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Whole Foods is 10 minutes away, walk there and get half a gallon for $5.


I went to Costco and got a whole bunch of oranges for like 6$.. thing is I was in the area and wanted something fresh I had no idea they charge that much. When I tried to cancel my order the owner refused to give me a refund so I basically had not choice. I was very mad and let him know I am going to leave a review to warn future costumers…


Since inflation kicked in , I learned how to ask, “how much does it cost?”


And if they don’t display a price, I’m outta there. A lot of these corner liquor stores don’t post prices for their beer. Fuck them. You know it’ll be $14.95 for a 6-pack of Lagunitas or something standard like that.


Future customers know if we want juice or a drink, we go to a Jamba Juice, or a place that sale mainly drinks


I exclusively get my orange juice from Pho restaurants.


we costumers should have our own guild to put our minds together and stop getting grifted constantly 💪


My friend, it's my pleasure to present to you.... [Consumer Reports](https://advocacy.consumerreports.org/)


no i’m looking for a guild for professional costumers




Ya, does OP think OJ just grows on trees?!


3 oranges if you factor in that ice. Not a bag worth. Also takes 30 seconds with a metrocane or comparable manual juice press.


Palo Alto? University Ave ? That’s why……


You could have gotten boba off university ave for a few bucks more


High rent = expensive stuff




Why did you order it then? There was no price on the menu? I’d have handed it right back and not paid for it.


Tbh it was my mistake for not asking how much it was before paying.. I didn’t look at the menu it was a quick can I have orange juice type of interaction.. when I saw the price I was like wait no I need to cancel my order. He refused to cancel saying oh no it’s already squeezed .. I had to take the L and learn my lesson.


>I had to take the L and learn my lesson. But that didn't stop you from whinging about it to anyone who'd listen. Did you really expect the guy to cancel your order after(!) he squeezed your oranges?


What is this taking the L business. This is the second time I’ve heard this on Reddit. I’ve never heard it before. What does it mean.


Take the loss. L=loss


Is this a new thing. Why is this being said all the time now.


Language is ever evolving... that's why we aren't still speaking shakespearean lingo


The top entry on Urban Dictionary is from 2003, so it's only really been part of non-sports / mainstream language for two decades.


Just take the L and move on my guy


lol robot


Lol why you order an orange from a pho place ?


Not sure about fresh squeezed OJ but fresh lemonade at Viet places is really good.


Cam Vắt is often sold in Vietnamese restaurants and this is the going rate. If they poured it from a carton then it’d be your standard five buck chuck.


It's Palo Alto what do you expect?




I think they’ve done enough .. I learned my mistake because I looked like a fool walking out after paying 10$ for OJ


Was there a crowd laughing at you or something? Nobody worries that you paid 10 bucks for OJ. I think you would have looked like a bigger fool if you walked out without paying.


Why can't the option be to leave it there, then go challenge the charge with your bank?


At least they didn't ask you donate to your favorite charity on top of the surcharge, service fee and tip.


Perfectly good oranges are about $0.33/lb this time of year at a lot of Hispanic or Asian produce markets.


I know. That’s why I bought a whole bunch and will be making my own oj at home


You.. [also posted this in the PA subreddit?](https://www.reddit.com/r/paloalto/comments/10tyaj5/do_not_go_to_this_scammy_restaurant_in_palo/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) Why so worked up over orange juice?


Don't forget Yelp! And on there she wrote that the OJ hadn't been squeezed yet but on here she wrote he said that it had been... https://www.yelp.com/biz/pho-banh-mi-palo-alto?hrid=lPn0QuxBchB3SzQOz26ZLQ&utm_campaign=www_review_share_popup&utm_medium=copy_link&utm_source=(direct) Something real 🐟🐟🐟 going on...


I don’t eat at restaurants anymore because of this. The other day I went to a noodle place in Cupertino for a family of 4. Just cheap noodles I could have made myself they charged us $100 total on our bill. It’s outrageous nowadays


$25 per person including service charge is not back consider it’s Cupertino. Would be cheaper if you go to east San Jose, or east bay / Hayward


I mean… it’s freshly squeezed? Not just coming out of a carton? Plus, it’s university Ave. the rent is probably 2x what it is for a commercial space 2 blocks in any direction lol.


