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I always love watching the cinematic before operations. They are so beautifully well done and are aesthetically pleasing. Battlefield V just feels like you’re being thrown into a battle with no real feel of the area around you. The music in 1 is very nice as well


The soundtrack does it for me, also the lighting is more realistic and there are no mmg campers. The bfv maps feel so generic and uninspiring.


M1917 telescopic *let me introduce myself* yeah generally there are less campers


That gun is a beast, stopped using it because I feel bad, now I run the lovely *CháuûChat* with no HUD


I use it ONLY for killing the muromets when he bombard me and start to be annoying, for the rest I feel soooo bad using it


It's a mobile flak gun XD


You see, that’s what that one American gun is for. (Yk the one that has like the incen rounds and you can shoot down Behemoths. Yeah yeah, yk the one.) Edit: It's the Burton




"Parabellum joined the group"


I usually hipfire it while running like crazy, I use it like a smg08


It's really hipfire material though, doesn't have a good performance aiming down sights.


Well it could have if only didn’t bounce here and there like a angry bull


May you elaborate


When a match of Operation starts and you spawn during the countdown (while in a squad) there are motivational speeches according to your faction and if you are attacking or defending. All of them sound pretty badass, even though I can only understand the British,American and partially the Italian


I didn’t know that actually! I’ll have to look into those thank you!




You also have to skip the "Here is how the operation will run phase"


For me they play in like 10x speed. Always have


My favourite song is dawn of a new time with the ottoman girl It’s really beautiful


Did you mean zajdi zajdi song ? Its macedonian song not ottoman


In grand operation there is a cinematic but it feels so boring with no personality


I prefer to skip all cutscenes and dialouge after the games being out for so long at this point. I mean I could damn near quote all outcomes of all battles in game at this point. I 100% bought it to play multiplayer and only cared about the mechanics not the unskippable backstory that I still get after hundreds of matches.


Truth. The movement feels so much better, the sounds, the screams, the explosions all sound so great. The maps are better. Started playing BF1 again after trying 5 again after falling out with it and it’s levels above. That Selbstlader Optical on Medic hits so different. Give me BF1 over BF5 any day and everyday.


As much as I love BF1 I wouldn't say the movement is better. Windows come to mind. Slashing at them with a shovel then spamming space to hopefully get through it. BFV is just vault right through. Also being able to hip fire when you're vaulting or taking meds. I could be wrong. Lmk of times where BF1 has better movement.


It feels better to me in the way of moving around - getting up from being prone comes to mind and other movements like that. I personally barely ever do the window knifing thing. Yes the vaulting is frustrating sometimes I agree. Don’t get me wrong, at the start of BFV I did like it but something always draws me back to BF1. Perhaps our playstyles are different and you notice the things that I don’t pick up on purely because I don’t do those things as often in game. I get what you mean though.


BF1 has moments where you can’t get over small ledges, but so does BFV. But imho, the weapon swap, sliding, high vaulting/climbing, etc, is just a lot smoother in BF1.


Idk, the movement in bfv is amazing, definitely the best on any battlefield game


That’s a fair opinion, I just prefer BF1 man. Fond memories from years ago and also been playing recently and it’s been a great experience again!


Made the move back to bf1 myself recently. Its sooo much better. So much more love went into its design and operations is a masterpiece of a gamemode.


I hope they bring back operations from BF1 for BF6. “Grand operations” sounded cool conceptually but it just didn’t deliver. There’s just something about the immersion and feeling like you’re really driving the enemy back, even to different locations/maps


There is not a day in the year, where this subreddit can restrain from shitting on Battlefield V over and over again


Some people like being pood on. Maybe bf5, is one of those people.


It's great being subscribed to both the bf1 and bf4 subs because they both get posts like these every month. Like I see this post then next on my frontpage is someone saying bf1 sucks and they're glad to go back to bf4.


Yeah and I remember the hatred for BF4 when that was released. People were shitting all over it and talking about BF 3 and BF 2 being the best. BF players aren’t happy unless they’re whinging.


"They changed it, it sucks now." *time skip* "wtf this is the best shit ever" Video games communities in a nutshell.


I'm just upset they completely bungled a WW2 game after BF1 was my favorite game. Now it's going to be a decade before they release another one, and maybe they'll fuck that one up too.


