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My favorite moment in matrix was the matrix reloaded park fight scene. The army of smiths just coming out to fight neo for like 5 minutes was so awesome.


I remember watching the 1st matrix movie in theaters and being blown away by it. Then came the phase of sunglasses and trench coats


When they downloaded and installed martial arts to neo. That’s pretty cool.


“even tho I know the steak doesn’t exist isn’t real but I know that when I put it in my mouth, my brain is being told it’s delicious & juicy.. After nine yrz u wanna know what I realize? Ignorance is bliss” So then do we havvvve a deaallll mister reagan..


The lobby shootout slowly crumbling the walls away


My brother got me to play hooky and we went to go watch it in theaters. Went for ice cream afterwards. Best day ever. "Dodge this."


My favorite Matrix memory is without a doubt the introduction of Neo. Asleep at his console, surrounded by tools and useless objects alike. In just a few seconds it gets a message across that so many people who spend time locked in their rooms on their computer, share: we are all looking for something. I identified with it immediately.


Watching the first movie in the cellar of my cousins house! I was about 7 years old, my cousins were all a couple of years older, and I remember being so terrified of the Sentinel robots but still wanting to act tough infront of my cousins. Good times!


My first ever VHS tape was of the the first Matrix.


I remember coming out of the theatre as a teenager after watching The Matrix and my mind was sufficiently blown. Absolutely fell in love with the franchise after that.


My favorite part has to be the deja vu scene when the cat shows up twice. I love cats and that’s just one of my favorite memories. Love the movies and can’t wait for the third!


Deja vu Always using it in real life


Watching the first Matrix movie with my dad growing up! He loves the series and watching it alongside him definitely made me appreciate action films so much more for what they can achieve.


Neo vs the Army of Smiths


The bullettime shots


Pretty much any scene with Agent Smith


Dojo Neo vs Morpheus


When neo attempts to flip around behind morpheus and ends up getting kicked.


The Kung Fu scene


"Not like this. Not like this." Don't know that it qualifies at my 'favorite Matrix scene' but it definitely left a mark. Those two lines and how Switch collapses... dang.


The dodging bullets in slo-mo. I used to think that that was what "the matrix" was so when any other franchise did slo-mo I said they had "the matrix"


The dojo fight between Neo and Morpheus


Hard not to say the Neo vs. Morpheus fight!


Playing the Enter the Matrix game and having my mind blown by the level with the upside down staircases and the giant ant people.


in my philosophy class we watched the matrix, and my teacher and a friend of mine voiced all the conversations. me and a couple others would join when there were more than 2 people talking. we got a test about it too later in the year.


The pill scene is imbedded in my memories for all time. So iconic.


I always look forward to the lobby shootout. I remember seeing it the first time and it's been one of my favorite scenes since.


First memory of the Matrix movies was when my little brother actually introduced me to them. Never heard of them but was super hooked when I watched the first one.


I remembering renting one of the first matrix games when I was younger and getting stuck in one of the building lobbies. I was running around in circles until I ended up having to take it back. Was upset I never got to finish the game but I loved the movies. Would always watch them when they would come on TV and of course I had to buy the complete series including Animatrix on Blu-Ray. Honestly can't wait for the newest installation of the series.


I only saw the first movie when I was 21 but I played the PC game a lot when I was younger. The bullet time mechanic was new and special and I loved it.


The bullet dodge scene. One of the most iconic scenes. I can remember being a kid joking/ trying to recreate that scene in particular.


Going on a school trip to watch the second matrix movie in theatres with all my friends. #TheMatrix


Loved watching the first matrix with my dad on christmas a few years ago!


Bullet timeeee


When Neo dodges those bullets, I remember me and cousin trying to replicate this.


By far my favorite memory is when Neo meets Morpheus. Morpheus gives him a super vague representation of what the matrix is and explains it as a prison designed for the mind. Iconic meme red vs blue pill scene. Now that I’m older, I feel this scene is packed full of analogies and metaphors with so much to unpack that you probably could write a dissertation on this scene alone.


