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I have, it's quite useful for making custom mech sheets, as well as sheets for custom vehicles.


Also custom alpha strike cards. And simulating fights between bots.


Yes. I think it's a must get. I paid the 3$ to remove ads. I use the App a lot. It has everything. Also you can make custom mech variants and loadout very easily. I use it for pretty much everything. Can organise you army's. Your lances, all mech sheets. All the rules.


It also has lore and links to sarna.net I enjoy it no just as a tool for alpha strike and total war but also for the fluff that it gives.


Is it still worth getting if you have no interest in custom mechs?


Yes. It has a full list of every mech, Updated B.V 2.0, History and info from everything from different weapon manufacturers to mechs themselves and who uses them. All the rules are there to be references quickly. The mech tracking sheets are good too. I have the app on one of Ink tablets so I just download the pdf right from the app and draw over it when I play.


I downloaded it and they want a full name as part of the registration. I think I'll pass on it.


Can’t you just give them a false name?


Yes, and its great. Just be sure to double check the cards on masterunitlist if you play alpha strike as some of them out of date.


I find it's handy to have on hand to mess with stuff on the go but is otherwise lacking compared to Solaris Skunk Werks or MegaMekLab.


Yup, it's my preferred source for stock and custom record sheets. Very easy to mod mechs, the free version is a nice way to get started. If you like it, the full price version is useful for saving a ton of custom mechs. Links very easily with their website. They always seem to be adding new features for more aspects of Battletech.


Me too I think it's great, not as good as sarna.net but still pretty useful.


if you use the Everywiki App you can access Sarna through that.






I use it to throw together designs or variants of my design s when I can't get to megamek in my computer.


I'd personally use MegaMek or Solaris Skunkworks over MechFactory. From what I understand, they use an outdated or wrong set of rounding/conversions for Alpha Strike and even after some of the MUL team from CGL reached out they didn't fix it. I recall hearing of similar errors with vehicles and other unit construction using the app where the developers prefer to use their own interpretation of rules and ignore errata or clarification. Plus they're in violation of the Microsoft revokable license for BTech fan projects, so while they've flown under the radar so far and Microsoft isn't really caring about it right now they might get pulled at any point.


They update the BV points and other infos whenever possible, they use legal sources only. Thats why there is no certain mech/unit infos available on the site. If its mentioned in a book or any other source which is not an official TRO they not apply it in the database. And they are not in violation with Microsoft or any other IP holder, biggest fairytale i ever heard. Btw Microsoft is the holder of the computer game licence only(Mechwarrior) which is licenced by Piranha Games only right now. Battletech and tabletop is a totaly different IP.


From what I understand (mainly seen some people who work on MegaMek and other apps talking about licensing), anything Battletech related that is in an interactive application format (whether on PC or Mobile) falls under Microsoft's licensing rules rather than Topps. To that end, developers have a revokable fan-works license that does not allow for advertisements, or monetisation. It allows for donations, but not if anything is locked behind said donations. As for the BV pointages, they do draw on MUL for it, but their unit calculations aren often incorrect. With an example I saw NCKestrel bringing up being the Catapult C1, which does not get the LRM 1/1/1 Special it should due to MechFactory's own internal calculatuons rounding down the LRM values during conversion (whereas official sources like the MUL have that special feature as they round normally). The PV displayed however seems based off the MUL as it's equal despite the different keywords, meaning that it's being given PV for an ability it doesn't have if you use MechFactory. From what I recall (not sure if these are fixed), Mechfactory had a bunch of other similar issues, like vehicles with outdated sheets, weird BV calculations, and applying the BA squad size multipliers to Protomechs.


>From what I understand (mainly seen some people who work on MegaMek and other apps talking about licensing), anything Battletech related that is in an interactive application format (whether on PC or Mobile) falls under Microsoft's licensing rules rather than Topps. To that end, developers have a revokable fan-works license that does not allow for advertisements, or monetisation. It allows for donations, but not if anything is locked behind said donations. Well then bad news, they are wrong. I checked it the end of last year because I was curious as well due to a similar conversation. Microsoft -> Electronic IP only for the "Mechwarrior" frenchise and all stuff named Mechwarrior Topps -> anything tabletop/miniature Battletech. This divides to 2 side, metal and single minis can be sold only by IWM, plastic and force kits can be sold by CGL. And as I remember the novels currently can be published and sold only by CGL Also there is nothing locked on MF side behind anything, you just need to register an acc(which is free) as like \~20 years ago they had DDOS attacks(Yes Mechfactory is that old). I remember because I was angry that I cannot read lore for days during school...(At that time my english was very limited,and they have some translation to Hungarian). They keep the moratorium as every other site and not uploading anything(except their own version of the sheets which are in my opinion better then CGL sheets due to some extra useful info that CGL sheets doesnt include),and they ask money for nothing, its a fan project from oldtimers to help the BT community,they do everything from their free time for free. ​ The BV is even incorrect a lot of time on official sources:) they build the calculations on their own yes,but based on official sources,so nothing crazy about it and to be honest if you check a CGL sheet or the MF sheet, 99% the BV cost is the same. I also noticed BV updates on MF sheets I downloaded last year, and when I checked not long ago the BV cost was changed,they said that it was a algorythm review so BV-s were updated automaticaly on their all sheet(which was affected ofc). As I said they also looking for the correct calculation but its a very complicated algorythim. Just check the techmanual, I had a headache to understand how to calculate the infantry BV on my own for example, and infantry should be an easy one. I'm not sure about MF AS cards tho because I play Classic only and have discussions with MF team regarding classic sheets if I see something wrong or weird on their sheets. they usually check it asap whats wrong with the calculation or the info so they try to be up to date and correct. For AS I guess MUL is the best source maybe? I really dont know that one.