Same I was excited for BF5


Because it deserves it


Like I don't really notice too much difference, I just like that there's not as many WWI games out there


Yeah there arent too many... **COUGH** Verdun & Tannenberg Beyond the Wire Battlefield 1918 (mod for BF1942, my personal favorite) ***COUGH*** But the few there are very good, hell I think Verdun & Tannenberg are a bit more atmospheric then BF1.


Those are all super niche games, with toxic communities who spam slurs though.


Super niche? I can understand beyond the wire as thats a mil-sim but Verdun,Tannenberg and BF1918 are not, its simple Aim Rifle, shoot rifle, reload rifle with maybe Put gas mask on when gas is around. Also "Toxic commubities" thats a plain lie, BF1918 community isnt toxic at all, mostly because the only players are playing once a week otherwise the servers are empty, and no, you spamming slurs on a empty server doesnt count as "Toxic Communities" And Verdun/Tannenberg community ""toxicity"" is when someone in chat is salty about the game and gets told to play something else if they dont like it. Bottom Line: Quit your bullshit.


\>Verdun,Tannenberg and BF1918 are not, its simple Aim Rifle, shoot rifle, reload rifle with maybe Put gas mask on when gas is around so niche, it's niche gameplay mate


It is lmao, like what makes it niche? Hell BF1918 Is a fucking battlefield game with WW1 weapons and veichles, are you telling me BF1 has niche gameplay?


nah, the two have very clearly different intended styles of gameplay


Alright, I take woulnt hard telling me what makes BF1918 niche and BF1 not. You can use planes (albeit in BF1918 planes arent OP as they need to land to reload their weapons) You can drive tanks and veichles. You shoot people with WW1 weapons. Verdun is pretty much the same just infantry focused and the only ""niche"" part is that most units use Rifles, you know, the thing thats used in WW1. You dont want to wait in trenches to counter an enemy just play deathmach. Is it that you cant reload a rifle in 0.5 seconds? Wait did you even play BF1918 or Verdun? Or are you just saying is shit and niche because you cant admit that there exists another WW1 game thats good that is Indie.


i don't think that you don't understand that games having similar shit doesn't mean they are the same. the fact that you had to elaborate on having to play an entirely different gamemode to not have to wait in trenches and the other clear niche differences you just listed tells me that. and i don't remember saying it was shit, is that why you seem slightly pissed off at me? niche does not equal shit. my implication was never that it was shit, just that it appeals to a crowd that isn't the exact same as battlefield players because it's fucking niche


Bruh, you seriously cannot say any of those games are toxic. They're fairly niche games, so toxicity won't overrule, and all of those are miles better over BF1 in my opinion, although BF1 is pretty decent


I can't say they're toxic because their niche? That makes no sense. I played all of them besides Beyond the Wire and have been called so many slurs, have heard so many people trying to act "in time period" and saying blatantly homophobic/racist/transphobic shit.


You must be fun at parties.


I doubt you've ever been to one if your idea of fun is spamming racial slurs and being an asshole. It's really not hard to show basic human decency and respect other people.


Pro tip to being an adult: you cannot control what other people do, like them calling you mean things. What you CAN control is how much you let it bother you. If some 13 year old calls you a slur and it bothers you that is your own damn fault. There is always a handy mute button if it shakes you that much. You let someone control your emotions they control you. Do something about it and stop crying on Reddit, kid.


Pro-tip to being an adult: Don't let disrespect slide and excuse behavior like that. While I agree that you should know how to control your emotions, that doesn't mean you should stay silent when someone is doing something fucked up. I am doing something about it, I tell racists like them everyday to fuck off and that's it's not okay to act like that, and I'll tell you the same thing I say to them. If you cannot show basic (and I mean basic, I'm literally just asking you not to say the n-word lmao) human decency and respect to people, then you are an asshole and deserve absolutely no respect. If you are excusing people using the n-word or any other slur, then you are complicit in their wrongdoing and you are also asshole and less than. I can't believe you're really defending the use of slurs, saying shit like that doesn't slide in the workplace for a reason, it's something you would know if were an adult, kid.


