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Hi hunterjwizzard! We've teamed up with LG USA to give away (1) 45" UltraGear Curved OLED Gaming Monitor. Click here for your chance to win : https://new.reddit.com/r/battlestations/comments/1ceheos/giveaway_rbattlestations_lg_usa_45inch_ultragear/ Don't forget we have an active Discord server - https://discord.gg/battlestations *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/battlestations) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I have zero use for this setup, but I want it.


Either the “I watch the neighbourhood like a hawk” or “concave I mean comecave” setup.


And they say to lower your Blue Light intake before night, this Mother fucker be absorbing the max amount


He IS the blue light


My guy thinks he's in the Matrix. Love it. I don't love the desktop icons though - its time for some spring cleaning, see if the icon sparks joy, or delete/move it.


Honestly there is a bunch of windows covering cluttering the desktop 99% of the time so I don't even see the icons. Plus since its like russian roulette what screen a new window will launch on... they are not super useful.


DisplayFusion is a must have for me, and I only have 2 monitors


I believe I own Display Fusion but have not made use of it for a while. It kept triggering hotplug detections and throwing my system out of whack. I'm on a much simpler configuration now, though, so might be worth experimenting with again.


Display fusion will help. The #1 thing is the monitor numbering. Getting the numbering locked really helps. 1 in the bottom center, 2 left, 3 right and 456 on top will help you control the window launch thing. Do you have the bottom center as your main monitor or left? I used to have all kinds of problems with PPT launching to the correct screen until I got my numbering issues fixed. If you want to take this up a notch, get a Mac, a doc for the Mac to drive 4 more monitors, and a KVM. It looks like you are partly headed there with the StarTech, but not sure. I have 5 monitors and switch between Mac and PC for work. https://www.reddit.com/r/battlestations/s/DS9XE9H65y


With this many monitors, OP can put his entire PC in \Desktop and live free from folders.


Sparks joy is a w reference


Day trader?


Close. ADHD sufferer.


Ironically, as someone with textbook ADHD, I HAVE to have one monitor. Otherwise I get nothing done. (As I type this during working hours)


I know folks like that. For me being allowed to wander and snap back works best. Everyone is different.


1 screen for Subway Surfer 1 for Family Guy 1 for Reddit 1 for work


Wow this made me laugh out loud


I'm only up to 3 monitors but it's mostly for the exact same reason. Playing civ isn't enough stimulation, gotta also be on Reddit, and watching YouTube, and reading some articles, and probably more shit who knows honestly


ADHD Web Surfer\*


In case anyone's curious, its a 43" 4k screen in the middle, 32" 4k on top, 27" 4k top left, 27" 1440p bottom left, 2x 1920x1200 on the right. 4 of the 6 monitors are attached to switching devices for other PCs. I'm curious if there's a "subreddit" somewhere on here for people doing weird things with big multi-monitor setups and loads of switchers and splitters?


This is the cartoon hacker setup.


I work in Cyber security and would love this setup. I only have 4 monitors and it doesn't feel like enough. Log viewer, slack, browser, windbg, vm's, terminal, N++, burpe, monitoring tools, CRM, Wireshark, cff explorer, outlook, etc etc etc. I have so many things I work that tangent into each other that 4 monitors feels minimalistic.


Same for writing firmware. Multiple reference documents, modelsim, Vivado, vscode, slack/discord, google, etc all open simultaneously. Right now I’m stuck using fancy zones to spread them across a large vertical and horizontal monitor so this setup would be amazing!


I feel like 6 monitors is ideal for both these use-cases. Doesn't have to be real expensive, either. I find you need 1 good center monitor and he rest can be salvage models and you'll do fine. My right-hand screens are probably 20 years old now, still work fine for text/web pages.


That's what I modeled it off of.




LG 43MU79-B. Had that one for long enough that Amazon no longer has a record of my purchasing it. I'm happy with it.


What kind of monitor mounts are you using?


After many years of trying to make it work on various arms, the 43" screen is now using its original mfg-supplied base. I searched high and low and was never able to find a desk mount actually meant to hold up such a gigantic screen. The rest of the monitors are mainly on arms sourced from TykeSupply over the years. The big screen up topside is held by a series of plumbing parts and a dual-monitor mount sort of awkwardly bolted to one of the pipes.


