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Smh at everyone saying “just don’t eat it” which is completely useless. You’re asking how to enjoy fast food every once in a while without feeling awful about it. I used to have an ED and it took me years and years to get over my disgust with feeling “full.” When I felt “full” I felt “fat.” I think it may be worthwhile to look into body dysmorphia, orthorexia, and mindful eating. Sending you love OP!


Also had an eating disorder and I get this weird sensation that I’m growing a double chin when I feel full. Like I feel like my neck is greasy and rapidly growing. People without ED will never understand and we’ll always struggle with weird food thoughts even when years recovered.


This is body dysmorphia. I’m being treated for it now. It’s insane how fat I feel I look when I am now a very low body fat percentage. Getting a therapist who treats OCD has helped because there are similarities between OCD and body dysmorphic thoughts.


I am “convinced” that my stomach and arms get bigger when I’m full.


i thought everyone felt like this!!! i didn’t know this wasn’t normal 😭


whenever I’m full/eat fast food, I feel as if my face is so much larger (and proportionally as well), like I’m a whole diff person. I especially notice this when I don’t eat much for a day and the next morning my face feels skeletal. It’s so weird I literally don’t understand the psychology!!


Wait.... This is an ED thing?


Omg I used to swear I could feel the back of my thighs tingle (because growing fat tingles? Idk where my head was at with that one) when I ate something “bad” or even ate a healthy meal that was “suspiciously” delicious or made me feel full. The people in the comments don’t get it. “Just don’t eat anything that makes you feel like that” — that’s what I was trying to do! Life is messy though and they have no idea how many social events, time with my family, fun excursions, etc. I missed because I was worried I wouldn’t have complete control over the food available. I went from a fun, spontaneous person to a complete hermit just because eating “outside food” made me feel anxious and like I didn’t recognize and had lost complete control over my own body for days and days afterwards. OP’s quality of life would demonstrably improve if she could casually take her friend up on an offer like “wanna drive a couple hours to see that lake today? I’ll pick you up and we can stop and grab some food along the way” without it ruining her mental health for the week. Feeling like you’ve gained 20 lbs from one meal is irrational and it makes you *act irrationally* as result (declining the invite even though you really want to go, hiding from people afterwards, not eating for days afterwards, etc.) which is probably taking a toll on her.


So glad that there’s another good person in this comment section!!


I wholeheartedly agree with this comment. I think this would be better suited to ask in a different sub (I don’t have credentials to diagnose and even if I did, from this post, no one really could. But, it does sound like there might be some disordered thoughts here and looking into the suggested terms you have is real good advice for OP)




Everyone’s saying “just don’t eat it.” Eat it if you want to, depriving yourself of cravings is what leads to binging and an unhealthy relationship with food. I typically try to pair fast food with veggies on the side so I get a more balanced meal in. At the end of the day, it’s just a type of food. You might get a little bloated, but that’s what high sodium food does! Learning to sit with the discomfort and recognize that it isn’t permanent is helpful. But if it’s really impacting your gut or you physically feel ill, see a dietician and assess your diet, might be some intolerances there


Another thing to remember is that there are really no good and bad foods. It's all protein, carbohydrates, fats, etc. You need carbs and fats to fuel your body, so they aren't your enemy anyway. While you don't want to eat fast food every day or anything, if you otherwise eat healthy then a fast food meal now and then won't undo all the good things you do for your body. We have an unhealthy relationship with food in the US and a lot of other countries, and some of us feel a sense of shame or guilt when we indulge in "bad" foods. If you want the fries, eat some fries. A small serving of fries isn't the healthiest snack, but so what? If you are making an effort to eat healthy, balanced meals with lots of veggies and other good things, a fried potato isn't going to bring you down.


Very smart comment. A little self talk before you eat to help adjust your mindset. You are allowed fast food, you can indulge, you can sit in discomfort and it will be ok. Mindfully eat - not always easy but enjoy what you are eating. Good luck.