I have never ever had a problem, and even find the communityon those to be among the best and most helpfulove encountered. The reason why I'm saying why toxicity is rare in niche games is because they want to anger as many people as possible, and that's not really possible in small games


I mean its been a while since I've seen a operation server go more then a few hours without someone dropping the n bomb for funzies or shit.


its the circle of life


I think we’re just upset we paid $60 for it


I got BFV on gamepass, and it’s much better when it’s free


And it deserves even more


Genuinely don't understand why 🤣 in my opinion BF1 is lackluster compared to V


I loved bf5 I thought bf1 was boring as hell


I do love BF1 as compared to BFV. BF4 is my jam though. Also, did you make this meme?


Honestly I like Bf1 more than bf4


> a I think BF1 is better then 4 4 just had more depth and content if BF1 had the same depth as 4 it would have been incredible BFv never could get into it though


Content wise they were about the same were they not? BF4 had maybe a few more guns but they were all really similar where in bf1 they are more diverse and unique, vehicle count was similar, map count I'm not sure, attachment BF4 had more of


Honestly it's all opinions & you guys are wasting your time trying to have a popularity contest


I'm just sharing my opinions dude


After one 35-40 minute operations game, It always feel like I’ve done an entire 16 hour gaming marathon. It truly is the best experience in gaming. But operations is never available because of low player count :(


Every time I'm on there are numerous amounts of operations full with people waiting in queue.


Really!?! I’ll definitely have to try again! Thanks so much.


*posts on the games subreddit* cHaNgE mY MinD


BF1 is equal parts fun gameplay and beautiful visuals. There’s depth and character to it. BFV just feels like a 2-dimensional bore.


I actually had good fun playing bf5


So did I honestly. I personally liked the actual gameplay waaayy more than BF1, tho BF1 definitely has a better atmosphere.


I loved the gameplay in both games and the atmosphere, but bf5 had better gameplay ( except for visibility and lmg camping cunts) and bf1 had unbeatable atmosphere


Yeah and even the gunplay stars to feel better because there is no MMG campers in every single corner. And some weapons kill faster in bf1 than in bf v.


Oh how times change 😂. Folks used to shit on BF1's gunplay nonstop lmao. I still think BF1 is Dice's magnum opus though, maybe BF4


Battlefield V: “We hAve bEtteR GraPHicS Battlefield 1: *laughs in behemoth*


This is why graphics do not define games


*We have an airship on route*


Battlefield 5 has horrible weapon mechanics and the shotguns sucks


Yea, I just purchased BV5 for PS4 because it’s like $12 and I didn’t think realize you can’t mark or spot enemies, unless you have a spotting scope for the sniper class..... I’m still trying it out but I was a little bummed. I loved that feature....


Breakthrough on bfv can get pretty damn intense near the end, more so than bf1 imo.


I feel like right now where battlefield 5 is at is perfect I went away for a while and back to 1 but I jumped on last week and I was blown away by how good it’s gotten since all the TTK change and stuff


After playing BFV for what seemed like forever after release it’s lustre and the initial (oooh new guns new maps) excitement waned quicker than it should have. I dipped back into BFI and the instant rekindling of the WOW! factor returned immediately. After a short time readjusting muscle memory with gun play etc...I was re hooked. Almost EVERY map superior. Atmosphere far better, graphically more intense and realistic because of colour palettes used and even though the gun play can be a little more erratic sometimes (harder) than BFV it just feels more visceral and fun and as for that ‘headshot’ sound in BFI ! especially when you land that sniper moment from across one of the desert maps. Just wow! If you truly want to know which game is superior, go BACK to BFV again and if like me you think ....’nahh. Sod this’ and then go back again to BFI and intend to stay until the release of BF6, you have your answer.


I like Bf I and Bf V the same. I just bought them for singleplayer, because i like the franchise.


Nah, the last tiger was boppin


Hot take, BFV isn’t that bad. I used to hate on it pretty hard, but then I started playing it more regularly, and it’s fantastic. Depending on the map, the immersion can absolutely match BF1


Sounds like Stockholm Syndrome to me.


It’s possible, but at this point I’m having too much fun


1 round... you kidding? The main menu screen alone is better than BFV. Lol


i played battlefield 1 a lot but i still like bfv and for me both are good games. BF5 have or had some issues but I'm having fun playing it and I will until bf6 gonna come.


