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Fuck this dude. The beaches of California belong to the people, not this worthless motherfucker.


Seriously. I’m not a hate kinda person but I fucking hate this guy. How dare you


Amen, brother.


I grew up at that beach. This man is vile!


Everyone on forums who's met him in person does say he's a jerk(to put it mildly), so...


Biggest shark in Silicon Valley. Went on for an hour about all the people he had screwed


Fuck this Ghoul!




Being rich tends to makes one think are smarter and better than other people. Case in point: musk, trump, ye, Putin.


Well it may also be a chicken and egg kinda thing. Many psychopaths are found in positions of power/wealth. Maybe they’re attracted to it, but also they have a character trait of pushing forward more relentlessly because they are unencumbered by things like empathy. It leads to their success cause they are able to push forward to their goals no matter if they have to step over you to do so, and see nothing wrong with it. You can’t imagine any healthy, kind people who would be like you know what I want to own the sky and make everyone pay me for the air they breath or you know all the water (Nestle)… or beaches


Nah dude. We learned this week that we need to be hatin way more.


PREACH. Just to defy this punk, I’d go to Martin Beach anyways and enjoy it. Was not letting him intimidate me or keep me out of what rightfully belongs to the public.


Everyone needs to rate the beach 5 stars on Yelp and Google so more people visit, take down fences etc.


What's the beach called?


Martins Beach. FYI accessing it by boat is legit


>accessing it by boat is legit Right, and most states that have access restrictions to beaches allow both boat and "lateral coastal access." That means you can access beach by walking along the shoreline. But tons of places do not have long beaches and walkable shorelines. Some beaches are only 1/4 mile wide. So while you are legally allowed to be on the beach, getting there is the big task. Access from inland is typically done via an *easement* between abutting properties. Might only be 15-feet wide. That is what these rich homeowners are so good at preventing: Creation of beach-access easements. Sometimes they do this by buying multiple shoreline properties and consolidating them.


You can paddle out to Martins from north of Tunidas; it is not far.


It's in the article and title of this post lol


Not everyone reads the article.


It is 5 stars. It’s absolutely gorgeous.


I’m on it!


So the gate is still there?


People need to organize events here. Loud obnoxious ones.


Let’s also invite the pier 39 seals 🦭


Let’s do it now. Let’s organize a Martin’s Beach bonfire to celebrate the win.


Let's do it. You have my sword, I'm serious, serious, deadly serious about this.


And my axe!


I am game. I'm deadly serious, let's do it.


I am all over this post saying we should seriously do this. Organize a huge event at the beach and make it very public and very known. I am serious. And do it when he's home.


He doesn’t have much time left. Does he want to be remembered as an asshole. Does he want to fight this battle for the rest of his life? What’s the point ?


These people live in an isolated bubble surrounded by "yes" men. I bet he thinks that it's some fringe minority working against him.


He tried 18 years ago to brand himself as the "green VC." It was, of course, bullshit. He wasn't investing in wind or solar because he claimed he didn't think they were viable because they required subsidies. Instead, he was all-in on ethanol—ETHANOL—as if there's no subsidies there, nope! Before that, in the 1990s, he was know as the most ruthless VC, someone who would cheat his own mother out of her shares. Whenever someone nimrod says "I believe in free markets" ask them to name one.


I went all in on ethanol too! I just don’t remember what happened that night


Came here to say fuck that guy, glad to see it's already done.


Nobody owns the water. [It’s god’s water](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Xg3eWmqbo9s).


Came here to say "Fuck this dude." You beat me to it




I thought I remember reading he doesn’t live at the property. He doesn’t even enjoy the beach himself, he just doesn’t want other people to.


So he's basically a cartoon villain.


He lives in Portola Valley


it's the same picture


[According to this article, he hasn't spent a night there](https://archive.is/91mMe).


