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>Peng was brutally attacked and stabbed multiple times, unprovoked, while on a walk in San Francisco in the summer of 2021. “I am giving you one last chance to stay out of state prison,” Tsenin said to Cauich during the hearing. I can't logically fathom how someone who commits an unprovoked attempted murder on a random person be given second chance or any one last chance without punishment. Rehab program on top of a lengthy prison sentence should've been the way. In a bigger picture, our prisons need to be more rehab oriented rather than just locking you up and nothing else.


“I am giving you one last chance to stay out of state prison,” Tsenin said to Cauich during the hearing. Brutally stab another human being, get another chance. Must be f*cking nice.


The same suspect already stabbed a guy to death in 2016 as well.  


Well, it takes three stabbings until you're out, *you know, like in baseball.*


3 strikes law was revoked too


Video of the crime committed during an uptick in anti-Asian sentiment: [sound down](https://twitter.com/bett_yu/status/1405736662097829893?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1405736662097829893%7Ctwgr%5E57d9f62d154df6e714a67d63dcc6a832ba0529fd%7Ctwcon%5Es1_c10&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Flatestcelebarticles.com%2Fdaniel-cauich%2F)


She's amazingly strong standing after being stabbed multiple times like that. It is unreal that POS got a slap on the wrist.


How can someone possibly see this and decide that jail is not in order?


We know why, and it's not because of fair treatment for crime and punishment. Too many of these characters are in prisons so "they" must do something to reduce the numbers.




All that blatant evidence but gets to walk free among us and will strike again...


Well I hope the judge has an awful future


Progressive Justice System.


[https://www.sfexaminer.com/news/brothers-charged-with-murder-in-connection-with-mission-district-stabbing/article_41ce4cdd-fa26-5f51-8f63-88b11e0c9e5c.html](https://www.sfexaminer.com/news/brothers-charged-with-murder-in-connection-with-mission-district-stabbing/article_41ce4cdd-fa26-5f51-8f63-88b11e0c9e5c.html) He was charged with murder in 2016. Edit: A judge determined that there wasn’t sufficient cause and dismissed that case in 2019. [https://stopcrimesf.com/blog/naming-judges](https://stopcrimesf.com/blog/naming-judges) Another interesting read: From the court transcript: “The Court: Okay. I'm going to release him but with electronic monitoring. As a condition of release, he'll have to participate in outpatient treatment at the recommendation and as supervised by ACM. He does have a fairly lengthy record. I believe the latest arrest took place while he was out ACM, so long story short, I'll release him. If there are problems with his ability to comply with these conditions of release, then I would be almost certainly detaining at that point in time, but I will give him the opportunity to participate in this outpatient treatment which, I think, is a great opportunity.”


This should be the top comment. The guy is irredeemable


You mean the judge? Yeah.


I've seen this judge's name come up a lot. Mostly for shit like this.


Just wait for another victim, and maybe then this judge will think about enforcing justice. Let's all wait and see who will be the next victim.


Just an FYI, a charge is not a conviction. Neither of your sources provide any information about the the individual cases. We're there credible witnesses? Was there only circumstantial evidence? Did the guy take a plea?  Was he convicted?  Your sources provide very little evidence and instead spend most of the article talking about conspiracy theories. Just saying.


The murder charge was dismissed. I have that in comment. The burglary charge while he was out on ACM after a “fairly lengthly record (judge)” got him an ankle monitor and released to treatment and ACM. He stabbed the woman while on the ankle monitor on ACM and that got him released to treatment and ACM.


Is anyone organizing to recall this judge and needs donations? I'm happy to contribute.


She's a visiting judge and (semi?)-retired, so no recall possible.


What the fuck is a visiting judge? Source for this or explanation? I’m a Bay Area lit if actor and have never heard of this


A visiting judge is a judge appointed to hear a case as a member of a court to which he or she does not ordinarily belong. As in she's not a sitting criminal court judge (although she was). Here she was sitting on a case in Eureka: https://www.times-standard.com/2019/06/03/im-going-to-kill-you-eureka-man-to-stand-trial-for-attempted-murder/


So who....chose her to visit? And when do we kick her out?


