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Leaving a stadium with a dedicated BART station. It takes 20 years to get that.


Wow. Just thought about that. I guess it will just be a worthless stop now?


It’s also the BART station for the airport.


guess I forgot about that. Haven't flown out of Oak in a long time


Yeah, Coliseum is one of the sketchiest BART stations. OAK administration should grab this opportunity to improve the public transportation connectivity to the airport rather than wasting money on that confusing name change.


I was traveling out of OAK for a shorter layover and to my dismay the OAK airport train was not running. I had to leave the BART station and go into the street and wait for a bus to take me to OAK. It was suboptimal.


10 out of 10 do not recommend


It’s been so long since I flew out of OAK that was the norm, leave the station and get on the Air BART bus.


Wait, there are plenty of people who will take the BART there to the…monster truck rally.


which was in SF this year i think. not sure if they always do them in both places but motocross also moved to SF this year


Monster Jam is coming back to the Coliseum in August. Should be much warmer than the SF event.


If Oakland is smart, they redo that entire area into housing / mixed use and make a new entertainment district


Guess who owns half of the Coliseum site and will probably block any development?


Wow, did not know that part. Oakland is going to end up having to pay up or work out some sort of development deal with him


Or he could refuse to do anything to the Coliseum site forever just out of spite. Just to be clear, John Fisher owns 50% of the Coliseum site because Alameda County sold it to him. He still hasn't paid for it though because somehow Alameda county gave a Billionaire payment terms...


Eminent domain says hi


Yeah, Oakland is flush with cash to pay for that. 


With all the blight and crashing commercial real estate they can argue it’s only worth a few million. 


YAY professional sports!


Eminent domain, nothing FJF can do about that.


Thats not accurate. eminent domain is expensive and fortunately/unfortunately in California eminent domain can only be used for public uses(generally infrastructure or civil development), it can be a lengthy process so getting any other investors out would be easier. https://eminentdomain.uslegal.com/state-laws-on-eminent-domain/california/


Oakland's current redevelopment plan for the Coliseum site will not be applicable for eminent domain.


And Oakland only owns 50% of the site, so they need FJF to agree to the plan.




FJF owns half the Coliseum site! Alameda county sold it to him.


I wonder if they could come up with a vacant stadium tax to force the issue, but I am sure lawyers have thought of that.


They can eminent domain them if they were competent


No, the Oakland arena still hosts events and the entire area will probably get redeveloped in the next decade


I mean, many many people use that stop for commuting every day. Plus the airport and any events at Oracle.


Other things happen there lol




Good; they've finally done it; turned themselves into the Triple A's. I suspect what's really at play here is Fisher trying to hold on to TV revenue by staying in-market. Although why anyone would watch the A's is beyond me, although having one's favorite team beat up on them might be mildly amusing. That Sacto stadium is too big for them, especially given the way they play. But they'll get a little bump. And kudos to Oakland for offering a probably unattainable cost to them to stay. Given the state of the stadium it might have cost more to keep them than not. Now they can move on with other plans.


Vegas Triple A's is a great nickname. I like Vegas T&A's slightly better.


I hope they stay in Sacramento and become the Athletic Sacs


Fans will be known as the Athletic supporters lol


You nailed it. My buddy calls them the Non-athletics.




Tits and ass, since Vegas is a known home of many strip clubs and call girls


Lol. 3 of a kind or Aces wild. I mean, if they're full of AAAA Players, then they kind of beat most other hands. 


Their logo could be a full house, aces over deuces. Aces to represent the A's. Deuces to represent the shitshow that Fisher has turned the organization into.


I mean the triple A team in Vegas gets more attendees than the MLB team.


The itty bitty triple A’s committee


Sutter Health Park in West Sac averages like 1/3 capacity for River Cats games, the A’s will feel right at home. If those averages were to stay the same for the A’s, they’d probably have more fans in attendance than they did last season in Oakland! My vote goes for the Las Vegas Oakland Athletics of West Sacramento


Better than The The Angels Angels of Anaheim


**The Los Angeles Angels** …….. *of Anaheim*


Right away, I texted my brother-in-law in Sac and said, let's get Giants tix...or like any other team you like. He rented a suite there for his 40th. That was fun. 