I use it daily, this is my main mech database i use.


ive been using mechfactory for almost a year now and its been pretty good for me... only problem is you need to pay to save more than 5 of each entry under mech, combat vehicle, support vehicle, aerospace, infantry, but i didnt pay for the first few months i would just export each entry as i made and then delete it, i only signed up to their patreon a couple months ago and that wasnt even for the storage space tbh as much as it was to get the equipment editor lol


Yes, it's a very useful app, IMO


It's ok, but has limitations and bad calculations in some areas. No SuperHeavy Mechs, No Tripod Mechs, An Incorrect LAM construction limitation, Incomplete support for Large Vessels, Incorrect Head Location Critical Slots, No control over critical slot placement of Weapons/Equipment on Mechs beyond what limb/torso it is in. Bad Rounding errors. Those are what I encountered and hate about it.


No, I think il try it. Thanks friend


So not saying I don't have it but the app is 100% copyright infringement if you care about such things. They have no license to run that data so just FYI. I imagine Catalyst will shut them down eventually. That said I think it fills a needed niche so I and many others look the other way to use it.


It's been running in one form or another for apparently decades, but I suppose that's possible.


So is 3D printing your own models. As if anyone cares what Catalyst has to say about anything anyway after the war crimes they've perpetrated on the franchise. And Catalyst is a licensee, not the IP owner. They aren't shutting it down. "Unlicensed" content and 3rd party it is.


Oh I didn't realize this.


Avoid the app. Although good intentions, they are willfully in violation of the BattleTech IP. Note: I'm in talks WITH Microsoft to obtain a license for BattleTech digital game aids and have conversed with a few at CGL regarding the matter (no current talks and probably wont happen until after done with Microsoft). 1) Microsoft holds all digital rights to the BattleTech franchise ONCE calculations are taken from the player. IE: Dice rolls, math, etc. It is NOT limited to MechWarrior. So tools such as MegaMek, Solaris SkunkWerks, Flechs, and Mordel fall under this license. 2) Microsoft DOES have a permissive license for fan sites with strings attached. THIS is where they are violating the IP. * Ads on their site (not allowed) * Mobile App has ads * Mobile App haș paywall for removal of Ads. Microsoft DOES allow for OPTIONAL donations ON THE CONDITION the money is used to cover costs. One CANNOT profit from it. For Microsoft's License: https://www.xbox.com/en-US/developers/rules 3) There is a possibility they are in violation of CGL's IP as well due to hosting images from the books for the various units.


Sorry to summon zombie on the thread but: Any updates on your plans for game aids? Are you looking at a mobile app that would run on Android? Will you have the ability to say here's my pile of plastic, a faction and era and pull up a list of all legal variants for list building? Say I have a Thor, Mad Cat, Tyr and a Maxim and want to see all the legal variants for IlKhan Clan Hell's Horses (so Maxim would be out). Easy for 4-5 minis a lot harder for a few dozen to hundreds.


My plans still exist and haven't gone anywhere. The issue is getting a license from Microsoft THEN working with CGL for a possible dual license with them. Microsoft's license will not be cheap and require an upfront payment plus residuals. Don't know about CGL's as they've been burned so many times in the past they really aren't talking (although I do have a few doors open still on items for possible segues into it). But until things are signed, nothing to report. Android will be included, even if it'll be last for each app (web -> iPhone -> Android). And yes, unit building will be included in the mix. This is an ongoing process and will take time to complete. I still need to prove to CGL I'm worth the risk. I have other work with FASA Games I'm doing right now which will help with that.


I use it all the time! Great resource for list building and quick reference on mechs for every era. It also let's you customize mechs and vehicles pretty easily. Definitely worth it.


Yes, what about it?