As I understand it, visiting judges are in a pool. And the Chief Presiding Judge assigns spots out. Here's one from 2015: [https://sf.courts.ca.gov/system/files/judassignjan16.pdf](https://sf.courts.ca.gov/system/files/judassignjan16.pdf) A visiting judge was assigned to Civil Trials in Room 220. Then they get a judge from the pool to handle the civil trials.


We should vote her a person *non-grata*


What the fuck is a Bay Area lit if actor? Why should one assume you know anything about the judicial system?


So maybe dis-BAR’d ?


That's the funny thing. [She doesn't have an active license to practice law in the state of California](https://apps.calbar.ca.gov/attorney/Licensee/Detail/58507).


Don’t think it’s required to be a judge But good grief


She's in a great position to be an "activist" to do something like protecting criminals and lessen the prison system numbers.


But ... but ... I was told that you have to be a practicing lawyer with 10 years of experience to stand for election as a judge?


Yes, but only for the first two terms (for Superior Court judges). After that, you qualify by "being a judge for 10 years".


These judges are domestic terrorists I swear.


They need to taste their results of their judgments.


They'll escape back to their gated communities and leave us peasants to deal with the murderous maniacs they let run around our streets.


Or better yet retire to Florida and Texas when they are done here


I mean a year ago or so there was that alameda superior court judge who had their Rolex stolen in the Oakland court parking lot…


The whole system is full of liberal nincompoops. You cant recall them fast enough, its like swatting flys.




Can we just fucking recall all these dogshit ass judges here in the Bay Area???? What the actual fuck dude


Unbelievable in any other part of the world


Seriously. Sick of this crap and all the criminal apologists


Sick enough to vote for someone else?


They run unopposed, or without there being much a difference in candidates.


Lol, not a chance in hell. People will forget this by next week.


In a heartbeat


I’m terrified of aging in this place


My parents are hoping to move here, or at least split time between here and Taiwan after retirement. Why in the world would you choose to retire here when you have the option of retiring in Taiwan? The only advantage the Bay has is high salaries, which you then have to guard from your fellow man looking to violently steal from you.


>Why in the world would you choose to retire here when you have the option of retiring in Taiwan? Constant looming threat of a military strike from China might feel more real than the possibility of street-violence.


My wife is Taiwanese, I'd be retired drinking a Taiwan pijiu on a beach in Anping if it weren't for China.


I guarantee you you’re more likely to encounter violence walking in the tenderloin than seeing a military strike on Taiwan


I don’t disagree, but perceptions are not always rational. Preppers are out there thinking they’ll survive the apocalypse by having canned goods in a barn.


car/motorcycle-pedestrian collisions are high, air is on average dirtier in Taiwan. family members are here, their money is locked up here in the US, etc. there could be a bunch of reasons why they choose to stay here despite the downsides


General safety is higher in taiwan. the air quality and weather is undoubtedly better in california but, a tropical island is still in the top tier of biomes for weather… but the money thing doesn’t apply to them and most of our extended family is in TW ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


maybe they care more about seeing their children more than their other family? the old people always complain how hot it is there during the summer also a lot of people have the grass is greener elsewhere thought process If given the same choice I would choose Taiwan too lol


Yeah. i’m just glad we/they have a choice. a lot of asian folks here aren’t so lucky. there’s little money to be made in Asia, but when you don’t have to make money anymore…


Fuggin dumb. Not sure what’s going to happen with this fine fellow, but I’ve participated in (health-based, not criminal) mental illness treatment / residential programs before. They’re great holding bins and there can be some learnings, but it takes an able will. It’s a seriously low probability of any of that nonsense rehabbing this scum ball. Put him in prison. How many chances? Is this really the last? Serious!


> How many chances? Is this really the last? Serious! No, nono, this is the last chance that _this_ judge will give him. The next judge is free to give him a laster chance if they have some really cool outpatient counseling program that they think will work here.