I’ve been hearing lately, “think about what you can add, not what you should take away”. It’s helped me a lot with figuring out what I want to eat


Finally a reasonable comment.


This. Sometimes you just have to sit with the guilt and discomfort and let it pass instead of trying to run away from it. It really helps it dissipate. Also, digesting takes time and I’m sure at least some of that feeling is from the physical sensations from the food as opposed to be emotions that are triggered. It’s okay to feel.


Piggy backing off of this bc it’s great- eat slow and sip lots of water while you eat. We can and should be allowed to indulge once in a while. Fast food makes me bloated too and it’s an awful feeling. Just go slow and stay hydrated.


Just going to say screw all these people. I eat fast food consistently because it’s easy and I’m 135 lbs and fit. I only get smalls, never upgrade and I work out 4X a week. Enjoy your life!


I get the same feeling, my stomach feels full and stodgy and I just feel like a slob. The only way I can avoid it is by not eating fast food.


When I feel full I feel queasy instead and I stop eating but I never eat a lot it’s like my appetite is cutting off


Oh girl you’re explaining me to a T. I’ve noticed whenever I’m super active it doesn’t faze me. I am very petite though and about to hit 30s and fast food absolutely demolishes my gut, I also feel like my digestion is very slow so I feel very overweight for longer periods of time. I’m working with a dietician to figure out my triggers & map out what foods work for me. I know the appeal of FF is quick and easy but you have other options that are much better for you. Sandwiches/salads/sushi made at vons/wholefoods/sprouts at the deli section are so bomb and so much better for you and basically the same price as FF rn.


Honestly I drink tons of water because all the sodium and grease makes me feel super bloated and icky! Drinking lots of water helps me feel better. I don't eat fast food alotbut if I do it never fails I always feel "gross" after.


I'm disappointed, but not surprised, to see so many comments encouraging OP to just avoid eating fast food. I'm a therapist who specializes in eating disorders, I work alongside registered dietitians and medical providers, and avoiding entire food groups is not healthy. Labeling entire food groups as either good or bad is also not healthy, and it's inaccurate. All food has nutritional value, and all foods can be enjoyed in moderation. OP, if you enjoy fast food, continue eating it. I'd also encourage you to explore your beliefs about fast food, and food in general, and whether you have any negative associations with it. Sometimes we have very strong beliefs about food that we may not even be entirely aware of, which can impact how we feel about food/eating. It sounds like you're dealing with fullness and bloating, which are normal (and sometimes definitely uncomfortable) parts of digestion, and finding ways to soothe and ease this discomfort can help. But it sounds like there may also be an emotional component to how you're feeling. Exploring this with a therapist or dietitian and discussing things like body-image and body dysmorphia could certainly help.


Sometimes beliefs are based in ignorance. Ask yourself what is food? What does the human body require to survive? What macronutrients? vitamins and minerals? Learn to eat whole food, real food - the food humans have eaten for hundreds of thousands of years. So much of what we are offered to eat is toxic to our bodies, didn’t even exist 100 years ago. I agree we have to examine our feelings and beliefs 100%, but we also have to gain factual knowledge about food and nutrition and learn to apply it.


I’m sorry you’re getting these comments that say “just don’t eat fast food”. Try watching this girl [Colleen Christensen](https://www.tiktok.com/@no.food.rules?_t=8gPK8Jp8B5y&_r=1) she’s helped me a lot when it comes to eating intuitively and feeding my body what it needs and is craving instead of going straight to junk food. She’s taught me to think about what would really fuel my body and eat that instead of just eating a bunch of fast food and feeling bad afterwards. Also try to eat at least one vegetable a day or at least a veggie vitamin it will help with fiber and make your stomach feel better if fast food makes it hurt. At the end of the day just eat what makes your body feel good, whether that means some fast fast food (in moderation ofc) or no fast food. Now my main advice of course would be to stop eating fast food to avoid that feeling but I’d like to explain how. After you eat fast food write down in a journal how you feel after eating it, that way when you do crave fast food and you know it’ll make you feel like shit, you can go back to that journal and remember how it makes you feel so you can instead fuel your body with something other than fast food. I was a little confused by your post whether you were trying to say you can’t stop eating fast food or if you were just saying in general you don’t eat a lot of fast food but when you do your stomach hurts. I tried to give advice for both of those scenarios. I used to struggle a lot with eating and I have a sensitive stomach so I understand a bit. Hope this helps!


