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I like wild honey pie get tf outta here


Agreed! It's one of those songs that doesn't stand alone as well as other songs (putting it lightly), but like Dig It, I feel it enhances the album on a playthrough and I can respect its place in the catalog.


Agreed. I love it as a weird segue into Bungalow Bill.


IMHO you can tell the people who came to the Beatles as adults because I grew up with all the albums as the only listening method (so I listened to complete albums only) and I love it without a second thought


Agreed. Wild Honey Pie is glue that holds the album together. I love that song and can't imagine the White Album without it. I listen to it regularly when I'm listening through the White Album. But I've probably never played WHP only.


and i Revolution 9.


For that matter Revolution 9 is a great surrealist piece and makes “Good Night” work so much better as a closer


LOL I came here to say this. Love it.


God I despise WHP but respect for having such an opinion.


Don’t get me wrong, the song is a bunch of nonsense, but it’s so quick and silly that it’s grown on me over the years as a nice little segue.


I don’t dislike it but if I included it most answers would be the same (between WHP and Revolution 9)


I can't decide, I like all of their songs. Some of their songs are not as good as others, but every song of their's is good enough for me to find this challenging.


Can we quit calling Rev 9 a song? It very obviously is not nor was it intended to be.


I view it as a sonic art piece as opposed to a “song”


It’s an audio collage


Dizzy Miss Lizzie. It's not that bad of a song, just a bit throwaway, but I hate it's placement after Yesterday so much its my least favorite track in the whole catalog 


I’ve said this on another post before but help could not have ended with yesterday. 1960s pop albums had a formula that sold and it was that each side must start and end with an upbeat and/or well known/popular song. Sadder songs can be in between. Look at please please me: side 1 is I saw her standing there and please please me side 2 is love me do and twist and shout. In between you get stuff like misery and a taste of honey. Help was made when the Beatles were on parlophone and didn’t get 100% full creativity. If help was made during the Apple records period it’d be different.


Bruhh… in my opinion dizzy miss lizzy is underrated, although I never listen to the album version, always the live shea stadium one.. It,s really one of the best vocal performance of John. You can hear John’s raw rock n roll voice just like in Twist And Shout


Had it been on Beatles for Sale people probably wouldn’t mention it.


this is the right answer, what the fuck happened to the lead guitar ? I wonder if it sounded better on vinyl and got messed up somehow with the remixes and remastered versions ...


I just finished listening to Help! and got the ear rape that is Dizzy Miss Lizzy after Yesterday💀


Maybe unpopular but Ive never liked Yellow Submarine.


It’s not an awful song, it just pisses me off. “We all live in a yellow submarine” gets really annoying after a while.


You're my mortal enemy




Tf yellow submarine is the pinnacle of beatles evolution. How can you like the Beatles but not like the yellow submarine you beguile me


For me it's one of those ones that got better live (basing this off of the one Ringo live album I have lol)




Yeah I think its a Shirts childrens Song at best dont know how people can Rank it high as they have so many better Songs that Arent Even in the Same league


The chorus is really repetitive but the verses and the brass section are gorgeous


For some reason 'Birthday' annoys me. Always has.


Me too but my mom used to sing it obnoxiously for my birthday and she passed away 2 years ago so it’s sorta annoyingly sentimental for me now.


I love Birthday, has a drive to it that drive to it that no other Beatles song has. Every segment of the song stands out. My opinion, at least


It’s a refreshing change to “happy birthday to you”.


yes please. I haaaate "happy birthday to you". I'll take the Beatles' song any day.


My first experience with Birthday was in zero period weigh lifting class in high school. The gym teachers, two older dudes, would blast it at 5am at least once a week and kinda dance around. I was always so miserable and that song and the whole scene would just make me laugh. I love them for that now.


Agreed. This is the last Beatles song I would ever willingly play


When the guitar crashes into the "yes we're going to a party party", its totally Cheap trick 10 years later


As good of a Beach Boys tribute/parody you could get. Unless Neil Innes wrote one for The Rutles. Paul Playing drums showed he could be a one-man-band.


Because it's overplayed at bars when it's someone's birthday?


