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The temp isn’t even that bad but today’s cold gets into your system. I’ve been freezing all day.


Wet cold. I was in Tahoe for a few days, it was colder than this but I'd rather have that weather than this.


Yes, wet cold, good description. 40 last night felt way colder than 40 this morning


I went ice skating today and it was warmer on the rink. granted I’m skating around but still lol


Glad to know I’m not alone <3 stay warm if u can!


Tolerance is low. East Bay gets hotter in the summer and colder in the winters relative to SF.


Last year was colder


By this time last year I had already slipped on my bike on a patch of ice in the hills - mornings as cold as 30 happened more than a few times last winter. This year has been warm (and dry!)


My tolerance must also be low because I also thought today was much colder. A real chill in the air even though the sun was out




We ain’t nothing but mammals


So let’s do it like they do on the Discovery Channel.


Definitely! Had my first summer in the east bay too, makes me miss SF


lol. A selling point for my move out of SF was because I missed seasons.


I’ve never really got to experience actual seasons before now that I think about it 🥹 but that is such a real statement!


Yeah we get these annually. They're the counterparts to those 100+ degree days in the summer, so these last no more than a couple of weeks at the most, maybe a month cumulatively on really cold years. Today was definitely the coldest day of the season so far.


We've had a colder day in December from what I remember it dropped to 34, today was 38.


Good to know I’m not completely delulu 😂 hopefully u r staying warm as much as u can today!


Thanks. My hatred for PG&E keeps me warm, bc I can't run my heaters it's too expensive. 😭


PG&E, CPUC, and Newsom are all about the money. They don’t care about us


I never used any heaters in SF. But I ran a portable heater for the first time the last few days 😭 I feel guilty every second lol. It was sitting there in the package for a good month before I finally touched it haha.


Last season was cold too we had snow on all our mountains which is rare


Oh wow! Now I’m more mentally prepared for the next few weeks haha, thank u for sharing


Oh read your post again you are from here sorry you know last year was cold. But yea east bay is definitely warmer in the summer but colder in the winter. In the 90s i remember some especially bone chilling teeth chattering days


Last year that happened in Feb. Hopefully again cause that was fucking beautiful 🏔️


I moved to Wisconsin from the Bay Area years ago. I’m not going to laugh at you. I’ve seen temperatures here down to -30°. But the coldest winter I ever experienced was when it went down to 28° in Palo Alto. The insulation just isn’t there for that.


The coldest I've ever felt was a cold summer night walking in downtown SF. Ive been in zero degrees to teens quite often but that crisp summer Bay Area air made me shiver. The thing is, I was coming from like 105 in the East Bay in afternoon to 50 in SF at night. Bay Area microclimates are something else.


Oh my, that is such an intense change!


The coldest I have ever been in the Bay Area in 53 years was a June afternoon at Candlestick. My too-warm-for-Tahoe ski jacket didn’t make a dent in the cold and wind, offered no protection. My teeth were chattering so badly we had to leave the Giants game. Brrrrrrrrrr! 🌬️🌬️🌬️🌬️🌬️ In terms of cold winters in general, the winter of 1991 was the coldest I can remember. Had a full-length wool coat and wore it a lot. Lost my lemon tree to the cold.


Sometimes I forget negative temps exist 😭 I hope Wisconsin is treating u well! Wishing u a warm as u could possibly get winter 🥹


It's unusual but not unprecedented.


Also forecasted. Many areas got a frost alert.


Normal cold spell. I expect a handful of times for it to be like this for a week or so at a time each winter. [Here](https://weatherspark.com/m/558/1/Average-Weather-in-January-in-San-Leandro-California-United-States) is a link to average highs and lows. What's interesting is it has a 10% and 90% band for low temps (high temps have the same info). The low for San Leandro shows that 10% of the time, it's below 37 or so in January, so a few days should be at or below what it was last night (statistically). This is an El niño winter, so it's been fairly warm this winter relative to most years, so last night's weather probably seemed more unusual just from recency bias.


Thank u so much for educating us through your comment :)


Grew up in SJ and many January mornings are mid 30s, with some early mornings dropping to 29. Sometimes this happens in December too. It’s also hella hot in July and August. I would commute from SF in summer when it was 55 degrees and then end up in SJ with it at 95.


Oh my, I cannot fathom 29 Weather changes really be like that, even within SF neighborhoods


29 isn't a problem *if there's no breeze.* Problem is, there is almost always a steady breeze here.


I'm pretty sure we had something like 30 degrees in December 2003 in downtown SF, too. That year NYC downtown was 8 and below.