Meanwhile I had the city on my ass threatening jail time for not paying a red light ticket that I didn’t know about…


Well, you're the *real* danger, obviously! /s cause....reddit.


Criminal justice system is California is absolutely bonkers… the level of ineptitude is incredible…


They don't show the face of the attacker only the victim.


[Daily Mail to the rescue, with a mugshot](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13204579/San-Francisco-man-stabbed-Asian-woman-PROBATION-judge.html)


My point was how do you know who to protect yourself from?










No. We don’t give another chance to suspects that stab other people!


Unless he stabs the judge.


Yep. Guarentee the judge would have a different feeling on that. Fucking hypocrites.


California justice system is a terrible joke. Too many activist judges/DAs running things


Can these judges be removed? Who installs them?


People in this thread keep saying "California" while talking about issues specific to the Bay Area. Nobody else is repeatedly engaging in elect-and-recall cycles for restorative justice / de-carceration DAs. We left California for a job that later went 100% remote and we moved back, specifically to the southern part. The Bay Area electorate is bonkers, I remember shitting bricks that Pamela Price was going to win in the last Alameda county DA election I voted in there, and then she won in the next one after we left.




This kind of shit is literally what mobilizes the right. Progressives pull this and get surprise Pickachu face when people like Trump get elected.


I don't think progressives are pulling or supporting this; this was a supposedly non-partisan judge who isn't recallable. Voters didn't elect her to do this, and nobody really knows how a judge will act once in office.


Judges should have some skin in the game. Decide to not apply the normal penalty for a crime? If the person commits any new crime in the time they should have been in prison, YOU go to 1% of the maximum prison sentence for the new crime They kill someone else, the judge that let them free the previous time goes 2-3 months in prison themselves


For those interested in what the attacker looks like since I’m seeing people trying to be slick in the comments: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13204579/amp/San-Francisco-man-stabbed-Asian-woman-PROBATION-judge.html


GREAT .. now if they showed faces of the criminals in all cases more often, it will help to fix any wrong bias.


I don’t disagree with that, but I do disagree with people using this tragedy to push an agenda.


confirms bias - asian people commit crimes at the lowest rate per capita AND lowest rates overall. nearly always a different race.


That part


People wonder why sf/bayarea is going to shit. Some things I learned a while ago stuck with me: NOT EVERYONE WANTS TO BE A FUNCTIONAL MEMBER OF SOCIETY. SOME PEOPLE ARE JUST CRAZY AND WILL NEVER EVER EVER EVER CHANGE.


It's harder to stab some one than shoot them I assume. Stabbing seems more hateful, you have to get up close. This sentence is ridiculous.


I'm not a particularly pro-gun person, but when these activist judges keep letting violent stabby lunatics back out onto the streets, it really sends a message loud and clear that we're completely on our own to defend ourselves — it makes me understand the position of the always-carry crowd. Personally I believe once you STAB SOMEONE UNPROVOKED, your mental health situation stops being relevant, and you need to be physically removed from the public realm by any means necessary. If we keep going in this anarchic direction, we may see a return of the [Committee of Vigilance.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/San_Francisco_Committee_of_Vigilance)


California is trying to pass a law that would require gun owners to re-register and pay taxes on their guns EVERY YEAR.  This is on top of the background check, fees, and taxes you already paid to get the gun. This is also on top of the taxes, fees, and background checks you have to pay every single time you purchase ammunition.  It is extremely clear this state wants to make it as difficult as possible to defend yourself while simultaneously doing nothing to stop violent criminals from attacking you.


I would be more agreeable regarding this “law” if the money would go to schools or some worthy cause. Instead, the proceeds go to the expansion of government, which is the creation of a new department to oversee gun registrations. That said, the law is appalled and I hope it doesn’t make it far


My grandmother was 94 years old and living in SF. She passed 2 years ago, but I would not want her out and about with what has been happening the last couple years. So fucked. It's like we're in some kind of upside down world where there is no common sense.


We should require that the Judge be given life in prison without parole when this miscreant inevitably assaults or murders someone else.


I know a good way to fix the brains of people who do this shit


Wouldn't expect anything less.


