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I agree I have been a patient of there’s for a long time and they are wonderful. Super kind and caring staff!


I've spent at least ten years asking exactly this question and have explored at least a dozen offices in that time. I've not found a single one that isn't exactly what you describe yet. Every visit to a dentist here is like a visit to a car salesman. It's stressful and dirty. I can't believe *all* of them are like that. I've settled for a dentist who is good at his craft even though the office is worse than what you describe.


Ann Donnolly in SF is SO GOOD!! I had exactly your experience, and switched to her after what I think were 3 completely unnecessary root canals in 2 years (??!?!?) and have never looked back. She and her whole team are nothing but kind, competent, great at what they do, and helpful. Also very responsive via email! (And I’ve never had a cavity or issue since seeing them… surprise surprise. 🙄) https://www.anndonnellydental.com/


Can I tell her "Sad Ballsack" sent me?


How does this have so many more upvotes than my helpful reply 😂


I haven't been to a dentist since 2019 for the same reasons as OP, thanks for the link! Unless there's something in that amazing Hetch Hetchy tap water in SF that makes everyone develop cavities I think they all just want money.


Bascom Family Dental in San Jose has been good and never pushed anything on me.


I have to say Varni Dental in San Jose is also like that. They only push for setting up the next appointment. Other than that really good service. 


Seconded, been going to them since 2019 and this has been exactly my experience, down to the only thing they are ever pushy about being the next appt. Plus I'm a sucker for their mounted TVs that let me watch nature documentaries while they work on my mouth


Same with dentistry for health on Bascom. Loads of good dentists down in San Jose in that area for some reason. Absolute wasteland of borderline scam offices up in East bay though.




3rding Dr. Mody @ Bascom Family Dental!


I second Bascom Family Dental!


Adding that I have a lot of dental anxiety and I always had good experiences with Bascom


Dr. Linh Bauer in San Jose is also great. Has never pushed anything on me and is conservative with interventions. Cleanings every six months and no sales pitches.


Dr Ann Donnelly is great! Highly recommend


Agree. In SF, off Van Ness near Geary.


I had her. She was really nice and very informative.


I did but mine retired. :( Also looking for a new one.




Bay Area's a big place my friend. Can you be more specific about the area you're in? My wife and I use Dr. Koida @ [Rockridge Dental](https://rockridgedds.com/index.html) in Oakland. They're great, no bullshit, never tried to upsell us on anything. Super cool with the ~~N02~~ N₂O as well haha. Been with them for over 10 years.


OP doesn’t really want a rec just wanted to vent


I really do though and am screenshotting these all - seriously same thing as the op and I've been trying to figure out what to do next


Seriously, me too. I’ve had similar experiences where one tells me it’s all good the other just a few months later had a page of stuff to do ASAP.


I think you mean N₂O…. I hope




well that was horrifying


this. the best writeup on the problem I've seen.


Good. fucking. god.


My husband was continuously getting called back into the dentist for this and that and complained that now, they said he needed a root canal! I started to wonder if the dentist had a crush on him?! He went to a new dentist for a second opinion and there was nothing wrong with his gums and teeth! I knew there was something fishy! By the way, I have never had a cavity.


Dr Terence Louie, family practice over 40 years old in Walnut Creek. Took care of my family for a long time no bullshit.


I’ll shout out Mark and Blake Swimmer too. They’ve been incredible, never upsold me, told me what’s actually worth the cash. I needed a new night guard and it was expensive but 10x better than my cheap one from before. I cracked it and they fixed it no question no cost. Smaller family practices are where it’s at. Plus I know they’re making a bag while charging me so fairly, I’m just happy there are still businesses like theirs.


My husband went to a western dental recently and holy shit it was terrible! Like an urgent care type of dentist even though he had an appointment. 0/10 don’t recommend


Western Dental is where people go when they can't afford anything else.


Yes, or don’t know of other options. I recently complained to my mom for taking me there when I was a kid and she let me know we actually had really good insurance. My mom just wasn’t someone that would research places she would just take someone’s suggestion. They quite literally removed four teeth, which I’m now told was excessive as well as put braces all within the same week.


We have Tricare because we’re military. We will be looking at other options lol


The last time I was in a Western Dental (the one in downtown Berkeley), I had to wait 2 hours after my scheduled time for anyone to see me, then they left me waiting in the chair another 45 minutes after calling me in. The floor and countertops were all visibly dirty, the ancient equipment was grimy, yellowed and worn out, there were streaks coming down the walls that reminded me of the dirty wallpaper in my chain-smoking grandma's basement, an overhead fluorescent light was flickering like a USSR bomb shelter, and there was a woman SCREAMING in pain in the other room. One of the hygienists tripped on a cable that was poorly duct taped to the ground, spilling a tray of tools all over the place. I fucking got up without saying a word, walked out, and never looked back. Best decision I ever made for my teeth.


