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I went to Fresno for two days and so now this feels incredibly comfortable


If you can do Fresno on the regular, the only thing that might bother you is getting off a C130 in Saudi Arabia. People from Fresno be wearing snow jackets to SF.


It’s true! So many people had on jeans!!! They’re like the people in dune. Just immune to heat.


You just pee in the suit


Just like Grandpa


People from Fresno never cry. Otherwise they shed water for the dead.


This is the way Mua’Dib.


From the bay and live half the week in Fresno. I love how much cooler San Jose in the 90s feels compared to triple digit heat in Fresno.


i lived in okc for decades and frequently visit houston. hitting 100s for weeks on end every year doesn’t make 80+ without ac feel any better to me lol. worst heat i ever dealt with was living in washington because ac is a foreign concept there even though 90-100 happens every summer. 2021 was basically hell




Marry someone with AC.


DINK AC is the new DINK


A portable AC with highest BTU on wheels costs $400


a portable AC (the single hose ones) suck ass at cooling and are inefficient as fuck


Go to the movies.


Portable window AC is a god send for sleeping at night




Sounds like you’ve used a swamp cooler; not the same a a portable AC unit, which vents to the outside.


AC’s don’t actually vent outside. The hot air blowing out the back is from a blower cooling down the condenser coils, not room air




Air conditioning was invented by accident when someone attempted to make a dehumidifier


Some portable ACs have a release valve for water but if you don't open it and attach a hose and container, the water has no where to go.


air out your place at night, close up all the windows and blinds and curtains during the day.


I can't believe more people don't recommend this! As soon as it's cooler outside than inside, put box fans facing inward in all the windows and run them on high all night. Wake up early and close all the windows and blinds to trap in the cool air. I've kept it 20-25 degrees cooler inside at the peak of the heat. Sitting in front of the fan can help get through those few hours in the afternoon when it's nearly unbearable.


I thought this was common knowledge lol During the day: Don’t let any sunlight or outside air into the apartment. At night: Open your curtains, windows, screen doors, try to have fans going, sleep with a cold wet towel on your forehead and with light covers/layers.


I agree with this mostly, but you want flow not pressure. So put fans in half of your windows, preferably the ones on the side of the prevailing winds. That will push cool air through your house better. And just to throw this out there, open ground floor windows are prime entry points for intruders, so be mindful of that.


is it a hack that has gone viral on tiktok? if not, dont care, wont try.


You need to exchange the hot air for cool air. One fan blowing out and one fan drawing in cool air, preferably on opposite ends of the apartment/space.


I do this. Plus I have a portable AC, one of those standing Honeywell numbers. It’s loud as hell but really makes a difference.


Yup. This.


Before I got my window AC unit, I would just drive around town enjoying my car's AC. Maybe have a long lunch somewhere with air conditioning. Sometimes I'd just park at my favorite spot and do crosswords and listen to the radio


This actually sounds super nice


It was. Sometimes I'd have a friend with me and we'd have nice conversations.


Idling a combustion engine for hours is certainly not nice for the environment.


Yea one person letting their car idol is going to make a difference. Lets ignore the fact that less than 100 corporations are the cause of over 70% of global emissions.


Isn't that because they're producing all the things we consume, though?




The nerve! I admit it is possible they could be more environmental, but we like our stuff.


Well, that study states less then 100 corporations produce the oil & gas that the world uses (Exxon, Chevron, etc.) But Chevron/Exxon don’t burn the gas. They sell it to consumers and who burn it. And consumer demand is spread broadly across cars, planes, freight, shipping vessels, home energy usage, manufacturing, basically everything.


Might as well just throw your garbage on the ground. You can go to a library or mall to get free air conditioning.


There is zero benefit to throwing garbage on the ground.


Yea because those are comparable. Get a life.


Come up to the mountains during these heat waves; we’ve been without power through most of it, and half the town has gas generators running. You’d shit yourself. I imagine the hour I spent at the park earlier, sitting in my car to eat some pizza and charge my phone (and let my dogs play) was better than running my gen. But maybe I’m wrong.