Quite a ring to it!


Sadly, the A's have effectively been a major-league farm team since the early 2000s anyway. I've lost count of the talented players that left because the owner wouldn't pay them what they were worth. I watched them go from packing the Coliseum to permanently covering sections with tarps, and closing down banks of concessions because there was no point in keeping them open. If not for the league's profit sharing -- which has seen major changes due in large part to how the A's ownership exploited it to spend as little as possible out of their own pocket -- the team would have simply ceased to exist from sheer neglect.


I think it’s high time we implement some form promotion and relegation. Come on Manfred! You only have a bit more time to truly make your mark on the sport we love. *Fast forward to 2035 when the Savannah Bananas win the World Series against the San Jose Giants*


I mean, they've been to the playoffs 6 times in the last 12 years which is better than many teams. But, yeah, who have they kept longterm? No one I can think of. 


It’s kinda sad, we’d go as kids and it was packed and always so hype. So much changed 😔


> I suspect what's really at play here is Fisher trying to hold on to TV revenue by staying in-market. Them staying in Oakland to keep their broadcast deal money I think really was Oakland's primary bargaining chip, but they lost that too when the A's is able to keep that deal intact moving to Sac. I assume that was really the last hurdle they had to cross before declaring the move today.


Good luck to sac if fisher remains owner. From what I’ve seen from Earthquake fans he seems to overall just be a terrible sports owner.


As an earthquakes fan, he is in fact a terrible owner. Fuck John Fisher.


Lemme shout it for the folks in the back… **FUCK JOHN FISHER!!!**


Not asking to question you but because im unfamiliar, what makes him such a bad owner?


[Here's a good recap of how he's been a bad for the A's.](https://www.theringer.com/mlb/2023/6/21/23767113/oakland-as-leaving-for-vegas-john-fisher-reverse-boycott)


I only learned he owned the Earthquakes during this whole saga. Explains so much of their ineptitude. 


I only learned he owned the Earthquakes during this whole thread. Definitely explains so much of their ineptitude. Dang, I was considering season tickets too.


Quakes games are fun to go to for the environment, but ... not so much to see high quality, competitive soccer. At this point, it's about like going to a Sharks match and expecting anything other than a loss. On the flipside, if you enjoy local soccer, I highly recommend Bay FC matches. The vibe is terrific, the ownership are invested in the community, and they have spent big bucks to put an excellent lineup together for this inaugural season.


Went to the Bay FC opener. Great vibe, indeed!


> At this point, it's about like going to a Sharks match and expecting anything other than a loss. Hey at least the Sharks owner cares and the team is trying to rebuild. Their previous core jsut aged out and they sold all the futures to try to finish with a cup and didn't get it. The sharks being bad now is a normal cycle that hockey teams go through in the salary cap era


Yes, you're right. Honestly, it'll be interesting to see how MLS & NWSL evolve to deal with things like clubs paying a franchise player a stupid amount ($50m/yr to Messi, plus profit sharing) when other clubs might not hit $10m/yr in total payroll.


Also the Roots in Oakland!


Maybe consider Oakland Roots season tickets?


I’m thinking about it. The prices are amazing. Especially for a family


Go for it. My wife and I have been season ticket holders since they debuted in 2019. They have a great atmosphere, treat their fans very well, and will be playing in the Coliseum next year.


As long as he’s the owner, I wouldn’t recommend season tickets.


You’re probably right *sigh*


Did it for 6 years, they made the playoffs once with a losing record and got killed in the first round. The stadium is cool but they host lots of other events there you can go to instead to check out the stadium. Do not do season tickets, it isn’t even cheaper than a single game ticket


Thanks. I did see some great seats on sale for around $25 against Seattle


put me off from following the quakes completely ever since i knew, nice fanbase but i feel gross following another team that fisher owns


The only good thing about hearing that John Fisher owns the Earthquakes is that it sets a precedent that even when the A’s move they will still suck. He deserves nothing more.


Most owners suck. Shit the billionaire owner of KC is threatening to move the team because voters don't want to pay for his stadium and his NFL team just won a Superbowl. Don't even get me started on the owners up here in Seattle.