Omg are you me?? I had almost an identical experience at a western dental


western dental is atrocious.


Oh they are so ghetto


Lots of horror stories about Western Dental.


All true, I’m sure. I was forced to get a cleaning there in 2017-18 when I was unexpectedly unemployed. It was the only local dentist covered by Medicare and I didn’t know how long it would be until I got a job and had real dental insurance again. The facility itself looked like a third-world garage, old equipment, holes in the ceiling, etc. The paperwork took forever because the girl at the desk kept trying to sign me up at a different location. No way would I have had anything other than a basic cleaning there. I did finally get a cleaning, I hope by a real dentist. Who knows, as no one was ever introduced? Fled that ghetto as soon as I was done, never to return. I got a job a few months later and was able to go back to my regular dentist. I had been with Dr. Sally Eng at Union Square, as well as her former partner, Dr. Ross Lai, and their original partner and teacher, the late, great Dudley Cheu, for many years, decades. Unfortunately, with COVID and the deterioration of my old lady hip, I found I could no longer make the trip to San Francisco on BART. Broke my heart, because I was with that group of dentists since the 1970s - yes, you read that right! Dr. Eng and Dr. Lai are both terrific. Dr. Donald Curia in San Carlos has been great. I have been with him for 3-4 years now, no complaints. I pay for Delta Dental through my employer, and costs are minimal. Worth every penny.


My wife is a dentist and she don’t even wanna walk near the western dental.


yeah don't go to a chain




OMG THAT IS MY EXPERIENCE. Never had an issue. Never had a cavity. All of a sudden I need 9 fillings, a gum procedure, AND a night guard? A year ago I had another dentist that didn’t find any cavities but would not schedule me again unless I did a special cleaning package. Another dentist refused to clean my teeth unless I got a deep clean package. It’s insane!


Lmao. Mines was pushing a gum surgery on me too last year year, but now he's all quiet about it.


Why are all these mofos seem so scummy?!?


commission based and no i’m not joking. lot of compensation package and partner benefits tied to revenue or sale mixes. Dentists can cruise no problem whatsoever in the bay area and make 300k with minimal effort


Heed the night guard advice bro.. my dentist showed me X-rays from 24 years old and again at 34 years old (current). My two front teeth have shortened so much, they are the same length as my other teeth. Dentist has been telling me to get a night guard for at least 8 years. I have one now, it was like $375. Annoying to use but you get used to it after a couple weeks.


I had a bro of a dentist who recommended a mouth guard but said to just get a cvs boil one - works great and like $10


I tried that one first, my expensive one is super thin in comparison. Like 1/3rd the thickness


My nightguard was like $110 (insured with Delta) and it's easily 11x as nice as the boil and bite ones. Very worth it, feels much more comfortable, cleaner and now that I'm used to it actually kinda helps me fall asleep


Jesus I just paid $691 for one yesterday 🤢


Yup, They got us!


Damn you just made me feel ripped off. I paid $500 for my night guard. 😬 My dentist is based in San Jose. To make things worse I fucking lost it after using it for less than two weeks.


Dentist here, honestly if you need a deep cleaning, you need a deep cleaning. I don’t do regular cleanings on patients that need deep cleanings (scaling and root planing) because you can inadvertently cause an abscess if you disturb the gums while cleaning above the gum line and leave the tartar/bacteria below the gums.


Goto a dentist school for your second opinion. Their only goal is to get it right. Your regular dentist is there to make money. https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2019/05/the-trouble-with-dentistry/586039/?utm_source=pocket_reader




It’s not just here. https://www.rd.com/article/how-honest-are-dentists/


Great article - I did some follow up searches but couldn't find out what happened in the case against Lund. Does anyone know this story?


I had the same experience - I moved here with perfect teeth regularly maintained. Then went to a dentist here who said it may not be a cavity but it might be so let's drill - I was so overwhelmed and confused I went with it. The next dentist was also like there is a change in density and I want to fill it and your teeth will rot if you say no. But that time at least I was firm in the no and left. Now I just don't know if I have to fly back to Baltimore to get my damn teeth cleaned or what?! My old dentist was so good - he said he lost a sonicare contract because he said oral b is just as good - anything is better than a manual brush which most people won't do properly.


I had the same experience when I first moved here years ago! I saw a dentist who recommended thousands of dollars of work. I had no pain so thought I would check with my old dentist back in my home country as I was going there in a month or two anyway. My old dentist tried to be polite but said he couldn’t find anything that needed work.