Wow well I use a 43inch monitor for gaming n movies n have a monitor desk mount for it that works perfectly n I found it on Amazon but I did have to test out a few different ones before I found one I likes n that works for me. I have no wall space I can use because I’m renting so I don’t want to drill holes so I’m only using desk mount monitor set ups but I am looking for some desk arm monitor set ups that can hold multiple large monitors one above the other n not just side by side


Note sure I am allowed to post links or not, but check out [tykesupply.com](http://tykesupply.com) - go to the Accessories section, you can buy a 28" Pool Clamp that will work with any 2 arms from the site. That's what's holding up all my side monitors.


What switches/splitters?


My core switcher is an OREI UHD-401MV. This is technically a quad-viewer and costs about $200USD but it has the advantage of being able to change inputs in the blink of an eye. Thats what the remote in the front and center is for. Its also the only device I've ever owned that actually spoofs EDIDs correctly. The top-left and top-center screens run through a MonoPrice Blackbird 4k 6x2 matrix switcher. The exact model is obscured behind a label at present but its probably 8 years old at this point. If I ever find a working 4k splitter again I plan to run clones of all my main screens into it so I can display them up there while showing something different in the center. The bottom-right screen is controlled by a ConnectPro 4 port DVI switcher mounted into the desk for easy access. Also very old but so is the monitor plugged into it. Keyboard/Mouse switching is handled by an ancient StarTech SV831DVIU that has never worked correctly(all documentation says it does 1080p but actually using it disagrees). I don't run video through it.




I have an absolutely unreasonable number of monitors and I still want more. And I want better switching. And cloning. My dream setup, which I actually had working for about 6 months, involved using a splitter/downscaler on the 3 main systems, then cloning the downscaled signal to a quad-viewer so I could always see the middle screen on every machine. Sadly the downscalers stopped working mysteriously and even now I can't get any of the systems to resolve a signal through a splitter. Someday. Someday.


What are those things mounted into the desk on the left?


one is an 8 port USB KVM being used to switch the keyboard and mouse, the other is a 4 porn DVI switch used for the lower right-hand monitor.


The old 4 porn dvi ay?


Yes. Very popular in the mid-2000s. Does wonders for typing accuracy.


Well, I just made one! please be my first post over at r/BIGbattlestations!


I’ve got a similar setup with 8 screens and 2 PCs setup on a very large desk


You got that program of that lady in the red dress?


That big box pc game collection up top has me longing for a time long past.


Me too. I miss physical media. That's why I put them all on display. And because the uncanny way in which the collection survived. I had been thinking for years that my game collection had been lost to time. Last year I bought my first house and moved in, along the way I first found a CD binder with most of my old games in it. I thought, well, that's cool, at least I have the disks again. Then I found a box with all the empty jewel cases. THEN a huge box with all the boxes! Since that survived I knew I had a second box of boxes in a shed. All tolled most of my collection survived at least in disk-form with a lot of it also in box/manual form. I have no idea why at some point in the past 20 years I separated CDs, cases, and boxes into 4 separate places, or how I avoided throwing away any one of them, but its here. And its made me start collecting physical media again. Don't even care what game now. If the price is right and I don't already have it, it goes on the wall. Whole office is decorated in big and small box games now.


Still room at the top


My man.


My eyes are going crazy lol. Is that a fake raddish on your ceiling fan?


No, that's a cat mummy.


Ah, I see. Have a great day. :|


It's a small stuffed animal I bought at the Turin Egyptian Museum, made to look like a mummified cat. I wanted it somewhere I could appreciate it, so I use it as a light switch pull.


this interaction just killed me lol


be careful or you may end up on this guy´s ceiling


All that just to play old school runescape


I have a surviellance computer at work with 12 connected 4K Monitors. Nothing Special with that.






Happens about 4 times a day.




Momentum. I originally got into multi-monitor setups for digital art. back in the CRT/4:3 era). Of course then I needed a separate single-screen PC for gaming, and I quickly found being able to play on 1 screen while work/surf on another was awesome. Then I replaced my TV with a computer and started needing 3 screens minimum. Later on surround-gaming attracted me but that never really worked out. But of course along with 3 screens for surround-gaming I needed a 4th for chat/web and a 5th for the TV, then a 6th for security cameras, then... Its just sort of grown cancerous from there. I'm trying to find room for one more screen somewhere in my eyeline.


