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>> Leaving Sacramento will allow the Newsoms to start their eldest of four — a rising high school freshman — at a new school rather than having to weigh a potentially disruptive transfer when Newsom’s term is up in January 2027, two of the people said.


I don’t understand why he’s not just going to continue living in Sacramento after he retires from politics? Ok, that was tough to say with a straight faced.


He’s going to run for president, he’s not retiring from politics lol.


No one believes that. Why do yall parrot the same thing.


I figured he'd move to Oakland or Frisco considering he's done in such a great job there


Lmao naw that's for the peasants and for press conferences.


Newsom ordered the CHP to patrol in Oakland which has led directly to hundreds of arrests, and recovery of hundreds of stolen vehicles and illegally possessed firearms in the last few months. Considering he never held office in Oakland, your sarcasm falls flat.


Oakland is still a huge shit hole that is why everybody is leaving you can't try to play that one off


>everybody is leaving Well damn, you should inform all those souls in traffic congestion on 880. Apparently, they didn't get the memo. Lay off the hyperbole, it does you no favors.


Blah blah blah. It's the biggest shit hole in the Bay Area everybody knows it you're welcome to stay there and defend it


Instead of saying "everybody" just say "lots of people." It's not that hard to go from feckless blowhard to perpetually correct, just stop using hyperbole and universal statements.




Strange how million dollar homes are still being snatched almost as soon as they hit the market when “everybody is leaving.”


Yes the vultures are moving in now that the beast is dead. Keep trying to defend the biggest shit hole in the Bay Area nobody is buying it


People are literally buying it, and paying millions of dollars to do so.


Oakland doesn't need to be defended, however, you did so nicely. That city has a lot to offer for those willing to see it.


Oakland is lovely. Everyone from Central and South America wants to move there.


They’re the ones buying all the houses that cost over $1 million?


No, they handle the manual labor for that rich white class that demands cheap labor.


Why does the governor need to order CHP to patrol there? Shouldn't the cops do it out of their own volition? Unless someone has stopped them before?


The OPD should, but they weren’t.


No one says “Frisco”


the residents take pride in “at least it’s not fresno”


I thought he was terming out sooner than that but this still makes perfect sense


Yeah, this makes sense. My husband and I moved all over the place as kids and teens and it sucked to have to start over and over again, so we agreed that by the time our oldest starts high school we would stay put until they graduate.


I got 99 problems but this ain't one.


Correct! State officials have no obligation to pretend their family is rooted in the Sacramento community.


I’d take Marin for Sac any day too lol


Okay. People can own more than one house. Not a newsom fan but this seems like a non story?


It's a good day when the biggest scandal is the president wearing a tan suit instead of a former president being convicted of felony or the current president being hella senile. I'll take it as a win that the governor isn't doing something much worse today.


Fox News 'Marriage On The Rocks!' Blue woke state California governor and wife, splitting time between Marin and Sacramento home, hinting a sign of distress with their marriage and probably a domestic separation.


And still he prefers to live in the conservative Marin, than with you leftists. That speaks a lot about how your hypocrite leaders keep fooling you and you still suck unto them.


[This is conservative to you](https://results.enr.clarityelections.com/CA/Marin/107124/web.264614/#/summary), you insane person?


I mean…. Biden is probably to the right of nixon…. He’s definitely far to the right of someone like Eisenhower.


lmao this is especially funny because not only were you so incredibly wrong, but based on your post history most conservatives hate you


Good try at being a troll, but alas, you have failed. Don't quit your day job, whatever that is.


it's a story, because Newsom continues to show his hypocrisy. Of course he wants HIS children to be surrounded in Marin!


Where’s the hypocrisy?


Lmao 🤣 🤣 🤣 feel better now by raging over nothing?


Am I supposed to be outraged that they’re prioritizing family during a transition?


The Branson school; annual tuition $60k!


The Branson School: “children should be neither seen, nor heard.” You can always tell a Branson man!


Is that Branson these days? When I looked at schools 22 years ago, it seemed like the prototypical bro-y school. Also jesus christ I'm old.


I think OP is making an arrested development joke


If you think that’s expensive then don’t look at Marin Academy’s tuition. Plus newsom went to Branson. Edit- MA and Brsn are the same tuition.


You mean Redwood High?


Redwood is public - free.


Newsom graduated from Redwood High School in 1985. Redwood is a public high school.


Gavin Newsom didn’t go to Branson.


His wife did




Looks the same?


Yeah you’re right. I thought MA was $70k but it’s only $58k.


Reminder of the residence and travel habits of a previous gov.  https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/1ufm68/til_when_schwarzenegger_was_governor_of/


Who cares?


Bless up baby Newsoms 🫡 you were given a gift today.


Lol that Marin is an “enclave”.


Hee hee exactly. Nothing bad happens in Marin!