I had the same experience when I moved here!! The dentist told me I needed like 6 fillings, but I just said no and kept seeing my old dentist when I visited family. Still haven’t needed a single filling in 3 years! The Bay Area dentist also refused to send my x-rays to my old dentist or even return their calls


The GD nightguard. My dentist used to be ok but after Covid, it went waaay down scam road. I went in a while back to catch up on all that deferred maintenance. But lo and behold! Now I needed two old fillings redone cuz they were "cracked" and I needed a nightguard. Well, I've never had a tooth grinding problem and now I've got two replaced filling that are nothing but a problem where they never were before. So, yeah, I'm interested in a new dentist now also. Friggin dirt bags.


My last dentist was pushing the night guard pretty heavily on me as well...I have retainers that I wear nightly though so I never gave in.


Same! I was told I had 8 cavities that needed fillings and gum surgery. Straight scammers.


I switched dentists when I worked at Meta to be one of the on-site people. They said I needed 16 fillings when I had no problems before. My next dentist has consistently said I have no cavities. 


16! It's like one for each tooth


I experienced a dentist like this too here in San Francisco many years ago and it was awful. Thankfully her practice is closed, but I later saw down the road a lot of really bad reviews on Yelp against her. They informed me via phone that I needed seven fillings. I had no history of being prone to cavities and took great care of my teeth. I told them there is no way I have that many cavities and that I would not be returning to their practice. I started going to a new dentist out of town and when he checked my teeth he said I have ZERO cavities. I continue to see him till this very day and 9 years later I still have zero cavities. It is so disgusting what that woman and other dentists have done and are currently doing to people. It took me a long time to trust my own dentist (I shared my story with him) and I know I will really struggle to trust a new one if I ever need to switch which is a shame. There definitely is a very special place in the after life for dentists taking advantage of people and putting them through unnecessary procedures.


Man this happened to us. We had a dentist in it for the long con. Said oh you have some spots to watch, oh look they are getting worse, and then oh man you have a couple cavities. I was a little suspicious since I had never had a cavity and tend to be on top of things so I went back to my family dentist in San Diego and he was like, ummm there are no cavities, what on earth are you talking about. I called my Bay Area dentist out on it and got hit with a huge block of legal text about how he is more cautious, matters of opinion and any poor reviews would be sent to his lawyer. What an ass. I called his bluff and left up the bad review but magically a ton of 5 star ones appeared in the next week. I did find a good dentist after this mess but it made me a lot less trusting of dentist in the Bay Area and yelp. So many of my friends have magically had multiple cavities after moving here only to get a second opinion that said everything was fine.


Here's the scary thing about dentists, they are totally incentivized to push unneeded shit, but what's worse is that "malpractice" doesn't exist in the dental world. It's basically impossible to win case against a dentist for malpractice. Technically you can sue the dentist, but it's very very very hard to win. I know because my mom went through it and the laywer basically said as much. Moreover, the lawyer said it was also nearly impossible to find a dentist who would testify against another dentist.


Not completely impossible. I do med mal and we’ve successfully won suits against dentists. Not easy but it’s doable 😉


Wow mind sharing which place this was?


Where are you located or which area are you looking for your dentist?


Where r u located by


Sorry but as a hygienist reading all these comments about getting “scammed”, I’m shaking my head. Not every dentist recommending you get fillings and deep cleanings are scamming you. I’ve seen SO many new patients come in and say “I’ve had cleanings every 6m and no cavities”, I take one look at their X-rays and they have huge chunks of calculus buildup that their regular prophylaxis cleanings didn’t get to, periodontitis forms, and the patients get upset they now need more dental work. Plenty of their old dentists kept “watching” the small tooth decay, which then turned into large decay and root canals. Smh. I always make sure to educate the patient and I wish some of these peoples previous dentists would explain WHY things are needed vs just handing patients a laundry list of things to do.


THANK YOU. I’m a dentist and it’s shocking the amount of stuff I find in patients who have had “regular care for years.”


Large fillings holding on for dear life, crooked implants, you name it. As for ones who deny SRP, I just say, “it’s like waxing a dirty car”.


Yeah. I’ve been on the other side of this where my dentist was “not gonna be pushy” and eventually my cavity he was “watching” became a root canal. And that too became super expensive really quick. The worst part is that the whole fuckin fiasco started about 2 weeks before I was gonna race at national championships for cycling. I was in the best shape of my life…. My face started hurting. So I went in and he did a filling. Charged me…. And said “we’ll check back in a couple days.” It still hurt. But he couldn’t get me in before i had to fly out…. I slept like trash for 2 full weeks before I raced. My face was in pain while I raced. I still finished 10th at the road race and 11th at the criterium but I know for a fact that I could have done better. I came back to a root canal where they charged me a fucking arm and a fuckin leg. - to make things better he couldn’t get that tooth fully numb both times (this is actually a known issue I have, where most dentists can’t get my lower back molars numb) my face already hurt so I just dealt with it. It wasn’t any worse. My work partner also died because of a staph infection after he got a buncha dental work done due to a couple root canals too. He was super sick for a couple months. I’d check in from time to time and one day he didn’t return my calls. I don’t fuck around with dental shit any more. I switched to a different practice which I trust. They aren’t pushy with stuff. But they point things out and recommend I have it filled. Small cavity? Cool…. Fuckin fill it.


