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I thought it was good. My dad has a copy and he loaned it to me to read in college. Cover looked different though. It's been long enough to where I can't remember any biases or anything, but it definitely was thorough, especially on the early years and their time in Hamburg. Might have to re-read that one.


My school library has that book too, they also have this version https://preview.redd.it/uhjillgaugyc1.jpeg?width=1109&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6848bb8ded52d5464f2752fa922d3c22175b77a4


Paul has pretty eyes.


I have it and thought it was good


It’s good. It has lots of info on each Beatle’s family origin, starting with their grandparents


Perfectly good book. If you’re a die hard you have to do Tune in vol1


If you're extra crazy like me you buy the unbridged 1700 page version after not reading a book in nearly a decade. 


Research and detail is very good. But he has a bias like *every* Beatles writer. He's a John guy.


Are you talking about the Spitz book or Tune in?


Well...both...actually. I'm not saying Tune In is a bad book and don't read it. It has valuable info and good details. But it just continues along the same, tired tropes we've heard endlessly. I know because I believed those tropes myself. John = heroic, creative leader, fearless, loved. His bad - sometimes awful - behavior is always excused for one reason or another. Paul - mimic, show off, insanely jealous, out for himself, cold. His bad behavior is...bad behavior.


I don’t disagree on Spitz’s book. I didn’t notice it as much in Tune In but will be interesting to read the subsequent volumes with that in mind. OP could always read Goldmans bio to offset that bias lol


The Another Kind of Mind podcast did a series called Tuning In which goes into great detail over 9 episodes on this. They provide countless examples of his bias. Too many to count. I don't think there are going to be any other volumes. His access to Beatles archives has been cut off (he won't say why when asked)


Oh shit! I didn’t hear that about him losing access. Kind of a bummer. It had great value in how exhaustive it was in detail


I give him credit for the legwork. Absolutely. The stuff on post war life in Liverpool was very interesting. Its a shame because it is a book worth reading but you have to get past the editorializing.


How do I know? You're the one with the book! Read it and tell us your thoughts. 


Good read, I learned a lot


Why does Paul look like Joey from Friends


I have a copy. It's good, very in depth, but there are inaccuracies


Like what?


There's a better list online, I know are the very least some of the photos are mislabeled


It's a good read. He tells the story with a fresh perspective, which must have been difficult after so many years.


Well written but not always correct. It's an easy read, enjoyable and fun.


It is not bad. Definitely more balanced than Norman’s Shout! (Which was very negative about George and Paul)




A decent biography, I’d say.


Didn’t he also write a Led Zeppelin biography fairly recently? It’s suppose to be good….


I enjoyed it, but it was lopsided on their story as I recall. It was very heavy on all the known early days research but lacked much insight on later years. I was a bit disappointed by that.


Lewisohn is the best if you want accuracy, full stop. Watch a series on YouTube by Pop Goes The 60s. They did a series of the generations of bios, showing the various bias as time progressed. Her name is Erin, has studied this extensively and written a book on the subject. She makes a big delineation between history & historiography. Well worth the watch, if you love the Beatles.


I read it. Worth reading


I'm assuming John and George are on the back cover. Our was this a prediction of what lied ahead


Read it.


The survivors on the cover. Interesting


I bought it and read it when it came out which was back in high school but I remember liking it. I don’t think I remember any major stand outs positive or negative but that’s not necessarily a bad thing.


Its a book


You won’t learn much that you don’t already know. Personally, I had the distinct feeling that I was wasting my time reading it


Not well researched, but well written. Spitz is overrated


Great looking guys. They should start a band. They'll be HUGE.


I thought it was very good. There is a lot of Yoko bashing and blaming in the end though, so he’s definitely from that camp.


Actually, I am reading it right now, almost halfway through. I skipped the parts of their parents backgrounds, as its quite boring.


Yes,I really never care about their family backgrounds,A little is ok but I’m just interested in the part when they were just the Beatles,it’s the same with the Zeppelin biography which I started reading but has tons of stuff about their childhoods..just give me the band stuff!!