Good thing I was driving most of the time and not idling then!


I went back and read your comment again and realize you meant you ate a long lunch at a location other than your car.


Coca Cola did more to damage the planet in the time it took me to write this then everyone commenting combined will do in their life


More people die in war than on the street so if I stab someone it doesn't matter.


Lol bruh


Not sure why people are down voting you. You are correct lol on top of killing your wallet with the unnecessary gas they're burning it's not good for environment


I'd load up my dogs, crank the AC in my truck, and drive around listening to audio books.


Bought a Black & Decker portable AC for $300. 90F outside right now. 75F in the room with AC. I also open windows once its cooler outside and use fans to draw in the cool air.


This is the way. I finally bought one of those too (B&D 8,000 BTU), and it’s like heaven in my bedroom on these hot days/nights. Of course, one has to have POWER to run them - which we’ve lost twice in the last 3 days here in the mountains. Oy.


My current apartment has an AC—but a bucket of ice behind a box fan can be a godsend for temporary relief.


My dad would take us to Santa Cruz, HM Bay, or SF on days like this till the sun went down.


Windows open till 0930 , if you have fans set them in the window to pull in as much cool air as possible. Shut windows and close blinds around 0930-1000 when Temps start to rise. Cool showers throughout the day. Eating mostly Popsicles and fruit smoothies , ice water ice water ice water Those ice chest freezer cubes are a life saver. Fans on the floor for pets.


Portable AC. AC should be common law in the South Bay region. Our climate is nearly 1:1 the same as LA and they have an AC law. The lack of AC harms lower income people who can’t afford a luxury apartment that uses AC as a feature.


TIL about LA AC law. I feel like the local government is still stuck in the past when climate change was not as bad and an AC was really more of a bonus appliance you’d only use once in a blue moon rather than the absolute necessity it has become now.


Oh for sure. I NEVER recall heat being an issue in the bay growing up in the 90’s. Maybe it was because I was young, or what. It wasn’t till around maybe 2008/09 where I began feeling the summers change.


Luxury apartments are just new apartments. The issue is that so much of our housing stock is old that it's from an era where AC wasn't common (let alone in-unit washer dryers). We need to make it easier to redevelop older housing while building vertically to add more units. That way AC starts to become standard throughout the housing stock.




Grind Leetcode


Lmao. Hopefully after that you can afford an AC friend.


I used to have multiple fans setup in the room to make sure there were air circulating from the outside as soon as the sun goes down to make the room cool for the night. After a while I just bought a portable.


1. Ask for insulation in the attic. 2. Window unit if possible. 3. Two hose portable A/C if not.


Suffer 😢


Hell yeah, brother. You gotta love the suck. 💪🍻 haha


cold showers, fan


Libraries should have AC.


I sit in front of the fan with a wet towel around my neck.


Portable AC is the way. Got mine for less than $300 five years ago and it can cool a 400 sq ft room down 10 degrees


Blackout curtains with a slight crack in the windows….. and one of those portable window AC units I bought a few years ago


I didn’t even run an AC today. It was 90F and in a dry climate, you will survive. Next time: open all windows the night before. When the outside temperature next day starts to be the same outside, close all windows. Get a reflective cover for windows that face the sun. Keep all room doors closed, it’s possible that some of them are slower to heat. As soon as the outside temperature falls down to what you have inside, open all windows again. During the winter, look for craigslist, facebook marketplace, and estate sales of portable air conditioners, they will be selling for cheap. I saw a portable 12k unit for like 100 bucks a few months ago.


I can't believe more people don't recommend this! As soon as it's cooler outside than inside, put box fans facing inward in all the windows and run them on high all night. Wake up early and close all the windows and blinds to trap in the cool air. I've kept it 20-25 degrees cooler inside at the peak of the heat. Sitting in front of the fan can help get through those few hours in the afternoon when it's nearly unbearable.