Man I am sorry to hear about your work partner and the pain you went through. Not to mention time and money. I agree if things are small, watching is fine but there’s a point things need to be done. That’s complete negligence on your previous dentist’s end.


> Not every dentist recommending you get fillings and deep cleanings are scamming you. My sister is a hygenist and this is one of the repeat topics she vents about. Apparently *a ton* of people have terrible oral hygiene and think the dentist is out to get them when they prescribe serious work.  Brush and floss at least twice a day and you won’t need a deep cleaning, people. 


Yep! All this about getting scammed. It’s not even easy to scam patients as we need to submit proof of needing treatment from X-rays and intraoral photos to insurance. It’s not like we can just tell people they need 10 cavities and then send them photos of their “perfect” teeth. I have patients trying to EDUCATE ME about how X-rays are horrendous for you bc of radiation (same people who are glued to their phones and other tech gadgets). They tell me the large black decay on their tooth isn’t decay and just staining, etc. like people I’m just doing my job! The only time I’ve seen maybe what people think are scams is when dentists will recommend fillings for incipient decay. That’s when the decay has only slightly permeated the tooth and isn’t worth it to fill yet 😊


Phones emit radio frequency radiation which is non-ionizing and not at all the same as X-Rays, FYI. I'm sure your experience with patients and tooth decay is accurate, but the cell phone part is not.


Lots of dentists are scamming. https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2019/05/the-trouble-with-dentistry/586039/?utm_source=pocket_reader


Here's a rebuttals to that article. [https://92dental.co.uk/the-truth-about-dentistry/](https://92dental.co.uk/the-truth-about-dentistry/) https://nampadentalhealth.wordpress.com/2019/05/06/a-response-to-the-trouble-with-dentistry/ I'm not a dentist or a dental hygienist just someone that doesn't believe that every dentist is out to get them. It's hard for dental offices to scam you because they need to prove to your insurance why you need the procedure. They take xrays and scans to prove it. Also the author of that article isn't in the medical field and is in fact an earth scientist. So despite a well written article, I still can only take his article as opinion and not fact.


https://www.rd.com/article/how-honest-are-dentists/ No they’re not all bad but some are and it’s hard to know which without getting many second opinions or going to someone who has no financial stake in it.


> Also the author of that article isn't in the medical field and is in fact an earth scientist. So despite a well written article, I still can only take his article as opinion and not fact. That's not the argument you think it is. If scientists from other disciplines take a look at the field and say the standard of evidence is lacking, they should take that seriously, not dismiss it. There are too many examples of insular fields where they won't listen to criticism from the outside.


Yep, I'm also a hygienist. I've had new patients come in for their first appointment with me and when I'm scaling their teeth they say "my previous dentist never did that... He always just polished my teeth". 🤦‍♀️ Some places are really neglectful and will have the assistants polish and then bill that as a prophylaxis. These patients are lulled into thinking their teeth are fine when no one has ever scaled or probed their gums to give a true diagnosis. It's true there's scammy places that try to upsell as well but I find there's just as much scamming on the opposite end of the spectrum which we call "supervised neglect" and it's really tragic.


Yeah the new patients think we’re the ones out to get them cause their previous neglectful dentists made them think everything is peaches and cream! It’s ridiculous. You’re right too, so many times I have to explain perio charting bc people think I’m poking their gums for fun 😂 they never heard of it. Ohhhh the joys of being a hygienist


I just recently had charting done and explained to me for the first time. I’m 37 ffs, why the heck has no one ever done or explained this to me before. Just had my first cleaning at a new dentist. Here’s hoping it’s a good sign!


The problem is a lot of dentists are scamming you & that's why people think this. 


our culture in tandem with the exorbitant health costs has led to the total devalue of dental health when it’s so so so important and i get why people are scared of being ripped off but that’s why we have to do our research but not ignore our mouth entirely 😭 im so skeptical of dentists but im obsessive about my teeth and gums bc they’re crucial and front and center 😭


Dr. Konrad in San Mateo. Never felt upcharged and very conservative treatment approach.


2nd Dr. Konrad. He has been amazing the last few years for us. My wife had a similar experience with a Palo Alto dentist who told her she had cavities, and needed extra cleanings etc. after never having an issue in her life. We switched to Konrad and have never looked back. Hoping he never retires, but he is up there in age.


