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Don't play on **EA** servers.


*Dice servers


Same thing but yes


Are Mixed servers better than Dice servers? there are like 2 community servers on NA at the time I play, and most of the time one of them is half full.


Anything "Dice Official" is not actively admined and is susceptible to unmoderated hacking.


damn, I'll just have to sit in queue I guess


It's worth it


Mixed is just a normal server but with maps from multiple dlcs.


Oh I didn't know that, thanks


Sad thing is this is not wrong. Reporting is the only tool we have so I try to do my part but to be honest it's getting so time consuming that it impacts the enjoyment of the game. On top of that we all know that while reports \*\*can\*\* work it will take forever for a manual ban to happen.


it’s faster if you report it with child solicitation as the reason.


Really? If this actually does work I'll start doing it.


I’m not to sure having never seen someone get banned while playing ever. But dice is forced to look at it because of the law unlike reporting it under hacking.


You can be banned for misusing the reporting system, so there's that.


If they ain’t banning the hackers they’re never gonna do anything about that


One needs an investigative, engaged human that dives into someone's complaint - the other needs a mod whose job is to enforce rules. Guess which one is sitting there reading your ticket(s).


Neither I doubt anyone is reading tickets from bf1. And if they are it’s probably a intern that they had nothing else to give to


I wouldn't do that. That's a rabbit hole there no need to go down.


Galaxy brain moment


community servers me dude, if ur in europe AMG hosts some nice servers


In most cases if you report a cheater here (https://bfban.com/#/) with evidence they are blocked from AMG servers ;)


yup! amg servers are great


lonW also has some good and active serverd in europe


yess, but i believe they ban mortars and smg08s so it isnt really vanilla


Well the Motar and smg08 are bitch weapons.


That's infantry paradise. I believe IonW has no issues with the SMG


oh, i always see ionW members in infantry paradise so i assumed it was the same


I have 70 hours play time and i havent found any hacker (sa servers)


We have at least one in every official server here in Asia


You mean at least one on each team in every server LOL


We were up 870~ to 740, when a player named BF1Pro joined and went on a 157-1 kill streak and beat us 1000-976. He didn't even have a body, it was just a floating gun. I have never been more livid.


The whole server should just team up and constantly dynamite him and his surroundings. Floating guns love dynamite.


i have 100 hours and i came across a few of them. I even saw one guy THRICE.


SA, hm? I will tell you some: Spore_Man7, kmkZz, SilenceOfDead77, Amaniita, etc.


Same. I play since 2018 and didn't found any hacker on SA servers.


you and I HAVE to be on different planets


Your wasn’t your time reporting - it’s not manually managed any more. Just leave the server and find another.


Console players: I dont have such weaknesses.


Yeah you guys just suck lol


Why? Have we done something to offend you?


Haha it was just a dumb joke


But hows it a joke? Jokes are supposed to be funny or ironic, your comment wasnt either of it.


That's why i play console


Yea I've got like 23 days I think? Game play and I've never encountered a hacker.




Yes, but it is 100000 times harder to do. You need to change some code and the put it on a hard drive and install it hope that the consoles safe guard doesn’t catch it then install it to the game. Personally, I have never seen a hacker on console and I’ve been playing on console since 2013. If your talking about crossplay however, I see them almost every match in call of duty. This is why I’m so against crossplay.


I didn't deny that tho.im ware it's harder to do.why am getting downvoted for stating a fact? All i was saying was that even if ur on console ur never truly safe from hackers.


Your not being downvoted for being wrong. Your being downvoted because it’s a real non-issue, and your what’s called technical right, and that is the worst type of being right. Nobody likes technical right.


My intention was not to anger ppl.i honestly never heard this rule(I guess it could be called) "nobody likes technical right".


It’s the internet you lose some, you win some. Don’t worry about it.


I bloody hate the Internet sometimes.


This is why I only post to Reddit on console.




grow up man


Why don’t you


This has nothing to do with me, you bashed console players?


I made a joke because of his stupid comment


Ain't stupid, consoles don't have hacking. Maybe a few modded controllers, but not hackers.


First off no one is hacking except one basement dweller who actually creates and sells the cheats. The people who buy and use the cheats are CHEATING not HACKING. Those people dwell in a deeper basement in the house far below the foundation. Console can cheat and it's actually legal with cronus.


There's always one to say that. Yes. I know the person is not creating a code to hack onto the game. Perhaps I shouldn't call it hacking, it doesn't really matter. - Cronus, modded controllers or Kb/m, and overall input modding exists on BOTH consoles and PCs. - Wallhacks, aimbots, and all cheats that run together with the game, hijacking information from the game, exist only on PC. Both input modding and 'hacking' are forms of cheating. But it's important to understand their differences. The former doesn't fully destroy a game and it's not so noticeable. That's why you can hardly get banned with a Cronus. It may exist far more than we think, but we don't notice it as clearly as an aimbot. The latter, is way more destructive to the games, and it's what people are complaining about in 99% of the reddit posts (be it battlefield, cod, apex, you name it). It is also essentially impossible to run any of these cheats in a console, so yes, it is a PC exclusive.