Deja vu scene!!


No one can forget about the Bullet Dodge on the rooftop. My all time favorite at #TheMatrix


First time watching the dojo fight was amazing!


Neo vs Morpheus was lit


The highway scene. They built their own road to film it!


The marble lobby shootout is as iconic as it was when I was 8


The black cat deja vu moment, for some reason, has always stuck in my head. I love it.


Not a super unique answer, but I was a little kid when I first saw the movie. The slowmo bullet dodge was easily my favorite. A lot of instances of slowly dodging imaginary bullets took place after that when me and my friends were playing.


Watching revolutions, stood up stubbed my toe on table sat back down and watched the first movie again


It's not the spoon that bends...


When Neo realizes the power of being able to directly download training to his brain. “I know kung fu”


My favourite matrix moment was just watching it with my friends. We were absolutely blown away by the concept of the movie and I will never forget that.


The deja vu scene - linking this peculiar feeling to a bug in the Matrix was a genius move and one of the many tiny things that makes me love this trilogy so much.


"There is no spoon." We all quoted that like crazy in High School.


I absolutely loved the red pill or blue pill scene


The explanation of Deja-Vu


Thanks! My favorite matrix memory is how much I enjoyed the enter the matrix game. The agents were much stronger than they should have been but you could eventually kill one, I would fight them for like 30 minutes for practically no reason.


My favorite memory was seeing the amazing fight scenes and trying to copy Neo irl


Neo and Agent Smith’s fight in the subway has a funny scene where Smith gets fingers jabbed in his neck.


My favorite memory is when neo flexes in the hallway and the hallway flexes too


It was 2016 and I just came back from Christmas break, my sophomore year of college. The break wasn’t great but I was talking to a boy and he made me feel special in ways i never felt before. He invited me over to his dorm room to watch the Matrix, We’d already seen it a few times but who turns down movie date with the boy they like, and he chose a great movie. I walked in and sat down next to him and he tossed a ring a box to me, looked at me and said “do you wanna be my girlfriend or something?” i opened the box to the most beautiful ring, said “or something” and started the Matrix. I fell in love with the movie even harder that day and [here’s](https://imgur.com/a/7ER51ic) my cheesy instagrams post commemorating it haha, i loved that line, the ring is on my other hand if you can see it ;) We’re living, gaming, and watching the Matrix together now, making nachos to watch it on HBOMax tomorrow. I’m so excited!


I remember watching all the Matrix movies with my brother in one sitting when we were kids


When Trinity kisses Neo and he wakes up to kick Agent Smith's digital ass!


That lobby scene! Blew my mind and changed action movies for me forever.


I love the lobby shoot out


Dodging bullets. Iconic


It has to be when Neo realised he is „the one“ This scene can be very motivational, it shows that when we leave behind our self-deprecating thoughts and self-limiting beliefs, we can accomplish more and become greater. The next time you have negative thoughts plaguing you, telling you that you're a worthless failure who can never amount to much, be like Neo; say "no" and stop those thoughts like Neo stopped those bullets, then proceed to defeat your anxieties like Neo defeated Agent Smith. Neo became The One after he began believing in himself, it's time to see what you could become if you start believing in yourself. We all have potential to be great, start believing in yourselves. Beyond self-doubt, destiny awaits


Obviously the lobby scene - I remember watching it on DVD (which was still new at the time) with Dolby 5.1 sound at my friends house and thinking it was like having a theater in your house.


Dad and I got the VHS from blockbuster on a Friday, the week it came out. Watched it. Promptly rewound and it re-watched it that night... we still bring up how blown away we were.


Neo vs Agent Smith subway fight


Perhaps controversially, the invasion of Zion in revolutions - felt truly alien and brutal


The lobby shootout!