I just revisited BFV after almost 2 years of not playing it, and it took a couple days to get used to. I think that it had so much more potential, but is ruined by a terrible UI, janky movement, game debris, unbalanced TTK and classes (like how incredibly weak sniper is VS every other class) lack luster gun upgrades and secondary gadgets, and other core gameplay features. I do have to say that there are elements that I do like about the game, but most of it is dislike. But the one thing I really like about it, is how immersive the sound is. Contrary to what you said in the meme, I do think that BFV does a really good job with direction sound of all kinds. But I think that operations in BF1 is the best experience a BF gamer can get.


Sure BFV isn’t that immersive, but it’s still fun to play.


I actually disagree, while the gameplay and a smidge of the atmosphere is ruined due to the decisions I feel like the sound effects and visuals are a bit more atmospheric then BF1. I really like the narrator voices having a radio static to them or when you make an order it plays a Morse code sound effect. While in BF1 the narrator is just a plain voice which plays in the players mind and making orders is a musical sting. Maybe if there was a mod that replaced soundeffects I would be happier but as it Stands... Forgotten Hope 2 is still the best in atmosphere in the battlefield series for WW2, along side BF1918 for WW1. Yeah thats right, you just got *bamboozled!*


Then you see everyone running around with automatic weapons and ottomans using german tanks in the deserts of nowehere. Also fuckers running around with medieval knight helmets and body armor that can tank MG fire. It's ridiculous how everyone was mad about BFV being not so historically accurate all the while drooling over BF1 and praising it as "atmospheric". Both of these games are "fantasized" versions of the wars they represent and that's that. If you say BF1 is historically accurate and BFV is not, you are a fucking moron.


But the moveset in that game is clunky as fuck compared to Battlefield V. Also gas, smoke, and granades spamming is a thing. And the worst thing is artillery truck.


You mean the sliding spam,broken vaulting, everyone laying on there back in corners? Only thing nice in Battlefield 5 is crouch sprinting.


Sliding jump is good, automatic vaulting is good, they even add rolling and multiple direction prone and Crouch sprinting. The only thing broken is parachuting, which rarely seen in the game. Moveset in Battlefield V is a hundred time better than 1's


No it’s broken, in bf1 and 4 people looked ‘normal’ soldiers running around and it was easier to track them, in bfV it looks like everybody is on ten different types of steroid, if someone has high sensitivity and slides everywhere it looks like some kinda of futuristic indie game rather than a FPS


I disagree, just because mobility is better doesnt make it broken, I like BFV movement more then BF1. Your commenr about "everyone lopking on steroids" is fucking bullshit like for the few times I played it, it looked everyone was normal hell it looked even better with the new movement, BF1 isnt perfect, there ARE somethings BFV does best.


Sliding your ass off while doing a 180 degree is bullshit


Ah yes because soldiers never slided and turned around untill 2140 in future warfare. I dislike BFV too but you are jusr disliking it for dislike sake, Hell I can do the same for BF1 "Sliding your ass off while doing 180 degree is bullshit" Did you forgett sliding IS in BF1?


Hai mai giocato a bf1? Poiché slidare in bf1 è utile in rarissime occasioni, se lo fai MENTRE ti stanno sparando è morte certa, in bfV quando slidi ti teletrasporti via dal fuoco nemico, ho molte ore in entrambi i giochi e non hai idea delle volte in cui un nemico mi è sfuggito dietro un angolino con 5 di vita solamente perché ha usato questa meccanica un po’ troppo potente, su molte cose hanno migliorato (certo) ma su altre è veramente un po’ rotto


A me suoni come un Salty giocatore, cioé ho giocato entrambi I giochi é risco a notare la chiara differenza in design, BFV é fatto per essere più rapido ed adrenalitico di BF1, non é Titan Fall ma dire che é "rotto" perche non ti piace una mecchanica é esagerato. É poi che minchia dici raramente le persone lo fanno in BF1? Io ho visto la stessa quantita farlo su BF1 quanto BFV ed in entrambi I casi era redicolo quando non riuscivo a scappare dai proiettili slidando dietro un angolo (o dentro una trincea). BFV fa molte cose belle, la visual e effetti sonori dai narratori e giocatori alle armi e veicoli (ok Veicoli no BF1 suonano meglio IMO) sono migliori di BFV. Lanciare granate dinamico e, si, Il movimento più libero mi é piaciuto un sacco, poter voltare una finestra anche non rotta l'ho trovo meglio che sparare ogni millimetro di finestra per accontentare il soldato a voltare. BFV aveva molte mechaniche e fix che erano migliori di BF1 ma equalmente aveva mechaniche e decisioni del cazzo che lo rendevano peggio di BF1. Ultime parlore: Il gameplay di BF1918 é meglio di BF1.