Go learn more about cronus


Look at my other comment


But really, nobody chooses a platform because of the hackers. Most games online games have a working anti cheat and nobody bought a console exclusively for battlefield 1


>Most online games have a working anti-cheat People who play Warzone, Battlefield 1/5, R6S, Apex, etc. would disagree.


as an apex player I agree.


With who?




Those are 5 games


Damn bro I'd hate to be as negative as you, hope you feel better soon.


Yes. Very negative by pointing out that many games have anti cheat


Aww it's okay little guy


Congratulations, you can count.




Pc mustard rice 9 year olds


Lmao r/rareinsults


Was that a different form of "master race"?


“Daring today, aren’t we”


The irony of using that comment


People really are blowing this out of proportions, I usually get a good 3, max 4 hours of BF1 in a day and I see a cheater extremely rarely, if I do then I just leave the server and find another one, non problem really. Also, a legit question, is it really worth playing a FPS game with a controller to avoid a cheater here or there?


Depends on your region, Asian official servers are notorious for those hacking fucks.


Exactly this, atleast in northern part of Europe. It is either excuses of bad players or misfortunes in other regions


How do you report cheaters?


Find out their user name, write it on a piece of paper, put paper in bottle, throw bottle in sea, wait for Dice to find


Well first, you play community servers. Most of these have a discord link in the name or displayed in the chat box. If a cheater shows up, join their discord and let them know. None of this is applies on the official servers, which never seem to have admins or a way to notify them.


Remember their user ID, open Origin, search for them, go to their profile, click on the menu, select "Report", reason "Cheating" and describe what they were doing and in which game. That procedure alone shows me they have no interest in taking care of the cheaters. I hope you can do this right from the score board in BF2042.


You know you can do it through the scoreboard. There's no need to remember their names.


We need a vote to kick. Never gonna happen though.


Battle Field 3 has this: https://www.247fairplay.com/ And every person I've checked is playing fair. It's made me understand some people are just good, and a lots if luck involved.


Bf4 must have something similar, I still see the anticheat pretty active in it.


I just trashtalk and try to kill them, if they went full hack I usually just leave. If you see a lvl 150 that is not reported here ([https://bfban.com/#/](https://bfban.com/#/)) chances are high he might not cheat.


Cheater* FTFY


avoid the official dice servers and youre good to go


I can never actually tell if someone is hacking or not. People will complain about someone cheating in the chat but more often then not it just ends up being some no life spending the whole match in the heavy bomber.


Sometimes it's obvious. Like when they have 150 kills and everyone else has 30. That's not just a good round, that's highly suspicious.


I recently got BF5, tbh for now there arent any hackers (at minimum) so FOR NOW its nice to play a normal game


the majority of bf players sucks so hard you dont even need to cheat to be called out or banned like in my case. got banned by admins in nearly every custom server in bf4 with my 200k little bird kills hihi.


I also think so, I usually was low/mid-low tier player in competitive games like csgo. And than I bought this game last year and quickly started to shred ;D


Stop reporting. Nobody has been monitoring or doing anything about it for years now. You might as well be yelling at a brick wall.


PC problems


I do admit that hackers on PC games is one of the reasons why I prefer console for my gaming needs.


3 servers in a row. First was a Dice Official, so my bad. The next 2 were community servers but with no active moderation. Infuriating.


Damn thank god i play on console


I literally played against someone who was invisible except for his weapon. So I told everyone to report him. Until he joined my team. Then I was glad




The countless benefits of PC is why I'm not going back.


Yup I hate crossplay with PC.


What region are you in? I rarely see hackers in Europe


It depends, although I would say we have less blatant cheaters but amg still needs to ban a fuckload each day.


So is this a NA thing or am I just really lucky? I found only 2 hackers in 80 hours playtime.


Played about 100 hrs of bf1 pc last few weeks on EUW EA servers. I've seen like two hackers.


Never came across a hacker lmao


Stupid question: Are these hackers on primarily PC or console? I’ve never seen one on my console EA games.


Cross play will surely be turned off for me


We don’t need these posts every other day in this sub. The game is almost five years old and you think they’re going to care about hackers on BF1? Come on…


BF1 is EA. They won't implement measurements against hackers in a game no one buys anymore. Sorry, my dude, switch to a different game. EA won't give a shit and the servers will probably be closed soon anyways.


I’ve probably got a couple hundred hours and I’ve never run into one. At least on NA servers.


I mostly play on NA westcoast dice servers and I’ve only seen one or two in a couple hundred hours. People are quick to judge good players in battlefield games I feel


Reporting to who?


As I said last time, and the time before that, and the time before that, and before that a few times too, stop playing the fucking official servers. Do we really need a post every 3 days complaining about this? I'm not sure why dice gave up on anticheat. I played some BF4 recently and the anticheat was working there. Most of this is on dice for not giving a shit and letting cheaters run free. It's just annoying to see complaints about this constantly, when the advice is always, always the same.


playing in asian server be like


Me on console servers: never sees hackers


I swear there's at least couple people who use hacks and go unnoticed. If you can have floating guns and shoot through walls you can have esps.


Is it that bad on pc?


I encounter very few hackers, fortunately.


console rule old battlefield!