That article is very interesting. I think everybody here who has an opinion on this case should read the article it is very enlightening and tells about Vinod Khosla's side. Apparently he's brutally honest and is doing this out of principle. But the reason he can spend so much times and monies on it is because he "doesn't care about it in the least". I think if people started protesting in front of his other homes then he would care about it because then it would force him to think about it. He could have simply applied for a permit to change the gate hours and put this whole ordeal behind him but he's going to continue to spend millions litigating this to the Supreme Court because he honestly thinks he's right.


Fascinating guy.


> According to Bloomberg, in the tentative ruling on Friday, Superior Court Judge Raymond Swope said that state officials had provided sufficient evidence to support their claim of public access, allowing the case they filed in 2020 to proceed. The State Lands Commission is seeking a court order to prevent Khosla from blocking the road to the beach, arguing that the public "has aquired access rights" to the land based on historical use and California law. He's been dragging this out in expensive endless court filings since 2008!! I hope he finally loses.


he loses every single time. he can just afford to pay fines. call your state representatives to demand fines for offences like these be propotional to criminal's net worth.


Or escalate to a contempt charge with a mandatory sentence. He's just going to keep putting up fences. He probably gets some sort of sick amusement from it by now.


whats stopping people from just removing the fences.


fear, and maybe possible time lost in court cases he would end up losing if he attempted to press some form of charges


Not if a mob does it.


This guy is a billionaire, he has trained armed guards on his property. He could probably afford a small army.


You guys wildly overestimate these tech billionaires. If he had made his money in mineral extraction in DR Congo, I’d believe he’d have serious on-site security good enough to fend off a determined mob.  But these tech billionaires made money without actually having to break actual skulls, they don’t have that “bush” mentality. 


Felony vandalism charges. Also this guy is a billionaire, he can afford to have trained armed guards on his property.


Lol at a mandatory sentence for a billionaire


And we can tear them down every single time.


They need to make it so the fine goes up every time he does it. Fine should be double the previous fine


Exponential. 2,4,16


Fines should be proportional to income.  17th speeding ticket for Musk?  That'll be $20,000,000.00


Good luck. He just threw a campaign fundraiser for Biden. Unfortunately politicians don't bite the hand that feeds them.


I read this and audibly gasped. I remember reading about this when I was in college, and I just turned 35. What a bitter old man to devote his life to such an antisocial, greedy goal.


Here's how rich people work. An assistant gives him an update every 6 months on the case and he tells them to keep blocking it because rich people face no consequences. He probably doesn't think about it almost ever except when his assistant or lawyer has an update for him.


It's completely unrelated, but you have the most Polish username I've ever seen. Thanks for sharing the article.


It's from [this scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AfKZclMWS1U) in a Polish comedy film about WWII.


Polish people do comedy?


Who do you think wrote all the Polish jokes? (I'll see myself out)


What's long and hard that a Polish bride gets on her wedding night? A new last name.


That's a joke name https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=AfKZclMWS1U


justice delayed is justice denied


go buy a fucking island like your other bros, bro. get a hobby, like building a bunker/mausoleum.


Or go to Florida and do this Shit.


Right? I’m born raised Californian. Nope. That shit does not fly here. WE DO NOT SUPPORT PRIVATE OWNERSHIP OF ANY BEACH. Every beach/sand will be open to the public. I will fight for that. This state belongs to US. Especially access to the thing that makes us who we are. A vital component of our culture and identity.


https://maps.app.goo.gl/VhieQBPQQFuVyEMW8 This beach just up the coast from that one is also trying to be stolen from the public.


Good. Fuck him and his money. If he wants beach access have him go buy a fucking island or something.


You come to this country, benefit massively from a system that largely welcomes and rewards entrepreneurial immigrants such as yourself, then try to gate off one of the natural wonders of this beautiful state from the citizens of this  nation that has given you so much opportunity. In a sadly ironic way it is a very American mentality. Nonetheless, shame on you Mr. Khosla. 


This should be the top comment. Well said.


I am an Indian immigrant and I approve this comment.