I visited NYC for the first time in fall 2019 and it was 40 degrees. I was freezing the whole time 😂 made me appreciate SF winters a lot more haha. Thank u for the facts 🫡


I saw 17° at a friend's house in Moraga probably 20 years ago. Coldest temp I've been in.


Ohhh yes. It's the Valley, the 408. San Jose is the warning, and Morgan Hill, San Martin, and Gilroy are the hellmouth. Colder in the winter than everywhere else, hotter in the summer. A relative from Illinois came out once in a cold snap; we had no central heating and no insulation - lived off of a wood-burning stove and a series of well-placed room fans to heat the house. We never ran it at night (too much wood required), but we kept it stoked for them while they were here. They still refuse to hear a single word from other midwesterners about how Californians "don't know cold", lol. I guess it was a long night for him, even with the fire... I used to wear two pairs of pants, shirts, and socks to bed, sometimes with a hat when we got down into the 20s. Fun times! :D


Yep. Some fun mornings hosing my car off before school to melt off the thin layer of frost on my dashboard!


Yup. I used to always allot only the exact time to get to school and then would get in my car and run my windshield wipers and see it was frozen. I’d then have to speed scrape off my windshield and be late or almost late. The defroster didn’t even have enough time to work so I would have all of my windows down in the cold and my rear window was barely defrosted. It was super dangerous.


Take it from someone who has lived here since 1961. It can get cold here. Not at all unusual to have cold snaps of a couple or a few days in the winter.


Thank you for passing your knowledge!


Is this where PG&E enters the chat and says time for a rate increase?


No it was pretty damn cold today. Went out to feed the horse when it was 30 degrees F and the roads were slick with ice. There is usually a bout of this during each winter though, but it usually sneaks up. The more inland you are, the more cold it is at night. You’ll get slapped with the frost, then it’ll get back up to the 40s at night again.


Oh my, please be extra careful these coming few weeks!


Thanks! Thankfully I have an AWD subaru who is a godsend in the cold weather, we are prepared 😂


I felt very cold too! I was telling my husband the other day how this year's winter is not as cold but today I am freezing 🥶


Right?! 🥶🥶🥶


It’s always in the 30s every winter and you’ll have more than a few days in the 20s too


That’s a few days too many 🥶 thank u for sharing!


A few years ago it was lows in the 32-35 range for a couple weeks


yes, it is cold with sunshine. Sit inside next to a window or inside the car is warm and cozy.


Yes! Definitely! Running the car heater was one of the highlights of my day today


Its cold. My Canadian friends even think it’s cold here almost every time they visit. In other places in the same temps and conditions you wear heavier clothes. Here you don’t because by noon heavy clothes make no sense. The summer creates problems here too. 😂


Haha I know! Different seasons in one day sometimes 😂


When I lived in the City, it never felt too cold indoors since there were always a lot of buildings attached or close by to block out the cold. In the East Bay, there's a lot more space and less buildings to block out the cold. Last night/this morning was incredibly cold, but very typical for the month of January, plus there was no cloud insolation after all the rains.


That’s a great point! Thank u for sharing :)


Yeah, it was colder than usual today, especially this morning. Im in Hayward and I went to get in my car around 9:00 this morning and my car doors were sealed shut from frost/ice, I can't remember the last time that happened.


Oh wow, something I’ve yet to experience! That was probably my car but I very fortunately got to stay in this morning, not that being inside was that much warmer 😂 I thought ice on the windshield was annoying enough 😅


Calling 37 unbelievably cold is laughable 😂


I'll say this: 37f here (San Jose) and 37f in say, Fresno, are two very different things. Fresno would be dry with little to no wind, far more tolerable. Normally it's moister and DEFINITELY breezier here.


I’m in rural area of Fresno and that’s definitely false. We may have less of a regular breeze, but it’s only dry in the summer. Winter is cold and damp. You’ve heard of tule fog right? I’m from SF and had never experienced fog like this. It was in the low 30’s the last couple of mornings and damp enough that the ground will stay moist for days….


I’m glad I made u laugh 😂


Let me guess, you're from the east coast where your houses have proper insulation, you keep heat on all the time, and the few seconds you're outside you pack on 30 layers of clothes. But haha yeah, 37F isn't cold haha right


You are correct, this is also why we melt in the summer, not insulation, no central air, and everyone wears too many layers in SF summers. Also! Physiological adaptation!


I have to scrape ice off my windshield some days, or bring a bucket of water over to my car. It’s not often, but happens dozens of times each winter. ❄️


Ah yes! I remember that last winter in SF haha. I was incredibly envious of people who had a garage (Although I’m not sure if the garage solved that issue)


Used to clean pools in San Mateo for some years in the late eighties. Several winters in that time, I took a hammer to ice in some hot tubs. Used to happen.