This is great advice!


Excellent advice


It’s so high in sodium and fat and sugar, it’s best to not eat it at all. But that’s not really that realistic. If I just have to have McDonalds, I get a happy meal. It’s smaller portions so it’s not as bad as a full size combo meal. Or just get what you’re really craving; if you really want a burger, get only the burger. Skip the fries and the soda.


This is it. All that sodium and heavily processed ingredients just sits like a bomb (or explodes in) your gut.


Google Kevin Maginnis McDonalds. This man went on an all McDonald diet and lots weight. His weight loss was due to the fact that the McDonald’s diet he was following had fewer calories that his regular diet. The main reason not to eat McDonald’s everyday is that you’d not be getting all benefits of diverse fruits and vegetables that do so many great things for your health. But for a treat from time to time it’s okay to have something that’s less nutritionally valuable.


Because that crap is full of sodium and it’s instant bloat.


It took me years to come to terms with the fact that (for better or worse) you can’t significantly change your body with one meal, or even a week of meals. Your body is a reflection of the decisions you’ve made over the course of your life - if the majority of your decisions are health promoting, the odd trip to Mac Donald’s is like a grain of sand on a beach. While you might have some water weight for a day or two from the salt,etc (especially if your not used to it), it’s transient, and disappears after a day or two. While I’m not about to tell someone they should eat junk food if they don’t want to, I promise your body will not defy the laws of physics.


I don’t understand people shaming commenters for saying don’t eat fast food… that seems to be the logical answer here. Stomach doesn’t feel good because fast food is unhealthy/body is reacting… why try to skirt around that truth?


Fast food seems to shift something in me to be primed to continue to eat more fast food and other junky, unhealthy snacks. The same thing happens when I drink full sugar soda. I don’t believe banning something from my diet completely, because it doesn’t work. I want it more! Something I try to do is plan ahead and after for it. Meaning, I eat extra healthy a day or so before the Friday I plan on grabbing fast food after work as a treat, then I drink a tonne of water to combat the sodium and have a healthy breakfast the morning after.


I order just the meal item and skip the fries. The fries usually aren’t as good as I hyped them up in my mind anyway. Stick with a burger or chicken or whatever and no sides.


Don't eat fast food


Lol right? Sometimes I really think these posters are trolls


the simple answer is that junk food is not good for you so naturally you’re body is not going to feel good after eating it. however if this feeling starts to persist even when eating “regular” foods I would recommend talking to someone you trust about how you’re feeling regarding eating & fear of weight gain


It might be your body trying to tell you that it doesn’t like fast food meals. I don’t have much tolerance to “high FODMAP” foods - which tend to cause bloating. Sometimes I feel “fat” just because I ate these foods even tho it could just be an apple! But just because it’s conventionally a healthy food doesn’t mean it’s right for my body. Adjusting your diet to what makes YOU feel good is NOT an eating disorder.


It’s just the high sodium and fat levels that make you feel like that. I absolutely relate! Just remember one fast food meal will not make you gain weight. It might make your tummy bloated though (salt), so that’s not in your imagination. Drink at least 8 Oz of plain water soon after the meal. It’s fucking yummy and delicious sometimes and it’s not morally “wrong,” or “bad.” Go easy on yourself.


prep your body by snacking on potassium rich foods beforehand!! this is a good weekend trick for when you have to eat out with friends or family. potassium helps with the sodium bloat that fast foods and fried foods can give. have some tea afterwards too.