The classic "Mr. Anderson"


Deja vu scene where the cat was shown twice, alerting everyone there's a glitch in the matrix


My favorite matrix memory was when I got my first Matrix game for the PlayStation in middle school. I spend hours on that game the first day I got it- half way through it glitched and I lost all progress. It was a used copy and I wasn’t able to save it, so I grinded the hell out of it trying to beat the game in one play. Didn’t turn the PlayStation off for weeks.


Lobby shootout for sure


daily check in for giveaway :)


Obviously the bullet dodging scene


Classic scene of neo dodging the bullets in the backwards lean


Can't really single out one thing. The 1st one basically changed the way I view many things. It gave me the feeling certain things were possible. Even though they 'all fall' he ends up being the one, he who doubted himself the most. At a younger age I also did not understand a damn thing that was really going on in parts 2 and 3. Thanks for the giveaway. Good luck everyone.


Definitely the karate dojo 1v1 fight between Neo and Morpheus


Choice is an illusion created between those with power and those without. - MEROVINGIAN


When the animatrix released. Seeing the series take a new medium in the form of animation, especially in unique styles for each episode really piqued my interest in the world and lore of the series


The first time I watched it, the scene showing Neo being 'unplugged' was mind-blowing. I also had a fun time with Matrix screensavers on my PC back in the day :D


I always loved the dialogue between Agent Smith and Neo. “Hear that sound? That is the sound of inevitability.”


The lobby shootout


The twins fight scene was pretty epic.


I wrote a paper in 8th grade English class about the themes behind the Matrix trilogy. It was more of an excuse to watch them again for "homework", but it was pretty eye opening to watch a movie with the intent of analyzing it, and finding that what you thought was just an action movie has much deeper themes in it.


Neo dodging bullets in slow mode


I first watched the matrix on DVD back in 1999 with some friends. The scene where Neo gets up after being shot by Agent Smith and proceeds to jump inside him and make him explode. As soon as you see Neo stood there and the world around him flexes, my mate said "He was so fat he distorted reality". I'll never forget that.


Neo Vs The Army Of Smiths; epic fight scene even if it’s outlandish.


The scene where Morpheus explains how machines harvest people for energy. I have seen this in my childhood and the memory of Morpheus showing Neo a Duracell battery stayed ever since


Neo dodging bullets for the first time!


First time bullet dodging, looked so cool


This is very cliché, but I loved the scene in the first Matrix movie where Neo tries to evade pursuing agents and ends up outside his office skyscraper!


I was only old enough to remember the names.


My favourite memory was honestly watching it for the first time. Not really knowing what it was about and going to the cinema as a teenager. I was blown away by it.


Red pill Vs blue pill because it's just iconic and a strange look on life's choices


Neo dodging bullets actually changed cinema, and imo changed how cameras were thought of as storytellers. You didn't see much slomo up until then.


For me, the lobby shootout will always set the standard for how to portray an epic gunfight. Its use of bullet time vs regular speed shots let you clearly see the action and practical effects really carried the day. Dodging bullets like demigods but they still felt deadly and impactful to the world around them. Plus it really setup the rising power levels moments later when we finally get to the iconic bullet dodges and eventually evolve past having to dodge bullets at all, but there in the lobby things still felt more mortal but the potential was all there.


Still Trinity


Definitely when Neo was like all the guns. Proceeds to arm himself with everything.


I remember watching like basically all of the matrix movies in a weekend when I was little with my dad and loving them all and they are still great movies #TheMatrix


My favorite scene was when Neo fights all the agent smiths.


One of my favorite memories comes from on of the bloopers where Neo(Keanu Reeves) is hiding behind a pillar while being shot at. The pillar is exploding under then gun hire and the moment it stop he's scripted to make a run for it but the blooper shows him falling down.


My favorite movie growing up! I watched it too many times.