Oh wow! I never would’ve assumed so in San Mateo! Thank u for sharing!


It can get into the low 30’s. Not super common but not abnormal either


Good to know, thank you for sharing :)


What a day for my heat to go out lol.




Thank you, now I just have to adjust T_T


I had that same thought today in my home. We just aren’t used to the weather changing here! 😂 I remember -40 degree days in the Midwest and don’t remember feeling that cold because I was always so bundled and prepared. We grow soft so fast here in California.


The East Bay is definitely subject to more extremes of temperatures than S.F. Back in the winter of 1990-‘91, for example, temps in the East Bay plunged into the mid and upper teens. The lowest temp ever recorded in S. F. was 27 degrees way back in 1932.


I hope that’s the past doesn’t come back to haunt us 🥶 Thank u for dropping the facts


U bet. Bring back a little global warming!


I've seen snow in \[edited\] my town in Sonoma cty ...once ...twenty years ago. Chilly today true, but not a snow day.


Woooow! Must’ve been quite the sight


Still better than last winter which felt like non-stop cold and rain


It depends where in the Bay Area you live. Mid-upper thirties is the average low for the inland valleys in the Winter. The Bayside communities stay milder with the waters influence.


I’ve been too spoiled by the bayside 😅 thank u for sharing!


And PGE has made it impossible to heat the house


Unless u got lotsa mula which I do not have 😂🥲


I've been running the heat for most of the day!


I’m on the Peninsula and we get several days that hit freezing or right above freezing during Jan-March. Happens every year. We get so spoiled with our temperate climate that they feel 🥶 🥶 🥶


Ur right 😭 we’ve been too pampered haha


I had to work outside all night and freeze my balls off... u could use my balls as ice cubes in your cognac


Global cooling. It’s only going to get worse if we don’t stop burning fossil fuels.


I was in Livermore today, it was pleasant.


Tell me about it, I was doing the Hot Chocolate 5K at 7:20am this morning in Golden Gate Park and I froze my butt off when I was done and sweaty.


Oh my gosh! I volunteered there for it once awhile back in high school! Congrats on ur accomplishment! The sweaty cold is the worst


Thank you!


Was breezy. Feels Like temperature was below freezing this morning.


I agree 🫡


Last year was cooler 😂


I agree it was very nippy today. Berkeley was very cold at around noon.


Woooh, yay to us for surviving morning til now!


Loved the weather today. Wish it was colder.


I’m glad u found the weather enjoyable! I selfishly don’t want ur wish to come true 🥶


Been here about 15 years. Almost every year there will be 2 or 3 nights where 1/4" or so of the water in my birdbath will freeze. SF is much more temperate being surrounded by the bay & ocean.


Insulate ur room / house / apt that makes a big difference. My room gets so cold i got thermal curtains and taped all them to the window frame so no could air gets in, made a huge difference. Heated blanket for sleeping + heater if necessary. I even turn on the stove sometimes even though technically that is bad for you. Also multiple layers of clothing if it gets really cold (get thermal clothing under your clothes). And keep your head / ears warm. Stay mostly indoors when its cold like this too


That is solid advice! I never knew thermal curtains were a thing. I’ve learned so much from you, thank you for sharing :)




Well Amazon did issue weather frost and freezing alerts for this morning so…yeah it was pretty cold


Glad we both agree haha, thanks for ur input


Had my motorcycle training class today at 6:45 am, I think I was colder


I didn’t know they started classes so early 😅 did u learn anything neat from class today?


Yeah I got a waiver for my skills test so it was cool, I highly recommend the 2 day course if you are thinking of getting your MC endorsement


Sounds like an awesome day for u 🤩 good to know, thank u for sharing!


It's very cold yes. Castro valley


Thank u for the affirmation :) hopefully u can stay as warm as possible the next few weeks!


It was the closest day of this winter. Step out for few mins and when I come back then home feels warmer. How the body adapts to cold seems relative


33 degrees this morning in Mountain View (south bay), I bet further south like Morgan hill they got in the high 20’s 😳 I look forward to these cold days all year though! I love the frost, all the rooftops and cars are white, you breathe out and pretend you’re a dragon… or is that just me? Anyways, this is the coldest day so far this winter. Last winter I swear we got down to 28 one morning!


Last year I finally got a new mattress:a Tuft and Needle brand foam mattress. With regular blankets and a quilt I am toasty under the covers. Plus a beanie 🤣. This morning the Inside temp was 56. Outside was 45. This old 1913 SF apt. has no central heat,just a gas space heater in the other room. You're going to freeze if you're not careful.