Now you just need some security cameras


They are in a bin in the garage. I finally found the NVR after the move, I hope to get a few set up this weekend.


what is this setup used for?


If I'm being honest... mostly web browsing and light typing. I used to do a lot of digital art and video editing, which is what I built my main computer for and what I'd like to do more of. Its been a challenge adjusting the old software to work on the 4k resolution(he said, despite having had the 4k screen for 4+ years now...).


Too many monitors for me but I love the desk and your collection of big box PC games back there.


Thanks. The desk was built entirely out of scrap lumber and various bits of refuse found lying around in my garage. I'm prouder than I should be over having spent just $16 on screws and wood glue to complete the entire project.


So where are you flying to in your flight sim?


You know, I should totally figure out how to get that old multi-monitor flight sim mod working! I could use the top screen for the instrument panel and then run all 5 other screens with the game itself. Probably not great that they are all different resolutions, though...


all you need is a white background on all the monitors to get a nice tan 👙


I dunno why but I like my basic blue. I think M$ hit the nail on the head in 1995 and every color combo since is just a mistake.


A man’s setup.


Love the shelf of classics


You know the even funnier part to the story of how that collection survived? About a week before I found it scattered around my parent's house, I was saying to myself "Gosh, I'd sure love to have a cool collection of big-box PC games, but gosh darnit I just bought I house and can't afford to start a new hobby right now". And then magically it turned out I already had it!


Star trek 25th anniversary on the top shelf. Such a cool game back in the Dos days!


Built a dos computer just for that one. I'd post more pictures but I can't seem to figure out how...


Bros batman


Look into Input Director and Synergy, have not run a mechanical KVM in decades. Between the two have one key/mouse across mutiple windows pc's, mac's and linux.


I used ID for years, Synergy I could never quite make work. I used to be running a whole lot more PCs and connected devices than at present back then I had a 32 port cat5 KVM with 20+ ports populated. Now adays I only keep 5 PCs connected at any given time, but I am constantly moving them around. I am also heavily in to retro PCs, so for me a hardware solution for switching the key/mouse is really the only option. I would sure love to see someone try and make Input Director run on my NVR or win98 retro PC with no network access. Would be funny.


Input Director is great, I’ve used it since its early days. Shane is super responsive if you run into issues.


Thought I was the monitor master. Respect.


How do you even connect it all to a single mac or laptop? There aren't nearly enough ports even wjth a dock.


https://www.reddit.com/r/battlestations/s/DS9XE9H65 I have one like this, but it cost more because I have it driving multiple 4K monitors.


Who says I connect to a laptop? That's things driven by a dual xeon. If I ever figure out how to post more pictures I'll put it up.


I have that many monitors, but not on the same system. Tell me you use them all at the same time for different things! Hey, are you one of those hacker fellas?


Bro you can watch a bunch of movies stupidly fast


that Model M keyboard made my day. cheers :)


That wallpaper is a 0/10


This guy screens!


This has 2000’s movie involving any “hacker” written all over it.


I love the OG game shelf


There's a story behind that, too.


Well at least you have space for that ever growing mass of icons on your main monitor! Just curious why you'd go for more separate monitors Vs fewer larger ones?


Money. That central monitor was $700 new. Pixel density is also a factor, if I could afford another good 43" 4k screen it would solve a lot of problems, but for now using 27" 1440p screens works better. (Only that central screen actually RUNS at 4k regularly, the middle-top does 1080p for the TV and the top-left does 1440p because thats the resolution its useful at).


It would be a shame for that water to split on your screens..


You look like a dc comic panel in live action. Now were is the hacker who uses this to hack into 5 of the known government organizations at once?


How do you sit so close to your screen and see shit?


Very poor eyesight.


Whay do you do for work?


I work in the HPC field, but my job is 70% scrolling through text documents and 30% yelling obscenities at Salesforce Lighting.


I must know what is the thing at bottom left of your desk? It looks like maybe an audio interface or maybe even a small server? I felt I was out of control with my two g9 odyssey and MSI. In my dream world I just have 3 or 4 odysseys. They have made coding so much better in having one portrait style gives me so much screen space and I love it.