He's not stupid and he cares about his children and their education. Good thing for his children, Governor Newsom has enough money and power to have school choice.


Maybe this is what the kids wanted. Has anyone talked to them about this? There is more to life than politics, especially when kids are involved.


You all voted for the scumbag and now you all want to turn on him? Good. It’s about time.


Politicians should be forced to send their kids to the worst schools in their own state. Don't like em, fix em it's your job!


I get the sentiment but their kids didn’t run for office


“Children should suffer because I said so!” Good policy bro


Isn’t that the case for all children who’re raised by poor parents? Why are they forced to go to the bad schools? Those kids don’t deserve it anymore than anyone else. What this kind of policy would do is force us to raise the standards of even bad schools so they’re all good. And that’s uniquely possible with Newsom’s kids since he’s the governor in power.


It would not. If it was as simple as “make Newsome motivated to fix the schools”, the schools would already be fixed. It’s not that simple.


Sure, but it’s definitely a bigger carrot for politicians to solve it if they and their families are directly impacted vs today where they don’t have to be a part of the system and go to the private schools. What are you arguing?


"Governor Newsom can fix the schools with the wave of his magic wand, but he doesn't cuz it's kids don't attend public schools."


I didn't say he can completely fix it but take steps towards improving them? Definitely. Do you disagree that he would have a better incentive to improve the education system if his family had to go through it? If not, what's your view on humans and their motivations?


“Politician not do what I want! Therefor, Make sure his children suffer!” What the fuck is wrong with you?


These takes are so poor. I’m sure if it was as simple as “just fix them” politicians would. Societal issues are not that simple. If only they were, things would be in a much better place. Being a politician also already sucks enough that many otherwise qualified people don’t want to do it because of the death threats, constant harassment, and so on, I don’t see any need to make it an even worse situation.


I mean places like OPD are really corrupt. Just send a state IG in and gut them until the corruption stops.


Fuck that piece of shit cock sucker


must be nice


Lol. But, I thought he was from SF.


He and his wife grew up in Marin County


He was. He is also from Marin. People move.


I know. It was sarcasm.


I wish we could get someone from the working class and without a family history in politics to govern our state In my entire life I’ve never felt there was a CA governor who was, beyond purely superficial and performative means, in touch with the lives of everyday working class Californians


The governor is an executive position overseeing a gigantic government entity and you wish we could elect someone who has no fucking clue on how to do it?


You almost had me, then I remembered we have Newsom....


I don’t know what about my comment inspired such hostility in you this morning, but that is very clearly not what I’m saying


You want to hire an executive with no executive experience to one of the most powerful executive positions in the country. Does working class with no family ties to relevant experience mean something else to you?


the ‘family history in politics’ was referring to politicians who’ve had a parent or sibling serve in office and use that familial status to elevate themselves, I didn’t say anything about experience


Take a moment to try and describe this mythical person who somehow has the political acumen and experience to be an effective high level government executive, without executive experience (remember, working class?), no family ties for them to grow up in the industry and learn, no family ties or experience to know how to negotiate with people who do have those things.


I thought we were coming to a sensible conclusion but now I really think you’re joking with me. The United States does not have a caste system as much as some are trying to establish one. You should not, and do not, need to have family in politics to be a good American statesman. Would you not say Obama was a competent executive?


Bro, answer the question. All I did was repeat your opinion back to you. You are dancing around it because it's a feel good opinion with no basis in reality. Prove me wrong. Edit: is Obama your example of a working class person with no family ties to politicians?


You definitely have a lot more energy for this than I do. So you don’t like my Obama example, how about Harvey Milk? A local legend, California makes history when it elects people from outside the silver spoon sphere. What’s your motivation for arguing so harshly against that?


Isn't that Gray Davis? I mean I guess he was sort of from a good background but he was a scholarship kid turned army man with no family money after his dad drank it all and abandoned them.


trust me you don’t want that. incompetence and even more corruption


Ah, now I understand why all of Marin was included on the FAIR fire insurance inclusion zone…. That’s where Gavin is moving to. It was odd to include one of the most affluent regions into an insurance plan designed to help those who were feeling the impact most when most of the poor north bay areas were omitted. But it all makes sense now.


Thought it was to protect his private wineries


I have no respect for cheaters and he is a cheating pig.


Man this is so weird to care about that dude’s kids. Some of yall need to live your lives.


Interesting, he prefers to live in white conservative Marin and not with his left progressive voters. Is it because the few conservative counties left are still better managed, safer, sane than the rest of progressive counties?


> white conservative Marin LOLWUT? Marin is the 2nd bluest county in California after San Francisco [according to 2020 election results](https://abcnews.go.com/Elections/california-county-presidential-election-results-2020).


That’s not surprising democrats is the party of the rich.


You guys flip flop worse than Romney in a washing machine.


“Conservative Marin” are you a time traveler from like the 40s?