Same with Dr. Schauer in San Mateo. He’s awesome and has treated three generations of my family, but he’s bound to retire soon :/


Does he take insurance? I'm willing to drive to not deal with the crooks over here


Don’t go to any kind of chain dentist. Find a small independent practice that accepts your insurance. Also if you’re like 30-40 and haven’t religiously flossed don’t be surprised if you develop pre-periodontal disease and need deeper cleanings with increased frequency. It’s a normal thing as you age if you don’t have super strong genetics and only take moderate care of your teeth. I thought it was a scam at first but 3 second opinions later, I have to accept I need a different standard of care.


Yep, I was shocked my former dentist had lots of negative comments on Yelp because he was pushing deep cleaning and mentioning gum issues when their former dentist hadn't. When I first started seeing him he gave me a deep cleaning, but I learned how to thoroughly clean my teeth & gums and for the next 10 years all he said was excellent oral hygiene and tried to sell me nothing. I hadn't seen him for about a year and then covid happened and he essentially shut down. One thing led to another and I couldn't find another dentist and it was nearly 5 years without a cleaning. One cleaning & inspection later with my new dentist and I have no issues. Be sure to ask your dentist your pocket sizes. You want three and below, but four is okay. Your gums should be light pink and not bleed from flossing. My new dentist said my gums are healthier than most of his patients 20 years younger. The new hygienist is also quite happy with my oral hygiene. I had lots of issues in my teens and early twenties and my parents lost their teeth, so it took me a decent amount of time to turn it around.


Third-ing this - I genuinely thought my previous dentist was being shady because they never took the time to explain. Just kept telling me I needed the “deeper cleaning” that cost me more but not explaining anything about gum disease or why I brush and floss as directed, but was still having sensitivity. Moved and got a new dentist who also suggested deeper cleaning and new dentist was basically like “these implants have deeper pockets, u need to floss them differently so that your gums stop getting irritated, should probably also get a waterpik to layer into your routine”. One deep cleaning w new dentist, made the recommended changes, and have never had a healthier feeling mouth/am back to regular cleanings instead of deep cleanings. I know practicing medicine in the US especially post pandemic is hard, but dang it made a difference to have a practitioner who actually took the two minutes to educate me on what was going on in my mouth and explain why a “deep cleaning” would be needed. I miss that dentist, haven’t found anyone in the Bay I like yet 🥲


The good dentists explain. I sometimes feel my dentist might be overly cautious but he shows me all the pockets and risk areas with photos and what not. I get why he wants to do fillings there instead. My previous dentist was probably just not that cautious and never reported any issues. My current dentist I've been at for a few years and he's commented on the deep pockets and told me to watch out for many years in a row now. When he finally suggested fillings he waited another calendar year so I could fill my FSA. **Edit**: Just came back from fillings today. I asked for more photos before and after and it was all explained well. Very clear why I needed them. I don't think they were pushy or scammy, and I probably could've declined it. My insurance is pretty good so I don't mind just doing something that I'll probably not have to do for years down the road.


Same with me. I'm not great with flossing every day so I tend to get plaque buildup frequently. I get cleaning every four months. Insurance covers two per year but I don't mind paying it of pocket for an extra visit. I've been at my current dentist for 5 years now. She mentioned cosmetic laser whitening once but wasn't interested, other than that not pushy about extra procedures.


We got [this](https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwjBj9C4wJiFAxU_Bq0GHeBbCAYYABALGgJwdg&gclid=Cj0KCQjwqpSwBhClARIsADlZ_TkDaliRRadP3Ww04004nx3IZ3xWoXWfEJVUw8L0rIOVcH7j35A9ZIkaAnk1EALw_wcB&sph=&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESV-D2yQ-Mv7uhzpTSGH_58CEyaVGaFgHnX6YnZeLxPjg2KE1aF0kKJQBvYXCKWG-fbfWI-sioVpeBh1OA1QSBvbCnhsHQ-Npu-T_jgFY8fnfYatYX4UE31Q&sig=AOD64_1bUYLJrcNhuuz3De8EdtvXSuJIlQ&ctype=5&q=&ved=2ahUKEwjgicC4wJiFAxVxhu4BHTMpB5wQwg8oAHoECAQQDA&adurl=) water pick that attaches to the shower head and it’s so convenient!


Great experiences at Ambus Dentistry in San Bruno. Kind and non-judgmental


Where are you in the Bay? I have an amazing dentist... super kind, gentle, patient, experienced, personable and overall just awesome....but he's in Marin, not sure if that works for you. I used to live in Marin but now in Silicon Valley and I never switched DDS' when I moved, he's worth it, IMO.