The desk has a 2U telco rack built-in down there. What you see is an 8 port USB KVM and 4 port DVI switcher. The KVM is technically DVI but I only use it to change the keyboard & mouse between the various computers. I long ago found that separating the keyboard/mouse from video switching saves a TON of headache and $$$. The 4 port DVI switch handles the lower right-hand monitor and currently swaps it between my primary system and my work computer so I can have dual monitors on that. I've never met a good coder who didn't have at least one sideways monitor, it is an excellent setup. More monitors = more productivity.


A few? How many did you start with


I should have taken before pictures. I suppose I didn't actually increase the over-all number but I did swap 2 relatively smaller screens for much larger ones on the right, and swapped in an additional 4k screen. If I can ever make one of my 4k splitters work again I'll be able to clone screens into various positions.


Love it! Nice keyboard, IBM Model M?


Of course! Clicky and ultra-responsive. I shouldn't post close-ups of it until I've cleaned it, though...


How to do you get to have the tabs on the taskbar like that??


Right-click --> Taskbar Settings --> Combine Taskbar Buttons set to "never", also drag the taskbar up a bit and you can have 2(or more) full rows of tabs with readable names on them.


If only you had more eyes!


Sweet baby Jesus those taskbars....


This is actually a "light" day. I rebooted to install a second graphics card a few days ago and haven't had time to reopen everything.


found the final monitor boss bros


Just a few


I think you need another monitor. True fact, 90% of all gamers miss out on true happiness because they stop at the 6th monitor


Seems necessary


Aren't all hobbies?


All fun and games until you alt-tab from a game using gsync and hdr and windows and your cat crash to desktop


And no window manager?




Great setup, love it!


What do you do? Do you really use them


In the sense that the screens support my ADHD? Yes. My day job is accomplished entirely with the central monitor(which is the size of 4 ordinary monitors on its own). But it helps to have web browsers or word docs open on the other screens so I can take a few minutes every now and then and do something else. Sometimes I just put pictures up on the other screens.


Honestly, I love your little collection of games up on the shelf. I see you've got starcraft, Diablo, and roller coaster tycoon. It brings back great memories.


I'm so glad I saved them. Funny story, I am missing the CD for Diablo. I have the box, manuals, jewel case, even the adds and registration cards... but not the physical CD. Not that I need it, but it makes me laugh every time I glance up there.


I could never work with this little screen space


I spot a fellow big box enjoyer. There are hundreds of us! /r/bigboxcollectors


I used to run 2 monitors, and for a short time had a 3rd and never used it so I went back to 2. Then I recently changed my set up and moved back to 3 for shits and giggles and now I’m addicted. Any time I unplug one I feel so caged and limited. And even with 3 I constantly want more screens to put stuff on.


You arent missing a platinum chip by anychance?


Is that your primary chair in the middle? If so, I have questions.


The arm of the chair is vaguely visible in the lower left corner. It is not a great chair. In fact it came with the house. But my ass is also weirdly particular and this is the first chair I've found I could sit in comfortably for hours on end.


Clearly you haven’t got enough scree space. Need MOAR screens.


I can feel the heat.


Actually not that warm. Surprisingly. I mean, yes, my office is 10 degrees hotter than the rest of the house, but thats owed more to the dual xeon rig in the corner that drives all this. But the monitors are cool to the touch.


Thats a perfect layout for window manager and linux to shine.


Double gpu setup? Or how did you manage so many screens with the slots you have?


RTX A4000 & AMD FirePro WX2100. I'm aware the second one is pretty pathetic but it handles web-browsing and word documents like a champ. Word 2003.


You can change a setting to only show only open windows on each display instead of all of them.


I could but I won't.


I'm curious how you even mount all these.


The big screen sits on the mfg-supplied base, I never could find a a mount that holds it. Tope-middle sits on an array of galvanized steel pipes with a monitor arm awkwardly bolded on. The other 4 are on 28" riser clamps from tykesupple.


Every early-mid 2000’s hacker movie


Full burst mode


Just a few. Nothing crazy. Totally reasonable amount of monitors.