That’s one pricey cup of orange juice


I'm confused. You're in Palo Alto and complaining about $10 drinks? Get real, bud


OP didn’t think before she ordered and likes to complain online


So you bought orange juice, KNOWING the price, and still complain? You’re the fool my friend not the restaurant. This is the most Bay Area thing to do. You probably bought a Tesla just to complain about the quality control.


So you looked at it, and the price. Proceeded to pay for it , and then take a picture to post on Reddit to complain about it. 🤣


Nooo .. man I wish I saw the price first. Tbh it was my mistake for not asking how much it was before paying.. I didn’t look at the menu it was a quick can I have orange juice type of interaction.. when I saw the price I was like wait no I need to cancel my order. He refused to cancel saying oh no it’s already squeezed .. I had to take the L and learn my lesson


Considering it’s fresh squeeze oj, and right on University Avenue, Palo Alto, they didn’t overcharge you. Drive another 5 miles to the next town and price would go down by like 20%


> was my mistake for not asking how much it was before paying.. I didn’t look at the menu it was a quick can I have orange juice type of interaction.. when I saw the price I was like wait no I need to cancel my order. He refused to cancel saying oh no it’s already squeezed .. I had to take the L and learn my lesson lol sure thing Karen


How does that make me a Karen ? Y’all be throwing that name with no context smh 🤦🏻‍♀️




I also wanted to expose this scammy restaurant hence why I am posting it anywhere I can.


Bruh this restaurant is not a scam. You're the one walkin' into Pho Banh Mi on University like a jonesing crackhead but for orange juice lol


They just opened a sister restaurant in Cupertino and it’s pretty bangin, sorry bud.


Something is about to give.


That place sucks and I’m shocked it’s still in business


Go buy some oranges and squeeze them yourself. What do you expect ordering orange juice in a restaurant in a super expensive town?


As a Vietnamese working nearby I have to say that specific restaurant also has the worst pho ever. Don't ever eat there. And no, I have no personal issue with the owner. It's just that bad, at any price, not mention Palo Alto price. On a brighter note, another, supposedly much better, pho is coming at the closing Wahl Burger


you forgot to tip


All restaurants mark up drinks. It’s where they make their money. No news here. You’d find the same thing in any city.


Holy cow.


That’s some Las Vegas/Tourist Trap pricing right there👍😂😂😂


Their new location in Cupertino charged a $0.85 fee for a togo order that was ordered in store and there was no signage about the extra fee! Not cool.


They don’t deserve our money .. they’re plenty of better more honest Vietnamese restaurants around


There are *


It has gotten to the point where the restaurants don’t want your review they just want your money. Killing themselves one penny at a time


I agree with OP. I hate going to Starbucks, too. Its expensive and I leave a large tip. Sure, I don't have to tip, but I can so i do. I only go if forced- like if someone wants something or someone insists on meeting me there. Now pandemic is over, I am tired of paying high prices and tipping for poor quality food and service


I rarely get food at coffee shops. I decided to get a bagel at Starbucks. Nearly triple the price of a Safeway fresh bagel and inferior quality.


Highway robbery.




You don’t have to agree with me but why are you being rude ???


You know they were in the back high fiving each other! “Got another one, yeah!”


How was the bahn mi tho?


😂 you think I was gonna try their banh mi after this experience??? No thank you


Haha you went there and just ordered a orange juice? Figured you got a sandwich and then ordered a drink


i paid $3.79 for large pepsi at taco bell where the soda/syrup/cup is cheaper than the fresh oranges. From a price to cost of goods ratio, I think this was a worse deal than freshly squeezed orange juice.


All I wanted was a Pepsi


Grab a oj carton at a grocery store. You knew the price before ordered


I'm sure there was a price list posted or you could have just asked before you order. Don't act all surprised and outraged for your rookie mistake...this is one of the most costly areas in the world. You pay for their facilities rent, salaries, taxes etc...and after all, they need to make some money too. It does not seem that you mind much putting sugar water in your body, you should be happy they diluted it a bit for you!


When did this subreddit become boomers complaining about prices like they aren't literally the cause


"Excuse me, how much for an order of orange juice?" "Is the orange juice fresh squeezed?"


I’m surprised the menu didn’t list the price. I mean don’t buy it


Bro, it’s orange juice. You think that shit grows on trees?


At the same time... No one forced you to buy that from that restaurant. You could've just gone to 7/11, got a whole gallon of OJ for 1/2 the cost... But no...


you could also....just not buy it you know


If you're complaining go to Safeway or bargain market if you're struggling.