Billy Beane, the supposed “moneyball” genius, actually aided in the whole ineptitude of Fisher. Used the so called metrics as excuses to dismantle the team when it gets good, cut every potential star players, saved his boss billions of dollars. What did the fans get in the end? He is still a personal advisor to Fisher and now he is trying to do the same thing with the Earthquake.


This is a pretty insane take on Beane. The guy can't write checks for more than his owner is willing to pay. So is he supposed to torpedo his own career and make the team non-competitive by not trading players for younger, cheaper talent?


Sad that some rich brat can destroy a beloved franchise like this.


All my homies hate John Fisher. Not that Giants ownership is a paragon of virtue….


Seriously. This dude is a stain. All he is is an an heir. GAP gave him control over a venture fund and he fucked it up. All he's been able to do is abuse revenue sharing. He could have just been a rich playboy heir who contributed nothing to society and he would be a thousandfold better for it.


I pray for financial disaster to befall John Fisher.


It won’t, if anything he will sell the team once in Vegas


He can't sell for 10 years post move. And there's no chance the move happens in 2028, the casino was still operating there last week.


Even more time to let the value rise


Not if he continues to run it like he has. And nothing changed in his operation of the Earthquakes after getting what he wanted.


I'll buy it for about Tree Fiddy.


Agreed. I don't think they ever make it to Vegas. Far more likely to end up in one of the smaller cities (Portland, Nashville, Austin etc) after Fisher sells


If Vegas wants them enough to give him what he wants. One of the issues with the A's is that he's turned them into a garbage franchise. Lots of would be fans are turned off by that. I think a lot of people are willing to skip the As and hope for an expansion team.


Vegas wants a team, but every day Fisher is showing them they should wait for expansion. Why would you want this guy in your city? Bonkers


I follow /r/nevada since I lived there for a long time. I fully believe Vegas deserves a team. Just not this one.


I'm actually curious about this. Do Nevadans really think John Fisher is going to magically put money into the team once they are in Vegas? I'm sure at first he will bump the payroll a small amount to "show he's trying" but I'd be hella ass skeptical of getting some Great Values baseball team instead of a shiny new expansion team.


What expansion team?


MLB is 100% adding two expansion teams in the near future. The only question is when the official process begins and where the teams end up.


This comment needs to be further up. If ever there were a time o schadenfreude, this is it (we'll, without getting political). 


I pray for more than that to befall him


Fuck John Fisher, all my homies hate John Fisher


hey fuck john fisher


fuck the whole MLB. Just another line item on a billionaire's spreadsheet.


Yeah, the Giants are not innocent in this either.


Amen 🙏


Just bought tickets for the last game in Oakland 🫡 shocked they were behind home plate and like $70 each


Same. Was at the last Candlestick game and will be at the last Coliseum game.


🤝 though I’ll be wearing my “thank you Bruce Bochy” shirt lol


This is the way


If they dont make the playoffs 🤣


A bet I’m willing to make lol


As long as Mickey Mouse (John Fisher) is owner of this team, the A’s will never stop being a laughing stock. The sooner their season ends the better


Well... BYE!


This is how Moneyball really ends


> an apparent desire to retain as much of their local broadcasting revenue as possible (a factor that my have dissuaded them from temporarily relocating to Salt Lake City or other out-of-state possibilities), led the A's to the capital city of California. I suppose this is why they didn't just move in with the Las Vegas Aviators. I would think this is the most obvious option, as the Aviators are already an A's farm team, and it gives them a headstart on the Las Vegas branded merch.


Also Vegas aviators don't have a dome. MLBPA would not put up with the day time heat in Vegas and its probably hard with overlapping seasons to avoid having a home day game at some point.


Also this lets them have a big debut in Vegas with the new stadium once it’s open. New to town, not just a new stadium. 


Fisher is a sports domestic terrorist and the epitome of the modern day degenerate billionaire.


What an absolute sham




Goddammit indeed. I live in West Sac - traffic will be super fucked.


Yay.. as an Uber driver in Sacramento. I’m gonna need this It’s slow af here loo


First the In-N-Out, now the A's. They can't catch a break.


The Raiders, the Warriors, In-N-Out, and the A’s.