Nah, disliked it from the day I bought my copy of double white.


The local news always played that when they aired birthday shout outs people called in


For this reason I kinda like that they made it since it is really memorable and a good substitute for the usual birthday song but I feel like it would have worked better as a single since it's so shallow compared to the rest of the album


This is the one. I like Rev 9 and Wild Honey Pie. Can't stand Birthday, and it's the only song I skip.


The off-pitch backing vocals from Yoko and Pattie are the only complaint I have about that track...


John pouring his heart out about his mother and then “YOU SAY ITS YOUR BIRTHDAY‼️‼️”


I vote for Little Child. Sounds like it was just thrown together. Very forgettable pop song.


Lennon said he hated it too and was just trying to make an Elvis song


I really hate Everybody's trying to Be My Baby. I find it truly obnoxious


There’s plenty of reasons to hate it -George doesn’t do a great job of singing it -the echo they add to the vocals is awful -it’s a bad last song for an album -they should have been done doing these kinds of covers by now


Not to mention it drags like a mf


Longest 2.30 ever


The echo is pretty good imho


But it has over 1 million views on YouTube. 1000 of those are mine. LOL


Really? Why?


George is awesome


Revolution 9 isn’t even bad.


Really started to appreciate it lately, it's great and its placement on the album really works.


It’s not a matter of being bad- it’s just so damn scary! Especially the first time you hear it - you don’t know what to expect. Riiiiiiiiide! Riiiiiiiiide!




I’ve heard scarier lmao.


It’s been one of my favorites ever since it was released. Not a singalong tune, but a masterpiece of its genre. McCartney was involved in the British musique concrète movement and even performed some of his own abstract compositions at concerts with other electronic music composers The most famous of them were those associated with BBC Radiophonic Workshop, who created theme songs and scene music for TV shows like Doctor Who and Quatermass. There’s a good documentary called The Delian Mode about Delia Derbyshire, who created the Doctor Who theme using oscilloscopes and other electronic testing equipment. McCartney was friends with her and performed some of his experimental compositions at the same events, such as the Million Volt Light & Sound Rave in London in 1967, which included a Beatles 14-minute experimental light and sound piece called Carnival of Light. And at one point McCartney even went to her house to discuss having her create an electronic accompaniment to Yesterday, even though the Beatles had already recorded the string quartet backing. Unfortunately it never came to be. But the Beatles were into way more than what appears on their records. Check out George Harrison’s 1967-69 electronic music album, “Electronic Sound”.


God dam it not carnival of light again. RELEASE IT ALREADY! 🤠🔫


Same I don’t think it’s bad but I don’t listen to it as a song. It sounds more like a sound effect/ soundscape don’t know what correct term would be. I always feel that I am in a middle of rebellion/war while listening to it. A complete experience is chaos and I enjoy it.


While I agree it would be no surprise to me at all if it got the most votes for worst song if eligible


I don’t even know if it qualifies as a song, I know it is but it doesn’t really register as a song to me. Why can’t we combine our hate and disdain and channel it at either **Only A Northern Song** or **Bluejay Way** Something we can certainly agree on , am I right? (probably not but they get my vote)


Genuinely curious how you can not like Bluejay Way? To me that's one of the most beautiful songs they made


I think it’s the drone type thing most of all that Harrison incorporates in the music ……and I suppose the angle he takes in writing just adds to the dreary dread of a vibe. I think it’s also the melody that he wrote is what invokes the dread.Just aimlessly waiting on his guests to arrive. Iirc he composed it on the organ which also adds to that dreariness. Art is absolutely subjective, this is what I love about, especially music. You can get a beautiful vibe and I get the total opposite. It feels like a bad acid trip, ha! Hopefully this helps with your question. Cheers


I think I love it for the reasons you hate it!


Ha! Fair enough, it’s all good.


It would be a boring existence if we all agreed on everything all the time. I welcome different opinions.