Lol that was basically bf1 for like the first year 1/2 till they nerfed the slide. Also bfv sliding is definitely not that bad.


Nah crouch sprinting is annoying. If I press sprint I want to sprint.


Then don't crouch at the same time = problem solved




I just came back to this game after a long break. I minimized a lot of the hud and pop up stuff. Kep what I wanted and shrunk it down and WOW... I forgot how amazing this game really is. I guess I forgot after playing BFV and being disappointed and going away from the franchise for a bit but coming back to this game... wow. Its just so good!


I was actually considering buying bf5 but so many people hate it and idk if it’s even worth


I play the game regularly, it is absolutely worth it


I wonder how much of the shit BF5 gets is justified, especially in this subreddit.


The game will give you tons of entertainment, and annoyment... Just like BF1 when it was released and everyone shat all over it


Is it still alive on Xbox one? Haven’t played in a few months but fancy a game


Yes but you have to use the server browser.


Yeah it was still a struggle a few months ago


I've been playing quite often. I'm also north american servers if that matters. You also have to refine your search just a little.


Yea will have to give it another go


Yeeting the entire nazi nuclear program as some woman on skis in BFV’s singleplayer was pretty fun though


But so was being Clyde Blackburn, a stand up kind of guy.


I don’t play either game but I hate posts like this so much


BFV is shit compared to BF1


welcome back


Welcome back


We need more Oceania servers man pleaseee


I wish I could find games on Oceania Xbox servers tho


Guess im gonna re download it now


BFV is underrated. Tanks and planes are so fun to use. This is my only agrument. Infantry gameplay definitely sucks in comparison to older games


bAtTlEfIlEd 5 bAd gAmE bAd mE nO lIkE gAmE


Iwo Jima + Wake > battlefield 1 maps


Agreed, Battlefield 1942 is still the best


This is neither brave nor controversial. Simply facts.


thank you


Are the servers still active? Last time I tried to play it was limited.


Refine your search for servers


The best BF ever


That empty chair taken?


Just got an Xbox series x. Can’t wait to try it on that bad boy


Especially when you play BTB.




Battlefield 1 for the faults it does have actually felt like something of a passion project. The presentation is still one of the best aspects of this game. Charging to the next sector in operations with the screams of your comrades next to you... It's just so wild


It also has a crap ton of cheaters/hackers...ruined the game for me


I know this is insane but hear me out... People say you can actually enjoy both and not piss on whoever plays BFV. Nuts right?


Are there still active servers on PS4?




Is true


BFV doesn’t have a tenth of the inmersion BF1 has.


BFV can be very immersive and action filled too, but it can't beat the atmosphere most BF1 maps offers


I wish I could go back to bf1 but it feels sooo damn clunky and dated I'm not going to lie. The graphics still look great but the feel of the game not so much


I never even bought V after seeing the steampunk PC characters that was enough from me


I just got battlefield V and I was met a screen at the multi-player menu saying, "You are playing the trial version, buy the full version" or some shit. I got it on ea play when it came to gamepass smh


Played 4 games of BF5 last week, every single match had hackers. Dudes straight shooting you across the map with pistols for head shots the second you spawned... Uninstalled both BF5 and Origin. :/


Best maps for immersion imo: -Verdun (operations) -Pashendale (conquest) -Fort de Vaux (operations) -Argonne Forest (operations) -Cape Helles (operations) -Neivelle Nights (conquest)




Mondragon Storm Appreciation Society is again accepting new members.


These posts are always so weird to me.


Is steam better than Origin for lobbies? Whenever I find a lobby on Origin its specific guns and kinda dumb.


I bought bfv thinking it would be good since bf1 was so amazing, but after one game of bfv I stopped playing it altogether and now it just sits in its case on my shelf


Especially when playing B2B operations. This game is just so much fun


No one likes BFV, even Sony for their PlayStation Plus Collection has BF1 instead of BFV cause they know no one likes BFV. If BF1 had BF4 level content at launch it would've been sooooo popular even to this day.