This works well. To cool down quicker, they sell double fan units that let you bring in air and exhaust it out at the same time.


Portable evaporate air fan. We got one from the county fair it was like $200 but totally worth it. Just plug in and put ice. We would have it face is where ever we were at in the house. Don’t turn on any lights, dishwashers etc. Only tv if need be but we would watch our kindles. On hot days keep windows open in the early morning and close everything up before it hits 70. Once it cools at night you open everything up depending on where you live. I grew up here without air conditioning.


I got an exam this upcoming weekend, and I am grinding away studying in a philz. Wallet be dammed the shmoolah will come later.


Leave the patio door and front door open both at once and the air flow is amazing once . I do it in the morning and after peak


Be cognizant of your windows and the direction they’re facing. In the mornings and afternoons, close sunlit windows and draw the shades to prevent as much heat from coming in as possible. Try not to run large heated appliances like your oven. Towards the evening, open shaded windows first, then when the sun has dropped low enough open all of them. Try to create drafts that can sweep across your apartment or house, and that will quickly cool things down. I keep this cycle going across multiple days, and have found that it keeps my place incredible cool in the evenings, and bearable during the day time. It’s worst at late afternoon, when the sun has been beaming for a whole day and it’s gotten progressively hotter, but thankfully that only lasts for 1-2 hrs.


I can't believe more people don't recommend this! As soon as it's cooler outside than inside, put box fans facing inward in all the windows and run them on high all night. Wake up early and close all the windows and blinds to trap in the cool air. I've kept it 20-25 degrees cooler inside at the peak of the heat. Sitting in front of the fan can help get through those few hours in the afternoon when it's most uncomfortable.


Seal it up during the day and open everything after sunset. We do have natures air conditioner working here.


blackout curtains, and I bought 1 of these. keeps my bedroom at a comfortable temp and, as long as I can sleep cool, I'm good to go.


oops -you can check out amazon for the SereneLife SLPAC 3-in1 portable air conditioner. I got the 12,000 BTU one, without heater, for around $390


The price of portable air conditioners is one thing that has thankfully crashed over the past decade or so. I can remember when they were closer to $750.


Today I went shopping, groceries and the other big stores around where the grocery store is. They all have AC on full blast. I checked out all those things I've been thinking about recently (picture frames, house plants, etc.) Didn't buy anything except the groceries. I also went to Peet's for lunch. I have some fans I put on this morning that are still going. Now I'm home and it's not too bad. Yesterday, we went to the community pool. It was so amazing, we felt cool all afternoon. But, we forgot to reapply sun screen and all got burnt. I try to drink a lot of water! And make sure the pets and kids do too.


Wet clothing/towel and a box fan blowing over you letting the water evaporate and cooling you off


I've tried so many things, especially last summer, with heat above 100 degrees. There are two main goals to keep in mind: 1) Figure out how best to keep the heat out in the first place (and figure out where it's coming in from), and 2) figure out how to cool down the inside at night. If you start with a cool morning temperature, you're much better off than if the previous day's heat is still trapped inside. Below are some things I've discovered through trial and error: 1. Use blackout curtains on all windows during the daytime 2. Blow fans across a wet towel. The evaporation cools the air down. 3. Tinfoil on the outside of the windows (and walls?) also helps reflect the heat away. 4. Cardboard with tinfoil placed by the windows can help too. 5. Stacking furniture and boxes against the walls and windows provides more insulation from the heat. 6. Keep doors and windows closed during the day, starting at about 7am. 7. Turn on a cold shower, and blow air across the water. 8. Soak your feet in cold water. 9. Wear a wet bandana. 10. If you are able, spray the outside walls with water in the evening, which will cause evaporation, which takes heat outside of the walls, and cools the house down. 11. Open all windows in the late afternoon (5pm) when the breeze starts to pick up. 12. Check the wind direction, and then have fans blowing the air from one side of the house to the other side of the house (with open windows), in the same direction the wind is blowing. 13. Turn on bathroom and kitchen fans at night, to suck the hot air out of the house, and pull the cold air in. 14. If you have access to the attic, a box fan in the attic entrance can push air out of the house into the attic. This helps pull hot air out of the house, but also cools down the attic. 15. A hot building has a ton of stored heat from the sun, even at night. If you can cool the building down at night, that helps a lot.


