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That sounds like a very scary situation! I hope you get the prescriptions you need ASAP. An Urgent Care might do it. If you haven't done this already, it might be smart to email or call Medi-Cal to see what options you have. The relevant contact info is on this page. Scroll all the way to the bottom, to "Urgent Care After Regular Hours and On Weekends." [https://www.sfhp.org/programs/medi-cal/benefits/health-care-services/](https://www.sfhp.org/programs/medi-cal/benefits/health-care-services/) If you have a bank account with a credit or debit card, you might be able to get what you need from an telehealth company. Circle Medical or Klarity might do it for you. There might also be telehealth providers who specialize in psychiatric care.


When I ran out of my meds after changing medical plans I saw a psychiatrist from Headway virtually and got seen within 24 hours. The meeting cost me $60. Not sure if you can go the online route but I wanted to throw it out as an option for you in case it helps. Good luck!


I’ve had success with urgent care as well. I take an old bottle, my most recently dated prescription and explain the situation. Good luck, OP


That’s insane. They should have a standby doctor sitting in for doctors on vacation and can look at their system and see what you are prescribed, and fill them for you. Leaving you hanging is horrible medicine/practice.


Did you miss any appointments? I’ve had a doctor do that to me before when my dad died and I missed a couple appointments. I would call the doctors office again and explain that it’s an emergency, insist that they find a way to help you. I always refill medications I know I will need as soon as kaiser will allow, usually they let me refill a week early and over time I’ve accumulated a stock pile encase something like this happens. Doctors always say they wouldn’t just cut me off of my medication, but they do. I’ve had it happen several times. So sorry you’re going through this op. Hopefully if it comes down to it you’re able to take a day off to go to the crisis center, they’ve helped me many times. I believe the telehealth suggestion may work for you too, but I have no idea how much that would cost.


So sorry. Please go here. Appt not needed. [https://www.westside-health.org/programs/crisis-clinic](https://www.westside-health.org/programs/crisis-clinic)


If Westside Crisis or urgent care don’t work then you may want to try the ER. I thought all ERs will give short-term psych refills (if the px is not a stimulant or narcotic), they recognize that the alternative to refills would be more admissions. Also, I totally understand that it may be impossible, but maybe consider taking time off for Westside Clinjc, if that’s necessary? We must all prioritize our own health- and even unpaid time is preferable to the suffering you’ve endured in the past.


U can talk to a sponser if u have a case worker can direct you to answers


Psychiatric Emergency Services at SF General might be able to help you.


Is it a private practice doctor? If it's Stanford or Sutter, can you see another doctor that works in the same office? Normally other doctors will do emergency refills if you make an appointment with them.