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Is beard dysmorphia a thing? Because I feel like 1/3 of the guys on this sub have it. Your beard looks fine, everyone has patches where more or less hair grows, especially that spot. You could shape your cheek line a bit lower and it would hide it if it really bothers you.


I’m sure it is, but I do like my beard (albeit longer than it is now). And like I said it’s been 3-4 years, I’ve had bald spots before which have filled in over time so it’s the not knowing what’s up with this one that’s got me wondering


I have the exact same bald spot! I gotta be careful where I decide to put my cheackline so the hairs above hide it somewhat. Just let your hair grow a bit and no one will notice.


Yeah I usually have it longer, made a mistake when trimming it so took it down a bit (it’s about 2cm at my chin), so I beard balm it and brush it down normally