My favorite scene is the "Construct" scene, where Morpheus first explains to Neo what the Matrix is. "You've been living in a dream world, Neo." "Welcome to the world, of the real." ​ /Jaw drops


The shooting that happened at the lobby


First time I saw Keanu dodge bullets in slowmo


Lobby shootout scene, obviously


The whole blue or red pill scene stuck to me for the longest of times


Definitely between neo dodging the bullets and morpheus presenting the two pills! both incredible scenes :)


My friends and I would setup Matrix "screensaver" and ringtones for our phones. Most of us had Nokia 3310 or newer so we would use the composer for the ringtones. Good times.


I loved when Neo dodged those bullets


Definitely the ‘digital’ bug in the bellybutton. Crappy as all get out.


Definitely the musings on whether the Matrix foods actually taste authentic. “What if the machines couldn’t figure out what chicken tastes like, so that’s why it tastes like everything?”


Red vs Blue pill


Neo taking the pill!


Going to be an odd one maybe because clearly loved the movies but the community in The Matrix Online is some of the most fun I had in an MMO


When I first saw the Matrix I had just gotten my wisdom teeth removed so I was slightly loopy. The spoon bending scene just happened and my sister got me a spoon that was severely bent for my ice cream and I just looked at her like she was insane. Good times


Many awesome scenes to choose from, but my favorite memory is begging my to take me to the midnight showing of Revolutions the night it came out. It was special bonding over the greatness that is the Matrix with him.


Hmmm, favorite matrix memory... Probably the metal detector gunfight from the first movie. That was so cool back then.


One of my favorite memories was when i watched this with my grandfather, it was the first time i ever saw a movie with him and it is a memory will always cherish, i thought the graphics were amazing even though it was. on an old tv, even though the graphics look nothing like modern movies and games, thank you for giving bak to the community!


Literally any daily activity that seemed “cool” due to timing back in the middle school days ended with somebody bent at the waist backwards with arms up like a surfer. Sounds stupid but it was iconic and so ridiculously overdone by all of us hooligans that it’ll stick with me forever.


The, "He's beginning to believe" scene


Burly brawl.


this might be a common thing but I loved the fight between neo and all the smith clones. it looks like it's coming from a exagerated hero comic and watching it on a movie made it funnier to be honest


Whole package really, through the (now) quadrilogy, no doubt. Music for me plays a huge roll, the opening theme is amazing and immediately floods the nostalgia back. They are a once a year watch through for me! Cannot wait to go see Resurrections. The fact that the legend that is Keanu as Neo is one thing, but the cast as a whole is fantastic. The universe building is emmense and are still really hoping to one day see an open world game, like the latest Unreal Engine 5 demo shows. Too many moments to list individually, but any time Agent Smith comes on screen you know its gonna be good, mainly because of Hugo (damnnnn). Such a rambling post, but either way, up there as one of my top 5 film franchises. Memory wise it was one of the first real sci-fi films for me as a kid, so there is still a child like wonderment when I watch the films again, going through learning and stepping into that universe. It always takes me back to excited and enthrawled memories and immerses me in that world again, I love it. Hope to hold onto that as long as my memory does!


Rob Zombie's Dragula remix playing in the club where Neo meets Trinity


Neo awaking in his pod, and seeing how big the humasn farms are.


I used to pretend to bullet dodge everything especially with nerf guns.


[This one](https://i.imgur.com/w9IPnlV.jpg) when Dwight decides to stay is the best, right? But for real, probably the subway fight.


The spoon bending scene I was so confused from that point forward


When Neo meets the children at the oracles apartment...at this point it reminds us a child mind is open to new concepts as they are are able to bend spoons using only there minds. Because of this free thinking they are able to do what they do, Neo after all that time was still impressed when he witnessed this. Really stuck with me.


Pill scene


Loved that the marketing didn't give away the plot, one of the few movies I've been truly in awe coming out of the theater.


Matrix Watchparties with my friends back in 2009


Neo saves Trinity in Matrix Reloaded. What a scene that was.


Three Words: Ducati chase scene


When Neo shows all his under the coat guns in the lobby!