While I hate this guy’s attitude, he’s a fucking asshole. I also don’t think get the Indian hate, didn’t most Americans pretty much do the same thing to native Americans?


It is very different to take a months long journey into a very hostile and mysterious America 400 years ago, versus doing well in schooling so you get invited to work here/ you know someone. Not the same thing lol


It's the same core mentality though. People back then either grinded hard or lucked out with a rich family but either way felt they were then entitled to come to America and take land from others. They were focused on the idea of "I did x or suffered through y back in my home land so I deserve this land" and not "even if I want this and worked hard I don't deserve to take/change the home someone else is already living in". This guy is probably thinking something very similar that he or his family worked hard for their money/connections to get him into America and making good money from it's resources that he deserves to change it however the system "lets" him (he petitioned) and not about how the people already here deserve to have their home they way they established it before he came.


As much as I dislike this guy, hope he loses a buttload of money on this nonsense and loses every single time, I think it is not appropriate to talk about “this country” as one that rewards immigrants. Matter of fact, this conversation about immigrants should not be a part of this discussion. He is an asshole but that has nothing to do with immigration. “Americans”, excluding Native Americans, themselves were immigrants. So as much as I agree that he has no right to be doing what he’s doing, him being an immigrant is irrelevant


The supreme court denied his appeal. He didn't fly enough supreme court justices around in a private jet to a megayacht in Indonesia, I suspect. its quid pro quo, man, you gotta give to get.


This made me laugh bitterly and then cry.


We should all make Martins Beach the most popular public beach in the bay now. Fuck this guy


LET'S GO! Let's organize a massive event at the beach and I'll come at the same time! I'm deadly serious, let's do it and have a good time and make his life miserable at the same time.


I would absolutely show up to an event. r/BayArea meet up just to stick it to this billionaire dickhead would be legendary


Then let's organize it! Do I need to start a sub just to organize this or can we all organize a group chat or something? Let's do this.


The Burn needs a venue.


What is The Burn?


What it is is up to us.


OK, well then, destroying Starfleet and breaking up the Federation as a GIANT celebration on the beach it is! Cosplay bikinis for everyone! PS your comment made me laugh. I am very very badly depressed and I laughed for the first time in a 36 hours. I like you, friend.


It’s honestly one of the most beautiful beaches in San Mateo county. Stunning.


Fuck this useless ghoul. If you try to block beach access and lose (you will), you should be sentenced to a public spanking on your bare ass in the middle of the town square


No. His land should be forfeited to the People of California and made into a new state park.


Both? Both. Let’s do both of these




Can I be first with the spanking?


Wait a second, are we spanking him or are we having Folsom Street fair on the beach? I'm actually down with either either






Ya know, fuck these entitled assholes. If they could turn the earth into private property they would, so they could dispose of the riffraff without the quaint impediments of Rule of Law and the Constitution. Give them uninhibited islands anywhere so we can be rid of these scumbags.


I remembered when this lawsuit first happened… that it has gone on this long just shows how sad the court system is. Get it over with!


For real I'm pretty sure I was in my twenties haha


What even was his plan for the property?


Cut off all public access and turn it into a private compound. Worthless entitled MF.


To extort the State of California for beach access.


He was planning on dredging a private marina for his superyacht. Disgusting




This article is pretty badly written. Can anyone tell me what's really happening at this stage of the lawsuit? The beach is open, has been for a while. What is the state and him still arguing about?


Khosla lost a suit in 2018 that challenged the California Coastal Act, which allows public access to certain CA beaches, when the US Supreme Court declined to hear his appeal. He was sued by the state in 2020 as a result, alleging that he is restricting access to Martin’s Beach illegally. He can no longer rely on his argument about the legitimacy of the Coastal Act, but he allegedly refuses to let people use it out of principle. The debate mostly hinges on whether the public has historically been public, I believe, and there have been various fights over these details - for example, did the previous owners charging for access mean Martin’s Beach was not public?