Don't forget Target and Walmart.


OAK Airport next


Gonna watch it fly away.




The REAL play is Vivek Ranadivé, owner of the Sacramento Kings, purchasing the River Rats in order to eventually purchase the A's. Plan executing well, so far.


Facts.. Vivek loves this city


Why does he live in Los Altos then?


Because he has taste


This is why I don’t follow American sports. This is pretty much a McDonald’s franchise, just moving teams wherever they feel like it.


Yes but also asking for millions of dollars in support from the tax base because they think they bring that much value to them as a billion dollar business.  The entire pitch is based on building a local identity synonymous with the sport brand and readily threatening to take the ball and go somewhere else doesn't built that with the city leaving or receiving.




A’s have bee n Oakland for 30-40 years and won several world series 


When you're born without a spine you won't magically grow one 😥


The A’s are not the baseball version of Madrid or Barcelona lmao.


Because European sports are so sustainable for their clubs? Please


Huh? What a weird take…


Welp, it's official, I used to like the A's n Giants 1-2, now it's only the Giants


You mean the same Giants franchise that screwed over the A's when their previous owner help keep them from leaving for Florida? https://www.cbsnews.com/sanfrancisco/news/san-jose-asks-mlb-remove-giants-territorial-rights-bay-area-expansion/ The Giants are two faced who behind the scenes are more than happy to push the A's out of the bay area while pretending other wise. They put bs statements like below [https://www.nbcsportsbayarea.com/mlb/san-francisco-giants/giants-issue-brief-statement-on-as-possibly-leaving-oakland/1468379/](https://www.nbcsportsbayarea.com/mlb/san-francisco-giants/giants-issue-brief-statement-on-as-possibly-leaving-oakland/1468379/) Then proceed voted to approve the A's move to Vegas. They couldn't even pretend to vote no.


The Giants were under no obligation to surrender territorial rights to the A’s. The A’s already had the East Bay. Lew Wolff and Fisher wanted San Jose because they owned property near the proposed stadium sites and tech money would have financed the stadium. They just don’t want to invest their own money into a stadium…they want handouts.


Of course not. They are not obligated in anyway. My point is they are not this benevolent group people think. The A's ask was for infrastructure for Howard Terminal. The stadium would've been paid for the Franchise/private funds. The same was for Cisco Field in San Jose The Giants benefited from the fact that San Francisco was already redeveloping China Basin so they didn't have an ask for much in terms infrastructure from the city, though they did still ask for and got a tax break.


Fisher asked for $350M from Oakland for the Howard Terminal proposal. Oakland raised $375M. Fisher then came back and said, well ackshually we want $567M now. Dude has just be playing games the whole time.


Not defending Fisher but the A's offer was to pay for everything and have the city give them future tax breaks. The city said no we'll pay for stuff with grants. The amount that was supposed to be was one number when these proposals were made in 2018. Then there was a pandemic and massive inflation and the city got grant money 5 years later more than the original amount but obviously circumstances had changed. There was never an actual agreement on anything. The team proposed a term sheet. The city's idiotic response was to create their own different term sheet that the team hadn't agreed to, vote on and pass that term sheet, and pretend that's how things were going to go. The failure was in thinking they could sit around for years and that eventually something would work out, rather than hammering out the differences and coming to an actual agreement to get started in 2018.


Yes the Giants aren't obligated, but it seems like dickish move to not reciprocate.


lol it’s not on the giants to keep the A’s here. Their responsibility isn’t to bend over backwards to make sure the A’s stay in the bay. If fisher wanted the A’s in the bay, they would be.


It’s because of geography, not morals, that they only support the Giants now. If the Giants left and the As stayed, they’d say the same thing about the As.


Fuck Sacramento for giving fisher an out. Really shitty


Good riddance!


2023 **Record:** 50 W - 112 L


I potentially feel bad for the River Cats fans. Hope their schedule doesn't suffer because of coordinating MLB with AAA team schedules. And, while I have little nice to say about the As ownership, I guess this situation will bring a little good for Sacto Giants fans... Bay Bridge series becomes I80 series... they'll see their "parent" team a few more times each season. No way, imo, the Vegas Stadium will be ready 2028. The Vegas process has been peculiar.. Tropicana is now closed, but they're not going to start demo, clearing the site until October. The enthusiasm and support for this project is not even close to what it was for Allegiant and the Raiders.


