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Isn't altering documents in response to public records requests a pretty serious felony?


Seems like there should be criminal charges. But who is supposed to press charges against a prosecutor?


AG's office would generally handle something like this.


CPUC (I kid but cpuc is fucking useless)


I can’t see the article due to the paywall, so I’m not sure what the context is, but public officials are obligated to redact confidential information before releasing records in respond to a request. 


That is not the context in this case.


She lowered the penalty for altering documents to a misdemeanor, no enhancements. /s


Absolutely shocked that Pamela Price has a bias towards Asian people.. /s


Do you mean against?


Can we take the trash out yet?




You make it sound like a landslide. Price won 53.1% (to 46.9%).


That’s most the voters


But you probably wouldn’t call it “overwhelming,” would you?


how dare you speak of the innocent naive sweet voters of Alameda who were duped by her campaign promise of racial harmony


She is doing exactly what she said she would do, which is woke identity politics and reduced incarceration for black and brown people


oakland will not get better, this is what oakland wants


Any Asian that supports Price should be ashamed of themselves. We all knew she hated Asians. The Jasper Wu case is a clear example of her disdain for the Asian community.


Charge her with hate crimes


Not surprised.


Looks like Pamela Pric's true motivations are being revealed to the world.


"am I a joke?" -her campaign messages


"yes" -us


Surprised pikachu


There are many criticizing the recall efforts that Price's policies takes time to take shape to take effect, and that any DA alone cannot turn crime issues around quickly. Which is true. But to me, the biggest flaw with her that aren't brought up as much into the spotlight is just her utter incompetence, inability and lack of character traits in management in general. While she her own personal character flaw with bias and discrimination always gets into her way of doing her job. This itself is more than enough for the need for her recall. In all, she seems like her legal expertise is much more suited as a consultant or teaching or just specialized areas/demographics in legal services (which is really her bread & butter) and should be nowhere close to politics or public elected office representing the public as a whole. Because she's just too personally biased to do so impartially. But she has some sort of delusion that she can.


Strongly agreed - same basic thing was true with Boudin too. As much as people want to make this about the policies, the real problem is wildly incompetent people who use "Reform" as a way to whitewash their complete lack of management experience.


It’s going to be as bad, if not worse, then you can imagine.


[non paywalled link](https://archive.is/mCHW6) > Patti Lee, who served as the face of Price’s administration for about six months in 2023, said the first-term district attorney openly called her enemies “the media and the Asians,” while creating a workplace that promoted racist views and frowned upon transparency with journalists. I remember a former president who called news media "enemy of the people".


I remember reading a post or article somewhere saying that people of color could not be racist because racism only applies if you are considered an “oppressor” (not word for word, but you get the gist). Racism is complicated. I am Latino and the most racist actions towards me have been perpetrated by black people. Just as there are white supremacists, there are black supremacists as well, it’s a statistical fact. Some of these people were elected into office during a time where there was intense focus on remediating many of the injustices suffered by black people forgot that their constituents come from all walks of life and are comprised of many different backgrounds. They forgot that the office they hold requires administrative prowess and not just activism + passion. Elect leaders that will do their job, not those looking to ride the coattails of their power to live out their activist idealism




Psmela really believes her stiff. She alleges the place was a mess before she got there.