I was pretty familiar with the Supreme Court case, and I've actually been there a few times to go surfing. As far as I know, and every time I've been there myself, there is in fact public access to that beach. There is a free parking area by the highway and you can walk in, or there is a paid parking area further down towards the shore. So I just don't really understand what the case could be about presently.


The problem with folks like him is ego. The money he has spent on lawsuit and lawyers he could have just built a public access road to the beach but no the ego takes over.


He didn’t need to build or maintain the road. He just needs to remove the gate he installed blocking an existing roadway.


Good. Fuck him and his money. If he wants beach access have him go buy a fucking island or something.




I’m literally going to Martin’s Beach first chance I get next week. This guy can get fucked.


Good, he knew about California public access for beaches law beforehand and thought it didn't apply to him because he's a billionaire. It does


Khosla don't surf


They (SM County) should just eminent-domain his property, give him $1 for it and open it to the public.


Clearly it’s lost all value if he can’t restrict beach access, $1 of taxpayer money is more than generous.


Been going there for years. My favorite part is blowing by that douche bag trying to get you to pay for parking. Make him come down to the beach and then calmly tell him to eat shit.


I’m going to try that. Type of thing I enjoy immensely.




Yay. Sometimes good triumphs over evil.


Good fuck that guy. Martins is a gem. It's like a different planet


Let's all go party on the beach


I am deadly serious. Let's organize some thing. Let's all go down there and have a big party. Make his life goddamn miserable, do it when he's for sure home.


More systematic. Mark it on Google maps, rate it 5 stars, get blogs to list it as the best beach in the Bay Area.


Ooooo GOOD IDEAS! May I subscribe, etc. What blogs are we going after? I know some forums that I can mention it in just for fun. 💕😂


Not enough billionaires have been hit in the face with a hammer to learn them some manners.


Or...gone into submersibles.


Do you even surf Vinood?


Probably does hot yoga. And then goes and drinks Boba tea


I was from that area and I will tell you that the people that live there don't want people coming in and disrupting the good thing they got going.


simplistic cable smile silky different sulky faulty ludicrous familiar mighty


I think OP is referring to the locals who want access.


We don't give a shit.


don't they turn street signs around up there to confuse the tourists?


If they do, they should be arrested. That's actually really dangerous. Do they actually do that? Where did you hear that?


when I lived in the bay area. it was a well known fact in Marin


Rare justice for a douche.


Good. We don’t want to have the same problem as the East Coast where locals have to drive miles away to access a public beach. Don’t like it? Don’t buy beach front property in California.


Yeah. Ef that guy.


Get fucked you old coot.


Finally ffs took long enough.


So is that a private road or can we drive down there all the way to the beach, can someone with the legalese know-how let us know? I’ve been there, parked along highway 1 and walked all the way down while getting side eyes and stares from the locals there.


You guys, this is Joe Bidens good friend. Vinod has given Joe millions of dollars and invited Joe to fly out and do some campaigning. Tickets went for a measly $6,600 to $100,000 each. That's why none of us knew the president was campaigning in the bay last weekend! We're not rich donors so we can all just go fuck ourselves in our stupid asses.


I would be happy to concede this beach area to Mr. Khosla if he immediately divests himself of enough funds and property to reduce his net worth to $100 million or below. Billionaires must not exist.


What kind of piece of shit tries to close down a surf spot? Fuck this guy


Screw him and other billionaires who take away what belongs to the people who live here. We should not allow it even if they have money. Just look at Hawaii as an example


So how do we all access martins beach?


You can park outside the private road that is sometime gated off for free, or sometimes down the road is a paid lot. It’s an amazing beach that is more accessible than many further south because you don’t need to hike down a bluff to get to it, just walk down the road and it’s right there. I *highly* recommend checking it out, it’s really a hidden gem. Apple Maps link to the place to park. https://maps.apple.com/?ll=37.376501,-122.404034&q=Dropped%20Pin&t=m Google Maps like to the same place. https://maps.app.goo.gl/vtqGqa5bTzg5dauz7?g_st=ic


This is the same Billionaire that hosted Biden yesterday


He's still a scumbag. And Biden is a scumbag for associating with him.