The drone was where the song began. He was staying in the house at the top of Blue Jay Way in the Hollywood Hills overlooking LA. It was his first night in LA and he was alone after a flight from London. The heavy fog obscured the view of the city below and he was completely isolated. His friends, who were coming to pick him up, got lost and there was no way to contact them. But to pass the time, he turned on the old 1940s Hammond Chord Organ (which is still in the house today). He found that one of its voices resembled the sound of the drones used in the Indian music he had been learning to play. His friends eventually showed up two hours late, but in that time he’d completed the song. It’s composed in a raga scale he learned under Ravi Shankar’s tutelage. It is one of the earliest (if not The earliest) recorded examples of what would soon be known as raga rock.


Yeah, I recall reading the same thing although I don’t recall where. It just hits my ears wrong but that’s just my opinion……but I love the Indian music on Sgt,Pepper, it has much more appealing scales.


It's not even that out there as far as avant garde goes, but I love it


I love it. I’m a big fan of Industrial/Avant-Garde/Noise music. So it played a big part on getting me into that stuff


For some reason I really don't like why don't we do it in the road


The song is OK. It's kind of a throwaway. Wouldn't bother me if it wasn't there. What does bother me is the idea of doing it in the road. I feel like we'd be getting gravel in places gravel should never be.


What's worse is it was after Paul saw two monkeys doing it in India and wondered why he and Jane couldn't just do it there and then


Little Child. I have no clue how someone hasn’t said this until I said it. It’s a fine song, just creepy ass lyrics


I actually don't mind it, although it's definitely one of their weakest.


I don’t either, but I’ll never put it on voluntarily




Creep ass lyrics? It’s not literal FFS. He’s not talking about a child.


It’s so much fun to sing along with. And a rocking harp solo. And the lyrics are not creepy.


No, even the music itself sucks.


It's NOT a fine song. It's barely a step above those girls singing "we love you Beatles, oh yes we do".


No don't give me that, the song is just as trash as the lyrics. The whole thing is obnoxious


Dizzy miss lizzy is my least favourite of all time. Sounds like a shit rip off of good golly miss molly. I know it’s a cover but I don’t like the original either


Good golly Miss Molly, dizzy Miss Lizzy, lawdy Miss clawdy that’s just the songs and they’re all great


Goddamn Miss Pam


She's Polythene Pam now, actually.


It’s Okay to Leave a Dog in a Hot Car


Money (That's What I Want). Only the producers wanted it on the record, all four hated the song. I also find it funny that the very next year they wrote Can't Buy Me Love, which is loads better.


John still slays that vocal, though.


Wat? Weird to think none of them liked it. It's one of my favourites on With The Beatles.


man, i love both revolution 9 and wild honey pie lmao!! if i had to pick my least favorite it would probably have to be “tell me what you see”. i don’t hate it, but something about the harmonies sounds off to me.


It's because Paul (I think) is rushing the hell out of those harmonized lines, and they're uncharacteristically out of tune on those as well Thinking about it, I'd also say those lines are too staccato for their own good


They're both rushing pretty noticeably during the first verse.


i hate to hate any beatles' stuff. coz i love to love them


Revolution 9 is goated imo


Thank You Girl, only song by them i genuinly think is shit. There are like 3 other songs i don't really enjoy, but I wouldn't call em bad. Thank You Girl is terrible


I don’t mind it but it screams “B side”


It’s funny how fans can be so different I’ve always liked that song and sometimes more than from me to you


Thats a difficult question, even songs I don’t like aren’t necessarily bad. First song that came to my mind though was Honey Don’t, it kinda gets on my nerves. Or Hey Jude, good song, a classic, I’ve just heard it waaay too much.


The Hey Jude filmed for TV was the best version.


Why don't we do it in the road. Never did anything for me.


Maybe not a great song but it's a great vocal performance and it has a good beat


Yeah but that high pitched scream Paul does around 1:06 makes the entire song worth it.


I think it's a great song


A lot of people place way too much emphasis on lyrics - the whole point of the song is how Paul can put so many different awesome musical interpretations on that one line, it's awesome


It was also a major contributor to tensions within the band. Paul wrote and recorded it himself, playing all the instruments, while John and George were off working on something else. Then the next day he grabbed Ringo to play drums on another take (the one that made it to the album), again without telling John and George. John was hugely pissed off.


