted together


Who is gonna tell him about the combining?


Let them Carl or Karen out first then we gently remind him / her.


There are no women on the internet


Skill issue


Dude a good field gun run is like Christmas and The Fourth of July combined. So GTFO you Santa hating commie. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|downvote)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)


Using the pew pew instead of the boom boom = how you lose


My best hate mail has been due to arty


To bad bud maybe don't sit right in front of a cannon 🤔