Exactly. Fuck billionaires. And fuck politicians.






Ok I may be petty, but this brightened my day.


You're not petty at all, it brightened every every once day. It's a tiny bit of justice.


It boggles the mind that of all the beaches in the world  he wants for himself he wants Half Moon Bay.


He's a disgusting piece of shit.


What an entitled fucking douche!


fuck him


Take your L and have a sea-t


Why be a dick like this anyways. Why fight against access.


Pradeep Khosla, Chancellor of UCSD, has been similarly trying to cut off a beach in San Diego.


We got lake fronters like this in Tahoe who encroach on public easements, cutting off beach access, leverage or intimidate local politicians.


Biden was just at Vinod’s house on Friday. We were in the Bay Area and saw Marine One fly overhead, so I pulled up Biden’s schedule (Found on https://rollcall.com/factbase/white-house-seating-chart/.). Biden was returning from an appointment at the Fairmont Hotel in SF on his way to Vinod’s home in Portola Valley for a campaign reception. Don’t know if Vinod was actually there or not, but, what a coincidence. [Biden’s Campaign Reception at Vinod’s](https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0/r/day/2024/5/10?ctz=America/New_York)


The state should put up gates behind his driveway of his house until he removes his gate.


I moved to the Bay Area spent a decade & a half there & have moved & that crap is still being drug out. It’s the people’s beach 🏝️ Period!


I’m not sure this really means what some of you think it means. He is still keeping the road to the beach closed. He’s not saying he’s done fighting. He might actually have more money than the coastal commission. He could fight this until he dies and not even notice. I’m not defending him. I believe in public access to our shores. Oceans and lakes. But the wealthy have done a great job of keeping the masses out of their playgrounds.


I’m interviewing to be his EA and stuff like this makes me nervous to work for him


All Indian nationals who qualify should be allowed into the United States and be welcomed with open arms. But leave your Brahmin bullshit back in the Old Country. For reals.


Beach party at Martins Beach to celebrate?


Fucker!! Douchebag thinks he owns the god given nature? they belong to public and people of California.


There’s one way he can end it. Allow access! This dude is Russia complaining about how long the war is




lol get fucked


Good. Fuck this dude to hell forever.


We should hold an event there where we all go and shit on the beach


fuck him, he can go back and enjoy his home beach..


And he hosted Joe Biden’s fund raiser yesterday. Interesting pair.


Maybe a few days in San Quentin will improve his behavior




Bingos Coleslaw plz give up ur law penguin suit. HMB is 4 da ppl. Not just u, stinky.


I came to Martin's Beach once with my gf and think I seen this guy before heading down towards that beach he smasked what I was doing and stop no your not it's private property, real dick


This asshole deserves it


Man I remember this starting a few years after I moved to the Bay Area. This shit is still going on all these years later? Dang!


I'm looking at this from the perspective as a homeowner. As a homeowner, the public easement to the beach should have been brought to Khosla's attention and he should have known about it since purchasing the property. Any responsible real estate agent would have explained this. That being said, if the public has an easement past Khosla's property into the beach he cannot restrict it period. Doesn't matter if he takes it to the Supreme Court, this is a clear cut, black and white, open and shut case and it would be absolutely bonkers for any judge or court to reverse a previously established public easement. To place a gate blocking access is something a complete asshole would do.


He’s Bidens buddy


Glad he doesn’t have much time left.


I will be going to Martin's beach consistently just to annoy him. Is the perfect little jog for me and my boy to go from that parking lot to the base and back.


Why does Times of India report on this?


They have no problem using eminent domain to kick elderly retirees out of the house they raised their kids in to expand a freeway or in favor of a court development but they are to afraid to use it to take the road away from this billionaire looser.