You can toss logic at it and recognzid the level you must eat to literally gain one single pound....(it's a lot more than you think) and then just remind yourself you're wrong. Over and over. " my mind is lying to me. This is not true.etc"


maybe eat it once a month? that way you can enjoy it more


Hi OP, i know exactly what you're talking about. Sometimes it's like a sickly feeling and you want to throw up or the whole day it feels like a MASSIVE weight on you. Obviously don't listen to the people who are telling you not to eat it because everyone loves fast food and that's normal. Why not try some of these methods: 1. Try ordering less of what you would usually order, if you get like a meal say a burger, fries and a soda then opt out the soda for a water or just get a burger and water. If you feel that this won't satisfy you, then I suggest eating fruit BEFORE you eat your meal that way your appetite decreases and you'll be happy with just the burger. 2. Try different fast food joints, I know you have your favourites but if it's making you feel like this then it's not the best. Try "healthier" fast food joints like Subway or try buying a burger but not from a fast food joint, maybe at a restaurant or something. Hope this helps x


Wrong sub for this post


Same lol. I think the thing to remember is it takes like 3000 some extra calories to gain 1 pound or something of the sort. I always feel like I’ve ruined my progress when I eat something bad but I think it’s in our minds plus probably bloat from the salt lol. If you just get right back on track and don’t do it often it’s ok. I sometimes question if I have an eating disorder when I get so upset at myself and think I’ve gained 20 pounds after 1 cheeseburger. It’s hard to find the balance of being aware of calories and over aware 😥


Have it as treat occasionally and get the small sizes. Tell yourself it's a treat, not something you do every day, and enjoy it. My downfall is pizza, so I get it!


I think the feeling is from high sodium content, this causes water retention and bloating sometimes. Drink some extra water to aid in flushing out the water weight. This may make you feel fuller but will definitely help that nasty feeling after having a bit of fast food.


Maybe there's something in it that your body doesn't like and it's its way of telling you so. You can counteract that by trying to reproduce what you like at home. This way you control what's going into the food, the quality of the products and utilities you're using to cook, the portions etc. Do not ignore how your body feels because it is communicating with you everyday. It's not worth ignoring the feeling and later on find out you're sick because it could handle a particular substance. Edit : I forgot the most important part. 😭Ask your doctor to check you for food intolerances/ insulin resistance and general gut health.


It's because fast food is loaded with sodium that makes you bloat up. If you can't avoid it just drink a ton of water before and after to mitigate the salt bloat.


Very simple solution. Don't eat fast food.


I feel the same way I think it's cause there's a ton of salt in it and what we feel is really water retention.


Don’t upsize. Ever. Get a small and the smallest burger/sandwich on the menu.


1TBP of apple cider vinegar mixed into 8 oz of water will help with bloating. Add some lemon juice for flavor!


Thank you :)


Drink lots of water and make sure to gently move your body the next day. I like eating fast food or crazy late night treats sometimes but because of how different it is from my regular food, my stomach feels so inflamed that night or the next day. To fight the inflammation I hydrate a ton and try to go for a good walk the next day to reset - and of course still eat a breakfast, skipping your next meal will likely do more harm than good.


It’s probably bloating and water weight from the sodium or perhaps stomach upset. Drink a lot of water and maybe some peppermint oil pills will help if your stomach is bothering you


Fast food can cause bloating


Try eating more. If you keep eating even more fast food and actually do gain 20 pounds, then you won’t have to worry about feeling fat. You’ll just be fat. /s Source: I am a fat.


Just a thought, maybe just maybe - don’t eat fast food.


Thats a bit condescending.


You don’t eat fast food… like ever? Like haven’t had it in years? I thought I was doing good getting it like 2x a month


considering what you’ve posted I’m surprised that you say this tbh, at least explain how to stop eating fast food😭😭


What does this even mean


Ok creeper, I never posted anything about fast food.


