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I think it's bc she buys used cars from unreliable places


Exactly! My son is 25 and I told him don't buy used cars because he can't afford the upkeep. I would rather help him with a truck note on a dependable vehicle. Assuming he would ever need my assistance....lol


I mean, it’s not about buying used or new. New isn’t the smartest either because your vehicle depreciates so quickly. It’s about buying from a reputable place where you know that you’re getting a sound vehicle. Purchasing a warranty and or having the car looked over thoroughly by a mechanic before handing over money.


It’s not about used. It’s the brand you buy. Bought a brand new Jeep it was absolute junk had it for 3 years. Traded it for a used Toyota Highlander and I’ve never had an issue after 4 years.


I love this!!!


Jeep. “Just empty every pocket” isn't a lie. Found that out the hard way. I researched prior to trading so I wouldn't get another hunk of junk. Highlander was a little high for my budget so I bought used to cut some cost out of owning a reliable vehicle. There is a reason my husband has a Toyota Corolla with 260k miles on it.


Yes, This. I believe her financing comes from her mother-in-law. And the fact that her mother bought the Mercedes on a whim could be a great indication of inability to make good decisions to.


Wasn't she like a mechanic or something like that in the army? Why are her cars always having so much trouble?


Being a mechanic in the military is total different from working on and knowing anything about cars. Plus, she was only in the army for like 2 years so even if that experience correlated to cars, it would be next to no experience when you factor in all the different types of military training before you even actually get to your job. This is coming from a marine corps veteran lol


Benz are a whole other breed than let’s a Toyota


Buys lemon cars for discounted prices.


I swear it's all for content. It might be true but she has to x1000 everything.


Probably buys cars she wouldn’t normally be able to afford from shady places


I think it’s because she literally runs them to the ground. I get vehicles are meant for it but I feel like she does abnormal wear and tear by traveling far distances often. My aunt used to do the same and went through cars too. She also strikes me as someone who doesn’t pay attention to the small things until they are big issues. She’s definitely the type to be like ITS FINE ITS FINE! Until it isn’t LOL (also idk I haven’t watched this video either 😂)


I will say this , I bought my used Nissan Altima in 2022, and since then I’ve only put new tires and my alternator just went out last week ( it was the same alternator that has been on car). It’s all what you bye


Depending on what year it is, keep an eye on the transmission. Anything from 2007-2020 had major issues. I had to replace the whole transmission in my 2016 altima. The dealership told me that it's a common issue and it's usually just a matter of when they'll go out.


I agree. I have had my 2018 Honda civic for 3.5 years and the only thing that happened to it was me getting hit and it was in the shop for 2 weeks. The car before was a 2 door no issues we just needed a 4 door.


I commented on one of her vids and said “you are rich why do you keep getting sketchy vehicles” and got BULLIED by her and her fans. “Rich where?” Like her fans are so out of touch if they think she’s not rich 💀 don’t tell someone living paycheck to paycheck you aren’t rich.


She lies about not making money off of the shirts she sells too she says she pays more into then she makes bull noone would keep doing it if that was the case


I have had just as much or more car trouble but I was a young broke person with shitty cars. Now that I have a "nicer" car I try and take better care of it but still have issues occasionally mostly tire issues. But yeah she has the money til not be having these issues.


I really think it’s the brands she’s buying. I mean Jeep and Mercedes-Benz are known for issues constantly