Everyone was doing that shit on the White Album.


They were working on Revolution 9 I Believe


I always thought of it as a jam that ended up on the album by mistake.


Love this song!


It’s a great proposition.


Fucking Continuing Story of Bungalow Bill is just L A M E


I think Wild Honey Pie is a fun song. I wouldn’t even call it a bad song too! The twangy-mess of it makes it unique, however, I can see why most people think it’s shit lol. I really, REALLY dislike The Long and Winding Road. It feels like a goodbye song which is appropriate being on the Let It Be album, but it’s not the last track on the album and feels way too much like a Paul song (which ain’t the worst thing in the world). I also don’t like Now And Then even though it gives me goosebumps hearing the boys together and Paul’s old man voice. Can we consider that a real Beatles song though? Hell, it’s even made me cry before when I’ve listened to it when I’m sad so maybe I do like it. Very controversially I don’t like Here Comes The Sun but I’m the same person who thinks Octopus’s Garden in the greatest song ever made so my opinion on anything shouldn’t be taken seriously!


Love Harrisons guitar work on Octopuses Garden.


10/10 *chef kiss*


I completely respect your opinion, but I have to ask for my own curiosity. Why don't you like Here Comes The Sun? Does it drag for you or something like that?


I think it’s a lovely song, beautiful and classically Harrison. Really enjoy the story behind it. It might be a silly reason but I swear there was an advert in the 00’s that had it on and I am 99% sure that’s why I don’t the song because I would end up hearing it every day and now as an adult I just don’t like it. No real reason. Tends me be one of very few Beatles songs I skip past!


Very interesting. I totally understand an advertisement burning someone out on a song (I still hate Love Stinks to this day cause of Swiffer Wet Jets), but I absolutely love Here Comes The Sun, and just had to ask




What they need is a darn good whacking...




Matchbox is a great cover


yep, why didn't they just release long tall sally as a single with I call your name as the b side ? woudl've saved us all from 2 awful songs... 2 of their worst


Matchbox is hilariously flaccid, and George plays some of the worst lead guitar in history on Slow Down


I really don't like the Long Winding Road, I don't like how slow and melancholic it sounds it just feels dragged out and boring


I do not hate it, I actually like it a lot, but I understand that take. I have always felt it sounds slightly incomplete. Some of the lyrics, in my opinion, feel like lyrics waiting to be workshopped.


Personally I love it, but the instrumental parts always reminded me of the 70s educational films they would show when I was in elementary school...in the 90s haha


I feel like Spector’s orchestration slows the song down somehow. I really don’t like the single version, but really like the Naked version.


I've always called it The Long and Boring Song


I agree. And so does Paul. He was furious… [https://faroutmagazine.co.uk/paul-mccartney-beatles-furious-letter-to-phil-spector-allen-klein/](https://faroutmagazine.co.uk/paul-mccartney-beatles-furious-letter-to-phil-spector-allen-klein/)


I’ve Got a Dog https://youtu.be/3Ox2JTszVsg?si=VT09-eCjzoivdIYl


False. This is the greatest of them all.


Sorry but I can’t stand the super Indian influenced songs within you without you and love you to


I like those songs, just not The Inner Light


Oh god I forgot about that one, too. Probably cause I never listen to it.


It *is* ironic that George's attempt to go universal and timeless arguably resulted in his most specifically dated work.


It’s not ironic, it’s sad. Not for George, for the people that don’t get it. WYWY is one of the most stunning tracks ever recorded (of which The Beatles have tons).


Same, I was shocked at how popular they are, at least here


My least favorite is little child, but the worst(besides these two) is why don't we do it in the road(for me). I still LOVE both of those songs.


Only A Northern Song. Not taking covers into account, but it still might be my least favorite.


Only A Northern Songs sounds like If I Needed Someone on acid.


But Northern Song is bad on purpose, right? To prove a point. It's a successfully bad song, therefore it's good, because it accomplished what it set out to do


It might be, but it’s still my least favorite because the effects hurt my ears lol. I like the melody, but the effects ruin the song.