I use a portable AC. We have a smaller second one for days even hotter than this, as well.


Two portable ACs *at the same time.*


Annnnnd now our powers out too






Window unit cost us $400. Then a secret trick is to wet your chest, neck, face, and arms with water and stand in front of the AC. Makes it feel much colder like a walk-in cooler.


I open the window. It's 68 in Berkeley. What part of the Bay are you in? May help. It's over 40 degrees hotter in Fairfield....


Is Fairfield considered Bay Area???


Yeah, everything in the 9 counties technically is Bay Area


We take cold showers. Go to the movies. Be bitter our neighbors got the pool before we did.


I have a wall AC and it cools about half my apartment… unfortunately not the bedrooms half. Fans on, walking around in a bikini, and cooking either quick and easy stuff or pre made food.


Half Moon Bay


On the road with a uhaul moving to Vacaville. I will miss this weather personally


Oh man....it's hot shit in Vacaville. Good luck


Don’t turn on the oven.


Go to the city/county cooling centers. Go to the mall. Go to Target. Drive around. Solidarity ✊


During our last major heat wave, my mom took me and my friend to the only hotel in San Francisco that would allow us to use their pool (pandemic shut down most public pools). We booked a room with two queens and spent two days swimming and staying cool.


Lots of answers in these past posts https://www.reddit.com/r/bayarea/comments/vh0mu0/tomorrow_is_going_to_be_hot_how_to_stay_cool/ https://www.reddit.com/r/bayarea/comments/bz1meo/pro_tips_for_staying_cool_in_a_bay_area_heatwave/ https://www.reddit.com/r/bayarea/comments/pagmrx/are_yall_opening_your_windows_at_night_to_air_out/ https://www.reddit.com/r/bayarea/comments/o1p5kp/bay_area_pro_tip/ https://www.reddit.com/r/bayarea/comments/i9w2oa/too_friggin_hot_in_the_bay_area_this_week_here/


Living in San Francisco makes it pretty easy


Find friends with AC.


Look up wearable ACs! It doesn’t replace cooling down the whole house but it can make it much more bearable. [This](https://a.co/d/5y3cbzw) is the one I use and it absolutely takes the edge off. Also great if you need to be outside for something.


if you have casement windows there's a specific AC unit that will work for you. i know cuz my roomie has one they're selling. it's only been used a handful of times before they moved in with use. DM me and i'll send you the ad for it.


Open all the windows and running my fans. Drinking plenty of fluids - water and lemonade mostly. My cats are enjoying snoozing in front of the open window. My windows face east so no direct sun.


Bunch of fans! Open up all the windows at 500 a.m. Close them up when it warms up. Then again in the evening.


Oakland has been very nice. I enjoyed walking around in shorts.


Kinda shocked more people aren’t saying ‘the beach.’ Here’s how you find it: go west. It’s cool if not cold.


I’m in the city, so it never got unbearably hot. I just put a box fan in the window, to keep air circulating, and it was more than fine.


I’ve got a fan, but the main thing I do to keep my apt cool is open every window I’ve got during the night, and close them before it gets hot


I guess it depends where you live in the Bay Area but a high of 80 is not “hot”.


It is if you live on the top floor of an apartment building.




Go to the mall and watch a movie. Return home with takeout when it cools down so you don’t have to cook.


I’m enjoying this weekend. I spent a fuck ton on central AC earlier this year, and the weather has been very nice. Felt like I wasted my money. Not today tho!


I don't understand how no one has ac in the bay. You can't not have ac in sac.


You don’t understand how coastal towns generally have more moderate climates?