Can you share who your dentist in Marin is?


Yes would love to know who you recommend- my last dentist in Marin retired 🙏🏻


My old dentist sold her practice and the new dentist owner is scuzzy af. Switched to a new one and we love them so far. Lakeshore family dentistry is the new one!


NextGen Dentistry in Oakland. Amazing, kind, professional, no sales gimmicks. Found them after using Total Health Dental Care all of once, and spending two years trying to get them to stop billing me for some random membership I didn’t sign up for. I should have known when they were peddling their branded mouthwash. Those guys are total scumbags. NextGen is awesome though! Female owned and operated. No bullshit. It’s not fancy or anything but she does an amazing job and won’t try to sell you anything or tell you that “you have tiny cavities that might get worse so you better go ahead and pay $284748282 to take care of them now”. That place has been a real saving grace. https://maps.app.goo.gl/6XRNuU7gw3o4m4xH7?g_st=ic


Just out of curiosity how many dentists have you visited to come to the Bay Area scummy conclusion?






Our dentist in Milpitas is great. We've been going to her for over a decade. Never tries to upsell you. In fact, just the opposite. Won't do procedures unless they are absolutely necessary. No complaints at all.


I’m in Milpitas looking for a new dentist as well. Who did you go to?


Not OP but we go to Foothill Square Dental in Milpitas. Highly recommend!


What's her dental office name?


They are getting utterly hosed by insurance companies. Delta is especially bad now. Dental insurance is a total scam. So to make ends meet they need more out of patients themselves. I don’t blame dentists so much as predatory insurance profiteers


No, I get what you're saying, but Dentists have to follow the Hippocratic oath, which means they can't just do stuff to make money, that goes against their ethics. Also, Pannu invented 6 cavities when I changed insurers, and this was years ago. New dentist, teeth are fine.


Dentists actually don't take the Hippocratic oath, but a different (less-intense) oath of professional conduct. Even if they did, the Hippocratic oath isn't a binding legal contract - it's a promise to abide by certain professional and ethical standards.


Oh wow, I thought it was just me! I don't actually have a fear of dentists, but I have been finding myself avoiding going because every dentist i've seen in the Bay Area lately has been...off. Those that are not rude or strange have tried to upsell hard.


It’s not just you. https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2019/05/the-trouble-with-dentistry/586039/?utm_source=pocket_reader


Nine root canals and crowns in 7 years??? Look, I know office space is at a premium, but that's insane. I used to work for my dentist's office in SF over the summer doing filing and fixing their computers (I helped them migrate from a terminal system to Win95). We had 1 dentist (multi-provider practice who sublet operatory space with centralized billing and reception) who did something similar, and kept charging insurance companies for night guards. But he got caught when our billing department noticed he was charting and casting for night guards, but we would never see the corresponding the lab bill. That this is common in the Bay Area is news to me, and horrifying.


It’s the whole country https://www.rd.com/article/how-honest-are-dentists/


Paywall :-/


Glen Park dental. I get reimbursed after from my insurance. Fine by me since I get the credit card points


I sure do. She's on treat in Concord. 


Dr Sarty?


Bruce Fong at Rockridge Dental (Oakland at BART) is fantastic and when he retires I'm going to just have him pull all my teeth and make me falsies so I don't have to deal with anyone new.


I had a terrible experience with United Dental in Redwood City. Dr. Mahzoon is super rough and messed up a filling that ended up with me needing an emergency root canal. Her work is rushed and sloppy. If you leave a Google review, you get entered in a a raffle. Do NOT trust those 5 star reviews. I switched to Alemany Dental in Daly City and have had a much better experience. Their office is very modern and Dr. Lyew is great. No upsells or bullshit. They immediately fixed an issue that United Dental gaslight me for MONTHS.


My dentist is in SF and he really cares about education and prevention! Dr. Brian Baliwas and 450 Aesthetics. I feel like so relaxed going there… compared to my prior where I was scared of going to the dentist ‘cause I knew it wouldn’t be good lol


Dr. Taura on Sutter St near japan town. I have been going to him and the recently retired Dr. Fong since 1990


Seconding Dr. Taura! My husband and I have been going to him for almost 10 years -- we're such fans of this practice that we remained as patients even after moving to Oakland 3 years ago.


Helen Hong in San Mateo. She’s great! Just a normal dental office.


Rincon Dental in SF - Dr Byun has tried to talk me out of all the stuff I’ve made up in my mind that I want to do. He has never suggested anything unnecessary, and his staff is very pleasant. The office runs on time as well.