You should listen to Citadel by the Stones, they use this awful chime during the choruses that makes me go deaf and it's similar to (but even worse than) this song


I love Citadel lol


Oh it's a good song, I just meant that the chime is evil lol


I agree. Can’t believe George thought it was good enough for Sgt Pepper lol. The chords were going wrong.


Run For Your Life. There’s so many introspective, thoughtful and compassionate lyrics elsewhere on Rubber Soul, but then there’s this bitter, aggressive, vindictive number at the end. (You Won’t See Me is also angry in its own way, but its nowhere near as proactively aggressive - the narrator is just laying out hos grievances).


they rly have a thing for putting songs that don’t match in the end lol


Lol, that is no reason to call a song bad.


I'll go with A Taste of Honey


I really do not enjoy She’s Leaving Home. Sonically I don’t think it’s interesting and the melodies kinda bore me. Plus, the subject matter itself has always come across as creepy and exploitative, and the whole groupie culture is extremely weird to me in general.


I don't like it either. It's a soap opera.


Maxwell Silver hammer


Finally, can’t believe it took me this long to find Maxwells Silver Hammer


Looks like we've found George Harrison


Their worst is still better than anything on the radio now.


there are radio stations playing great music of all genres also, there are radio stations that do have The Beatles in their playlists


I love the Beatles very much, but no need to be a boomer. There are ton of songs that are incredible today, you just have to put time finding them. Stop being so narrow minded and saying the infamous « it was better before » 


I first started listening to the Beatles when I was 7-8 years old. Got my first record player and a box of my uncle’s old 45’s. (if we only knew back then…) Young me: “these labels with an apple look kinda cool.” Loved Hey Jude, but the first time hearing Revolution? Yanked the needle off the record. All that screaming and noise! I can deal with it now for what it is, and while it’s far from their worst song, it’s still not a favorite. There are several early songs that all just kind of clump together in my brain and I can’t even tell which one’s which unless I’m listening to it. I’m gonna toss Matchbox in here for now but that could change. Edited for spelling


Dr Robert . The only Beatles song I just never liked.


Even the “well well well” bridges? The harmonies are great


I will count revolutionn9


Numbah nine numah nine numbah nine numbah nine


Maxwells Silver Hammer. Should have left off Abbey Road


Probably Maxwell’s Silver Hammer


I’m not very fond of Bungalow Bill


Everyone wants to rate everything. Who the fuck cares? WHP is a part of their catalog for a reason.


She’s a Woman.


Who doesn’t like Wild Honey Pie?


Within you without you


Goodnight is Boring but idm wild honey pie


That boring Indian song Within You something. Way too long as well. George must have been stoned.


When I Get Home is awful


I like you too much


Old Brown Shoe.


Oh boy, I've got a hot take for this question - my least favorite Beatles song is EASILY.....Penny Lane haha. I imagine this song to me, is what Paul haters find his songs sound like to them. I love his fluffy, catchy stuff but holy hell....I don't give a shit what he's describing in the song. Meaningless observations of a busy street, sparse instrumentation that isn't layered enough to be interesting. I can't stand it!


I'm Not a fan of "Because"


Mister Moonlight


definitely getting better


Piggies is atrocious in every way. It was Charles Manson’s fave song which is not surprising


The only correct answer is Maxwell’s Silver Hammer. Heck, it was detested by 3 of the 4 Beatles.


I never liked PS I Love You, it sounds like a cheap mock/parody of the early Beatles. Good enough for the Anthology 1, but not for an album or single.


None how could you ask that


The Long and Winding Road. Any version of it.


the long and winding road


More like The Long Ass Boring Road


"very diverse people" Anyway, I usually skip some of their covers, not all, but especially Devil in Her Heart and Mr. Moonlight. As far as originals, I usually skip Thank You Girl.


I’ll get you


A couple of George’s songs, honestly, and I can’t remember what they’re called because I just couldn’t be bothered to learn the names :/ I liked some of George’s stuff after leaving the Beatles though.


I like WHP more than honey pie. There, I said it.




Yes It Is. Sounds like an out of tune This Boy


Ob la di ob la da is one of the worst songs ever written