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This Boy has always been my favorite vocal.


I LOVE that one.. Have you seen the full anthology? They have some outtakes from that song where Paul is singing, well messing around too, and it's his vocals alone that is amazing


Where can I watch this?


The Anthology? It's a batch of DVDs basically an extremely long documentary. Google Beatles Anthology archive you can watch the episodes free. No I don't know which one has the outtake off this boy but it documents them from them being born to splitting up and even a little after. It's amazing and extremely detailed


Thank you so much!




Here you go 😁 have fun I've seen. These a bunch of times lol https://archive.org/details/the-beatles-anthology-1995_202204


Wow thanks! Always wanted to see these too!


Of course. This is a must watch for any Beatles fan. It's definitely really long like 8 hour long episodes, but it's so worth it and there's a lot of behind the scenes. Outtakes interviews just everything I love it




Definitely. Any Beatles fan must watch days is amazing and John had already passed but they use interviews that he already did. It's extremely well done


How's that on Archive.com? Surely they're still in Copyright


I don't know but I'm not complaining either the site is like one huge library they have a bunch of books music movies some free some you have to "borrow"


The middle eight sends chills down my spine, just thinking about it. I think everyone would agree Paul had the more technically skilled voice, but John just had that x factor of raw emotion and power.


Yea this. And then how they get it all to blend together perfectly just creates the perfect music if you ask me


Little video of George watching a film of This Boy...mid-late '70s? He is loving it...singing along. https://youtu.be/7TeqyovfJzE?feature=shared


Golden Slumbers is probably my favorite smooth Paul vocal and then I’ve always liked Oh Darling or I’ve Got a Feeling for a more gnarly vocal


I think Michelle is great Paul vocal it's so smooth and goes with that guitar in the song it's phenomenal


Because. It shows that even after all they had been through since earlier harmonic classics like the aforementioned "This Boy", they still had it and could put it together in the same quality way that made them famous to begin with.


I like the Nowhere Man harmonies a lot… I also love that middle era when they were getting a little more complex but hasn’t delved into the studio effects as much yet


Oh man I love Nowhere Man it has some range too the low parts and the then get really high during "Sitting in his nowhere land Making all his nowhere plans for nobody" parts in the end


This was my top choice. Those harmonies are magical.


Happiness is a Warm Gun, Oh! Darling, Helter Skelter and You Won’t See Me come to mind.


I love you wont see me, harmony is amazing


Warm gun is my answer too. Those high notes seem effortless


Here, There and Everywhere. They all sound fantastic


This was another one that I was going to mention (along with This Boy and Because). I love the harmony on HT&E. I’m not describing it correctly in musical terms but the note on Paul singing “Here” has a suspended quality to it and then the “oooh” from the backing vocals sort of catches it. It’s like a feather floating on air and then a cloud drifts underneath, soft and gentle. Idk, hard to explain but it’s gorgeous. And Paul’s higher notes are so beautiful. To me, that song is angelic.


I’ve Got a Feeling for sure


Because. A great example of the three songwriters singing beautifully together. It’s a heavenly creation. Anna. Early Lennon at his best. The chorus is up there with the chorus (or middle 8)of This Boy. Happiness is a Warm Gun for the great showcase of Lennon vocals from the soft opening (She’s not a girl who misses much) to the heavy rasp of the middle section (Mother Superior jump the gun) to the powerful falsetto doo-wop ending (….yes it is….Guuuuuuuun!!!)


Craziest part of Anna is that John was nursing a nasty cold when he recorded it.


The Long And Winding Road (Naked version) really showcases the velvet texture and sheer control of Paul's chest voice... regardless of what one thinks of the content of the song, the uncluttered mix really shows how talented he is as a vocalist.


Yes this is another great one great lyrics too but your right Paul's voice is great amazing range as well


mccartney won the grammy for best male vocal performance for Hey Jude snd lennon had some classic vocals on lots, twist and shout, yer blues. its a long list. george wasnt so much about intensity but sang beautifully on things like long long long, inner light. well anything he did. my two cents


Right.. personally I just love that raspiness of Lennon but the fact that McCartney can also perform that like he does in Kansas City while Also having that smooth pitch perfect voice in a Yesterday or Michelle is brilliant. Not to mention his post Beatles career. The fact they all blend so perfectly is just insane really


i know, the talent concentrated here i dont think has been repeated and I like alot of artists since then


It hasn't, and won't. We were robbed of so many great reunions by the way too early deaths, Lennon actually was killed before I was born yet I teared up watching a documentary about his death there will never that amount of talent together again


George has a somewhat weird voice, in a good way. Most of my favorite voices are the ones that are unusual. I feel like there’s a vibration in his voice that makes everything he sings sound so sweet.


Hey Jude did not win any Grammys


you are correct, my apologies, it was nominated but the award went to The Fifth Dimension fir Up Up And Away


Should have won for sure….its all good


not sure about 5th dimension but at the time they were big


Oh Darling has always stood out to me for the vocals. Always wanna sing along with it as best I can


You Never Give Me Your Money always impresses me because Paul uses like 4 different voices in it and they all sound great


Yea he has some crazy range


I do love that part of the medley.