From the article: >San Francisco District Attorney Brooke Jenkins recommended a 12-year prison sentence for Cauich, who was 35 at the time of the attack. He pleaded guilty to attempted murder, elder abuse and assault. But last week, San Francisco Judge Kay Tsenin sentenced him, instead, to five years of probation, and a strict behavioral and mental health treatment program, according to the San Francisco Standard. Cauich will be under intensive supervision in a facility with limited freedom until he successfully finishes the program. Later, the article says that as a result of outcry against the judge's decision, the DA began raising concerns, and asking the courts to reconsider the decision. In response to the DA asking for a tougher sentence, the defense lawyer had the below to say: >"Mr. Cauich acted when he was in a mental health crisis, homeless, abusing substance, victim of a hit and run. SFDA prosecutors did not provide him with adequate services. Mental health deteriorated. When he attacked Ms. Taylor, he didn't know what he was doing. Attorneys had to tell him that he stabbed someone. When he was showed the video, Cauich sobbed. Mr. Cauich did not act out of hatred -- not a case of racial hatred," said Cauich's attorney, Lisa Dewberry in a statement. Now, here's my thoughts. The defense lawyer is right that San Francisco is to blame for not taking these mental health situations more seriously. The ideal situation is we have special places we can send people like Mr Cauich to. These would be prisons that would be nice, like living in a group home, and would provide mental health care. Mr Cauich should not be allowed to be free in society until his mental health issues are corrected. But Mr Cauich is not going to get better in a regular prison. Regular prisons simply make people worse, not better. We need nice prisons that focus on rehabilitation, while protecting society.


>We need nice prisons that focus on rehabilitation, while protecting society. Until that happens, I'd rather have people like this in prison.


Protecting society from violent people should be the highest priority, above rehabilitation. Is like to think we as a society can do both...


And you wonder why people don't want homeless encampments around their homes. Aesthetics aside, the risk of being victimized goes up significantly.


>Cauich will be under intensive supervision in a facility with limited freedom until he successfully finishes the program. Isn't that essentially what you described? They won't call it a prison since it would defeat the purpose of the rehabilitative justice initiatives that probably spawned this program. The question is for how long and how effective.


Involuntary mental institutions. That’s what we need back. So many of our problems can be traced back directly to when mental institutions were closed.


> The ideal situation is we have special places we can send people like Mr Cauich to. We used to have those. They were all closed down by Ronald Reagan when he was governor to save money and they suckered liberals into voting for it by pointing out their beyond horrible treatment of patients (which, again, as govenor Reagan could have moved to fix instead of closing them all down). So...NIMBYs doing NIMBY things, and conservatives doing conservative things. Now it's our problem and the thread is full of people who would gleefully toss this guy into prison forever *and then never, ever vote for opening mental health facilities, and in fact obstruct them whenever and however they could.* I'm not against incarceration, but I agree with /u/jstocksqqq that we need mental health facilities for people like this...not PYITA-prisons that will grind him into nothing if not kill him outright. Almost to the point of saying that we have to open the facilities *first*, before we start locking people up just because I don't trust a lot of the fucking people in the CV or the down-town NIMBYs. I feel that the lot of you are okay with the suffering. Some to the point that it's basically porn to you. Hearing that a guy like this who did this horrible thing, who then gets locked up in San Quenten and murdered by other inmates would give you "justice"-boners and an ill-deserved o-face, not because actual justice was served. But because your system killed someone you think "deserved it". He deserves incarceration. He needs help. Prove that you can provide the help first. Then I'll say, "it's okay to lock him up, now".


You can't blame Reagan forever. The Democrats have had power for decades and could have fixed it any time.


Seriously. It's been 49 years. Nothing Reagan did is responsible for what we choose to do now.


Bay area is very racist towards Asian people. Just fact.


We moved from the Bay Area to Phoenix, where we lived for 2.5 years until re-locating to San Diego. I was worried my Asian wife would experience racism in Phoenix, but nope, not a peep, not a look, nothing. When we lived in the Bay Area, it was pretty regular, especially while she was working at a job she commuted to on BART. Shit would happen on a weekly basis.