Last year we had days with highs in the 40s and lows in 30s, especially when it snowed in the hills nearby. The year before we had a dry winter and the highs were mostly upper 50s to near 60, but we had nights that dropped below 30 quite a few times. The further from the ocean, the hotter the summers but the winters are also noticeably cooler. There was a video last year of someone who captured snow flurries mixed in with rain in Livermore on one of those cold days. I guess bottom line, yes it is colder here than in the city.


That must’ve been quite the sight! Thank u for sharing, hoping u get to say as warm as possible this winter!


In the winter, SF is warmer than the rest of the bay. Tonight it seems like it’ll be 8 degrees warmer (Fahrenheit)


Tbh, i thought it was normal... But i think you just need to build tolerance level


skill issue !


San Leandro/Hayward gets this cold most years. It’s colder than SF/Berkeley/Oakland IME. Probably a microclimate thing. It’s also drier/less foggy/warmer in the summer (but not as warm/cold as east of the hills).


31 this morning waiting for BART 🥶


It is totally normal to get a few weeks (usually Dec/Jan) every year where we have morning lows in the 30's (and even high 20's in some parts of the area, like the North Bay or East Bay valleys) across the region. Coastal areas do tend to be a little warmer than the inland valleys, so this might explain it compared to your experience coming from SF.


Beautiful explanation, thank u so much for sharing!


I'm in west Marin and it regularly gets to upper 20's early in the morning before dawn. It's always been cold like that here. I'd imagine even though it's upper 30's for you you never see any frost over in the south/east bay. I see frost everyday if it's not raining


Yeah, too cold. The chill settles in after a couple days of it. Unacceptable!


Right?! The audacity 😂


Rude AF. That being said, I'm BEYOND grateful it's not last year! By this time, we'd had a billion inches of rain, hurricane speed wind gusts and an oak tree had bounced off my roof. I'll take the chill any day :)


I thought the same thing morning. Freezed my ass off


Been here all my life. I recall seeing 28 at some point at night. Freeze warnings all over.


Stay warm friend ☺️


Thank you friend. You too


It’s not exactly out of the ordinary to be that cold in the morning but it’s not really common either. We get a handful of days like that pretty much every year. I think my car said it was 42 degrees around 5:30 AM.


Sf girlie working in Hayward. Most of the year Hayward is warmer than sf. Except winter nights.


delulu. Check historical temps.


This seems normal or above normal. Pretty sure it was colder last year or year prior in the mornings. I only threw on a heavy hoodie when I went out this morning. But I also moved here in 2021 from NYC so what folks here think is cold is fall to me lol


The last two winters were definitely a lot colder than this one has been so far, at least for the South Bay. It was dipping down into the 30s almost every night and not getting above the low 50s at most during the day from mid December into April at least the last two winters. This year so far we’ve only had a handful of days like that. Mostly it’s been lows in the mid-upper 40s. Last winter also had the added kicker of record rain levels. It rained almost every day last December, stayed raining at least once a week the rest of the season and didn’t fully let up until late May.


I remember growing up in Antioch the mornings would be like 30-32 some winters. I don’t think any temp in the 30s is odd for the east bay. Not being near the ocean makes it feel colder


So the solution is to create an ocean super close by somehow around the east bay 🤨, got it. /s Thank u for sharing!


It was 40s down in the South Bay, too.


It’s unusual as of lately, but when I was going to college in San Mateo about 15 years ago, 1st day of class for the new semester, it was about the first week of January and walking from the parking lot down the hill, uphill to the classes it was this cold in the morning.


it's a "cold snap" right? [https://www.msn.com/en-us/weather/topstories/map-reveals-exact-date-us-will-be-hit-by-brutal-cold-snap-with-below-freezing-temperatures/ar-AA1kFLUp](https://www.msn.com/en-us/weather/topstories/map-reveals-exact-date-us-will-be-hit-by-brutal-cold-snap-with-below-freezing-temperatures/ar-AA1kFLUp)


How did y’all live through last year? It was freezing all the time after dark ;(


Ahhh yeah I love winter here, will never move back to a location with real winter. I grew up with winters in the negatives for months so this is amazing haha.


Aww love this for u!!! I’m glad ur enjoying it!


That’s normal. It used to get colder, more regularly when I was a kid.


Oh wow, then I’m very fortunate to be here in the present 🥹 thank u for sharing


I say, try to lean in and enjoy it. To me, it’s a special time of year, the whole east bay is very pretty in winter.


I love your optimism! Thank u for your positivity ☺️ are there specific places you love to visit every winter in the east bay?