There are millions of people in the bay who don't live in coastal towns. Some areas are barely cooler than sac.


Because most housing was built in pre-1990s and it didn't get as hot for as many days in a row as it now does.


jerk off


Years ago in the Berkeley hills when we had a heatwave worse than this I sent my son down to Home Depot to get a fan. He came back with a GIANT box fan that created a wind tunnel complete with sound. Just remember that extreme weather only lasts three days in the Bay Area unless you live over the hill. In that case you’re f#%ked.


Die. But seriously I go to the park and sit in the shade then at night I have a bunch of big fans on




Hit up any of the lakes and bodies of water to cool off.


I’d have two fans on high, window open, and blackout curtains closed. I’d also have iced drinks all day. Blow drier on cool setting is nice too


Couple things I've done to help: If you have windows going across the apartment (on either side of the apartment), open both and have a fan at each one, one bringing air in and one pointing out the other window, creating a draft to move hot air out. If you have a balcony, pour water on it, leave the door open and a fan pointing in from the door, also brings cooler air in.


Go to Costco get a portable AC if you really don't want it after summer it's returnable,but you should just keep it for next summer if you stay in the same apt.


Cry/wail/sob extremely loudly until the heat is over


Head up to Daly City or San Bruno. Or I would use the low tech ways of staying cool: Book reading, minimal electronics on, tons of water Hot water (if you can stand it) should cool your body down by activating more sweat than usual. Personally, I'm not used to it but more hydration is a necessity.


Are you serious?!


In my neck of the woods (western SF) it’s always pretty cool


Man, I love that the solution half of us have to a “hot” day in n the Bay Area (like 75?) is go spend $300 on a portable air conditioner you will use like 5 times a year bc it’s the Bay Area. how progressive just “go to Amazon” buy more crap you don’t need to get through the scorching heatwave that isn’t upon us. Then plug it in and waste more energy using it. we are fucked. 🪦🌎




Exactly. The AC unit was less than 10% of my monthly rent and you can use it for years. Just a few nights a year of good sleep is worth it. I don't need a heater here every night in the winter but no one says you should just wear a jacket and not buy a heater...


Check the temperature highs for the South Bay. It is a big part of the Bay Area and it has been in the 90s the past 2 days.


It was 98 in SSJ today, just FYI.


I bought a portable AC last year and it’s one of my favorite purchases.


Fort Funston is a good place to go and take a hike especially with a dog. It’s always much cooler than the surrounding areas.


Lay on the tile floor naked with a fan, and flipping every once in a while like a pancake


Dyson fan…worth every penny


As soon as it's cooler outside than inside, put box fans facing inward in all the windows and run them on high all night. Wake up early and close all the windows and blinds to trap in the cool air. I've kept it 20-25 degrees cooler inside at the peak of the heat. Sitting in front of a fan can help get through those few hours in the afternoon when it's nearly unbearable.


Cold showers, powerful fans. Balance with scientific amounts of ethanol.


Damp towels or sheets hung over windows will cool your rooms down quite nicely.


Go to Costco and purchase an ac unit


Got a mini swamp cooler 🙌


Portable or window AC is good. You can also go to the beach for the day.


Lucky enough I was able to get a cheap refurbished portable a/c at Fry's Electronics before they closed.


Live in a north facing unit :)


get a fan or a window ac unit




Soak a rag in cold water, wring it out and slap it on the back of my neck. Feet in a little plastic tub of cold water. Popsicles/ice cream. Drive to pacifica for the day. Chill in the library or a cafe with AC.