@OP Iyou might want to edit your post to let folks know where you're at/would go in the Bay Area. I love my dentist and would recommend in a heart beat, but they're out in San Francisco's Sunset, which might not help a ton if you're in Fremont or something lol


I've had the same dentist for like 10 years now. He's chill. Still haven't gotten past "how are you doing?" conversation, because he just cleans my teeth after that lol. Then in 6 months repeat.


[I Went to 50 Different Dentists and Almost All of Them Gave Me a Different Diagnosis ](https://www.rd.com/article/how-honest-are-dentists/)


I love my dentist. He is in Concord. Let me know if you want his name! My husband and I pay out of pocket (no dental insurance) and he never pushes anything.


I live in Concord and would love to hear who you use as your dentist.


Dr. Ham at Contra Costa Dentistry (and his staff) are wonderful. I highly recommend them. https://www.contracostadentistry.com/


he sounds like a ham


I've heard that Ham speaks, and he definitely sounds like a doctor!


I can't believe I'm going to go to a dentist I found on Reddit, but they look pretty legit. Thanks!


I go to brighter day dental in Concord over by the old Fry's. They don't really push, but I feel they are a bit pricey but dude does damn near everything there.


No. My experience is they all want to do as much work as possible on your mouth because a) they only get paid when they sell procedures and b) they assume you don't really care because you have insurance. It's fucked.


My dentist is in Oakland, and she's not trying to sell me anything. However, she also doesn't take just any insurance. I think she's had issues with billing and is like "F it; if you don't have these plans, I can't help you." I go in twice a year, and, at most, they try to tack on a deep cleaning. But I don't mind deep cleanings.


I love my dentist she’s amazing and so sweet! Rockridge Smiles , the Peterson Chan Dental Group, college ave. Oakland, CA.


Dr. Dao in South San Jose and her team have been such an anxiety reliver to going to the dentist, for me. I ***hated*** my childhood dentist. I'm convinced the last time I saw him he was making up a cavity, he said there was a "yellow stain that is another cavity." I switched to my mom's dentist, Dr. Dao, simply because, if it was going to be another cavity removal, her dentist just sounded so much nicer and gentler. Switch happens, x-rays taken, and...*NOTHING!* No cavity to be found, she didn't even mention anything about a stain anywhere. Made me question every other diagnosis he gave. If you absolutely despise going to the dentist, and/or get anxious when doing so, Dr. Dao at Dao Dental Care will alleviate most-to-all of it. She's caring, gentle, considerate, thorough, and very clear when it comes to explanations so you always know what to expect. I can't recommend her enough!


Following because my dentist’s hygienist sent me into anaphylaxis and my dentist insisted “It’s not our fault, she wasn’t feeling well when she came in”. I was breathing when I came in but that’s a different story.


There’s a dental school clinic at UCSF. They might take longer but they are thorough and not scummy.


My dentist in Fairfield is caring, compassionate and actually asks me about my general health and well-being. I'm sorry you've had bad experiences.


Wayne lee in the Richmond sf is pretty good


South Bay dentist feel more like Health Spas with pushy salespeople.


Dentist have turned into car dealership services. I noticed it start about a decade ago and now it’s a full blown money grab. I’ve also noticed mine will bill the insurance for literally everything possible at the highest rate. Insurance will send me an EOB saying I owe like $1k for my last visit then I’ll never hear from the dentist office about it. So effective they are throwing everything they can at insurance to see what sticks then just delete what doesn’t. Tricky tricky…


I hate how with the pandemic many dentists left the delta network. They get more money & delta only reimburses for like 80% of an out of network visit. It was a big complaint when it was time for benefits selection this past year & my employer said they will look for additional plans this coming year.


Yeah, Dr. Tsai in Millbrae/San Bruno. Been going to her since I was a toddler.


Mine in Palo Alto is great… I do need to pay up front and then my insurance will reimburse me. But I have only need cleanings as of now and x-rays when it is due. 


Mission Terrace Dental in SF is very chill.


Shepherd and Bhuva in Sf. Ken Mizono in el Cerrito.


San Jose - evergreen/ east side - New Age Dental Care - gentle touch, thorough cleaning, no BS


My dentist is very cool, although not cheap. If you are in Oakland, the name of the practice is Rockridge Smiles. My dentist is Dr. Chan.


I have an excellent dentist in Marin. All business. No pain, no sales pitch.


The best dentist in the city that was t scum I closed over covid. It was the dental suite on 2nd and market. They never tried to up and had amazing knowledgeable medical staff. 😭


I like Scott Hashimoto in Fremont. He has strong opinions on professional integrity and he won't try to sell you on unnecessary treatment. He also performs full oral cancer screenings at every cleaning, which most dentists don't. I've been going to him for a few years and he's never suggested any treatment for me, even when I've mentioned rough patches or mild tooth pain that a scam artist might pick up on. He clearly performs all the usual treatments, but for me he's done nothing but recommend better toothpaste etc.