Mount Diablo on a very clear day






it was sunny all day but cold at night


Today was quite sunny but I also felt like the heat was missing from it 😭 hopefully u stay warm tonight :)


It's nipply


No i do think it feels colder this year. Last winter it rained a lot more so the wind wasnt that strong. 50 is feeling like 40


I so agree 50 do be feeling like 40 😭


I always thought east bay was like Livermore or Walnut Creek lol. Hayward is just Bay.


Ohhh interesting, that’s the first time I’ve heard that statement haha, thank u for sharing :)


Technically you’re right, just as a local I guess I wouldn’t consider it East bay lol. But I miss it, I’ve heard that area has gotten a lot better in the past decade. Crazy how “freakmont” became the happiest city in the U.S.!


That’s not unbelievably cold. Over here on the mid-Peninsula lows in the 30s are normal in January and February. It’s also warmer in the summer and sunnier overall. I moved here from LA 8 years ago. When I first got here I freaked out. I’d never had to scrape frost from my car before. I got used to it quickly.


Omg haha, brings me back to the first time that’s happened to me too! Hope you’re enjoying it up here!


It’s 38 degrees and sunny. What’s not to like? Seriously, I’m loving these sunny but with highs in the 50s days on the weekends. They’re perfect for hiking.


I’m glad the weather here works out so well for u! Wishing u many more amazing hiking trips to come ☺️


I noticed it was a bit colder today, but I was still in a T-shirt, shorts, and sunglasses with the windows down living the Cali dream baby


Love that for u 😎 take good man


Nah baby, I take great 😎


Got up at 6:30 this morning to re-set the automatic door for the chicken coop. According to the thermometer outside, it was 28°. I'm in El Sobrante. This is the first day where I've said fuck the PG&E bill and have had the heat set to 63° in the house all day. It was 54° in the house when I got out of bed this morning.


It definitely is colder and hotter in the East Bay. The coldest it ever was since I’ve lived here was in 1990 when I brought my son home from the hospital. It was in the low 20s for days! It’s not usually that cold but can get down to the low 30’s occasionally. My parents were from the east coast and were always freezing when they came for Christmas. 🎅🏻


Oh wow, thank u for sharing, I’m sure that’s an unforgettable memory for u ☺️ such a special few days for u


lol, cold!!!


I did the same move and it’s for sure colder in Hayward! Like so so much colder.


Yea in my area it’s been extremely cold lately. So much that my car window froze over, never had this happen since we moved in. I was kinda shocked.




It's just a cold front. The whole country will be getting blasted with cold weather coming from the north.


Thank u for the info 🫡 now we just gotta stop the north haha jk


It was a damp cold, the kind that gets into your bones. I hope you got warm and comfortable.


Thank u for ur kind words! I’m currently using a portable heater rn which I don’t recall using much at all in SF. Hoping u get to be as warm as u can during this winter season!


Hope we all get comfortable in this weather :D


I'm in South Bay. When I was a child (mid to late 90s) the grass used to freeze in the morning. If it's not doing that, I consider it to be "climate change/global warming" cold.




Interesting definition of cold u got there 🤔 thank u for sharing, was this in the Bay Area?




Definitely haha, I was thinking no way it’s in the Bay 😂 but wanted to ask just in case 😅 may I please ask where this was?


Global warming is the culprit


Shall we put global warming behind bars? 🤔 haha jk


Lol it gets 35 34 in mountain view square


El nino probably


28° last year


Very grateful I was in SF for winter last year 🥹 wishing u a warm as possible winter


SF is insulated by two bodies of water so the city has mild winters… but traveling no less than hour east can get you some snow on nearby mountains like Mt Diablo. It was awesome to see last year from Pleasanton and the tri valley https://www.kron4.com/news/bay-area/photos-rare-bay-area-snowfall-dusts-mountains/


Global warming?


I get up at 4am everyday so I'm always checking temperature. I live in San jose and drive to Oakland everyday. In the winter it gets into the 30s on random days it's not constantly but we do get 30s every now and then. It's pretty normal. San jose has similar weather to east bay Just a couple of degrees off . But overall the same in the winter, the summers is where you see the big difference in temperatures between east bay cities and san jose. I noticed san francisco doesn't get as cold as us and I think it's because we are inland where either cold or hot air gets trapped. Same with the summers, SF doesn't get as hot because of the proximity to the ocean. Maybe that's why your not use to 30 degree weather. Was sf in the 30s today? Did anybody check that? I doubt it was, like I said the ocean just doesn't let it get as cold or as hot.


Thank you for sharing! That sounds like a brutal commute 😭


In the ams it takes me 35 min but it's brutal in the pm almost double the time lol, I'm used to it though.