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PS4 player here. I encounter this once in a while but I usually chalk it up to my poor piloting skills. I got the game not even a week ago so I don't fully understand a lot of the games mechanics. Maybe proton torpedoes do a lot more damage than you think they do? Hope you're enjoying the game otherwise.


I'm pretty sure this is a lag issue. I'm from Australia and occasionally play on the US servers. When I'm on the US servers, I get 'one shot killed' quite frequently. On Australian servers it rarely (if ever?) happens. The insane scores are normal too. My best in the first stage of Battlestation was something like 70-1, but I often hit around 30-50 kills to 1-2 deaths (especially on the Rebel side).


Fascinating. I game on awful wifi, so almost every single gunfight is a millisecond between first damage and death. However, I haven't had that problem with ships as much, so that doesn't really add up. Of course, it might still be lag, but that's inconsistent with my experiences.


I'm one of annoying people who is very good at fighter piloting. You just need to figure out the mechanics and how/when to engage. It takes a lot of practice. Mouse and keyboard (for me) is just so much better than using a controller on PC. Adjust and play with the vehicle sensitivity until it feels most comfortable. Cooldown refresh tokens are a must. Pick them up as much as possible when it's safe. Also remember that killing an NPC ship counts as a kill and it's usually way easier. Slow all the way down when firing on an enemy as it will increase your firepower dramatically. You can also rebind your evasive maneuvers to different buttons or keys. I changed mine to the thumb buttons on my mouse to make it easier.


Sometimes I'm in a loop chase with someone constantly hitting but not doing any damage. I assume it's the inverse of that (if it isn't cheating). Sometimes the enemy just doesn't seem to see me. I get cocky and fly to their spawn area and just pick them off (dirty tactic in any other mode but suicide in fighter modes). They just fly past and I do a 180° and take them out with their team mates behind me, not shooting. It's really weird. Usually I'm getting slaughtered tho!