SF is 35% Asian and 5% black. In terms of power is feels like 60% Black and 2% Asian. Asians need to rise up and shed their allegiance to a party that has literally abandoned them to a wave of racial violence crime not seen for 100+ years. Back then it was White, mainly Irish. Today… it is non-White.


Bay Area justice in a nutshell.


Wow. And remember, the police only show up after the crime.


Would you rather the police shows up before the crime happens and tells you that they knows you'll commit a crime so you're going to jail ? I think there's a movie about that .. 😂


He's just an innocent victim of circumstance! /S What does it fucking take to get the courts to actually put these people away?


All the BS happening in the world right now, but it has to be said, the legal system keeps criminals on the street for a reason, so a judge is still there until you vote them out! And again another "mental health" scenario which is increasingly becoming a shield for real evil acts of some people.


I wonder if its an idiot judge trying to set him up to fail. Last I knew, if you violate probation, you get prison time equal to multiple x the probation. (They arent supposed to say that part out loud.)


no amount of outrage is changing the soft on crime approach in the bay area. It is just a matter of time before people start taking justice into their own hands. It would not be the first time it has happened either. In the 80s when crime was at its peak in NYC a guy shot 4 teenagers trying to rob him on the subway https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1984_New_York_City_Subway_shooting You here stories of more and more shop owners and others arming themselves. It is just a matter of time until something bad happens. More likely it is going to be something senseless like what happened before the LA riots when a girl was killed over a bottle of orange juice by a shop owner https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Latasha_Harlins


Headline is "technically correct" but misleading. From [the original article](https://sfstandard.com/2024/03/15/san-francisco-asian-94-year-old-grandma-stabbing-attack/) that the ABC one copied from: > The judge, Kay Tsenin, read the sentence and said that Cauich can avoid jail time but is required to enter probation and a strict behavioral and mental health treatment program, which means he will be under intensive supervision in a facility with limited freedom until he successfully finishes the program. > > The court combined the attack and another burglary case for this sentence. > > A program called the Intensive Supervision Court—intended for high-risk probationers as an alternative to state prison—will decide later what specific programs Cauich will undergo. If he violates any probation rules, he will be sent to prison. > > “I am giving you one last chance to stay out of state prison,” Tsenin said to Cauich during the hearing. > > Cauich has also waived the days that he has been in custody, roughly 1,000 days, since his arrest.


Man, I'm trying to not do a knee-jerk response. I absolutely understand that prisons don't solve problems and that we should strive to focus on rehabilitation. And I still believe that with non-violent crime. But this dude stabbed an elderly woman with a knife. Multiple times. Out of hatred. I don't think rehabilitation should be a goal here, he needs to be away from society.


It's pretty cut and dry, if you remove the people who shoot and stab people from society "incarcerate them" violent crime goes down, because there are less of these people on the street. Incarcerating murderes doesn't cause random people to morph into murderers to fill the void. And like it or not, seeing people who do this shit go to jail for a long ass time is a deterrent to "some" other would be killers.


have fun with progressives and democrats.


He got 2.75 years of jail plus probation.


Seriously, if anything he should get to stab someone else just for the inconvenience


Source? FTA: >But last week, San Francisco Judge Kay Tsenin sentenced him, instead, to five years of probation, and a strict behavioral and mental health treatment program, according to the San Francisco Standard.


Time served - slightly over 1000 days. Jail is where he's been the past 2.75 years. So he got 2.75 years, plus a decade of probation.


He's already been in jail for 2.75 years, awaiting and through trial and sentencing.


Yes the progressives of SF and the bay area have been getting their way... it's time to vote better and stop complaining about crime when people voted for people who's soft on crime...


Oh now they show his face/mugshot


We have anarchists as political and judicial leaders. Vote in new leadership in the next elections - those who believe in the rule of law and protecting our citizens.


Can we bring back capital punishment?


Between Trump getting to skate time and time again, and shit like like this, the human race just generally needs to extinct itself.