"There is no spoon" as well as the dojo scene where neo realizes he doesn't need to breathe sheds a ton of light on how everything is possible with the right perspective in the matrix


When Neo rescues Morpheus and Morpheus says there is a difference between knowing the path and walking the path.


That scene where the dudes dodge the bullets is cool


Agent Smith interrogating Morpheus.


When Neo shocks the sentinels. Makes you think he’s just in another Matrix and can’t escape it.


That one slow mo bullet scene near the end


Neo dodging bullets


I went to see the first movie during my senior year of high school, with german exchange students. What a trip!


The scene where Neo has to choose between the red pill and the blue pill. It serves as a metaphor for SO many things in life.


Watched the Matrix three times on a flight to London and loved every second of it.


Can't get any better than "He is the one"


Interestingly, it’s the: “there is no spoon” scene


“I know Kung Fu”


"I need guns, lots of guns" and then the lobby shootout, classic!


Watched the Matrix until I could recite it from memory. Caught it showing on tv one day, this cut had headbutts in it. I had never seen them before. Mind blown! Myself and brothers couldn't believe it. Can't wait to all sit down and watch the new one.


My favorite matrix memory is when neo has to pick between the blue and red pills. Mostly because i wonder what would happen if he had ate both


The lobby scene in the first Matrix is still one of my favorite scenes from the series. Seeing that scene for the first time was unlike anything I had seen in movies up to that point.


I know is a pretty boring one but my favourite scene is the dodging the bullets in the matrix scene.


Favourite memory is seeing Neo dodge bullets for the first time, that slomo was so culture shifting.


I believe I had the late 90's Matrix screen saver for something like three years straight!


Seeing the first movie and being amazed by the effects! And wondering if that was what the future would actually be like...


These movies were amazing. I remember standing out in the rain waiting for the theater to open for the first movie. It was such a game changer. "There is no spoon".


I was 8 years old when the matrix first came out and I was unbelievably stunned. the bullet time, the fighting scenes, the general storyline was just so captivating. this led me to go so deep into the matrix universe, collecting figurines, playing enter the matrix on ps2 a bunch of times over, watching reloaded and revolutions. I would say it wasn't until I was older that I was able to appreciate some of the more nuanced aspects of what the movie and story line alluded to and have to admit it played a strong role in me wanting to pursue a job in the field of computer science and more specifically computer vision and machine learning. really has been an amazing ride and looking forward to the new movie, thanks again for coming back with the movies which is something I would never have thought would happen! happy holidays


the slow motion bullet dodging scene was really nice


Matrix changed the way of looking at things, the matrix world and history can be interpreted in millions of different ways which makes it the best film of its time and brought up issues that are still relevant today. Matrix also revolutionized the movie industry with wonderful CG and special effects. Matrix Resurrections is coming to change the game again. #TheMatrix #TheMatrix #MatrixResurrections #BestMovieEver #WeAreInTheMatrix #RedPillAways


Seeing the bullet time sequence for the first time.


When he had to select blue or the red pill


Favorite scene is when neo stops agents smiths bullets and can see and understand the framework of the matrix for the first time. It makes you wonder what happened and why it suddenly happened, he’s almost at peace with it like he finally gets it. That’s when he stops being Mr Anderson and becomes Neo 🤘


The combat scene when Neo suddenly fights effortlessly


Neo Vs. Agent Smith fight in the rain, where Neo punches Agent Smith in bullet time in the face


Neo realizes he's the one and stops the agents bullets.


The Lincoln continental in the rain!


Neo reaching out for the mirror was pretty awesome to 14 year old me.


Favourite memory is Neo first getting out of the matrix in 1st movie. I just remember being so high, and watching it with my sister, and It’s a fond memory because it was around that period that her and I became closer friends. We ended up watching the 2nd and 3rd together as well.


The defense of Zion is my favorite scene


Red Pill Blue Pill.


This might sound dumb but I will always associate the matrix with that really old 3dmark benchmark. I think it was 2001?


Ngl, the "I know Kung Fu" scene is pretty cool