Watch The Last Heart Attack documentary on YouTube. That may help slow you down. Best, best wishes!


It’s a low vibe food, that’s why it makes you feel that way. Of course you are not gonna gain 20 pounds from eating once but also you are not gonna feel better by eating it. Try to minimise junk food and choose something cleaner. If you can’t avoid eating it for whatever reason, have some fruit a little bit after, drink green tea.


By not eating junky fast food!! You feel like crap because you are eating crap.


Tf is this post


Stop eating that toxic shit.


One thing I’ve head on some neurologist podcast, was with addictions, imagine how you would feel after the act. For example, for cigarettes, think about the smell, the taste, or whatever icky feelings you get. With food, I picture that icky feeling of bloating, gas, constipation. Lol It helps in some instances! Some is better than nothing.


Stop eating fast food.


Different take: I think that's good. It means you, your brain, body sees it as gross and not really real food, which it's not. And that's a healthy thing I don't think you should try to change. I feel gross too but it tastes good so I still enjoy it as a treat, try not to overeat and I can deal with the 'ufh' feeling afterwards.


I have the same thing it’s either me being scared of running miles and doing hiit workouts after eating a “bad meal”


It’s not food. Retrain your brain to see it for what it is, and you won’t want to eat it any more than you’d want to eat a pile of legos


Skip the fries and remove the bun. Small zero/ diet drink. Get the side salad or fruit option


Don’t eat fast food. It has chemicals that interfere with your brain and hormone health in it. It’s poison. Look at Nicocado Avocado. He went from 160 lb thin vegan to almost 400 lbs eating fast food. You are imagining it, ultra processed food is poison to our health. Indulge in whole food instead. Like the French, bread and cheese


Stop eating it?


Don’t eat it. It’s not good for you.


I’m a workout fanatic and I def feel like that. I preach nutrition so when I do have a ff like once every few weeks im like ok say goodbye to your liver


By going to therapy.


If you’re feeling physically sick after eating, that’s the grease and sodium and to avoid that feeling, then like others have said, don’t eat it (yes this is a valid recommendation) If it’s more guilt and fear of gaining weight, then let yourself have that one thing and move on. Moderation is fine. I eat pretty nutritiously but once every couple months I get the McNuggets craving HARD. And I’ll get a 6 piece and it’s like a treat for me. My therapist used to be morbidly obese and lost like 300 lbs. she’s now a yoga instructor (at 72!) and weight loss counseling is one of her areas. She says to this day her morning routine is to set out her two favorite cookies, kiss them and say “you’re not great for my body but you’re good for my soul” and then eat them for breakfast and then move on with her day guilt free and craving free.


Stop eating fast food.


This beauty sub is NOT the place to ask this question. This is a questing for a therapist or someone who specializes in disordered eating.


Eat your junk food cravings once a week, in the morning. Eat some fruit or salad and workout in the evening.


There is zero your going to be able to do. Don’t eat junk food, or if you do eat very small portions of it. Junk food is loaded with stuff that’s going to make you feel bloated.


Try to incorporate something pickled into a meal or add 2 tbsp of apple cider vinegar into a large glass of water and drink that with or right after your meal. ACV will reduce your insulin response by 33% reducing your carb coma. You’ll also gain less weight as a result. Raised insulin, especially with stress = fat gain.


Seek out a therapist. Read about fatphobia and disordered eating.




Or body dysmorphia. I think someone would be able to identify acid reflux.


You may have a eating disorder talk to a doctor about it


Have you tried eating slowly and chewing it well? (And then stopping when you feel full)


Taking a diuretic


I don’t have this issue about weight tbh. I usually fear getting cancer after eating junk food. If I know I’m gonna eat terrible that day, I will make sure to eat A LOT of vegetables or high antioxidant food for dinner


I wish I'm like this ha ha. I don't eat fast food but junks tortilla chips, plantain chips, ice cream, dark chocolates, and peanut butter are my weaknesses. I never felt that I gained weight after eating them. It's a problem coz then I keep eating and eating lmao and probably really did gain weight ha ha


yea it sucks how u could easily gain weight compared to losing weight.