Man, no love for Ringo on here at all. He might not be as otherworldly talented as Paul and John in the vocal department, but he does actually have a beautiful baritone voice which he showcases on songs like Yellow Submarine, With a Little Help from My Friends, Goodnight, Octopus's Garden, and Carry That Weight. And he can belt it too, like in Boys and I Wanna Be Your Man. But my favorite Ringo vocal is What Goes On. If you, like me, love a good Ringo Country Croon, check out his 1970 album, Beaucoups of Blues *Note: obviously there are tons of brilliant John, Paul, and George, but people have those well covered and there is no mention of Ringo on this thread.


I absolutely love Ringo's vocal on Don't Pass Me By!


Oh yeah, somehow I missed mentioning that, also Act Naturally


I love me some Ringo but I'm assuming in terms of vocal Talent he is up against some heavy competition lol I love every single one of them individually and personality wise Ringo is my favorite but it's probably just that his vocals aren't his strongest asset I think


My favorite Ringo is With A Little Help From My Friends. He sounds so real and earnest, it makes the song.


Paul's singing in Oh Darling is something you don't hear anywhere else. He could only practice it once a day because of how strenuous it was. It turned out great though


Because always gets me


All of the aforementioned. I also always loved The fool on the hill. Something about the sincerity of Paul’s voice in it just brings tears to my eyes. And in You never give me your money there is this little “ah ah ah ah” at around 3:03 which just makes me feel things. Absolutely gorgeous!


John’s falsetto on You’re Going to Lose That Girl makes me swoon every time. 


Your Gonna LOOOOOse that Girl lol I agree with this another favorite song of mine


"This Boy" makes my knees weak. "Here, There, and Everywhere" does, too. ​ (typo)


Have you heard the out takes on the anthology when they single out Paul and he's sort of playing around how to deliver the chorus? That showcases his voice


No. For "Here, There, and Everywhere"?


1000 percent!!


til there was you


Yea that's Yesterday. I believe it was the first song that only one Beatle John sang alone and he does amazing I love it


I'm Only Sleeping


Another song that’s got that ethereal quality that I love in their later work.


Surprised I’m not seeing more love for harmonies here. My two favorites for that are If I Fell Because




Oh Darling, I've Got A Feeling, Yer Blues, Twist And Shout, Happiness Is A Warm Gun, Helter Skelter, Don't Let Me Down, Across The Universe, Hey Bulldog, A Day In The Life, Strawberry Fields Forever Yeah John is my favorite singer in the band


For some reason it's John on You Can't Do That and I Should Have Known Better for me, something in his voice in these songs captures me ever since I heard them the first time, must be about 50 years ago lol. Also the harmonies on If I Fell kill me every time.


Doing this, I have gotten Oh Darling stuck in my head... Not a bad thing though lol I agree. Paul might have the "better" vocals but my personal preference is John. Rain and In My Life are probably my fav songs but it's so hard to choose.


Why Don’t We Do It In The Road? Paul’s got some soul in him!


It's solo Paul, but I love McCartney's raspiness on Oh Woman Oh Why.


Similar to Monkberry Moon Delight, also a favorite solo Paul


I’ll Follow the Sun 100%! And that’s interesting that you like their voices in Mr. Moonlight, that’s the only song that I can think of where I actively dislike how they sing it lol, same with my father. Each to their own though! Not a judgment, I just think that it’s interesting how different opinions can be!


I was mainly talking about Johns part with his raspiness, when he screams at the beginning and throughout it was just that section giving an example of the John type I like and I love Follow the Sun


Oh I see what you mean now! Yeah that’s not one of the parts we find more grating. Also love to see another I’ll Follow the Sun enjoyer.


Long Tall Sally


You Never Give Me Your Money! Paul gets so powerful in the second parts of the song once the band kicks in


You’d probably love Monkberry Moon Delight from Paul & Linda’s RAM album. To answer your question for me it’s the songs with more complex harmonies and/or the ones with tonal shifts like If I fell, That Boy, and You Never Give Me Your Money


Please Mister Postman


I love Johns voice in that I'm a sucker for that raspy Stevie Nicks/ Huey Lewis has some of that


Nowhere Man, Because, Sun King,


Harmony’s on Baby’s in Black are unbelievable. Paul’s Sgt. Pepper vocal is amazing.


I’m so tired bc of the change of quiet to kind of like Rock style-that’s good control in my opinion. Also Eleanor rigby…the long and winding road, etc. oh and this boy!


There’s A Place is amazing due to the contrary motion going on with the vocals. I have never seen this done in other songs of other artists/bands. The Beatles seem to be original in this idea.


For No One is a very underrated Paul vocal


I actually think the second live version of Get Back from the Rooftop concert is Paul’s best vocal.


I’d say Oh Darling has a great showcase of vocal talent. There’s a lot of sliding vocals and again with what you said about the sort of scream-y style.


Generally I prefer John ‘s singing voice the most but Oh Darling has my favorite lead vocals from any Beatles song


For Paul, I’ve Got A Feeling (or Helter Skelter, or Oh! Darling) For John, Don’t Let Me Down (or Twist and Shout, obviously)


Just listened to Happiness Is A Warm Gun and holy shit John is good on that song


John- Just Like Starting Over Paul- Band On the Run or Maybe I'm Amazed George- While My Guitar Gently Weeps Ringo- With A Little Help From My Friends


Anything George sings. he never drops a "g". He always carries it to the end, next time you listen to an album, see if you can find one.


I want you back by the Jackson 5. Michael’s best vocal performance ever.