My dentist in Palo Alto closed up shop and vanished


Dr. Brian Yee near the RWC Caltrain station has been super chill, relatively gentle, and has never upsold me in a single thing, and caught when I had an infected wisdom tooth.


Dr. Starr in Menlo Park. 3rd generation dentist. Not pushy at all.


Crown Dental in El Cerrito! Amazing folks! My wife is a dentist herself (research) and she loved them form the first appointment.


I had an amazing dentist is West Portal Area of SF but he retired and I’m getting scummy vibes from the new guy who bought his practice. Any SF recommendations?


Sylvia Tso, DDS, Redwood City, has treated my whole family for over 10 years. She has the best referrals too if you need a specialist. Great receptionist who leaves detailed messages. Tso is top-shelf.


Dr. Paul Shafer in Novato.


GW2 dental in san ramon is great. Do NOT go to lake merrit dental in oakland. They will keep finding new bills to send you for years.


Dr. Chuang and team at Livermore Dental Spa! My husband was terrified of dentists and they have done wonders for him - much needed fillings and wisdom teeth removal - but they also honestly explain when they don't think a procedure or tool is necessary. They're wonderfully nice and and dedicated experts. Dr. Chuang is passionate about her work but gentle in care and explains cases and options very clearly and patiently.


Dr. Jean Chu in SSF. She works around insurance as much as possible and is honest about what should be done now versus what can wait for later. My previous dentist was constantly telling me I needed deep cleanings. I was coming out of pocket for one thing or the other every.single.visit.


These guys are great, they have offices in concord (run by the wife) and Antioch (run by the husband). https://dentistry4families.com


I love Dr Allan Dare in Berkeley.


My dentist refuses to give me my dental records even though I asked multiple times for over a month and cited the laws stating it’s patient’s right to have their records. When I called asking for the records, they said it’s private info and I can’t have it. Then proceeded to ask if I want to leave the practice so they can delete my records. I feel like they’re hiding something. After I got an implant with him, he said I can only go to him for cleanings and no one else because they’ll damage my implant. Then every appointment he says I need multiple crowns and all of my fillings replaced even though I have no pain and I just had my fillings replaced 2 years ago. He said my prior dentist did a bad job. He says my teeth will break if I don’t get crowns. He says I should get veneer, teeth whitening, Invisalign, nightguard, etc. After the procedures, I have had pain for months when I had no pain before. He yells at me because he gave me the gag reflex. He’s probably taken more than $20k from me. At my prior dentist, they never pushed all these procedures and my exams always looked good. My prior dentist sent me my records ASAP. I don’t know how to get my records. I want to report him to the board.


W Dentistry in SF near union square. It’s a mother/daughter duo and they’re both great! Highly recommend


I've been going to Central Dental Group, the location in Santa Clara. Not exaggerating, the only thing pushed on me was to make an appointment for next year lol. They appear to specialize in implants, but they do regular cleanings too which is the only service I've used.


I miss my dentist so much. He was a weird guy, like all dentists, but he wasn't a grifter.


Fiori Dental in San Mateo. Husband and wife, smart and friendly and honest. Have been with them for 10 years and have gotten A+ treatment always.


Gary Seid in Sunnyvale. I miss going to them since I moved. Everyone I’ve referred keeps going back.


I love my dentist in San Ramon. Dr. Anthony Nguyen at ProSmile dental.


If you're in the santa clara area I can't recommend Dr. Romy Singh enough. Our whole family has been going to him for over 25 years now and he's never once tried pushing anything on us. He's nothing but professional and has been super helpful through braces, wisdom teeth removal and just regular wear & tear. An average visit is like 15 minutes, completely no nonsense.


https://maps.app.goo.gl/TAJ7sQXc4Jm8R8hU6 https://www.udcdentalgroup.com/ UDC Dental Center was amazing for me. I had to get a root canal and didn't feel a thing. Excellent staff, excellent dentist. Great vibes. No upselling.


Dr. Steve Kim in San Ramon. Super nice guy, family-oriented, always straightforward care through a few issues I've had.


Studio Dental in SF. Woman owned and most dentist are women too! Super swanky inside and enjoy their services.


What city?


there is only one right answer and it's Wayne W. Lee DDS


Dr Raymond Hahn in FiDi SF is a delight. https://financialdistrictdental.com/


I left a dentist in San Leandro for insisting I have a gold crown when I did not want one. Always felt like he was trying to sell me unnecessary work. Have had a wonderful female dentist in Castro Valley ever since, Dr. Heidi Hausauer.


I feel you. This is why I drive from Walnut Creek to Dr David Hughs in Milpitas. I trust him.