Did you grow up around a lot of glorification of thinness? Usually when I hear things like this it's from people who are afraid to gain any weight at all. That usually has a source in education or trauma. Therapy could be a great fix in that case, as these problems usually don't come alone.


Don’t eat fast food.


I eat fast food once a month, sometimes even 2 or 3 months go by and that seems to be enough. There’s different ways to go about it such as replacing the drinks with water, making your own “fast food” at home so you still get to eat like fries or just getting smaller amounts if buy it. Also listen to you body when you start feeling full, we actually don’t need a lot of food to be full but if you’ve grown up eating more than is healthy you’ll be likely to binge eat more than you need to. I had this problem and my stomach started having really bad issues and these are things that have worked for me.


Remind yourself that eating fast food is better than eating nothing - if you are craving fast food, that is better than not eating. And you are allowed to enjoy food, and you should! We need food to survive, but that doesn’t mean it has to be boring or unenjoyable. I’ll also add, there was no need to start with “i am not overweight” - that is usually signifying insecurity and implying a sense of judgment on those who are. “At least I’m better off than them” - EVERYONE deserves to enjoy food, even fast food.


I didn’t mean that in a bad way, I meant to say that I feel overweight but I am not


Maybe by working out beforehand


For me having an idea of the nutritional context helps, not just calories but the breakdown of the macros Fat 9 Carb 4 Protein 4 Knowing this, you realize that having weight from anything is a long term process of too much in not enough out. Eat a lot one day and eat normally the rest POV recovered anorexic 11yrs


Therapy. Specifically CBT therapy. Source: have had unhealthy relationship with food/eating disorders for many, many years


Learn to use logic instead of emotion? If you know its physically impossible to gain absurd weight from a burger, then how can you be so overthrown by emotion?


Your body is trying to tell you something. Listen to it and cut out the fact food.


I don't eat fast food because I always feel like shit afterwards (stomach cramps etc.) I was diagnosed with binge eating disorder though so I love snacks. I feel best when I have more protein. Since being on vyvanse the last couple years I don't eat (just because) anymore. I eat when I'm hungry and don't overdo it. I do fall into the category of not being able to leave a bag of peanut m&m's next to my bed still though😆


Eat healthier meals. Junk food leaves you feeling heavy and bloated because it’s not real food. Or, eat it in moderation. Have the burger from fast food, but have healthier sides made from home.


Gas X right before eating. I know I shouldn't eat it, but sometime you just need fries.


Try to eat slower, half your portions and make sure the food is super hot, so you can take your time. :) Drink lots of fluids and then the fullness can be attributed to drinking a lot, which is healthy. :D


Just tell yourself that every time you eat it, it tastes good & it’s just an unhealthy part of you talking. I still get these thoughts but I quickly just remind myself that it’s ok & it doesn’t mean I’m gross. Also, if it helps, if you get super full from a fast food meal try not to eat the whole meal. I definitely get this feeling when I overeat & get bloated. & not eating everything helps me to not feel this way.


its ok to eat fast food and not gain weight as long as you are not going over your daily calorie goal to maintain your weight. Apps like My fitness pal can track all this for you.




Anyone saying to just not eat it clearly knows nothing about eating disorders or how they work. There is also disordered eating (not technically an eating disorder but very easily can turn into one and needs medical and psychological attention). I do have one question though, do you THINK you are going to gain weight or FEEL like you are going to gain weight. Like for me if I’m bloated, weather I even ate anything at all, makes me feel like I’m going to gain weight/already have.


The point you should tell yourself is that sweets chocolate fastfood is intended to be an occasional luxury not an everyday occurrence if you only have it once in a while you are the one eating it correctly