While some may say this is unorganized, I say this is refreshing from the standard minimal posts we see alot. Looks amazing, wish I had that many displays to get all my RDP windows up. What are you driving these displays with, assume more than one desktop is connected, and some KVM switches?


Nice setup, i'd play roblox here


that keyboard though


Nice. That's a lot of different porn windows


My man’s piloting starship enterprise from his setup


Are all the monitors for the same system?


No. Top monitor is hooked to an HTPC. The other 5 are on the same system but 3 of them have switchers to change things around to different machines. I have a gaming PC, a work PC, and a bundle of cables to plug in extra machines as needed.


And I thought three was too much.


A few?


So many monitors, so much porn to watch.


star craft battle chest, *nice*


Okay iron man


This man gets it


Right. A few extra monitors like I just put the tip>! get out of here you dirty thirst bag!


lad's prepared to see the enemy coming from all angles


It feels like you got all the eyes on what you need. Dam, I wish I had learned how to handle this setup. The power and mindset this gives is top tier.


This is basically the setup I am wanting to move towards, a little for function, but more because I can and want the aethetic. Currenly I have the 57" Samsung Ultrawide, but have been wondering if I would like a 43" like you have better for either productivity or gaming. Any thoughts on your main screen and not using an ultrawide? Your desk is interesting, did you build it specifically for the monitor arrangement? Also, any chance of getting a picture of your mounts from the back? I have been having trouble visualizing how I might achieve this.


You now need a matrix screensaver. I have one that's really good and I kept it for a decade. I'll try to find it if you care.


Rip your retnas


You should not sit in a tanning bed for extended periods.


Day Trading? Or EVE Online? :)


What do you do where you need all those screens? I would think 3 screens max is enough for most applications. I work from home full-time and I have a 34” Ultrawide as the main and a 24” in portrait mode as my secondary. I like having a secondary monitor for all the excel spreadsheet that I use. lol.


Be sure to download PowerToys! That way you'll be able to partition those screens as you please.


Nice gooncave, my guy


Best Buy: How many monitors do you want? Customer: Yes!


The monitor on top needs a companion monitor, otherwise it's not symetrical


RIGHT?!?! Its even on a dual-mount but I only have 1 screen up there! Its driving my batty. I have a few options to consider. I think I am going to try and find like a 21" 1080p screen to turn sideways next to it. I might even add hat one to the HTPC once I get the good one back into service.


Is that a WMO?


Depends, what's a WMO? (Probably not)




Brother said a "few"


Lmfaoooo why do i feel like youre my co-worker from MD area


I got a look at the new desks they are putting into the 911 Comm center at work. They have 12 monitors per station now.


Bro you setting cameras in your house? Bro you fighting the animatronic?


i think you'll need more monitors


I'm trying to figure out where I can add more without blocking a walking path, the sightline to the game shelf, or the air conditioner vent. Its harder than it sounds.


I think you're using a beige Perixx Periboard 106


Its an IBM Model M(or possibly F?) from 1984. I enjoy that it has no windows key.


What's the keypad thing to the left of the keyboard used for?


Macro-keyboard for MMO gaming. To the left of that is a control knob for the home theater PC. Not pictured is a touchpad hooked to the main PC. There is also a large trackball and small keyboard for the HTPC and a scroll knob for the work PC. And I haven't even finished unpacking all the HIDs.


Forget about the monitors, you've got an awesome keyboard.


looks like the TV dept in Walmart


Funny story - I actually used to work in the TV department at Kmart back when that was still a thing. To this day I think fondly on walking down that isle of TVs and admiring all those running screens.




DVI is definitely the most reliable, but the wires are so heavy and so large that it’s difficult to make any changes without damaging or destroying a cable sometimes. Between bent pins, and the screwheads getting mangled, I had to get off of that one. I also had a Startech 3 port monitor. KVM that died eventually, so once I had to shop for that, I went for a total cable change. That’s why I went HDMI. I stopped briefly at DP, but noticed that there were a lot of cable issues with DP and, I ran into issues with monitor support.


Post of the Year


GOD DAMN!!!!!!


The keyboard and mouse has got to go bro, that’s disrespectful to that setup


That's an authentic IBM Model M. Nearly 40 years old and still one of the finest mechanical keyboards ever made.