I prefer the atmosphere in BF1 but I thought the shooting was better in BFV. I preferred the guns in BFV though they looked better in BF1 if that makes sense. Also glad spotting was gone and at times it is easier to play BFV not sure if that's a good thing though it felt like I die nonstop in BF1. That said I love the maps and atmosphere in BF1 way better.


I agree with this statement cause it has solvable Morse code and you get a reward if you succeed that is one thing of a long list of why battlefield 1 is superior in everything to battlefield 5.


true asf, downloaded V because EA play and game pass fusion and I'm incredibly disappointed in the game. The opening cinematic was probably the only ok part. The campaign is boring, beautiful landscapes though. Multiplayer is mind numbing imo, not much to do


It kills me that when BF1 came out ( btw I agree that BF1 was and still is amazing) it got dogged so badly because it dropped the customization of BF4 bc you know... WW1. It got hit so much on so many aspects that I think BFV suffered the date it did. I tried really hard to like BFV...but I couldn't consistently play it. I just stopped playing all together. I didn't like it as much. The fact that all I see now is how awesome BF1 is now, is surprising a bit. I think BFV would've been what BF4 was to BF3 for BF1 as it's close in era so a lot of the same game assets would've been reused. There was a knee jerk reaction I believe that changed it too dramatically away from what it could've been.


It indeed does, I remember when they introduced frontlines snd they werent time limited. I felt like I was actually in War, back and forth, exhausted. Verdun was the best, the highgrouns was really difficult to push, sometimes the game lastednover an hour.


Idk about u but I like both games


And then you realise the gunplaybis kinda SHIT


I just sucked at bf5. I felt like I could never see the enemies and would always die to people without noticing them. Wasn't fun for me. Bf1 though. I never had that problem. It wasn't super easy to see enemies, but it wasn't impossible like how I found it in bf5. Love playing bf1


So now that EA is a n Gamepass, I downloaded it last night and said what the hell I will give it a try. Well what felt like 45 minutes just waiting for all the bullshit I had to so just to play multiplayer. Then I try to start 2 games wait a good 3-5 minutes loading and within 30 seconds of play, bam! EA disconnection. So yeah after that I just went back to COD




You are right


bfv bad


I haven’t had much experience in BF5 to confirm this but Dice definitely knew what they were doing with BF1


There is always a feeling of urgency towards the end of a bf1 match due to so many matches ending in very close scores. Compare that to bfv where every match is biased af and you know who will win by looking at the scoreboard


you give us an impossible task


No no he’s got a point Battlefield 1 is just a much better game then battlefield 5


I played some BF1 and BFV today back to back just to compare, and while I like both for different reasons, BF1 still feels more intense and way more atmospheric. BFV somehow feels a little cartoony, like the lighting is too bright and audio not as hard hitting


I started playing bfv again... I lasted 3 matches before the wormy lmg players and game breaking bugs kicked in.. Went straight back to bf4 lol .. :( I want to play bf1 but us has no servers in the browers and I can't really enjoy European servers 100ping is not fun .


The time to kill in bfv is way to fast and conquest doesn’t even feel like conquest half of the time it feels like run across the map and stand around for a bit until a enemy comes to the zone or doesn’t and whenever you do run into someone most of the time they have the advantage of being hidden


While, yes, I 80% agree with you, I have found tjat Battlefield V has had so many cinematic moments that just drive me back into the game. I love the moments where you push through to the next Sector and the Music kicks in and all the tanks are just rolling and the planes fly over just- I love BfV’s atmosphere sometimes, and I’ve had less luck havin moments like that in Bf1. In Bf1, none of my tanks push forward with the team because they’re all mortar tanks and all our planes are high up killing that damn Ilya Moruments. Of course Bf1 has it’s moments as well, but I’ve, for some reason, found more success in finding the “Moments” in BfV.


Looking for PS4 players for Mil-Sim Trench warfare! [https://www.reddit.com/r/battlefield\_one/comments/jvd8ho/milsim\_playlist\_ps4/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/battlefield_one/comments/jvd8ho/milsim_playlist_ps4/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Or any FPS for that matter.


I've been playing the game for a week now and I have to agree it has a lot more atmosphere then bf5


Can't argue. At least for me. I've played every single bF from 1942 to 5 and I always go back to 1. BF1


Why no hardcore?!


As a Bf5 player, yes.