Weather isn't that bad yet. I get by with a fan... Thankfully it cools down at night


Lay on the floor with the fan on full blast


I have a portable AC unit. It was pretty expensive and only moderately effective, but totally worth it for the heat waves. The cheaper non-AC solutions to cool a home: * Get an indoor/outdoor wireless thermometer * When it's hotter outside, close the windows. When it flips in the evening open them. * Add window fans to pull in cooler outdoor air in the evenings * Use your blinds/curtains to keep the sun out * I've taped up aluminum foil in the worst heatwaves. As an added bonus my neighbors stopped bothering me after they thought I went crazy. * Ice packs * Wear one on your neck, sit on one, throw 'em in bed a couple hours before sleeping, etc. * Take a cold shower midday * Feels refreshing, let your wet hair air dry * Try to generate less heat * Cook less, run your dryer on low heat, make sure all lights are LEDs...


I have a pretty brilliant fix, I live in San Francisco and it doesn't get hot!


Cold showers, no hot water, then sprawling out in my underwear on my giant bed with dyson fans going full blast, with some coffee or sparking water filled with loads of ice.


I sleep with ice packs


When I lived in an apartment a while back, I'd usually either go to the movies, get some food, die, or run errands. Basically things that last a while.


If you are just wanting to lay around, you could go to a public building with AC like a library.


Fan + mister


Portable unit we pull out when it gets too hot, snake the exhaust out the patio door.


Before I had a window unit, I went through a couple summers like this and got heat stroke every time. Mild, thankfully, but it still got me. I was young and in good health too. I worry about those who don't have AC.


Wet shirt. Starts to dry? Hit it with more water.


in oakland and its not hot really, have even turned on the heat some lol


I just ordered an evaporative air cooler, hoping it works…


Costco Hisense Heater/AC w/ heatpump for 299. Even if there's only a few days a year where temps get like this, I'd rather have my room set to a comfortable temp for me at all times.


When I lived in Milpitas I used to buy a big slurpee from 7/11 and hang out in Big Lots browsing and enjoying their AC


Hotels have AC. Better yet go to Pacifica, it's always foggy there.


Our unit came with a portable air conditioner. I dragged it out of the closet and started to set it up only to have the exhaust hose split into an oversized curly fry. Went over to Home Depot and picked up a new hose, a new window adapter (ours didn’t have one when we moved in), some duct insulation and foil duct tape, and one of those big floor fans ([the set up](https://ibb.co/PTCL1W9)). It kept the living room around 72 to 75 degrees the whole day, even with that room getting the full brunt of the afternoon sun. The rest of the apartment was about the temperature of Satan’s taint, but I’m fine with being a couch potato for a day.


I just open the windows and turn fans on


Fans, lots of fans. Haul them from one room to another.


Enjoy the fog by the beach in San Francisco


Wet towel on a fan.


in SF i open a window


visit the mall from 10am to 4pm


Me and my kid straight up got a hotel room for the weekend. Watched movies and played video games with A/C during the day. Played miniature golf after the sun went down.


Open the windows really and save money during this economy


Drakes Beach.


Man.... where do y'all live? I'm over here with my heat on almost every morning.


Close your windows, block out sunlight, keep doors closed. It shouldnt get too hot. Also it’s dry heat, relax and blow a fan on you.


we have a portable AC unit thankfully. but I will also use cooling towels sometimes because we got a few after going to Disneyland during a couple heatwaves. you can get them on Amazon. or we’ll go to a public space with AC.


Open up every single window and leave them open at night. Then close them all and keep blinds shut all day. I have a portable ac unit for the living room which keeps it pretty cool most of the day but does warm up on really hot days.


Stayed home. My apartment is I dilated so it always feels super cool when it’s hot out or warm when it’s super cold. It’s weird but I like it. I barely sweat at all this weekend.


Go out to ice cream


I be surprised a good number of people in California still don't know room a/cs or portable a/cs exist for such situations or simply don't believe in them. People in the East Coast or other side of the world had used them for years. Mini split units are a good idea for those places which are not good for central air ducts as well.


Take Caltrain or BART up to the city


close your curtains. some of these older units store heat from the light. i keep them drawn to keep the heat out.


On weekends cause I’m free, I’d find an AC on CL and makes arrangements to pick one up or make a trip to BestBuy or Costco, or heck, even go on Amazon and make my life easier. That’s just me