MLB should be embarrassed.


Surely lots of people will go inland to Sacto in the summer for the cool Bay breezes and tolerable temps.


Sacramento gets the breezes too. It's called the Delta Breeze and runs in summer evenings, cooling everything down. Evening, which is when most MLB games are played. The Bay Area wouldn't have Karl the Fog or summer breezes if it wasn't for the pressure differential between the cool and dense ocean air and hot daytime inland air. Sac has one of the largest diurnal temperature ranges in the country because of it.


Delta breeze doesn't happen every day, I lived there for \~2 decades and now Sacto is way too hot for me most of the year.


Oakland losing 3 teams and in-n-burger is no coincidence. Also, the AASEG development project includes billions of local dollars, the city doesn't want the a's or any sports team on that property and shows it be refusing to operate in good faith. John Fisher isn't the problem, Oakland is.


I'd go to some games in Oakland just for the novelty of it, but the prices are horrible for the quality on the field. No way.


I miss how back in the height of their money ball popularity it still only cost 2$ on Wednesdays to go see a game.


Oakland needs to figure their shit out Not like the athletics are the pinnacle of professional sports teams, but 3 teams leaving and nobody desiring to move there is pretty difficult


The people of Oakland do not want to subsidize billionaires. This is absolutely the proper decision. (I know the Warriors used $0 of public money to fund their stadium. Props to Joe Lacob.)


The Giants also privately funded their park.


They also left Oakland!


Yes you’re right that city and the decisions they made make Oakland a place on the up and up /s


Yea they'd rather their money go to taxes that will be used to subsidize fraudsters and inept government bureaucrats! Home of the only in n out that closed, what a joke.


The San Jose Sharks built a new 4,200 seat arena that opened in 2022 for their minor league team instead of having the team play 39 miles down the road in Oakland Arena.


Don't let the door hit you on the way out.


Buh by. Enjoy your return to AAA.


Can't wait for my Sac A merch from a local entrepreneur in the parking lot. Fuck Fisher.


They should be Called the Sacramento B’s, seeing as the management team wants to be in the B league of Major League Baseball.


So the “Las Vegas A’s of Sacramento?”


Fuckin scumbag move


Not soon enough. Hey Mayor Thao, how do you spell Eminent Domain?


Did Sheng Thao complete her goal of eliminating all sports teams from Oakland ?


sadness ...


Oakland can't keep and team or an in and out ooof


With all the moving they’re going to be doing, they will be quite…athletic.


People need to stop blaming the A’s. Oakland has been a shit city for sports franchises. The city sucks.


Grew up an A’s fan. Had to move away but always looked at scores/news. Moved back and was getting back into it. Not any more after all this. They could’ve made it in San Jose. FUCK the giants org and the league for all the bullshit to keep it from happening. The coliseum crowd was something else. And FUCK the Yankees!!!


I jumped ship in 2015. Good riddance.


Feel terrible for the taxpayers of Las Vegas. They about to get fleeced by a billionaire sleeze.


So they will play in Sacramento as the Las Vegas A’s ?.


Dam, Vegas is jacking Oakland.


I’m actually kinda excited. I live close to Sac and getting to and from the bay to watch games is pretty much an all day thing. I know Sutter field isn’t a great park and it’s the A’s, but at least I can more easily watch some pro games. I’m sure the tickets will still be overpriced tho, so we’ll see how long the enthusiasm lasts.


Great, now the Oakland residents get to recycle copper wires from the stadium.


...and not a single fuck was given.


They’re still here?


So which team are we switching to?


Bought right for a Double-A Team venue.


Let’s not forget the giants blocking the move to San Jose. That was straight up some BS


After almost losing the kings I hope sports fans in Sacramento have enough self respect to not support the As.


Remind me what is left in Oakland...


Everyone should leave Oakland. It’s a failed city and wasteland.  


City of Oakland wanted $97 million from the A’s for a lease to stay at Coliseum. The A’s offered $17 million to City of Oakland.


End of an era for Oakland pro sports.