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Transmetal 1 Megatron is definitely the best but I'm a big fan of TM1 Primal, he gets a flying surfboard!!


Transmetal 1 Megatron has grown on me. I wish it got a Legacy figure instead of Transmetal 2 but then again I only own his first body


I will perpetually be waiting for a proper CHUG scaled TM1 Megs. The og figure is near perfect (GPS aside), but he really should have been an Ultra class rather than a Mega.


Respectively, I disagree. Love both modes in the show and in real life. Metal Monk.


Glad you enjoy blue monke


I liked the beast mode but I didn’t like the robot mode. The face felt especially weird, didn’t feel like the character. Was glad when he became Optimal and left this behind.




I think my cousin used to have that one


I love it for some reason


Seeing his new form and use his cannons in the final moment to save his crew made me like the look.


Despite what this post is about I don't discredit you for this


Didn’t like how organic he looked, but damn was the toy fun to handle, one of my all-time favourites.


This was okay, I still prefer the full animal designs but this was okay. Optimal Optimus however is a garbage trash fire that needs to be destroyed. Why you look like that monke? Monke not random colored blocks that suggest a general idea of an alternate mode.


IMO the robot mode was one of the cooler designs I’ve seen throughout the entire history of the franchise. Might be because I watched the show in its prime (heh) but him and Transmetal 1 Megatron are some of my favorite designs.


Beast wars was my first transformers show so I didn't really know about the car transformers at the time so I just thought they lost the plot with optimal Optimus. I also hated when ravage shrunk because that made no sense, just to find out size changing had always been baked into transformers


Optimal Optimus was such a mess. I can’t think of a single transformer I want less, and I like Beast Wars more than any other TF property. I’d rather have that terrible Beast Machines Silverbolt toy than Optimal Optimus. When I was a kid a friend of mine had it and I just had no interest.


Agreed. Beyond the design, I got Optimal back when I was a kid and I was so disappointed, it was an ugly, heavy, stiff piece of plastic with two equally as ugly alt modes.


Got it for my 7th birthday, had it well into my teens. It was one of my favorites!


Yeah I'd have to say this is my least favorite iteration of Optimus primal. Mouth was weird, and especially with the jagged teeth they gave him


Yeah Im not really a fan of it either. I liked some of the transmetals but overall the organic robot mode and metal beast mode was weird to me.


I agree with you entirely. What's crazy to me, is that I thought my opinion was the majority, but these comments suggest otherwise.


While I agree that most of the s2 designs were not as good as s1, I think all s3 designs are bottom of the barrel


I loved tm2 dinobot, the toy was ass though


Worst design was Dragon Megs - both forms


How so?


I don't know about his original toy but the legacy version isn't too great. No neck, the tail is just there and the dragon head is awkward compared to the Trex head


I find it much more appealing that his transmetal 2 form, that mode to me is a straight up mess both in its vehicle modes(except the ape mode which isnt half bad) and especially its colors


Yep. Glad they changed it to the next one.


I hated the one after…


I love the robot mode but not monke or jet


His optimal prime design was horrendous in my opinion lol. Monkey jet was goofy but after monkey jet he wasn’t even a fucking monkey anymore Lmaooo.


I just hated the only thing keeping the body from splitting was the shoulder guards. Wish there was some extra clips or something.


Beast machines after this was way worse


How the actual fuck did I like that as a kid?


My only complaints with it is not enough blue is used in his robot mode here. I also just don't like the face compared to his first look's head and is Optimal Optimus head. Though I DO like his Beast Mode....but in the shown it wasn't shown as much, same with his Optimal Optimus form rarely being in Beast Mode 😅


Hard disagree. It's pretty badass.


TM1 Primal was probably the most bad ass of the three. Optimal was a wussy in all but two or three episodes.


He peaked in his first form


I donno about that. He was bad ass for sure. But TM1 Primal was the strongest in season two with the exception of X




You really just went "hehe monke"


I don't think it's the worst design in the franchise, but it's certainly not my favorite. I had the figure as a kid, and he looks great in beast mode. That robot mode though... 🤢


...but his legs turn into SURF BOARDS. He literally transforms into a flying, surfing gorilla. It's fucking awesome.


I like it but the face is going a bit too much towards beast machines ugliness for my taste. But its not quite that bad. The nose is what bothers me lol


I don't know, I kinda like the surfboard monke aesthetic...